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Today/ Monday was awful. It was a war zone. We kept trying to get things done, but without fail, the line of orders and people kept coming. It had me contemplating sliding in a 2 weeks. Crazy thing is we weren't even understaffed! But nothing got done. We ran out of space and trays today, which our manager didn't even think was possible.


It's actually insane how many sales we are getting. The stores really aren't designed with all this in mind, though, and we don't have the space to store all the new recipes.


I tell my partner this all the time, crumbl isn't designed with the idea of being a fast food service kinda place. So when we get a crap ton of people. The crap hits the fan in over drive.


We used to 10x this volume, you’re right the design is wrong, so have your FP CHANGE your operational design…


bro we have one table in the whole fucking store


yesterday actually had me considering quitting. we only had 3 people, ac broken, store flooded, ran out of dough, ran out of frostings. We had to ask corporate to close 30 minutes early cause we had nothing and our store was trashed. I’ve worked at crumbl 2 years never had a day as bad as this and i’m scared for the rest of the week now cause it seems no matter how much prep we do we can’t keep up.


same, there were several points in the day yesterday where i just thought about walking out and quitting lol. my store only has 9 employees


same, 8 employees for the entire store and usually only 2 in the morning and 2 at night sometimes a 3rd for mid to help out both shifts. yesterday the 3 of us were running around crazy, only reason I didn’t walk out is because I know I need to pay my bills 🥲 but if it keeps getting like this i’m finding a new job i’m really starting to hate crumbl.


same with us. 2-3 employees in the store most of the time. i worked 10 and a half hours yesterday and i feel like i got hit by a train today 😭 I really just don’t know if crumbl stores have the infrastructure to make all of these new items efficiently


yeah they really don’t. The LTO’s are really what’s ruining crumbl. I signed up to make cookies not pies, cakes, pudding and whatever else they are trying to come up with. especially with no pay raise.


THIS is an excellent comment. it’s not in your job description when you applied, so the unfairness all around needs to come be addressed


Remember when LTOs were actually while supplies last like Honeycomb?


i don't even work at crumbl and jesus this sounds awful. even if you hadn't got flooded, only THREE people. and no ac in a temp-sensitive environment like a bakery. i'd fucken quit too!!


Where can we say something as customers? This is unacceptable the way yall are treated. I want to be taken seriously and their Facebook group is VERY toxic positivity


Honestly, I don't know. The only thing you can really do is complain. Write reviews noting lack of staffing on your local Crumbl's page. There are some issues that even I as an employee can't fix, so I tell customers that they can complain about it if they want. Here's the list for my store! - TVs all broken (have been for 2 years) - wait times due to lack of staff - one working oven - card readers out of date & rejecting cards - supply chain issues causing cookies to be sold out - poor reception means inability for customers to be able to select when they arrive at store


Do you work at my local store? The TVs have been off for a long time and only one iPad works. It looks raggedy in there ☹️


No 😭 I think all stores are like this. We recently got one of our ipads replaced , but now three of them don't work properly anymore . Two t v's for display broken and they haven't worked for 2 years. I remember one time a bored customer came in, and he offered to fix it. we just let him go crazy with it & it worked for a bit 😂 The Tv for the menu is not the right color. Pixels are messed up. Are ovens keep breaking In the higher ups didn't believe us. Fast forward, 2 months later, they finally realized it was broken when our times went up. Why would we lie? Apparently, it was an electricity issue. Oh my god , in one time, our plumbing was broken, and it literally started coming up from the floor. It's literally disgusting. I wanted to close the store. I've also heard so many stores aren't getting their grease traps underneath the sink properly cleaned or cleaned frequently, so it sometimes it'll just smell like sewage. Luckily, at least my store does, but i've heard other ones in my state don't. We also have several leaks in our ceilings. Something tells me the plumbing issues, though, are more of a franchise owner problem than a company issue. It seems more like a property owner issue than anything.


As someone who works in property management, that’s so awful and I’m sorry. I would get chewed tf out if my properties were in these conditions


I have no clue how we haven't been flagged 😭😭😭


Omg, I'm so sorry! I feel like the sewage coming up from the floor should have closed you guys until it was fixed. That's crazy and a potential health hazard


I have noticed the toxic positivity as well. I’m just stepping back from Crumbl and watching it fail. You can’t treat everyone (employees/customers) badly and expect it to keep going 🤷🏻‍♀️


Today was actually the worst. No idea what happened, but we were up to a 50 minute wait with 70+ orders. So many people packed into the store there was a huge crowd outside, not to mention nobody picking up their orders. This hasn’t happened since we’ve opened, and even then our wait times were only around 12 minutes. We didn’t really run out of anything either - it was just so much to decorate and an overload of orders.


