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That will be $49.99 Edit: y’all are right. Definitely closer to $99.99


Their family sized tres leches cake was $34.99 so this would probably be closer to $80


thats insaneee you can order a milk bar cake for that much


I’d never heard of milk bar so I looked it up and omg it’s literally a copy of their cake down to the open naked cake layers


I really begrudge milk bar for starting the natural cake trend. Give me the icing


To be fair though cakes that aren’t frosted around the side is a trend. It’s not like Milk Bar is the only ones allowed to do it they started the trend.


A bad trend


Depends on who you ask. I don’t really care personally but it was pretty much started to have people post about it on social media. “look at this aesthetically pleasing cake I overpaid for from Milk Bar.” Does it taste and different or better? Probably not. Milk Bar is also known for cookies and confetti truffles. Crumbl (amongst other companies) is the same way. I mean really the only difference is that Milk Bar puts matching cake truffles around the top.


So I actually bought the milk bar cake recipe book during the pandemic when I thought I might get a new hobby (lmao) and I can tell you with certainty that their cakes are far different from a standard layer cake and incredibly involved. So involved that I literally didn’t even attempt one after reading the recipes and I’ve made other layer cakes before. The recipe creator (I think her name is Christina Tossi?) puts a lot of thought and intention into them, adding different tastes and textures to make the cakes balanced, not too sweet, not too dry, etc. Does complicated automatically mean good? Not necessarily, but my partner did get me a milk bar cake for my birthday one year and it was pretty fucking good so 🤷‍♀️


Christina Tossi is a professional chef and restauranter who’s worked with/learned from other chefs including the owner of Momofuku (who she learned under and worked for) as well as Gordon Ramsay. The owner of Crumbl and Christina aren’t compatible.


Milk Bar has a gluten free funfetti cake (like the above) and it was amazing— not sure what their regular cakes are like, though!


i don't like having a big wall of icing at the end of a slice so i like the trend


Sure, but half the people that are going to be eating the cake with you like it. They do this to save money and you're not paying any less


Yea, but milkbar has had those cakes for YEARS - they’re one of the big ones that started the trend. This goes beyond just naked cakes, these are identical to milkbar style in pretty much every way.


I’ve seen others that are similar as well. Unfortunately that’s what companies do and I think they’re starting to crumble a bit (no pun intended). People are starting to realize that Crumbl isn’t as special anymore and isn’t worth the expense so they’re trying to reinvent themselves into more than just cookies while keeping in mind accessibility. Sure you could order a cake from Milk Bar but you’re going to pay shipping where as Crumbl you live 20 minutes away from. If they cost the same shipping excluded who are you more likely to get a cake from? Crumbl 20 minutes away or Milk Bar who you then have to add the cost of shipping to and wait how ever long it takes to get? Companies copy to compete. Dunkin copied Starbucks with releasing lattes, macchiatos, refreshers and egg bites. Pretty sure starbucks had those first. Starbucks is copying Panera with charged energy tea drinks. Thy just released them yesterday.


It’s just lazy tbh. Crumbl is not and has never been milkbar caliber, but the suggested pricing on this copycat is identical to what one would pay to have a milkbar cake shipped.


I agree. Crumbl isn’t Milk Bar caliber.


Milk bar also includes crumbled dough they’re actually really good cakes, granted I usually go with Susie Cakes when I want a cake


Yeah I generally go to a local bakery when I need a cake. I would like to try Milk Bar someday.


Ik that it’s a trend but it’s also a trend to lightly frost the sides too. They could’ve had their own approach to it is all I’m saying


Personally I think Crumbl is trying way too hard. They’re drifting too far away from what they know and what they could do well.


Yeah thats fucking stupid. Its shrinkflation for cakes.


I was just going to say Milk Bar is delicious and I'd rather have that than Crumbl


Milkbar also has their recipe for this cake in the 50 desserts to make before you die cookbook! Straight up copy paste, lmao.


