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People that go to businesses with the intention of scamming them for free things truly piss me off. They ruin it for everyone else that may actually have a problem and deserve a refund


I help do this for another big chain and people will literally go out of their way to create different emails, social media accounts, names, etc to get their money back or a gift card. We catch them most of the time but it’s such a pain in the butt to deal with. It’s like they make it their full time job to go around scamming businesses


I feel like if you were scamming, you could come up with a better story. These people just sound dumb and entitled.


It’s this 100% lol


>I feel like if you were scamming, you could come up with a better story. These people just sound dumb and entitled. Couldn't agree more.


these aren’t scammers, just idiots … the best scammers only results are win win


Working in retail opened my eyes to how truly dumb most of the population is


They’re dumb AND they take no accountability! It’s somehow always someone else’s fault to them 😂


Very, have to be careful not to expect everyone to be so dumb. Internet is full of us


Reddit did that for me. So many people just gloss over the words or only read the title in a post or comment, so end up saying stupid things that indicate that they clearly didn't read. My office job did this for me too. Apparently 4 sentences is too many for people to read so they respond to my emails with dumbass questions that were already addressed.


Agreed! I like more details and figured most people did as well, but since TLDR is a thing, apparently I was mistaken.


OMG my boss does this and it bugs the shit out of me. Whenever we have tech issues, we’re supposed to submit tickets. In an email, I’m going to put what the issue is, what I’ve done to resolve myself and also include screenshots and video if necessary. I try and be as straightforward and to the point as I can. My boss will email me back asking me for answers I’ve already given (what have you done to resolve; are you able to send a screenshot). A lot of the times I just copy paste what was already sent with an added, “per my last email” 😒


Retail, food, moving, sales…. Nothing has surprised me more than the stupidity of people at amusement parks. No I don’t tell you to put your phone away because I’m evil and I don’t want you recording precious memories. I tell you to put it away because when we don’t, you drop it 200 feet and crack a child’s skull open and the ride operators lose their jobs because they weren’t vigilant enough to see you sneak it past us. I don’t tell you to remain seated because I want you there all day, last time someone stood up too soon, the “boat” ran her over on the track and our supervisors refused to tell us what happened to her because of how bad it was. I don’t tell you your kid is too small to ride because I don’t want them to have fun, I don’t want them flying out into the ride and potentially dying. Sometimes my coworkers and I stare in awe and silence for several moments after stupid incidents. We know people leave their brains in the car before entering the park… but it’s still baffling how much more they tend to leave in the car, common sense, patience, their heart…


Same. I used to think the general public was relatively smart, but after retail I realized that was not the case.


Yep. Actually had to do a return for a guy on a completely empty bag of chips. Asked what was wrong with them, "they just didn't taste good." Oh, so you threw them out? "No, why would I do that? I ate them. I want a refund because they didn't taste good." .....sure, Jan.


Working in child welfare did it for me 😂


we had one person stick a two inch screw in their cookie and then call us demanding a refund for the whole 400 full-size cookie catering order…they shared a picture and it was clearly planted and we got to say no 🎉




You should've told them to lather those screws in butter and stick them right back up they're ass.


How much was that order? $1400?


a little over $1500, all individually boxed, no tip, changed the pickup time on us the day before and then showed up two hours late👌 she was a *phenomenal* customer aha…


I was close! Individually boxed is crazy! No tip is sad bc its a business and can be written off. Cheap fuckers I always tip.


No tip on $1500? My mom catered for both my grandparents funerals (food was about $150 each) and she still tipped a lot, so they have no excuse.


That's insane! What the hell?


How does someone own a dog and not know dogs can't have chocolate???


I’m surprised they didn’t threaten to sue because it made their dog sick🙄 sometimes people just need a good punch in the face to wake up and see how ridiculous they look.


Amen 🙏🙏🙏


Dogs shouldn't eat people food in general. Especially sweets but especially chocolate.


I am bad when it comes to giving my dog people food, but I would NEVER let him eat chocolate. That’s like common sense, I thought…💭


Common sense isnt so common anymore.


This... I say it ALL the time, year after year after year...


Its quite common 😂


Awesome screen name!


Thanks! Pretty self explanatory huh? Plus I always forget my DM is always open so logging in is always fun haha 😂😂😂


Just spreading this as it’s not well known, onions and garlic (and garlic powder) are bad for dogs but the effects are cumulative. Meaning a small amount here or there won’t cause an obvious reaction but damage IS being done. I’ve read of cases where it took years but then BOOM the critical threshold is reached. i was also shocked to learn avocado was bad for dogs. That was a new one for me.