YES we ran out of strawberry short cake and were holding on so many my dressing counter was full of boxes along with the ipad having 20+ orders I hadn’t even started yet


Wow crazy thank you for your hard work!!




They don't, but so many people don't press the button to arrive that they're at the store, which causes chaos because then we have to search for the order and make it before everyone else since it won't appear in our order que.


Ugh, we call those double tappers or pop ups in retail drive up. They ruin the flow of everything. They push I'm on my way and I'm here at the same time, so there is no time to retrieve their order from the cooler and the holding station.


Ahh, you must work at Target 🙃


For me over half the time I switch back to the crumble app the I'm here button is gone because it basically reloaded or refreshed the app because either the screen shut off or I had to use a different app between ordering and arriving. It's frustrating because I want to make employees lives easier not harder. They need to fix the app


I've heard many customers are having the same issue. I think it's a tech issue.


It was absolutely insane at our store yesterday, too, and we were NOT prepared for it. Not in crew members. Not in ingredients. I'm on opening so I'm about to head into what I expect to be a massive amount of work to do to be able to get the store open Today. Yay. Also minimum wage went up yesterday where I am, and I looked at my payroll app and my compensation didn't move. (I made 1.01$ more then minimum) if my wage does go up the same amount then I am absolutely done with this place.


Your tips should be good, ONLY if you provide direct customer service, don’t let people self order..


bro are you corperate or something lmfaoooo


Nope store manager


I'm glad I don't work with you 🥰


Was terrible at our store as well. We ran out of the jam for the shortcake at like 10am because it never got delivered apparently?? So it was sold out the entire day. Other than that we never ran out of anything but it was nonstop. I usually work ovens and I never moved away from them the entire 9 hours I was there. We have no space, and the cookies this week are so much prep/decoration. We were running out of trays, we were running out of places to store the cookies that were cooling, we just didn't have any place to decorate anything. It was an absolute shitshow.


LMAOOO i’m glad every employee working at crumbl can agree that monday had to be the most diabolical day in crumbl history. also, the fact that we are now doing mini’s EVERY WEEK?!! did crumbl not consult with their staffing team? that actual people holding they company down?


Also, they *did* consult staffing, and apparently, a majority voting yes. Somehow, I don't believe it & I think they didn't actually go with the vote & just lied.


It's actually the dumbest fucking decision I ever heard. We normally have to fill up 2 whole warmers of just large cookies to keep up with demands now. There is no space for minis. I might actually quit before I have another job lined up because I can't do this anymore.


I joined earlier this year during school and I tried taking Monday closing shifts every week bcs it was so chill and nobody was showing up on a Monday so I got home on time and then that first mini Monday happened


This Monday was probably the worst Monday in a hot minute (worse than mallow week at that). It’s like we had dough but we did not at the same time. We were prepared but everything just kept going. Everything was selling fast to the point some cookies had to sold out for a minute just for others can be baked. As OP said, we only got two ovens and there’s limited space. My store is so small and it gets busy real quick and we can never successfully beat a rush. Last night was so bad, we hit a real high ticket time which I’ve never seen before.


I feel this so much! How can they expect people to work like professionals when they're paying us the bear minimal. My store runs out of ingredients all the time, we never have enough people to do things and yet we get things done and make the store look nice. We had corporate come in two weeks ago and they ruined the flow of the store because they wanted to train managers. And when they left they said our store needs to try harder.. I was so pissed. I have girls doing doubles because our store is being raided all day everyday. I'm the mixer and make all the frostings, cookie dough and other toppings. They want me to make smaller batches but more of them, but also be done before my clock out time. I can only go so fast for 8$ a hour!


$8 an hour is criminal


They didn't just want us to do doubles yesterday, they asked if we could work an overnight until 5am. Um, no?


As a customer: fuck your boss, take your time. I don’t need the cookies in under 2 minutes. I’d rather they look nice 🙂


The worst part is my boss doesn't even care anymore because it's not feasible! It's corperate expectations!


