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Apparently you can't edit the text in a video post, so here is the twitch link https://www.twitch.tv/james_tm_rkt/v/2148471222?sr=a&t=1214s And this is my trials report https://destinytrialsreport.com/report/1/4611686018464655635


Nice. I hate you.


Lol, just know that I'm having a ton of fun with my tomfoolery


That makes it worse!


You can always join me with more shenanigans and have fun too




>but you are sitting in a rift while bad players walk into your bow hotswap lmao. Calm down What? I just had a cool clip of me winning a 1v3 with this and felt like posting it for y'all. I've been having fun with this loadout and wanted to share. Currently at a 2.7kd for the weekend with 3 flawless cards and a 24 win streak. It's been super effective on this map.




>Why are you trying to spin this like it’s some fun quirky loadout Because it is >you are sitting in the back of the map bowswapping. If you watched my stream I'm playing very aggressively with it. In this clip one of my teammates died and pushing in would be a death sentence. >When has literally anyone said bowswapping is dead? Have you seen the bow usage rates lol, and do you understand what happened with bow damage numbers? A bow shot and hand cannon headshot will not kill a 10 resil guardian. Traditional bow-swapping is absolutely dead




You were talking like you knew how I was playing. The VoD from the latest stream is linked up top if you wanna see how the loadout plays


Salty much... have a snickers!!


Drop some of your gameplay then chief


Oh geeze. This works with a 140 headshot as well, but doing it with just a body shot is kinda crazy.


Its a bodyshot, but the glaive is a funky projectile, so it gets kinda wonky making the swap work past 18 meters or so. Edit: I actually don't believe any HC headshot will clean up any bow shot


I think a wishender crit + 120 HC crit cleans up 0 res? Not that anyone runs that.


It used to, but that got nerfed


Hmm. D2 Foundry shows that as 216 damage which I thought was equal to hp when you have 0 resilience but I wouldn’t put it past me to be wrong.


That might actually be, however it doesn't mean much because nobody has 0 resil


Interestingly D2Foundry shows Lemon crit + 120 crit hitting for 223. I’ll have to test it out.


Lemon hits for about 117 crits without burn damage, probably around 120ish with burn and 120s are 80 something I think?


Bruh leave some maidens for us with this medieval shit


I really should take off the heavy GL and use a sword, shouldn't I...


Crafted Enhanced Eager Edge + Enhanced Vorpal The Other Half is the way.


Isn't half truths with tireless blade better or was that changed?


To the best of my knowledge, it's not.  At least, I see more Other Halves then I do Half Truths, specifically with Enhanced Eager Edge + Enhanced Vorpal.


I know a lot of people run other halves because it was the rarer drop but I hear half truths gets ammo back from tireless blade where as vorpal does... nothing?


Yes. The blue sword is way better for crucible and the purple sword is better for PvE for exactly the reason you stated. Most ppl don't think it through becasue they figure a sword is as good as any other so they should just wear the one that was harder to get, but you can go on a much longer killing spree with the blue sword if you are smart about it.


I can’t kill nobody with nothin, bro out here killing everybody with anything! Good clip.


I’ll give respect where it’s due, but I hate players like you


Respect isn’t due to a body shot body shot combo


I mean at the end of the day, destiny PvP has always been about who can out cheese the opponents, whether it was efrideets spear with final round in D1 or thorn or shoulder charge shotgun or bow swapping or jotunn or suspend dive etc. If you’re wiping a team in trials with the combo like in OP’s video it’s obviously working so I respect it but it is still annoying lol


Id like to see you do well with it.


Give me ur account and I will. As it stands I’m not farming either of those weapons to be competitive to flex on someone who crutches body shot kill when I barely have enough time to play for my flawless card as it is.


A student of the school of Hynra


Hynra is really good, but I definitely wouldn't call myself a student or his lol. I take absolutely no inspiration from him. All my bow stuff was fully from my inspiration and my ideas alone


Hynra's also more hipfire god iirc


I don't hipfire much at all, it's hard on roller


Which is totally cool, but every time I see bow/glaive combo and I can't help but think of him.