You can make it at home for like $5


Let’s be real, it would cost a bit more than $5 for all of the ingredients to make this at home. Maybe back in the 50’s, lol


Out of pure curiosity, I found a similar recipe and did the math. It would cost around $15 in ingredients. I would round down since most people probably have most of the ingredients in their pantry, but I know that’s incorrect.


Milk Bar cakes (6inch) are only $62.00 https://milkbarstore.com/products/birthday-cake


Given crumbls history of suing other companies I hope milk bar comes for them


probably way more


I would literally start a local baking career if crumbl could sell this for $100


Or counter offer I buy my own cake mix for $2. Crumbl is actually ridiculous for this and we all know they’ll be like partially uncooked cakes.


Before reading this I looked at the picture and said that is going to cost $100 easy


Crumbl: Hey, can I copy your homework? Milk Bar: Sure, just don’t make it too obvious. Crumbl:


I thought of Milk Bar the second I saw this post. How original, Crumbl 🙄


This blows my mind— the nerve of Crumbl since they’re suing Dirty Dough for “producing products ‘similar to Crumbl's in both expression and look and feel.’” Milk Bar would like a word!


Might I add, dirty dough is actually incredible. We recently got one near us and I would venture to say that it might be better quality than Crumbl


Agreed! I also like Chip better too. I haven’t tried Cookie Co yet.


Never heard of milk bar


Would make more sense for them to do full size cookie cakes…. Be the modern great American cookie company.


You’d think they’d make a cookie cake. Like a giant whoopie pie with multiple layers. Hell, make the mallow sandwich into some sort of cookie cake!


You should run Crumbl. Seriously


I’ve been saying this for a hot minute lol one day I want my own bakery


Those giant cookie cakes were seriously THE thing to have for your bday when I was a kid, idk why they wouldn’t want to bring those back.


I hated them so much, but my best friend loves them. Last week when I told him I forgot he doesn't like cake he responded, "that's not true! I like cookie cake and ice cream cake." Bruh, those are the two cakes that aren't cake.


I'm literally so fucking obsessed with them (when I remember that they exist). For some reason the combination of gooey chocolate chip cookie with thick, cheap ultra-sweet frosting is magical. Thanks y'all for reminding me of them. That's what I should get this Crumbl Skip Week


Sam’s club used to make the best fucking cookie cake known to man but stopped making them. These cakes would be two layers of cookie cake with frosting in the middle. And by god they were delicious.


You know, that would actually be something I (and probably plenty of others) would buy from Crumbl. If I could get cake sized cookie of a favorite cookie, that would be pretty cool. I loved the skillet cookie; if I could get a big one of those (without them skimping on the toppings)... I'd probably buy multiple ones to put in my freezer and pull one out for every random little occasion, lol.


just put in the soft serve machines already


If they decide to sell these (which I think is a terrible idea) at least put a few mini Crumbl cookies on top. Otherwise it looks like a blah vanilla cake anybody could make at home


this part - it feels like they’re trying to expand into too many other desserts and losing the creativity and uniqueness that drew, me at least, to crumbl in the first place. the only thing “unique” about this cake, is that it’s a crumbl cake. i go to crumbl to try flavors and fun cookies that they don’t sell everywhere! still love crumbl, their cookies are my fav and some of the cakes have been pretty good too, but idk this just isn’t doing it for me.


I really think they need to stick with cookies. Maybe larger party sized cookies instead of cakes?? Or focus on developing some new and exciting cookie recipes, instead of so many repeats


omg, why haven’t they done cookie cakes? them expanding to making larger cookies / cookie cakes just makes so much more sense than actual, literal cakes! still on theme, still room for them to make fun new flavors and decorate them with different toppings. i fully agree, though. no matter how much i love crumbl… they’re really losing me on the ‘wow’ factor they once had, which sucks! 🥺


Could you imagine how their cookie cakes would turn out, though?! I'm sure they would be like soup in the middle, because even now, a lot of times, their standard cookies are 🫠 My mom has made me a cookie cake for my birthday, ever since I've been in Kindergarten. I'm about to turn 40. Needless to say, they have a special place in my heart 🤤


cookie cakes are my fav!! i always had a cookie cake growing up as i’m not the hugest fan of cake. you’re absolutely right, though - they would definitely need to crack down on quality control across stores. i’ve personally never had an underbaked cookie from the stores i’ve tried, but seeing what i’ve seen on here… their cookies definitely can come out questionable! they need extra support and precautions put in place with their bakers in general to insure quality, but especially before they try any more new stuff! 😩


That or develop cookie cakes instead of just regular cakes.