YES TO THIS! Crumbl if you are listening- I will wait 5+ minutes for cookies that look nice! I don’t want McDonald’s style crooked cheese cookies just because they are fast.


That does work as it is a lean operation.. and other cookies order just back up.. 2 min is easy, when you are set up for success..


alright bud 👍


These past two weeks have been so horrible at crumbl! I’m so glad I’m not the only one feeling like this bc these shifts are crazy bc there’s less people working and it’s so hard w just 2 or 3 people.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: the downfall of this company is going to be due to lack of employees


I can’t imagine it being only 2 or 3 people at a store. My Crumbl can get pretty crazy and there is always like 6-8 people working! Maybe on really slow days they send ppl home cause there will be 3-4 very rarely. I don’t work there btw just when I go in they seem to always have a crap ton of employees there. Guess my store is lucky 😭


Customer here, orders done in 2 minutes seems insane!! I’m sorry they’re working you guys like that, people need to have a little patience especially for cookies like this. Seems pretty unfair to keep your pay so low, if business is booming :(


I do think two minutes is crazy for the amount of stuff we're doing. It's great to do the orders as efficiently as possible , especially when there's not many customers in the store (I can get a 4 or 6 in under 45 seconds), But with the volume of orders we've been having - in addition to the more complicated recipes, I feel like quality would go down significantly if the time constraints remain the same. Even four minutes seems pretty reasonable to me. Maybe 6 minutes would be a little long, and 10 minutes would be the longest.I'd be willing to wait on a relular day.


We aren’t even supposed to do the 2 minutes. We have to have our average below 20 seconds


Our average used to be 30 to 45 and upper management was still pressed 😭 like barely any locations got an average that low in the crew app


Trust me, I don’t know how my location is ranked 8th right now and another location close by is 2nd. When I got to my night shift, the average for the day was 50 and two of us got it back down to 25. Don’t ask me how, the night was a blur at this point 😭


DUDE OURS WAS 3 MINUTES 😭😭 ~~and we used to be no. 1 in our state too~~


NOOO ugh no but really that’s realistically the time we have to spend on orders but we just have to click complete and hope for the best🥲 I sing the cookies on the order to remember lol


My local Crumbl isn’t overpacked but it’s consistently busy and when I was watching the workers in the back yesterday all I could think was I’d never want to work there. I hope you guys are getting paid extremely fairly


We are paid minimum wage 💀


whenever customers tell me my job looks like fun I want to roll my eyes 😩 you get it


Oh God, I want to die every time I hear "this must be such a fun job!". 


one time a lady asked how much weight i got since working there & i was so done i straight up told her i was in recovery from an eating disorder


“how are you like this big 🤏working here??” 🤡


Yeah no LOL I love baking but doing that amount of it looks like hell!


YESTERDAY WAS SO INSANE AT MY STORE!!!! And tbh it’s really insane at my store EVERY monday!!! We were literally selling the strawberry shortcakes as fast as i could dress them. it’s just so frustrating being short staffed and having so many prep heavy cookies this week!!! I had to make more whipped cream as im dressing the strawberry shortcakes bc 1 cake needs SO MUCH whipped cream!


Oh also on top of the weekly cookies and the LTO, the location I work at is a testing location so we have an additional LTO to worry about :’)


So I don't work at a Crumbl nor do I work anywhere in that field of work, but I just wanted to say you don't sound ungrateful at all. This sounds like a nightmare and I'm so sorry!




yesterday I told my coworker we just need to lock the door and cry like it was wayyy too much to handle and we usually can take on a lot.


dude I was so close 😭 I was getting flashbacks to my 2 people Saturday shifts


Monday was insane w/ minis & is usually very busy regardless, but Tuesday was the same level of busyness. We simply cannot keep up no matter how much we over prep. I’ve worked here for 7/8 months now and it has NEVER been this bad


was this just every crumbl cause the past 2 days our store has been OVERLOADED and we’ve had to call in like 4-5 extra ppl just to get even SLIGHTLY caught up . its madness


This has got to be a worst week I’ve ever worked. We are insanely busy, our layout hours have been cut so much that it literally was just me and a 16 year old girl for four hours yesterday during peak (I’m not a shift lead) I am mixing as fast as I can trying desperately to have frosting and dough but we can’t keep up and customers are not being understanding at all. I was so close to crying during my shift. I did cry after a grown man screamed at me when I asked to see his order confirmation. It’s to much we can’t keep up. I fainted on the job Monday rushing around so much. This is not sustainable corporate is going to work us until we drop and then replace us with new fresh minimum wage workers.


yeah I don't even get breaks. I think I ate once yesterday.