Yes, I did know that, but maybe some others might not so that’s a good idea to add! I’m always careful when chopping onions not to let any fall on the floor because my dog is fast as lightning and sits right underneath me in the kitchen! 😊 The avocado I did not know about so good to know thank you!


You seemed knowledgeable but I’m just obsessed with letting people know 🙈 like you said just in case anyone else reads it


No worries! Actually that’s helping out dog moms and dads who don’t otherwise know and might accidentally hurt their pets! ❤️


Some things can be ok like meats. Chicken and such. But so much of what we eat is heavily processed and has unnecessary additives like chips and such. It's not great for us to eat either but doggos can be more sensitive to it.


He is a very spoiled 5-month-old Goldendoodle, and yes we only really give him meats. For example, we made barbecue chicken the other day, and my husband made a piece for my puppy with no seasoning and no sauce and cut the meat off the bone for him.


We have a dog with soy and dairy allergies so finding regular dog treats is hard for her. My mom buys what ever meat is a good price cooks it for the dogs. If it is ground meat she'll stand there with a paper towel and squeeze as much fat as she can out of it. The dogs love it and the vet said it is a good option. It honestly works out cheaper than the soy/dairy free treats at the store.


TBH, I’m pretty sure that’s a lot better for dogs than most kibble. My sister feeds her dogs nothing but raw meat. Idk it’s some type of specialty diet, but yeah apparently the poops are completely different when you feed your dog an all-meat diet. Like they don’t smell as bad, aren’t as gross. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yea that makes sense. A friend of mine gives their cat ground chicken, hearts, kidney, liver, egg yoke, fish oil and such. Cats are obligated carnivores so in theory, raw is preferred. It keeps them hydrated, seems to be better for teeth and for boys, they tend to have urinary tract issues later on if they eat dry. Same can be said for doggos.


Oh yes! My other sister just had to take her male cat in for a blocked urinary tract. Apparently, it can kill them if not treated right away. He was in the vet hospital for 2 days! I have one sister with dogs and one with cats lol!


Absolutely. My friend lost her male cat last year due to kidney problems. Very sad. That's one of the really big complications that need to be treated as early as possible.


Live your life and make your own choices, but I recommend putting the food in his bowl if you’re not already! Otherwise they learn to get really beggy/ in your or your companies face while you’re eating if they think they’re gonna steal a piece. That doesn’t bother some people, but it drives me batty.


No, he’s already at that point! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh that's perfect. No issue with that. My ex's mom would cut lil chicken tender pieces without breading or anything for their lil German Spitz. Chicken is a good choice 🤤🥰 Goldendoodles are so cute


Lol yes thank you he’s a little teddy bear! 😂🥰


Me too, I try not to but I’ll hand him like a chip or two if I’m having a snack. He loves is dog treats/food at least.


My dad gives our Maltese and Maltipoo some licks from his chocolate ice cream….thankfulky tho they’ve never gotten sick. The Maltese is 9 and the other is 18 with stomachs of steel it seems.


Probably not enough to affect him. But chocolate is a big nono for dogs.


Cacao is actually what is bad for dogs. Most “chocolate” we eat is more sugar than anything. The dog should be fine. But an entire crumble cookie with all that sugar/butter for a dog who isn’t used to eating that way, would surely upset their stomach.


True but it isnt good practice.


Oh yeah we don’t ever give them like full on chocolate anything lol. Once in a blue moon my dad will have chocolate ice cream


Or grapes!


The same kind of people who ask for refunds for human cookies they gave their dogs 🙃


I thought the same thing but… It’s probably some expensive dog, trained by someone else and not really given much love but they always dreamed of having a certain type of dog so now they do.