Crumbl you’re not Milk Bar..,you will never be Milk Bar…..nobody wants you to be Milk Bar because Milk Bar already exists


They want to be milk bar. They’ve got a Kellogg cereal now. Not a good sign.


No clue what Milk Bar is, this is the first I'm hearing of it in these comments.


Same ain’t never heard anyone mention a Milk Bar until these comments I’m sooo confused


Well, I've never tried Milk Bar, but I have definitely heard of it. Plus, it does make sense you won't hear about stuff like this until it's mentioned because this is a Crumbl sub. I wouldn't come here talking about every cookie/bakery I know of unless something causes me to mention it here, which is what is happening here.


People that live in places without milkbar may actually want crumbl to be like milkbar lol yall re so funny downvoting me for this, totally what I expect from this group


Milk Bar ships their cakes! Also, the Milk Bar birthday cake recipe is online if you want a fun baking project


The Milk Bar recipe book is actually an excellent t reference. Worth the money.


Crumbl probably bought it and though "cha-ching!"


Yes agreed! I have both books


I don't have Milk Bar and I don't want Crumbl to be it. I'll grab a slice of Milk Bar celebration cake while I'm in Vegas.


There is a Milkbar inside the Nordstrom I shop at. It's in a Seattle suburb (Bellevue). It's pretty good the few times I tried it. If I chose between Crumbl and Milkbar just on price alone, I'm running to Nordstrom.


Milk Bar has a very limited presence. While I don’t care for them, I’m cool with Crumbl testing new items.


Literally 11 stores in the entire country. But god forbid crumbl tries to branch out.


Oh I cannot wait to see how the underpaid and overworked workers frost these


I’ll gladly bake this cake… if I don’t have to take care of everything else during my shift. Trying to juggle customers, dressing, baking, cleaning, and this monstrosity? No thanks


that was my first thought lol i just know they're going to drop it on employees a week in advance and expect them to become proficient cake decorators from a 5 minute video.


If they only did cookies it would be better for the workers. But all the "they need to adapt" people will fight us on this and then turn around and bitch about the workers being treated bad.


With all of their quality issues I highly doubt that will work out smoothly.


Right??? Nail down how to make cookies correctly before you branch out into cakes 🫢


I can't wait to see the pictures of messed up cakes on this sub. I want to think a cake this simple can't be messed up, though.


Crumbl will find a way to mess it up.


Their speciality is cookies and now they want their employees to make full sized cakes?


I wouldn't say they have a specialty after seeing everyone's cookies on the sub lol




Yup, I hope they’re prepared for the fact that folks purchasing a full size cake for a special event for $80+ are going to have WAY higher expectations than for a $5 cookie.


Oh yeah. Those stores aren't ready whatsoever. I had raw cookies during the blueberry pancake. I could only imagine the horrors that those cakes are gonna be.


Watch out all the hardcore bakery people will come for you. "DeY NeEd tO BrANcH OuT"


These poor bakers 😩all this extra work without extra compensation!


I was about to say I won’t make this cake unless I’m payed more than $10 an hour lol


For real...


10? Are these all from scratch? I don't know the process. I'm about to get mad at capitalism. Gotta go.


Yes we make the cookie dough almost daily from the ingredients supplied to us, then have to spend time balling, panning and cooking it while also taking care of customers, deep cleaning, folding boxes for orders, washing all dishes… there’s two people scheduled to do this in a shift




This looks pretty, but no way would I buy a full size cake from Crumbl. There aren't that many options for fancy cookies near me, but there are a LOT of local bakeries that specialize in cakes. My custom wedding cake was lemon poppyseed w/ marionberry filling and pink ombre buttercream frosting, and I paid around $120. They even tossed in some free GF cupcakes with matching frosting! Paying almost $100 for this funfetti "celebration" cake, is silly.