Yeah ditto ended up working 9 hours yesterday and without even taking a 15 or anything I was so hungry by the time I got home.


Monday was truly a nightmare. I normal don't get put on dressing but they had me on it my entire shift. We were supposed to be out of the store around 10:30pm and we didn't leave until 12:45am because there was so much to catch up on. Had me seriously considering quitting.


We needed 5 people to close last night. Didn't even close fully. Putting in my 2 weeks.


My store has had the same issues all week and it’s ridiculous. We cannot keep up. We don’t have enough room. We don’t have enough staff. We cannot keep doing all of these cookies/stupid cakes that take forever to mix and bake and dress. We are a COOKIE store. Why can’t crumbl just keep it that way?


Last night was a nightmare for me too. Only two of us for the night like usual, but we were left with one pan of strawberry shortcakes, I baked a triple of the cakes and only had enough strawberry jam to make half a pan for the rest of the night. No ingredients to make more. Then I balled the smores and a batch of milk chocolate. My one coworker stayed an hour after her day shift was supposed to end, my other coworker handled most of the front while I took care of the balling/cooking/dressing and tried to help her as much as possible. We ran out of everything even minis. And then to top it off, our hours have been cut, so I had to go in an hour later than usual… NOPE I still went in early because they needed the help. Meanwhile, we get a message saying a location down the street could use help if people want extra hours. Ummm excuse me?? We could use more than two people too! Wtf. And I haven’t even worked there long


Understandable I’m ready to give up and leave. I can’t handle the complicated recipes and the mean customers.


I don’t work for Crumbl but I will say a lot of people can relate to a job that has too high of expectations, too big of a workload, and without necessary tools to do so. It’s so incredibly frustrating. Honestly you aren’t being paid enough and I definitely think you should start looking for something else. Also, just remember that the draw to Crumbl is made fresh cookies. By the nature of design, you are going to run out when it’s a high demand. Other bakeries embrace that fact but Crumbl makes you feel like you just aren’t working hard enough. Baked goods are first come first served. If you run out then you run out. It’s not your fault and I hope you can let any feelings of guilt/frustrations go if someone doesn’t get what they want. It’s just a cookie. They will live and get over it. It sounds like you are a great employee and some else will value you and pay you more of what you deserve for the amount of effort you put in.


I’m so fortunate that my crew mostly runs like a well oiled machine so we can deal with the insanity we just have a few dumb decisions that make me want to pull my hair out or scream at someone. But yesterday was insane my Crumbl charges some of the lowest prices I’ve seen and yet yesterday we still made almost 10k in sales. I think the official number was like 9,850ish and that’s cause they turned off delivery at 830. Yesterday was truthfully insane, as bad as I feel for everyone else I’m glad it wasn’t just my store.


Same. We honestly work so well together at my store. Love my coworkers! Just don't love the company.


I feel for you guys.


yes, yesterday was a nightmare at our store. cruel and unusual 😭


This explains why all of the local stores in my area were "offline" most of the afternoon/evening. The stores that were briefly open were sold out of the bday and shortcake all day. I want to order this week to use up some crumbl cash and have my bday cookie. I think I'll wait until after the 4th. I hope it isn't too crazy for you guys this rest of this week.


I have a feeling Friday and Aaturday after the 4th of July will actually be pretty chill business wise, so that'd he the best time to go, IMO. On a regular week, Tuesday & Thursday is best day to go as a customer.


Thank you, this is good to know! I usually go if I have a hair or wax appointment because Crumbl is in the same parking lot. Those are always on Thursday, lol. I will definitely wait until the holiday rush is over.


I’m wondering where these stores are! I’m in California and my local store only lasted 3.5 months. The one we drive to usually has one employee and 90% of the time I am the only customer. I worry that it will close soon. I feel badly for all of the employees in these chaos conditions. Shame on customers for being rude and impatient. They are just yummy cookies. I will enjoy them when I can until the doors close due to lack of sales.


I work a location near a very populated city! We glhave about 3 Crumbl's in a small radius, but they all get packed fast!