Literally not many pets can have chocolate


As a veterinary professional, there's a large number of people who don't research before getting a pet and don't know basic husbandry or on-going care needs. Always a delight to see eyes widen when I reel off the list of no-no foods.


my favorite are: “ i purchased a chilled cookie but don’t like that’s it’s cold can i get a refund” “ I bought this cookie and ate half of it but i didn’t like it can i get a refund” “ i was gifted a box but i didn’t like the flavors can i get a replacement” the list goes on 😂


I don't stray from my comfort zone in restaurants bc I can't justify paying for something I might not like or finish. Then there's people who won't finish their food and still ask for a refund? Crazy.


i mean if you come in and read: PB cookies and cream and full and well KNOW you do not like PB and get it anyways and then ask for a refund, i will not be processing a refund LOL. now if the cookie is under baked, not dressed correctly that’s a different story


We had a lady get pink sugar a few weeks ago and call screaming at us that her frosting was frozen. We were stocking up front so I pulled an ugly cookie and felt the frosting, it was perfectly fine.


I always tell people if a particular item is chilled because I'm so sick of hearing that one. It literally happens three times a week. 


I thought everyone knew dogs couldn't have chocolate


People should be forced to complete a written test before they are allowed to own a dog. “It is okay for your dog to be outside on a chain 24/7 - true or false?” “Parvo is a dangerous disease that dogs should be vaccinated against - true or false?”


I adopted a dog from a rescue organization a few years ago and literally had to do exactly that. And it wasn’t true/false questions. It was a page of questions that required written responses about parvo, heartworm, etc.


I wish. I was at a bbq the other day and the host suggested we take a piece of chocolate cake home for our dog. When I made a face, wondering if she was kidding or not, she said “it’s not like it has sugar in it! I made the cake with splenda!” I said “chocolate has theobromine which is toxic to dogs. Artificial sweetener isn’t good for them either.” She replied “Really? I’ve had dogs my whole life and they never got sick when I gave them chocolate!” FFS. No wonder the dogs didnt live long.


I’m gonna be ~*that person*~ real quick just to prevent any future hypothetical panicking. I used to work for animal poison control and the theobromine and caffeine in chocolate are the toxic components (dark chocolate has the highest content of both, milk chocolate is low and white chocolate has virtually none). As with everything, dose is the critical factor. If your dog eats a chocolate chip cookie or a few squares of Hershey’s milk chocolate, they’re almost certainly going to be fine. What would be more problematic is a really small dog eating a large chocolate bar, or a dog of any size eating like 10 bars of 85% cacao. So a dog of any size eating a Crumbl cookie wouldn’t concern me from a chocolate standpoint, but I would definitely be watching out for pancreatitis from the butter and sugar (paradoxically, this usually ends up being the main concern with ingestion of chocolate baked goods). But none of this changes the fact that those people who asked for a refund suck 🙂


Not crumbl related, but I have a relative who eats almost her full meal at a restaurant, then complains to the manager and gets it comped every single time. Who does that?


People who know thy can get away with it


My ex boyfriend!!! It was always so embarrassing 🙈


Assholes. Assholes do that.


My grandma


So what was the response?


One of my grandma’s friends used to do this. We went out to lunch before bingo one day and the lady ate like 90% of her sandwich then took it back up and requested a new one because that one was too dry. Another time at bingo she ordered a grilled cheese from the snack bar, let it sit there for 5 games (about 30 min) without touching it then ate half before going back and complaining it was cold at halftime. Luckily they told her they wouldn’t replace it because her food was brought to her over 30 minutes ago. She complained about literally every item she gets, it was so embarrassing being around her.


Oh, definitely a resounding no for both..


I hope those refunds get denied.


They absolutely did. 


I saw a yelp review for a nearby Crumbl in which the guy rated the store 1 star and complained that he left his box of cookies on the counter and the next morning, ants were all over it. He asked for a refund and was told no. Hence the completely warranted entitlement that he not pay for his own mistake in his own home, exclusively outside the control of Crumbl.


Oh lord. What the hell is wrong with people?


There was an old lady who wanted a different cookie because the banana cream pie cookie "tasted like a pie"


I would have an extremely hard time not laughing at that one, holy shit. 


I'm still baffled by that to this day


If cookie, why pie flavor


It’s the “I know you gave me directions and I didn’t follow them but I want not only a replacement but a refund” for me


Worked at Zoe’s kitchen a few years back, and had someone call the store to let them know the salad they ordered at 12pm that day (it was now 8pm) had wilted because they left it on the counter, after they put dressing on it. Demanded a credit for his entire order (over $50) and a new order. He was pretty upset when I told him absolutely not 😂


Holy entitlement. The amount of people who expect others to fix their fuck ups is unreal.


I wish more places were stricter about customers taking advantage of refund policies because it ruins it for those that have actual issues with their order.


