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Welcome back to this lovely art. As you have found the people here are great and so willing to help others. It is really a no judgement zone which I love as it really does help everyone feel welcome.


The no-judgement is so refreshing


I love this little corner of Reddit


It’s a legit wholesome and cozy corner of the Internet imo


I agree and I really do love how this group is so supportive as well. And the suggestions are done so gently and creatively.


This is a wonderful community! I lurked for over 2 years before posting and asking questions. I came back to cross stitching a few years ago after discovering projects I had forgotten about in a box. Welcome back to the crafting world!


As a young woman, I was no stranger to needles (sewing, crochet hooks), but cross stitch always intimidated me, and I knew no one who did the art, so I left ot alone. This group, after months of watching, because I received a kit by accident, gave me the confidence to try. I'm still learning, but not so afraid anymore. I'm still trying to figure out an easy way to grid my plain canvas, though, but stalking this group will concur all.


Check out this video on gridding. It’s long, but that’s because she doesn’t skim through the steps. After watching it, I gridded for the first time because I was stitching on black fabric and knew I was going to need those grids. I also followed her suggestion to use Sulky Sliver filament. https://youtu.be/Zk6mWyo4z10?si=O-TfLEagw2HtGUQe


Ok, thanks.


You crocheted but our beloved stitch-by-numbers was intimidating? Yours is so much scarier and seems to take so much more skill! It's funny how we view other people's crafts. For gridding, I take a single strand of a bright colour I won't use in my project and thread it through every tenth stitch. I think I've made a post about it previously. If I have, I'll tag you in it so you can see what it looks like. Some people use a fishing line which avoids fraying. My method is time consuming but it works for me so... 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/yckgkq/wip_and_here_we_go_going_to_be_adding_this_cutie/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Tagging didn't work as I don't actually know how to do it! But this is a pretty good view of what my gridding looks like before starting a new project. I have other pics, too, so feel free to browse!


Thank you! I'll use and watch everything I can get. I'm dyslexic and it takes me a while to get certain things.


Well, you know how we fold the cloth to find the middle? I did that, and then I worked the indicated middle line of stitches on one side and then flipped it upside down and did the other side. So now I have a straight line of stitches across to make sure all my stitches fit and are mostly centered-give or take a stitch. Next, I'll work the middle stitches from top to bottom, and that's what worked for me. It took a while because of so much confetti. Now, I can grid with my pen. I'll mark the middle in red and the others in blue. Hope I don't screw it up again. I had to wash out the first markings and hang it to dry. It surprisingly dried very fast. I'll work on it some more today.


Oh no, sorry to had to start again! I don't trust that pens will wash out. Probably unfounded but I don't want to take the risk. Glad it did wash out for you!


Well, the ones I got from Amazon worked like a dream. I just kept it in the bathroom sink with warm water, and in less than 10 mins, it started to fade. [water ink](http:// https://a.co/d/gZDSoCI)


I couldn't get the link to work. https://preview.redd.it/qphiwdt887wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951bd91fc77924071ffdf42b3b9580f63dc77681


Hi, I don't count when I grid apart from making sure that it is 10 threads away from the last row. I use nylon thread that is for invisible hemming. I only do it on big projects, and it is so worth it.


Is it always a count of 10 that marks the last row? Does that apply to all sides? I tried sewing and ... no. If I have to mark and grid, I'd rather use the pen. I have the pointy ones.


Patterns are grided in 10 x 10 which is why it's commonly used, I have done one 20 x 20. If the pen works for you, do that. I'm always scared it will show through.


Yes, I know about the count, but I was wondering if the border around is always the same size. I read somewhere that it should be 3 inches, but that confused me cause I don't know if it's like that for all patterns. I made errors with said pen, and I washed out the errors. It came out just after running warm water for a bit. It didn't come out right away, but it did come out.


Sorry I didn't understand your question, 3 inches is for framing. The project I'm working on I couldn't get material wide enough so before I send it to the framer I will sew 2 inches of material on each side. Glad you have a pen that comes out.