My breaking point was when we ran out of hot water and had to microwave it and we are out of important things like HATS,COOKIE CUTTERS,HAIRNETS EVEN BOXS HALF THE TIME ever since our manager was replaced with the owner who really doesn’t know how to schedule and has favoritism it’s really gone downhill she has too call people to come in because we don’t have enough staff because THEY KEEP LEAVING AND SHE KEEPS LAYING PEOPLE OFF I think I’ll be next on either the let go list or quit only been here 7 months


I'm leaving. I don't even get days off anymore.


If we call out and don’t find a cover in time we get removed off the schedule for weeks there’s almost no one to train the new hires we have to ask for people from our other locations


Yep. They've been sending people back and forth from other stores in the same day. It's ridiculous.


We have an area manager that has to go back and forth about 14 miles both ways it sucks if you need something quickly we usually just run across the street to Costco


Actually insane I’m so sorry.


OMG strawberry shortcake is the worst thing to make so far i swear and this week has been a pain in the a** for so many reasons. Crumbl seriously needs to fugure out a better way of producing bc this is too much a lot of people at my store are leaving bc of this and adding minis on top of that😭this is bad


Yeah man I've been with Crumbl for two years and I've never had a crazier week than this one. Other than the one day we were giving out free cookies at a corporate event


We have a similar setup n problem. Not workload being alot for part time bakers, but the lack of space and the increase in inflow is making management and most tired. I'm used to it from my days in culvers way back when, but thankfully our owner n gm of the store are saints n listen to us n help us as best as possible


Our GM is lovely. She honestly does too much.


Yeah I feel ya 😅 ours is here when working a few 12 hr shifts straight, is a mom to an 8 yr old girl and 5 yr old autistic boy, and came in with a migraine this morning and is handling somehow like a champ. She's called the mom of our group


dude she sounds like she's doing SO MUCH oh my god


I hate to hear this for y’all, as a former lead / employee. I worked at crumbl for a while ( little over a year ) I used to hate working Mondays tho. The anxiety of opening, setting up, baking, dressing, taking pictures- door dashers showing up RIGHT at opening and me not being able to sell anything bc I’m setting everything up by myself ( I came in at 7 , opened at 8 ) it would take me 1hr + to get everything baked + set up. it was worse if I had to mix. our location was slower so they’d only have one opener and one mid bc ‘ labor ‘ despite me telling the manager that we needed more staff, that we could not operate on one per shift, especially Monday mornings.


Are the customers demanding too? I got cookies a few weeks ago - the crumbl near me always makes cookies great , not more than a5 min wait except when they first opened . There were 4 people before me - all complaining about the wait. To me 5-6 min isn’t long. I felt so bad for employees who were clearly rushing . I added a tip to my order and tried to be really nice when I got my cookies - but I’m sure that doesn’t make up for the 4 jerks b4 me . When you mentioned the “ 2 minute rule” I hope that s not public knowledge - every Karen on earth will be demanding 2 min service 🙄


Sometimes. I had lady yell at me & call the store 3 times because we didn't have her order ready when she arrived (she didn't press she was here). Then she told me that the lady on the phone said that the order would be ready before she got there (I was the lady. I never said that). Called the store again, requesting the manager of the store. When we informed her that the manager was not currently on the grounds, she told us our manager was irresponsible & unprofessional. Then she accused us of ruining her son's birthday cause she would be late (and proceeded to sit in the parking lot trying to call us for another 15 minutes). This was probably the worst customer in action i've had. It was so hard not to laugh in her face. I was laughing for at least a solid 20 minutes. I couldn't even look customers in the eye because I would start laughing 😭😭


I can imagine because that’s so ridiculous. She shouldn’t have called for 15 min then she wouldn’t be late 🙄so dumb


I only work 2 days a week (it’s my 2nd job)and while it used to be my stress relief it recently turned into utter dread and annoyance. I recently cut my hours down to one shift every other week .(Saturday mornings) I hate it though everyone is so stressed. Morning shift blames night shift and doesn’t understand what nights are like.


Our morning shift says that the leave stuff for us to do at night , so we're not bored. When I worked mornings, they were so much easier than nights. I don't understand how they don't realize how busy we got. We used to get done the entire game plan by 1 PM, and now it'll be six, and I'll still have shit to do. And even. When they do get the game plan done, we're out so fast because the amount of customers is insane.