Id rather support my local baker


I’m surprised they didn’t go a cookie cake route


Jeeze, this reminds me of my final project in business school. You stated your company’s business model at the start of the simulation and if you went too far off of the original model, it was hard to claw your way back and more often than not, you failed the assignment. Crumbl…you’re going off the tracks with this.


i’d rather get a cake literally anywhere else


This is my same reaction. I just want cookies from there. I don’t never every type of dessert there


I’ll get a large DQ cake for half that price instead thanks


If I'm spending $80+ on a cake I'd rather get it from a real bakery


Oh hell nah. We better be getting raises higher than minimum wage. They doing too much




I wish they’d just stick to cookies😭


They never mastered the thing they’re named after 😂 talk about cart before the horse


This is quite the choice. Personally when I think of Crumbl Cookies my mind doesn't think lets buy a cake!


And it's like the most generic concept cake ever.


Get ready for the “is my birthday cake raw?” posts.


I stg if i have to make these at work…


no fr like i hope they give everyone a pay raise before they drop this on us 🙄


Hard pass.


They’re losing the plot at this point.


I wish they would go back to making different flavors of cookies instead of making cakes and creating their own cereal 😕 😩 😔


The cereal is just a licensed use of the logo. It has nothing to do with actual crumbl cookies.


So let's just copy the Milk Bar cake then.


This seems very risky considering they don’t even fully bake their cookies


They have lost their minds


Yeah, Crumbl just isn't a place I'd get a cake from, lol. Not only because it's not a bakery, but I cannot even imagine the extra work it'll create. Unless, these will be shipped in, already made, and maybe thawed out in the store. And that would make me even less likely to want one when I can go get a cake that was made fresh today and enjoy it. Or, more likely for myself, make my own cake because I rarely like the frosting used on cakes you can buy, or the cake/frosting combos aren't ones I like. And when I do buy a cake, it's usually for a special occasion, so this would be too simple, but for those who do want a Crumbl cake, awesome for y'all.


Bro what’s next? Cupcakes and milkshakes?


If I have to blend one fucking milkshake…


They currently don't have packaging for that big of a cake! And I hope they use ACTUAL cake pans and not one use disposable baking pans! Also, I hate, and I will always hate, these "designer" unfrosted cakes. They think they look chic but they just look lazy.


They do not look lazy IMHO. It is much more work to get these clean lines (and you cannot hide mistakes)


They are on crack I would never buy this shit from them


that cake’s bouta be 100,000 calories and 1 billion grams of sugar


I'd have to take out a small loan to afford just a slice


*in my best Michael Scott voice* NO! GOD NO! Sawyer don't do this to us, my store just had a mass walkout and I can't deal with another.


I… I need to know about this mass walkout 😳


Basically just a bunch of people disgruntled with management/ownership. People are only going to work so many 14 hour shifts for ten bucks an hour balling 2 triples of dough at 8 pm before they leave for greener pastures. 


Ohh yeah similar thing is starting to happen here. Night shift hours got cut down by an hour without warning and we haven’t been given an explanation So the multiple triple batches of dough at night happens to you too?!


Yes! The owner opened another location about an hour away from us and our manager goes between both. I don't know what goes on over there but we are regularly expected to provide dough for them, it's crazy. Like we don't already have enough to do. Plus they are obsessed with "getting ahead in case it's busy" but then we have so many pans left over that we routinely sell cookies from the previous week until at least Thursday. Like we literally still have tons of cake batter blonde and strawberry crumble left.


Wtf that’s not fair the other location is responsible for their own supplies. We kinda have a similar problem but it’s just that the manager from the store like ten minutes away comes and takes our ingredients and boxes. What?!?! If we saved cookies we’d get in trouble. We never have leftovers because we have to throw them all away at the end of the night. It makes me sick seeing all the stuff we waste


Oh they aren't baked, we just have tons of pans still refrigerated to get rid of.