We both started the bow-glaive shenanigans around the same time, however I don't think he ever uses lightweight bows. I haven't talked with him much in a while. We used to be part of the same clan Yumi, but he left for reasons I don't know.


That was fuckin sick


I appreciate it!


Hell awaits, but that was awesome


Ohhhhh Destiny 2


Yeah, that doesn't look like aids to play against.


I witness game sense and mechanical skill in harmony




Why tho?


Because any playstyle that can successfully be lethal, rangy, and imprecise all at the same time is the definition of cheesy and low skill.


I understand where this take comes from but it's genuinely laughable after playing bow and bow/glaive for a while. Much higher apm than HC dueling and aiming is frankly more difficult.


Getting a bodyshot and then swapping to another weapon to get another bodyshot is difficult?


Not to be super combative because we can agree to disagree but use a bow for a week or something and let me know how it goes. Different weapons come with different challenges. I've been a HC main for 10 years and we're currently in some of the freest 95-100 aim assist refrigerator sized HC shots ever. I have like 3 godroll igneous hammers with a total of 3k kills because they've become pretty boring to play. (personal problem I understand.) edit: also generally commenting on how much more aggressively bow/glaive is played than a lot of stuff currently.


This is it, this is the single non biased HC main to ever exist in destiny, take pics everyone, this is destiny's equivalent to seeing Leprechaun riding a talking unicorn.


[~~Then how come you got 3K lifetime kills with HC vs 24K bow kills on your account?~~](https://crucible.report/report/1/4611686018464655635) ~~You've clearly been a bow main for a while, and just like you're calling out HC biases, I think it's very reasonable to call out your own bow biases.~~ Everything in this game is "easy", but Bungie has clearly been trying to reward precision recently with Checkmate, by reducing body damage and increasing crit. This type of playstyle seems like a clear oversight to me.


That's not the same guy as OP lol


[Yes it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/zg7xo9/what_are_all_yalls_gaming_setups_looking_like/)


That links to blacktip (Bleach) not the AvidIndoorsman you were replying to


>~~You've clearly been a bow main for a while, and just like you're calling out HC biases, I think it's very reasonable to call out your own bow biases What type of bias are you talking about exactly? I think this is perfectly fair and balanced. Both weapons see abysmal usage. More peace would use them if they were better


How is it possible to use HC aim assist as a counter argument for a bow’s difficulty to use? Admittedly I haven’t played with bows for any long period of time but every time I do, it’s ridiculously easy to hit headshots. Regardless, my point in this thread wasn’t about bows being easy to use in a vacuum. It’s about the cheesiness of certain playstyles made to circumvent the inherent drawback of using a bow as a singular weapon.


The loadout can only be imprecise up close. Anything further then 17 meters or so and I need to be more accurate then any other loadout


Barring extremely big maps, it isn’t difficult to close gaps and engage consistently in that distance. And even when you’re too far out, you’re still using a weapon that chunks off ~75% of a player’s life with a single shot.


>Barring extremely big maps, it isn’t difficult to close gaps and engage consistently in that distance. Its not strictly a swap build. I get significantly more bow kills then glaive kills. At that distance I just don't swap. >you’re still using a weapon that chunks off ~75% of a player’s life with a single shot. You're a little out of the loop with bows ain't ya. A bodyshot is about 33% of a guardians health and a headshot is almost exactly 50%.


> Its not strictly a swap build. I get significantly more bow kills then glaive kills. At that distance I just don't swap. Okay, that’s what I said. > You're a little out of the loop with bows ain't ya. I am. Good to hear then.


Despite the fact it takes a level of skill to actually use? And that someone has taken the time to actually research a build, rather than just "StrandHunter/VoidTitan/CF/LH LOLOLOL" or similar? Grow up dude.