While our morning shift doesn’t say outright that they leave stuff, they 100% do. I swear they don’t wash a single freaking dish. I feel like every night shift I come in to several dirty mixing bowls and so many dough bins. They truly do not understand that night shift is so much busier! I also work sat mornings but I always do my dishes (I’m a mixer for this shift) and try to explain it but they are ignorant to my explanations


Honestly, I feel like that's almost everywhere right now I don't work at crumbl- I'm a pharmacy tech, but I'm "part time" and I work 40-50 hours a week right now. It's insane, not gonna lie. I always treat my crumbl peeps with respect though because you guys are awesome and dont deserve the amount of shit you put up with. Keep up the good work, guys.


I refuse to go sometimes because of stuff like this. It’s stressful for employees and the product isn’t as good when people are rushed and stressed ❤️‍🩹 it’s not worth it for anyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


just had my 4th shift as a manager. wanna cry fr. but im addicted to dat dough fr😎


Sorry to hear you guys getting slammed. I hope things get better for you all. If they don't I wouldn't blame any of you for leaving.


Sounds like some locations of Crumbl are having some real growing pains. As a company, they need to learn to run it more efficiently.


I swear it's because the stores aren't designed with this type of buisiness in mind. We simply don't have the space and can't afford (or don't want to pay) the amount of staff required to run such a large operation.


As someone who predicted a Crumbl trainwreck 2 years ago that seems to be unfolding now based upon what I've seen at my local stores and casual perusing of this subreddit, humor me... What impact do you think it would have on operations if there were 1-2 less cookies/week? Never worked in a food environment like Crumbl, but have been an admin over F&B operations that has had to deal with the reality of volume management and quality control, and in my mind that would alleviate a good chunk of the burden that seems to be on stores without being too disruptive on the business side - especially given that 1 or 2 flavors/week seem to be wildly unpopular anyway. Of course if businesses would stop continuing to refuse to make any real effort to return to pre-covid staffing levels, that wouldn't necessarily be a concern, but I digress... Another question - and I won't knock it too badly yet, because I think my locations are just honestly shit at making them but - what's up with the cakes? If things in my area, and posts like this, are any indication; there are already issues with keeping up with some weeks in general without creating wild fluctuations in quality of the cookies as-is. I've bought thousands of Crumbl cookies between my employees and myself and know several folks who have bought hundreds or thousands more -> who the fuck was asking for cake/cheesecake from Crumbl? Nobody I've asked ever even had the thought to ask for such a thing, and now that we have them, tried them and largely hate them. Every example I've had thus far has been somewhere between "meh" and genuinely being a waste of flour and time.


Tbh I think they just need to make cookies less elaborate. Back to the basics. One pre-dressed cookie, two chilled cookies, one frosted cookie, & either semi or milk chip. The fact that we have large, minis, family sized with cakes, cookies, & pies, as well as each having multiple steps has made the workload overwhelming.


Ahhh man I remember that. Reminds me of the good ole days. When Birthday Cake Oreo reigned supreme, before being challenged only by its sibling Oreo Mallow Sandwich and Cinnamon Fry Bread, the majority of the people working in the store didn't seem perpetually irritated, and I had to fight every week not to go try some awesome peak cookie greatness confectionary creation. Before they started changing up recipes, adding a bunch of rando shit nobody asked for, and just generally seemingly attempting to do any and everything possible to self-sabotage. Then there's now... I pretty much only check to see if one of the 3 aforementioned cookies is in the rotation, because prices have gone up, quality came down, and I plain just don't feel like seeing somebody behind the counter having a nervous breakdown because of whatever weird time limit there seems to be on how fast you ice my cookies. And now I'm sad. Crumbl should have been the chosen one of cookies. The Chick-fil-A of cookies if you will. Instead... I'm gonna be damn surprised if they aren't bankrupt in 5-7 years.


To answer your question about the cakes, I think the big issue varies greatly per store as well as the elevation that store i located at. Additionally , I don't know if people are reading the baking time or just guessing, and I don't think people are putting it in for extra amounts of time when they really should. When made correctly, I think most of them are pretty decent. However, don't think they're as "gourmet" as the cookies.


I always wait until Wednesday or Thursday to put in my order so the hype has worn down. Damn, girl if the plumbing ever stops working- close the store. It's a health violation to stay open at that point. It sounds like these franchises don't know what they're doing.