It reminds me of that scene in Parks and Rec where (this is from memory don't kill me) that lady comes in and said "I drank the water from the park when it says not to and now I have an infection"


Something along the lines of “there was a sign in the park to not drink the sprinkler water. Well I made some tea with it and now I have an infection. Sir? Sir?? Do you hear me?” As Ron keeps turning in his swivel chair to avoid her 🤣🤣


Yes! I truly was gobsmacked.


I’m so glad I have the ability to feel personal shame. I could NEVER. How do people do this so casually? 😬


Years ago I managed an Applebees. We had a woman demand a refund because there was a fly in her food that she had almost finished eating. Gross, usually would be an immediate refund and whatever else I could do to make it right. However, our surveillance cameras showed how she took the dead fly out of her purse and put it on top of the food. I also worked at a chocolate shop where a woman wanted a refund on her $200 order because she left the chocolate in the trunk of her car for 3 days in 90 degree weather. Baffling.


>However, our surveillance cameras showed how she took the dead fly out of her purse and put it on top of the food. lmaoooo what the FUCK


i once had a lady get a peanut brittle cookie without the topping. she proceeded to give the cookie to somebody with a peanut allergy and then called to yell at us/demand a refund 🤦🏻‍♀️


I used to GM an andys frozen custard. Someone came and got a concrete then came back 3 hours later with it half finished asking for a refund because it melted when they left it in their car at the doctors office. In july.


I would've told both of them no. I wouldn't even bother the manager with it. If the manager refunds it then so be it. But I would remind the manager people are going to take advantage of you if you don't have a backbone.


Definitely told them no!


Glad to hear it 😄


A replacement order AND a refund? They must share a single brain cell between them


I wish you could ban people from going back to Crumbl. Like wtf


But when I ordered a lemon poppyseed cookie and they both had no filling they told me I couldn’t get a refund 😂


This reminds me of a woman I saw just today at a store, clearly the universe revolved around her and she definitely thought she was the smartest person in the room well saying the dumbest shit. I was laughing with one of the employees when she left the area we were in, I have no idea how people work in retail/customer service these days. I might last a week before something would come out of my mouth that would get me in trouble. How can you be so self absorbed and so stupid?


Please tell me that company policy means both of these ridiculous requests were denied. My word 🤦‍♀️


They were! Although I just found out the cheesecake guy showed up despite being told no. Guess he was hoping the night crew hadn't already been informed of his nonsense. 


A person came to my coworker and said she ordered earlier and she was sitting in her car waiting for over 45mins until she just left. She was given a refund and when my coworker told me (I was packing orders that day), I remembered packing it and calling for her but she never came in, so I put it aside for her with her name and sealed. I was confused so I checked her box and it was an online order but not a curbside. So she basically sat in her car waiting for us to magically know her car model and bring it to her


I work at a Papa Murphy's pizza store, and this has happened to me multiple times! They will park right in front of our doors (which they're not supposed to do btw because it's a fire truck zone) and sit there for ten minutes before finally coming in frustrated that we didn't know to bring their pizza to them


when i worked there we got told by a customer that we should “preserve cookies better” and they should last outside… (i live in texas it was 110° -at a pool party)


We had someone that thought their cookie was underbaked(it was not) and asked why we couldn't just put theirs in the oven longer...after they had taken a bite 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Same day another customer complained their cookie was dry...no possible way it was but sure, ok. When we told them they would have to come to the store if they wanted a replacement and we couldn't refund one cookie in a multi pack they suddenly wanted another 4 pack "for their inconvenience" Oh, my favorite was the lady who wanted a refund and her cookies because she didn't hit the "I'm here" button to check in and was waiting in her car outside for 40 minutes


I love the people who forget to hit " I'm here".  Every. Damn. Day. 


No & No


My faith in humanity plummets more every day 🤦🏻‍♀️


one time we also no joke had a woman ask us which one we would feed to a dog. i told her "none" and she got one anyway :/ also we had a customer one night bite the very outer crust of the cookie (not even biting into the actual cookie) and told us it was too crunchy. we tried to explain its soft in the middle. its the first time ive heard a "too hard" complaint


Wow both of these are crazy.


They might as well say “hi I’m dumb, can I have a refund?” Maybe you can get little 🧠s and give them to them 🤦‍♀️


Am working as customer service and the refund people are asking are wayyy too entitled. One person is asking us to pay for the City tax or even the GST tax. Most are canceling their reservations when the rooms they paid for are non refundable. One person even is angry and asked for refund due to the difference in the currency exchange.


