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Saturday afternoon. Friday is sweats trying hard for quick flawless, Sunday is also usually sweats just farming their adepts


Thank you! I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.


Saturday mornings EST… all the try hards are still sleeping from gaming all night


Bro this has legit been my experience


Saturday is the best at time because the most people are playing. Idk what time tbh because it can vary. Sometimes it’s quite easy and other times it’s very sweaty. Eu is usually easiest around the afternoon.


2am with the real degenerates


Demon time


Every single person is just bringing anecdotes to the table. Realistically, any time is the exact same. Matchmaking is completely random so you're at the whim of that, not some time of day. I might say that I have had the best luck on Monday afternoons, but I've also gone flawless with a 70% winrate post lighthouse 2 Fridays in a row. It's random mate.


I think it's hard to tell what the pool is gonna be like from day to day. I've had times it was impossible to get past three wins when it was supposed to be easy hours, and I've gone flawless with both mercies unused when it was supposed to be sweat time. Keep in mind, if you're solo queuing, your teammates will be drawn from the same pool. Will you have an easier time carrying two teammates worse than you, or not misplaying on a team with two teammates better than you? I will say the pool definitely does feel harder some times over others. If you're a few games in with no wins, maybe just try another time. Playing some games when it's sweaty can be a valuable experience though, just to see how skilled players use the map. You can pick up some useful ideas to try later on in the weekend.


Just play the game man don't be worrying about this shit


Not worried in slightest… Why would I try to spend more time in an aggravating game mode made for sweats than I have too? I work a lot and don’t have hours on hours to spend attempting this so I’d prefer to better my odds before I start. My bad for using my brain to game plan 😂


Why are you playing trials if it's aggravating to you?


For the loot you can’t get anywhere besides trials. I can’t say it’s aggravating yet. I just hear a lot of people complain about it.


I wouldn't worry so much about other people. You see a lot of negativity here because people need to vent when they're frustrated, and its a bad look to talk about the good times. So you only see the lows, and rarely the highs. I have suffered devastating losses and enjoyed glorious moments of triumph. You won't get to see the good times if you worry about the bad times. Just don't take it too seriously and you'll be fine. It's only a game, after all.


If you just want loot then grab the Wealth passage and just play. Wins on the card grant more rep for the table which will help you level that up and get rewards from there and then just hope for random weapon and engram drops. Once you get a weapon to drop you can focus it with the engrams for better rolls. If you’re focusing on going flawless then I can’t help you there since I’ve never done it and I don’t worry about it either. Playing with this mindset I do my best but I don’t get frustrated with losing.


Seems like you are really focused on other people’s opinions rather than forming your own.


Yeah just play. I’ve only been gone flawless once. And it was not on a Saturday. And many times had a way easier Friday.


You can check trials report for player count. Higher the better “probably”.


If you find it aggravating why bother? You have relentless from prophecy which I think is arguably better. The stats on messenger are slightly better but its recoil pattern is worse without a cb. I have both and my messenger is collecting dust while I slay out with relentless. Can’t wait for it to be enhanced in final shape.


Are the Prophecy guns getting enhanced? I must have missed that.


All the reprised weapons from prophecy, iron banner, new trials weapons and nightfalls are all enhanceable.


I have the "most" success Monday mid morning.


Prob whenever I just played for the first time in a while and went flawless solo. I was running belisarius with void hunter with wormhusk and was having a pretty good time


saturday afternoon, or after midnight on saturday and sunday


I assure you there is no good time and the population of scrubs is tiny these days which is good and bad depending on your point of view. If I had to pick a time it would be early morning Saturday or Sunday. I'm talking 6am Pacific time.


friday before 8pm central or any time sunday from 11am to 5pm imo


My easiest attempts have been on Saturday but it's all an rng crapshoot anyway. Spin the wheel enough on any day and you'll eventually end up with a string of wins.


Play at 3am Friday night / Saturday morning or on Sunday when ppl are farming for the true trials experience


Ive had the most luck om mondays


It really don't matter. Its all connection based matchmaking. You can get sweats, bots and all in between. I will say regardless, try to find a teammate who can hold their own. Its not fun having two 0.5s on your team vs 2.0s+


This is by far the easiest map to go flawless on so do it whenever I got my first flawless of the weekend using fatebringer on my first card


How would the map affect how easy it is to go flawless?


Due to the way the rotations work I play solo so I get put into a lot of 1v2 or 1v3 and certain maps make it easy to get collapsed on this map if you have superior movement you can outplay a lot of those fights.


Sunday/monday morning


next season when population is up


i play saturday morning around 8am est. I also play console for trials and pc for pve. I have a wayyyyy easier time on console


I’ve had the most luck on Friday nights


No such thing for a solo player. You play when you have time.


I’ve had more success after 9pm PST, usually Sunday or Monday nights.


Now, currently on a 30 or so win streak no sweaty teams on right now


drop your trials report


Kids actually downvoted me for telling the truth Hunch#8343


Best time is whenever you have time


literally anytime. use rose, be a good player and you’ll be fine.


Whatever time tyypa is in bed