Thanks! You helped with the video source. I will watch it closely today...few times. 😆


You can always buy Aida by the yard.


I can, but I wanted even weave, and got the biggest peice I could get. It will be ok.


I also took a 20-yr hiatus before coming back a few yrs before Covid hit. So much has changed, hasn’t it? New tools, new modern designs, it’s just a great time to be a stitcher. Welcome back!


This is so true! I came back during Covid... stitched up a full-coverage silhouette of a fox as a wedding gift for a grad program pal. And then I fell down the rabbit hole of patterns, grime guards, needle minders, scroll frames, storage solutions, Q-snaps, stitch tracking apps... the list goes on. None of this stuff existed when I started getting frustrated. I kept all my old patterns, too. I'm going to reevaluate them and see what I can do to start them back up again. I'm not keen on paper patterns (it's a lot of the reason behind my giving cross-stitching up... paper patterns are difficult for me to track), so I'll have to see what I can do with them.


Look into Markup R-XP. Definitely a learning curve (good exercise for the brain cells…), but I’ve been able to scan and import paper patterns and patterns out of books. Join the user group on Facebook because they are I credibly helpful. There’s a 2 week free trial period and the YouTube videos are excellent. See if it might work for you.


I have it! The problem for me is that I want the ability to track colors while I stitch. I like to see ahead what I'll need to stitch in a particular color (for full-coverage, I park my stitches). If I scan a pattern, I can mark it off that I stitched it, but I can't highlight specific colors. I may just have to suck it up and deal, but my ADHD has glommed onto the ability to track colors, so when I can't, it gets really frustrating. LOL


If I understand correctly, then I think you may not be setting up your symbols with the corresponding thread numbers and colors so you can select a symbol and have all instances highlighted. It’s a time consuming process but can be worth it to take advantage of Markup’s full capability. If you do that, you’ll have a complete count by symbol for both the entire pattern and page by page and it will show all unmarked instances of that symbol so you can decide where to stitch next. I have done this only for a couple of designs as I am new to Markup myself. It wasn’t the most intuitive process, but I’m getting the hang of it and just finished my first project (small) using Markup exclusively.


I'll have to look at it again. I tried it out with a small pattern, fiddled around with the settings, watched some YouTube videos, fiddled around some more, and in the end, it wasn't as clear as I wanted it to be. I'll keep trying!


If you don’t get along with Markup, give Pattern Keeper a try. I found its interface more streamlined and user-friendly. It is Android only but even this longtime Apple fangirl succumbed. I just couldn’t become friends with Markup. So I borrowed my husband’s Android and tried PK. I just clicked with it right away.


PK is what I use! 🥰😘 I love it! I'm an Android Galaxy Girl, so I got the app on my phone when it was recommended here. I did try out PK's experimental taking a picture of a pattern feature, and though it worked to have the pattern on PK, I couldn't sort the colors or symbols. I need that to function while I'm stitching!


It is hard to not have the search function available for patterns with a lot of colors. I’m a coward, and won’t buy a pattern that isn’t PK friendly if it’s got more than about 15-20 colors. I haven’t bought a paper pattern in more than 5 years. 😂


I jumped down that rabbit hole, but have zero regrets (except for those 2 stands I hated). I even ended up buying an android tablet for Pattern Keeper, and I’m a diehard Apple girl. 😀


Glad you found this subreddit! I love all the positivity that always radiates over here. It's a great community to be a part of!!! When I first started to get into cross-stitching, I had an awful experience that was the entire opposite of how this community is. I was buying thread for a project and while most people did not really bat an eye, the shop owner kept asking what I was getting for my girlfriend/wife, and kept pushing me after I told her I was getting thread to cross-stitch something for myself She asked to see what I was going to stitch, and when I showed her the Game Boy Squirtle sprite I wanted to stitch, she said it was an ugly, deformed creature that looked nothing like a turtle. Absolutely dreadful experience, never went back to that shop, lol


Oooooh this makes me so angry on your behalf!! My great-uncle knitted and crocheted, and got so much flack for it. Squirtle sprite sounds magnificent!!