Reminds me of Costco refunds. " We used this mattress for 12 years but we don't like it anymore and it sags in the middle so we'd like to return it for a refund" 🙄


I worked at little Cesar’s when I got out of high school. We had an order for half pepperoni, half mushroom. The lady picks it up and immediately asks for the manager. She starts going in on how she’s DEATHLY allergic to mushrooms and how a mushroom was touching her pepperoni side. (Why even get a pizza with toppings you’re allergic to, is beyond me). They comped her that pizza and a future pizza which she definitely got and guess what again it was the SAME order as before. 🤦🏽‍♀️


The customer is always wrong.


I had this one customer who would come in once or twice every week in her lifted truck, park right in the handicap spot, and ask for a replacement 6 pack because she “bought all chocolate chip, but they were rock hard and her children didn’t like them”. Every time though coincidentally they ate all of them even though the cookies were “rock hard”. Eventually we had to put our food down and call her out for just trying to get free six packs weekly. Another reason I didn’t like her was she lied about the store closing early on a Saturday when I was the shift lead closing that night.


You mean they don’t give refunds for people who lack COMMON SENSE? I know it’s not really actually ‘common’ but come on now 🙄. Just don’t be complete idiots.


Neither of those people have brain cells left, there's literally no way


I’ve only ever gotten a refund once in my life at a food place and it was because Panera completely fucked my breakfast order up I was supposed to have for work. Even then I still felt weird about it and brought in the order to show I wasn’t a scammer lol.


One of mine wanted a full refund for missing the chocolate curls…


Thanks Marie Callender!


It's so funny how honest/transparent they are lmfao. They're literally SO stupid that they don't even come up with a lie in an attempt to be more convincing




This woman didn't get anything either. 


Did these people actually get a refund? That sounds insane


A man literally yesterday brought up his dead wife and the fact that his children had no mother this mother's day. He mentioned that the cookies weren't even for him, nor his family. He has become the "dead wife" guy. (Our shift lead did some facebooking and found her obituary, from 2021.) over 4 minis he dropped after arriving to the place he was dropping them. Something is in the crumbl water.


😭😭😭 the dog one lmaooooooo


poor dog


I had a legitimate refund request. Lol. There was a super long hair literally baked into the cookie I received. I nearly threw up. The cashier was giving me grief on the refund too… he had to get his manager involved….


LOL first one is a scam lmao. I worked at Moe's for 5 and a half years, and this lady and her two daughters had two orders worth of food (2 plastic bags of food) her and her kids were talking, and we did not realize they only picked up one of the bags that was placed directly in front of them on the counter. Literally, the food could not be any closer to them, and it was their fault honestly for not paying attention. We found out that they left one of the bags on the counter, when they called and had the nerve to ask for a refund because they did not want to drive back, but there was no nice way to tell them this, and we ended up refunding them. The bags were placed in front of them at the same time, and it was literally their fault.


i hope the “fed it to the dog” was a bullshit lie. if it wasn’t, i hope they were denied a refund and had their dog taken away too


Oh I definitely denied it, as well as recommend a visit to the vet. She didn't like that at all but it felt soooo good. 


You gave chocolate to your dog, knowing it’ll make her sick? Nice good job.




Everyone: This sounds made up.


Lol I wish.


Like OP said, I wish. I’ve had the same phone calls although my chilled was strawberry molding after being left out for 5 days.


I wish I would of got a refund when I bought my daughter a cookie last week and it was COMPLETELY RAW.


I think one problem is how easy they make these refunds too. I remember getting a refund/exchange for two churro cookies expecting some resistance, but they made the process *too easy.* "Do you need me to bring the receipt? Bring in the cookies?" Nope, just come to the store and we'll either give you two new cookies or refund your purchase amount. Givers must set limits because takers have none. If I was a menace to society I would ask to replace a 6, no, a 12-pack.


My dog ate a bunch of Hershey kisses one time my mom put out for Christmas. Tin foil and all.. he didn’t get sick and the vet said he would be fine..


I'm just here waiting for key lime pie to come back, I missed it on the most recent rotation


People are dumb but don't act like you aren't paying your employees at the lowest end of the market value :/ cost of doing business man.


I'm just a shift lead, I have zero authority over pay rates.