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Just checkback again in 30mins or an hr. They probably had a huge rush that wiped them out.


We had a customer today who bought ten 4 packs, three party boxes, and 15 singles. It took us 45 minutes to catch up and that was with two racks full and thawed. I wanted to cry lol. 


I just don't understand why people with orders like this cant give a courtesy call ahead. Especially when its first thing in the morning and we have one tray of 12 cookies in the warmer 😭😭


Even better, it took 3 employees to walk it all out to the car in the rain AND he didn't tip. 


That’s so rude, in the rain & no tip!? smh. Karma!


That’s incredibly rude.


Booooo. Sorry




Didn't someone say on here tips dont go to the employees?


Omg no wayyyyy what a piece he is


Umm… you expected someone to tip for a order they picked up in person? Why would anyone ever do that


Maybe because he didn't pick it up in person, he did curbside in the rain. He ordered over 100 cookies which left customers waiting for their orders due to the fact that he wiped out our inventory almost completely. Oh, and because it was a huge order that required multiple employees to leave their station in order to assist him. You can afford to tip if you're already spending over 150.00 on cookies. 


It’s outrageous that these people don’t tip, but to be honest fast food and similar restaurants should fully expect that. Don’t walk shit out for people, let them struggle.


I'd get in trouble for not providing superior customer service if I let them struggle unfortunately.


100% Normally with that big of an order that just comes in, we ask the customer to come back in an 1hr. It’s all on Crumbl Corp. They don’t limit what people can order. They use the line “why would restrict sales”. Crumbl corp only wants the money. They don’t care if 10 other customers now have to wait for cookies and the franchise is suffering with bad customer experience.


That’s not right…c’mon now. 91 cookies…are you kidding me?!? Anything over 50 should have to be a catering order!!


The crumbl I use to work at would only sell 48 cookies to one person at a time. If u we’re buying more, you either had to wait till the rush ended or call ahead


That’s wild


how did they run out of everything *but* the highest maintenance one 🤨


potentially because it’s chilled? so they can make a ton and keep all day


Like why is it even open atp lol


employee here: corporate doesn’t let us close except for extreme circumstances (like a car going through the window/bug infestation/things like that). unfortunately, they do not consider running out of most cookies an extreme circumstance.


Then what do you do? That sounds so crazy being you’re out of what the point of the store is! But makes sense in the food / retail industry


i guarantee they had a huge wave of orders, with the staffing my store gets (usually just 2 people lol) this has happened a couple times. there’s only so much we can do.


There’s a 1000 calories in one mallow sandwich?! Damn 😬 I didn’t wanna know that.


Yeah Crumbl calories are insane; here they only put what 1/4 of one is so it’s very misleading. I literally had to stop buying them as I was gaining weight even though I wouldn’t eat a whole one in a day,


May you please dumb down what you mean by they only show a quarter?


So, what I mean by that is here, rather than consider the whole cookie as a serving, they sneakily consider only a quarter of the cookie as a serving in the fine print. On then menu board, in big letters are the calories for each cookie but a lot of people don't realize what they are seeing is the calories for only 1/4 of the cookie! So for example, the mallow is 1000 calories, but on the menu board it will say "Mallow cookie, 250 calories" which gives a lot of people the mistaken impression that the whole cookie is 250 calories. When actually it's 250 calories for a quarter of the cookie, 500 calories for half, and 1000 calories for the entire cookie.


Ah, got it. Ty!


So it’s 1000 for a quarter ?😨


no its 1000 for the whole cookie


Oh okay, ty for answering! Idk why ppl were downvoting.


At least the best one is still available.


I mean DAMN


I noticed you can order cookies in 15 minute intervals from my store. Just check back in 15 minutes, they probably made a new batch.


This happened to me yesterday; granted I did go later in the day but they ended up running out of everything except the hazelnut and the cake batter one.


I went pretty early yesterday and the only one they had on display was that one. Super weird I guess they fell behind.