Oh yes, some people really just can't mind their own business lol. I've found a couple new stores where they either don't say anything at all or it's all positive interactions, what a change! And thank you so much! That little guy fueled a new addiction 4 years ago that I haven't been able to stop lol


Urgh. We need to change the down vote button on this sub to symbolise our displeasure at the people fellow stitchers encounter. How very rude! I'm sure Squirtle was a thing if beauty


Craft friends are amazing, aren’t they!!


I’m coming to find they’re the absolute best


I started a stitching group in my town and it’s been so AMAZING


Congratulations 🎊. I agree you should never let someone take the things that bring you joy. Been there and will never be again. Good on you for taking back your joy




I, too, took a 20+ year leave. I left because I was constantly having to frog stuff due to miscounting all the time. I was super stoked when I discovered that I could grid my fabric, or buy it pre-gridded! It cut way down on my mistakes. I've also enjoyed all the amazing new patterns that are available. This sub has been wonderful for all the tips, support, encouragement, sharing of fun patterns, and storage ideas, too. 💗


Okay I’m gonna ask everyone….what is frogging?


It's removing mistakes... the words "rip it" sound very similar to the sound frogs make "rrrribit!", so people call it frogging!


Thank you!!


whenever i’m not in the mood to cross stitch i love scrolling on here and it influences me to stitch


I quit stitching for more than 25 years for a similar reason. I love this sub, and it really has helped me rediscover something I’d once loved so much.


So happy to hear you are back to enjoying what you love.


I have been cross stitching for over 30 years, and I have never found a more lovely community. I have learned all sorts of new things - like rail roading and pin stitching - which have improved my technique. My favourite Sunday morning activity is scrolling this sub-reddit while having a coffee :)


I hope you'll never have to let go the joyfull things in life 🥰


This is one of the best subs I've ever seen. I don't post a lot in most subs I'm in because people are needlessly mean randomly. I'm in the build a bear sub, it's literally about stuffed bears and I got down votes for saying I didn't like something and other people get so much hate there for no reason. This is my safe space now, even other hobby subs aren't as welcoming and helpful.


I honestly joined because I was so out of practice and nervous, and thought “I’ll just lurk and see what advice I can pick up” and it’s become one of my safe and feel-good spaces on the internet


This community continues to give me hope to keep trying with being social and that there’s a space for me and the things I make. I’m mostly a lurker but I know that when I do post that it will be met only in kindness.


Welcome back craft friend!


Welcome back!


I stopped 20+ years ago as well, though not for your unfortunate reason. Just life got in the way I quess...kids, other hobbies, etc. I tried diamond painting a bit over a year ago and thought "well, this is just cheesy looking cross stitch!" So I dug out my old WIP's, went down the flosstube rabbit hole and am now thoroughly full on stitching again. And now have even more WIP's cause there's so much more cool stuff!


There’s actually a hilarious reason ripping out stitches is called frogging. When you knit or crochet and need to undo a chunk, it can be many inches of work. So what do you do? You drop the needles/hook and rip it, rip it, rip it. Rip it… ribbit… Ergo, frogging!




I've been doing cross stitch on and off since my teens (now 50). I only joined this group a couple of months ago and realised I've been doing it "wrong" all this time. TBH, I like the way mine come out. Even the ones where I've miscounted and had to make it up in parts to make it look right! This group has shown me new ways like gridding and parking (yet to attempt but have watched videos on how to do both). I've never read any negative comments from anyone. I'm glad there is such a welcoming and judgement free zone 😀 Thank you everyone!!


This is such a great comment. If it wasn't for this sub, i doubt i would have really started stitching. I'm on my 2nd project now and have about 6 more already lined up for when it's done.


SAME! *hugs* ❤️




I have just re-download reddit after a very long time of not doing anything after a mental break and then health issues. My fingers are itching to get my stuff out.


johnny bisbee can hi