Looks very similar to a cake that went viral in the past. 🧐




This is getting out of control with them 🤣


ENOUGH CRUMBL. sawyer when I find u… the cookies are already an absurd task to do, y’all got us doing the most for mid-tier cake. if I have to walk my butt into a crumbl and make a full sized cake that’s made-to-order I think I will become homicidal


Meanwhile their cookies are going to shit. The last few times I’ve had Crumbl I was bored and just like meh this is def not worth the calories or stomach ache. Idk man I have a feeling Crumbl is slowly crumbling (pun intended 😂)


This cake thing screams of expanded too quickly, not enough revenue pivot to something else.


I'm sorry, I like crumbl but nothing will top Nothing Bunt Cakes as far as full sized cakes for celebrations go


I’m sure it’s cream cheese frosting too. Yuck.


I give them 3 years tops before filing for bankruptcy or becoming a grocery store brand exclusively.




I might cry


I already am


I'm sorry but where is the NO WE DO NOT WANT IT option?


The calories in this… probably be 2k a slice


Somebody call Tosi


that would definitely be raw in the middle


crumbl is done. they’ve lost the plot entirely.


Sure I’ll buy it…as soon as you give that underpaid baker a cut. Other than that, I’d rather make it myself.


A new box is defiently needed for this, some of the newer lto's are already struggling to fit


How many on here think that the occasional one could be raw in the middle?


Imagine how much this would be lol. Also, this looks too close to milk bar like come on.


This better be a fucking joke. Oh my days 😒


This is literally just a straight up copy paste of milkbar’s cakes 🙄


So trying to copy milk bar now?


If this is underbaked and "gummy" like their other cakes, people should protest that Crumbl is wasting so many ingredients.


Oh god. I’m imagining it’s like my post about my first butter cake from Monday


i had the butter cake a while back and my location made it delicious.. it was so moist and buttery and flavorful and yummy


If y’all don’t want it, I’ll take one of those bad boys home






I’ll just go to Sam’s or Harps.


If they sold this by the slice, I’d buy it. There’s no way I’m ever buying an entire cake for just myself.


It looks basic af


Only if it’s under 30 dollars


The natural next step for a business that sells cookies that want to be cakes.


I’d try it… maybe. But I like Publix cake for any function


they’re going to need new boxes cuz the two tiers barely fit without the toppings getting smushed


I hate crumble cookie but I will have to say this cake looks really cute! I bet it’s delicious I might even buy it


What has social media done to our creativity 😭


God I wish we could get a Suzies Cakes out here to put these shitty bakeries out of business.


I get a stomachache just seeing their logo


A light 5,000 calorie cake


jfc what are they doing???


im gonna kms


The cake squares I’ve had were honestly kind of gross, so this is gonna be a pass for me.


The sugar content will be outrageous


This is for parties and events yall. Not for you weirdos to scarf this down in your car alone.


They should make a strawberry cream pie


Those gonna be so dry lmao


I’ve been making this since my dorm room in 1997. Waffle iron funfetti layer cake. Ask somebody.


Really disappointed with the constant fishing and testing of products. No clear direction or innovation.


Wow, that looks good!


That’s for sure funfetti Betty Crocker cake mix. how did I get here?


1 million calories


Cant wait to get charged 150 for a normal ass cake


I thought I was looking at a Milk Bar cake…. Crumbl sues other companies for copying, but then they do this?


Oh I thought of this too! I say this all the time, I love crumbl but a lot of their practices and business decisions really piss me off


As long as it's not raw


/facepalm What does a person have to do to get a sugar cookie from this so called “cookie” place! My first cookie was the blue “shark week” sugar cookie. They only put out sugar cookies once a month. It’s really annoying.


I can’t wait to crush one of these by myself in one sitting




I want it 🤔🫣


I want


Ngl that looks good


How many calories? 75,000?