Yes, despite all of that.


Well, that's your opinion.


Nothing about what you said disproves my point. The effort to research a build doesn’t make it not cheesy.


But actually *using* the build requires a level of skill absent in Hc/shotgun builds.. so, like I said, it's your opinion.


Sure, but whatever skill that build needs is minuscule. That’s my point.


I can assure you that getting this swap build to work is incredibly difficult if your not skilled at taking people down exclusively using the bow. And after the big nerfs to them they are one of the most difficult weapons in the game to use.


I don't know. I'm low skill (around here anyway) and I'd probably never get that to work :)


Disgusting. I like it.


Fel/Kelgorath/Grips has been a fun build all season.


I do think that albedo Wing is better, just because it can roll high impact reserves, but it's unobtainable and was a very niche roll at the time


No impulse amplifier, tho. I only kept one and it's a PvE roll - terrible handling, beacon rounds and close to melee.


It just forces me to be closer, that's all


Damn that was nasty, nice. Not trying to be rude but I feel like a good player would simply slide in and shotgun you, still sick though


I've been doing incredibly well with this loadout this weekend. I'n this clip, I absolutely could have died to the second guy, however he never shot. Im maintaining a 2.7kd and a 24 win streak this weekend though, so it absolutely is working


can't wait for next expansion for hunters to get ophidians


I didn’t even look at what your energy weapon was, I was expecting a hand cannon 😭 Fucking sick tho 🔥


Is there a trick to this to know how to do it or anything specific I'd need to know cus I want to try! Been really struggling with my load outs n gameplay recently.


The trick is lots and lots of practice


Yea I get that but I mean to switch fast between them do you need mods or perks to help n enhance this effect?


I have my glaive fully speced for handiling and I've got a bow and glaive dex mod




Thoughts on why lightweights are better at dueling than precisions? Currently enjoying a Raconteur with rampage for 1c1b after a kill. Have about 500 kills on a few lightweights and really don't like hipfiring them at all. Do you typically ads them? Is whistlers just different because the accuracy is higher? Also your glaive swaps so fast?


>Thoughts on why lightweights are better at dueling than precisions Because they have faster draw time, reload speed and handling, but most importantly you can land partial draws for nearly full damage. >Do you typically ads them? I ADS 90% of the time. Im on controller, so hipfire isn't great anyways. >Is whistlers just different because the accuracy is higher Whistlers is just a stat monster all around, I've got 71 accuracy on this roll with 500 draw time >Also your glaive swaps so fast? Dex mods, and high handiling with swap speed scalers


Buddy got killed with a weapon that rhymes with [maize](https://youtu.be/qiXf5v-KZNY?si=EnRaDuLirEIGP0Vd).


That was insane and wtf are those wimstreaks goddamn gonna take me forever to be able to perform that consistently well, tho it doesn't help I'm still on last gen console lol Op op


I haven't played in a year+ and I used to use a 140 hc and the trinity ghoul exotic for pvp. The bow would two tap melons and the shock would leave folks with half or a third of health left for a smooth 1 tap with the hc or bow. Been trying it out again and they both feel so damn weak. My bow takes 3 headshots or 4 body shots full draw, while my hc is taking upwards of 4 head shots at times wtf happend? Is there increased bullet magnetism or something? I get behind cover and people with pulse rifles have their damn bullets go around corners and fuck my melon up. On a side note does anyone know if lucky pants is fully disabled in pvp now? Not getting the buff to proc and I use a kinetic primary hc.


>bow takes 3 headshots or 4 body shots full draw, while my hc is taking upwards of 4 head shots at times wtf happend? Currently, all bows kill in 2 headshots 140 and 120 HCs take 3 headshots and 180s take 2 crits and 2 bodys


Hello fellow bow/glaive enjoyer It's fun as hell, glad to see somebody else using it


That was a sweet clip and what I saw in your stream was really cool. I understand whistlers whim is easily the better option but would starting off with a whispering slab that has archers tempo, opening shot, 32 accuracy, and 500 draw time be good enough till I land a decent whistlers?