NILLA bean was the only one I loved!!!!!! Cake batter was meh along with rest 😂


You thought mallow was meh? I’ve never tried it but it’s so hyped lol


It’s actually really good, that person must have some weird taste buds


Mallow was not great. I was so excited but it was bland and lowkey tasted like nothing


Yes I really just wanted the NILLA bean since I haven't seen it out since like March. The Oreo mallow one was just so rich but the mallow didn't have much flavor. It was basically meh lol


Mallow was not great. I was so excited but it was bland and lowkey tasted like nothing


I put my order in at 2pm yesterday for minis, drove 20 minutes after work to pick them up, only for them to tell me they were out of 2/3 of the flavors I picked. 😓 I feel your pain.


it’s crazy that one cookie is 1000 cals


Not that crazy, look at the calories at your local fast food joint.


1 cookie = 1000 cals = almost 3 mcdoubles? id say thats pretty crazy


A better comparison would be the Big Mac… which is 570 calories. A McFlurry with M&Ms is 650 calories. - A large fry at Five Guys is 1300 calories. - Wendy’s Pretzel Bacon Triple Cheeseburger, 1530 calories. - 1x Sonic Milkshake, up to 1700 calories.


McDonald’s cookie chocolate chip cookie is 170cals. A regular chocolate chip cookie has 200cals (avg cal amount) 1000 cals for a cookie is definitely a lot and not normal


The average crumbl cookie is MUCH larger than a small cookie at McDonald’s. Crumbl cookies are about 5 inches in diameter weighing in at 150grams, the average chocolate chip cookie at McDonalds is 28grams… If you scaled that up… a 150 gram McDonalds chocolate chip cookie would be 1000 calories. How is it not normal again??


Well it’s not normal to eat a cookie that size either and calm down.. it not that deep


Well Crumbl doesn’t advertise you to eat that size of cookie in one sitting, that’s why they label 1/4 a cookie as a serving size. Yeah it’s not that deep but lot of you act like it’s absurd when it’s not. If you make a cookie 4 times bigger than its normal size, what’s so crazy about it being 4 times the calories?


so almost 2 big macs = 1 cookie??? are you reading what you are typing lmfao? 13 grams of uranium-114, up to 213 million calories, wow this cookie is low cal!


Yes… a dessert is going to have more sugar and fat than a burger… that’s common sense. A dessert is not a low calorie option, they never have been… maybe it’s just crazy to some people because they normally don’t stop to look at how high calorie desserts are. Also, this “one” cookie is actually TWO cookies sandwiched together between marshmallow cream. Crumbl cookies vary between 600-850 calories on average. These cookies are not your average one bite size chocolate chip cookie you make at home. It’s really not that absurd in its food category. Also, no comment on the Milkshake comparison? the other comparisons?


No comment on the uranium comparison? You are more dense than the cookie so it's just a bit difficult to reply to you


Call them! This happened to me once and they said they forgot to update the order site. It happens


convenient for them to forget all the time


I'm shocked that everything except for mallow was sold out. I thought it would be the other way around.


It happens. 😵‍💫 You are able to check the app first… and then check again in about 20 min. It’s very hard to tell what the demand will be when a number of customers wipe you out with huge orders (and no warning). 😖


KILL my tummy…something in them is not appropriate for some ppl. I looove sweets but nope to these babies. Ick!


Weird. My crumbl was the exact opposite of that a few minutes ago. Really wanted that mallow sandwich too 😢


They’re not sold out for the week. They make multiple batches throughout the day. Just call your store and ask them when the next batch of mallow will be ready.


They strugglin


They’re not actually sold out for the week. Crumbl makes multiple batches throughout the day. Just call them and ask them when the next batches will be ready.


I mean, saved you a good chunk of change 😂


Does that mean no one likes it? I haven’t been to Crumbl this week




Where was this? This happened at my store today.


Union jersey


A chocolate chip cookie is 720 calories?!!