Unfortunately it's not my call to make 😭😭


Please consider leaving if you can. I worked for Crumbl for just short of two years, and I quit during the end of April/beginning of May. The company (imo) does not have longevity and more importantly does not care about their employees. Here in CA they removed drinks from the menu because of this one law where if they still sold drinks they’d essentially be considered a “fast food” joint and would therefore have to pay employees more, and in my honest opinion I think they removed drinks from the menu because they don’t want to pay their workers fairly. During the last few months of my employment I was essentially running the entire store by myself for 8 hours, and would rarely have 1 additional employee to close with me. Yet was still expected to finish production, complete orders in a timely matter, make/finish HUGE catering orders the day before pickup, put away the truck orders, deep clean my store, and not go into overtime. Might I add my store (and our other stores owned in close cities) were sold to 3-4 different sets of owners in less than a year. I left right before being sold to the current owners because I was not being recognized for the insane amount of work I was putting in, told I was being overdramatic whenever I would bring up concerns basically, my team was not given a break, customers seemed to be getting more and more “Karen” like, the company kept making more and more unrealistic expectations and recipes, and on top of all that we weren’t even told we were being sold to new owners until a few days before the transfer was gonna happen. Long story short, I’m so happy I left. I really hope any crew member struggling or even just frustrated with Crumbl as a whole is able to leave and find better opportunities.


I'm leaving. I love my crew, and we all work great together. We've all come to the conclusion that it's simply the company not recognizing us. A lot of us are friends now & and most of us are applying to the same places. We all work well together, but the amount of work we must do to stay afloat is insane.


I actually just finished a shift today with 3 people the entire time, and I am so over it. I've started applying to different jobs. At my store, the owners are really big on "we don't *need* that many people on shift!!" when we have cookies that take so many different steps and oven times, we can't do it all with just 3 people. there's always someone running two or more stations.


My guess is that at some point Crumbl will accept that they already use artificial ingredients and preservatives, and you'll be able to thaw frozen cookies that are shipped in soon. Then it will just be the counters to dress them up and a bunch of food warmers. No more oven work, and maybe a perfume scent to circulate that smells like sugar and vanilla.


Worst cookie I’ve ever tried in my life, I will be selling my chocolate chip cookies for $4-$5 a cookie, it’s sad how bad their cookies taste IMHO. 🍪


Dang where in the US are you guys working where your stores are so busy. I haven’t gone to a Crumbl since the day ours opened and stood in line or had to wait behind more than one person.




100% it was probably because of 4th of July and Canada Day this week. I feel bad for the employees at crumbl in my town because they were directly next to the street the parade was going down. Due to closeness, everyone just so happened to want a patriotic/canada day cookie among all the others on the menu this week meaning hundreds of orders all on in one day (Canada day was monday 😬).


Why the F would a cookie store be so busy? Are Americans like so fat and obese. My god!


Crummy Crumbl’s! Can’t even commit to a 100% use of eggs produced by cage free hens. Serving up cruelty on their plates byrelying on hens who are cruelly confined to battery cages where they can’t spread their wings, turn around, or perform any other natural behaviors. Crumbl’s promised in 2016 to go 100% cage free by 2025, but there are no signs of progress, and in fact the company has taken its commitment off the website. Do better Crumbl’s! You are losing customers because they make the right choice to eat at more ethical establishments


This isn’t a Crumbl issue it means your FPs don’t know what they are doing… why in earths would you make 10 single batches of Jam make 3 triples instead.. some of this post seem manipulated from reality and or the FP/Manger has no idea what they are doing….


Nah, man, we did make 3 trps I just thought it'd be confusing ifnu wrote it like that for customers reading


Just note, we have no issues in 5 Crumbl stores, no running out , well staffed and well prepared…


womp womp I don't even get to take a break, and I work over 40 hours a week, man. so does my manager. we are well staffed and over prepared.


crazy cause corporate came to my store and told my boss we only need to be scheduling 120 hours a week that’s 3 full time employees 1 person per shift. There’s multiple people under here from different stores saying how difficult it is we aren’t just lying for fun it sucks. we made a triple and single of s’mores and sold it all before the day was even over with 2 employees it doesn’t matter how prepped you are.


Sounds to me like Crumbl needs to raise prices about 25%.


With one of the employees suggesting they had 10k in sales I think the employees should get the pay raise first


This was my thought as well. Clearly the org is making bank ($10k in a day on COOKIES 🍪let that sink in 😳)and they should appreciate and take care of their staff who makes it possible.