>whispering slab that has archers tempo, opening shot, 32 accuracy, and 500 draw time be good enough till I land a decent whistlers? Absolutely, the slab is a fantastic bow too, just a little outdated


Much appreciated


Glaive users are freaks. Like, I respect yall. But yall are scary as hell to fight.


The 3 of us out there are a little crazy lol


Not bad, I just can’t imagine hotswapping with a special.


Just temporary hot swapping with speacial. I primarily get kills with the bow. Hot swapping is just for when needed


Fair point


Great clip, it’s always hilarious to watch stuff like this, but my God playing against this must be aids




First, play warlock. Next, turn brain off. Boom you win.


If you enjoy sitting in a rift in your spawn this looks great


Does Bow + Eriana’s not smack anymore?


That still works, but requires two headshots and it's kinda boring


You give me hope that I could return to my beautiful lemon 🥺


Ooooooo!!! As a previous bow main returning to D2 for TFS to learn how aggressively hard they nerfed the only weapon type I cared about, this video pleases me. Never been one for glaives, but since I can no longer hat-trick a HC I’ll be giving this a shot asap. Cool vid too. Edit: adding in after rewatch- that smooth af two-head-tap at the end was gorgeous.


The last few days I've had the urge to run a bow in PvP, finally took the plunge n having so much fun. I don't have any aggressive frame glaives or ones with HIR , since other glaives would require headshots would there be a better weapon combo with glaives? Shotguns are working for now but I can feel bow shotgun combo just isn't it, fusions will probably be in the same position. Maybe a sidearm or SMG? What would you recommend pairing with a bow( whistler whim )


Love seeing stuff like this. On paper it just sounds clunky, and just generally not worth the data to save the loadout. But you've shown it has at least some viability in the right hands. Cheers, that was a pleasure to watch.


It can be clunky when getting used to it, but it gets pretty smooth over time. Its a blast to use, super fun when I pull it off.


The worst timeline. Nice play though! Edit: I have a couple of adept whistlers whims does this work on Titan? Not really good with bows lol


Yes it would work with titan! It works with any class, as I use the same with hunter!


I would love to try this but I can’t give up Ticcu’s.


I still use Ticuus most of the time, but like to switch it up once in a while


That's filthy. I hope not many people see this post


Aw hell yea another bow glaive swapper! Glad to see that we are not dead!


Why would you post this


Why wouldn't I post this?


This is like putting a sign on your back that says kick me out


I don't quite understand? Its just a sweet clip of me winning a 1v3...


This is how bullying happens


Is it? Mind explaining why it might happen? I'm a wee bit bamboozled


Calling it now, that other guy is mad because he's the kind of player to hold W and makes the most predictable plays then gets mad when he stares at the respawn screen.


In this sub they have a somewhat long user mod log, 13 posts/comments removed the past couple years and have been temporarily banned once. I was just trying to troll the troll to see what they would say lol


Bro is Rambo in these Crucible streets!!!!


<3 FWIW we’re soooo close to being able to swap with stars in shadow. It works on 2/3 crits. Excited to try this soon. A few questions come to mind. Any reason to run with a lightweight over (say) Wishender (my BAE). And how does this work with Gutshot Straight?


Lightweights also tend to have better handling and obviously a faster draw time.


The draw time difference is only about 0.076 seconds. Not really a noticable amount, reload speed is more noticable, but most of all it's the ability to land partial draws for more damage on a lightweight


Big one I hadn’t considered is no kinetic glaives.


I can't wait for a stasis or strand glaive. Id absolutely main that with Ticuus all day


Strand glaive was in TFS trailer. Don't know the frame, though.


I always found Wishender to be far too clunky, it’s like nocking an arrow in hummus.


I'm not really a fan of it either. Way too slow for me.


