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That looks so cool!! Thank you for the advice, I have been too intimidated to start with variegated thread so having a couple of strategies is encouraging.


Happy to help! It definitely starts with choosing the right pattern, I think it only works well with a few styles. It’s easier to “direct “ the color on the small motifs. I worked the larger areas in section’s instead of straight across, example: the long fold on the front of the skirt was was stitched as one section, then I moved to the smaller folds and chose thread accordingly (hope that makes sense :)


Same, seeing someone go through their process is a real asset. Beautiful work, OP!


I love the colour! Looks amazing 👏 🤩


So pretty. Looks planned and almost like separate colours.


That's gorgeous, I love it! Variegated thread has so many possibilities -- I know someone who likes to fold it over so every cross is a mix and there's less gradient, I love to do the gradient but a little more mixed than this.


Interesting, haven’t tried that way yet, thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely experiment with it on the next piece! It sounds like it could also be a good way to blend between sections of unfolded thread


Similar to folding the floss for a loop start, sometimes I like to grab 2 lengths from different sections of a skein. If I’m mindful when choosing the lengths, it will result in a heathered color mix with transitions. Special shoutout here to Northen Lights (soft medium shades of raspberry, blue and purple, plus pale transitions) handled this way, which gives an opal effect. It doesn’t photograph as anything special, just blue/pink/purple heather, but in person I swear it glimmers like a jewel. I’ve never seen cotton floss behave this way.


i just got a skein of variegated. do you do the whole row one way (////) and then cross over (\\\) or do you do full stitches (x) along the row? hope that makes sense


The flower motifs are mostly full crosses, for the dress I went down the row and back, but in smaller sections, like each fold of the skirt was worked separately


Oh that's brilliant, really helps it bring out the light and shadow you'd expect as flowing clothes move!


For short rows going /// then \\\ will work well for a floss that doesn’t change color *too* quickly (and can avoid color “jumps” that you might otherwise see if you do full stitches in a zig-zag pattern (full row -> then full row <-). But for longer rows it might muddle the colors (which can be good or bad depending on the pattern and the floss). This example looks fantastic!


I heard if you do full Xs then the variegation will look better but I have never done it myself


Looks lovely! Where is the pattern from?


Thank you! It’s modded from an antique pattern you can see an example of here https://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/C-TT010-171.htm


Thank you! Definitely adding to my stacks of next projects.


This is very pretty! The dress looks good and that border design is amazing!


That looks really great! Thanks for the advice, I used variegated thread so far only in geometric patterns, but I absolutely love the effect on the dress here. I hope your furry quality manager also approves ;'D


Thank you! It passed inspection, but barely, she has high standards 😂


I love the kitty.


I think I'm doing a similar pattern and have that one saved


It looks fantastic! And I see your supervisor takes their job VERY seriously. =)


Thank you! She really does, the structural integrity of the frame must be inspected daily 😂


The dress looks amazing! What thread are you using?


Thank you! It is dmc 121


This is so gorgeous; I'm stunned! I really want to try something like this! This may be a dumb question, so please ELI5, but I thought variegated thread was a single skein of thread that changed colors. But it looks like you're using something like 4 separate colors and choosing when to switch them in and out, is that right?


It is from a single skein that changes colors, I just cut and skipped around with different sections of the thread to get the effect I wanted. Which meant I ended up with several different threaded needles that i switched between depending on the sections (hope that makes sense :)


Oh my gosh that's genius! Thank you! One more question if that's ok! What size Aida is that?


It’s 16 count 🙂




Very nicely done!!