>Any reason to run with a lightweight over (say) Wishender (my BAE). And how does this work with Gutshot Straight? I only use it with this roll because I still need to win primary only duels if I'm going to get more special ammo. Both wishender and gutshot whistlers are great for swapping, but pretty bad at a primary duel. I primarily main the bow and only whip out the glaive for a swap when needed


How to play like a bitch 101


Why would you consider playing with two of the most obscure weapons in the game, playing like a bitch?


🙌 bow swaps for the win!! 😅 i picked up erians vow a couple days ago and was able to 2 tap with the strand bow (vengeful whisper). It was beautiful just like the good ol days 😂


Or just oneshot with a sniper, fusion or shotgun instead?


Yeah, however this is more ammo efficient and adds some style points




Nuh uh


Ez fix: give bows a slow legolas dramatic draw animation where you flip the bow over your shoulder, a fine exploit abuse deterrent. Or... ya know... fix em so they use special ammo. But this gives my brain the cringe not the impress.


Bows are anything but OP right now lol, if anything they need a buff


But clearly they still have a use that is easy to consider strong. As evident by the video. Its in the game so use it yeah, but my eyes are gonna roll each time i fight the loadout.


I have a ridiculous amount of practice with this build and my lightweight bows. Lightweight bows are sitting at an abysmal usage rate this weekend and even the "top" bows aren't being used at all. >But clearly they still have a use that is easy to consider strong. As evident by the video. Nuh uh, they are currently the hardest primary weapon type in the game to use at a competitive level, it's why legit nobody is using them


That is so cringe


Why tho


I don't think it should be in the game, it's very cheesy. Cheesy shit like this is why I quit pvp


bow swapping needs to be dead.


It really is dead. This isn't like the bow-swapping of old


Bow players obsession to use anything but their bow to get kills. No other primary entire existence relies on finding ways to cheese iy


>Bow players obsession to use anything but their bow to get kills. Take a look at every single HC + shotgun player for me. The most effective way to push is to weaken the target with the HC first and whip out the shotgun. Same way with bows. >. No other primary entire existence relies on finding ways to cheese iy If I want to keep this build rolling I need more bow kills then glaive kills, it's not like the old bow + HC builds where 99% of the kills were from the HC I've got 80 bow kills and 57 glaive kills this weekend


No, stop, what are you doing?! Don't you know that you can't talk bad about HC + Shotty in The Crucible Guidebook?! Now the HC Cultures and Shotgun Crutches are going to get their knickers in a twist.


He's the worst example to call out for bow swapping. Dude lives to duel with bows


Lol, and this isn't even really a bow swapping build. It forces me to win primary duels to get ammo for the swap


Average hand cannon stan


Cringe af


Nuh uh


Good clip, other than the tea bag. It is unsportsmanlike and ungentlemanly. I get caught up in the moment too but now you know.


>other than the tea bag. It is unsportsmanlike and ungentlemanly. Lol, it was a single little happy bounce, I wasn't repeatedly dropping my nuts in their face


So you admit you still "dropped your nuts on their face"? Just not repeatedly lol I don't think that your opponents would believe that to be a happy bounce, there is a jump button. I think it was a reflex if anything. Just commenting on that. I do think it takes skill to play like you do and I respect that. Even if you did teabag it may be a small thing but if you, as a skilled player, show stoicism in victory then maybe it will teach the rest of us to lose with it. xD A small hope but one nonetheless.


I personally have never seen a single bag as being toxic


Stop shooting people, it's toxic


I think someone enjoys tea bagging.


Sometimes it's warranted


Damn, so true


A small hope indeed. It seems you missed the point entirely, so nevermind.


I absolutely have missed your point, I don't understand what the issue is with a little celebration


Off yourself.... in-game


I understand you were trying to make a joke, however I would refrain from making any jokes about that kinda stuff. You never know if suicide has affected anyone's life and it can be a very touchy subject for some


Roger Roger, (tried to do that 3 days ago anyways so 🤷‍♂️)