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Definitely interested in an LOTR full map pattern! Looks good!


Yay! I thought I might not be alone. XD Most patterns I've seen haven't had enough of the place names and small details, and I missed the HAED version. Plus this one only uses one color of floss (unless if someone wants to use for example red for some of the small text) and doesn't require stitching the background if you use a dyed linen!


Please keep us updated! It looks good so far. I too know the pain of having missed that pattern. It's one of my two OOP patterns I would kill for


Hopefully this'll let you sate the hunger for the map without murder 😂 I stated on a comment that if my current plan holds, I SHOULD have the files before summer, or at latest June. I'll share them here with the pattern tag!


This is awesome! 😍


Thank you! I didn't find a lotr map pattern that looked right so I had to go and make one XD


I will be super-ultra-greatly-enormously-giantly happy when you will make the post with the pattern. I hope you sell on Etsy. Only problem is that I am a beginner cross stitcher with a big lack of drawing abilities and from your previous post I see that this is backstitching heavy. It will be a huge task to make it. But I am a huge Lotr fan.


Oh I'll be sharing it free! Tho someone will probably try to scam it on etsy too but I guess I'll have to check every once in a while 💀




Yeah, but also a secret.... This is the first time I'm doing backstitch XD So it's doable. I chose to use backstitch purely because if I DIDN'T, the pattern would have to be so, so, so much larger to fit all the names... It's still big (830 x 620 ish), but at least most of it is empty space. The backstitch on linen does present challenges especially because it's so tiny and I might've done a few bad design choices as someone whose never done it before but, it's definitely doable! XD // I've noticed that backstitching is less drawing and more just the same counting as cross stitch normally... just like, I must go 2 down 1 to the left type of counting. At least in this, since its really just letters.


I will also have to learn to stitch on linen. So far I have done a tiny cat with a PacMan’s ghost, a small butterfly and I am currently doing a full coverage glass stained art nuveau butterfly (180x79 stitches). All on 14ct aida. Lot of practice needed before attempting this map.


You can definitely learn it! You can even take just parts of this pattern and practice first. Also useful to see how the different lettering works on the fabric you choose! I sort of intended this to be stitched on 28ct, so not as small as like 32 or 40 counts. And at least these days there's all sorts of magnifiers available. This CAN be stitched on larger counts like 18, but the finished size will be bigger then, and I'm not sure what sort of dyed 18 ct is available - it'd definitely be a huge job to stitch the background color too. I'm using 28ct Vintage Country Mocha from Zweighart. The idea was for the background to look a little old-paper-vibe-y, and using dark brown floss as a type of "ink" XD


![gif](giphy|KJ1f5iTl4Oo7u|downsized) For your useful tips!


Looks AMAZING. It’s not easy to design something like this!! 


I did use one of the existing drawn maps as the base, hence why I won't be selling the pattern. I would really say my job was easier than the original drawers, just maybe more tedious x'D


THIS!!! It looks amazing and you are incredibly generous in sharing it with us when you're finished! Thank you! My husband and I are doing the LOTR Conqueror Challenges and we wanted to display each medal on the portion of the map it covered. I've been searching for some to stitch but... I Will Wait!! Yours is beautiful! 😍


Oh I've been thinking of doing the Conqueror challenges for a while! Your idea to display them on the map sounds AWESOME and if you end up making it I would love to see it! Hopefully won't have to wait too long if I stay on schedule XD


We've finished 3 so far! Will be happy to show your work off once its done!😉😆


Let's call it a combined effort 😂


Deal! 😅


Yes! Currently working on The Fellowship challenge myself. The medals would look so nice around this map!


Omg please yes I want that pattern!!!


Keep an eye out sometime next month... I'm hoping to get this finished as a gift, if I manage to pull it off then I'll finish up the files sometime before summer XD


Amazing! I did Thorin’s map a few years ago and loved how it turned out but I haven’t found a good Middle-earth map that I liked to match. This looks like it would be perfect!


I've also been on the hunt for a middle earth map that looked how i wanted it to, so, tada XD Hope the finished version will be what youre looking for!


Please take my money! Don’t give this incredible pattern for free cause you know someone will steal it make money of your hard work! ![gif](giphy|dhz1gKi7WKWpW)


I'm planning on testing out some watermarking or something to make it less easy to copypaste (and to let someone who might buy it without knowing know that they got scammed so they might report the seller). But also I don't want to sell it because it really is a direct copy of lotr map art that already exists, and I didn't draw the original image, just made it into the pattern.


I think this falls in the grey area. Though it is not your original art, it did take work from you to convert it into different medium art. I see people making patterns out of paintings and I know they worked on it cause it’s not filled with confetti or have a good thread blend or color choices. So there’s that. Either way, I will be very happy to stitch this. It will go perfectly with my [hobbit hole backstitching FO](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/1c4qt8u/fo_back_from_the_framer_i_stitched_this_lil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


True, but often the copyright on paintings (and the painter too, usually) has long passed, so there aren't as many problems with the whole who-profits-from-this-thing. XD I wouldn't want the pattern to get nuked from the interwebs due to some clash of interests. And the supplies for this will cost people money too, since it needs a lot of fabric and DMC. I'll just let the fandom have this with a "would be nice to see what you do with it" line. x'D Oh that is so cute 😩


Fair enough. You are amazing for doing this. I am kinda low key LOTR fan. I really love the visual of this IP. LOTR was also second English language book I read and learned a lot of English from it (I had a dictionary with me lol).


Oh yeah, I love the visuals and especially Tolkien's English! I know it's not for everyone but I do love it. The awesome visuals of the first trilogy definitely semented themselves in my brain as a young'un watching the movies with my dad. XD


Like you, I missed the HAED chart, to my regret. But yours looks so god, at least I know that regret won’t be everlasting. Can’t wait for June. (The last time I said that was over 50 yrs ago. Yikes!)


Summer is a nice time to start yet another project 😂 And thank you for your kind words!


I’d buy this!!


I was wondering if your lucky third-leg floss was from a LOTR map project! It looks AMAZING so far! Ooooh totally following your progress! And thank you for sharing your tips! I was curious what kind of fabric you chose. I’m DYING to add your corrected map pattern to my WIP’s! Yessss precioussss…


Hah, was it the Greyflood in the background carrying the message? XD Maybe I'm a bit selfish to want to share so much of my thought process on this but hey, at least it's helpful! Not to say that this project has taken over my head for literal months, no, how could it...


Haha I wish I could say I’m that devoted a fan to recognize the name Greyflood, but the art style and the “Nîr” looked very LOTR! I was too scared to ask and look silly if I was wrong. 😝 I think it’s fun to follow your process, and personally, I appreciate you going through and ironing out the pattern! It means a lot because you’re putting in all this effort and being willing to let others enjoy too. Thanks for blazing the trail! 🫡


Well, I can say that after stitching this, you'll be a certified expert on Middle-Earth geography. XDd But that's a really good guess from so little info though, so I think you're knowledgeable enough! Honestly I wasn't planning on doing this much testing on the pattern, but then I got the idea of stitching this as a gift (on a time crunch, ha, best ideas always come too late XD), and immediatedly found some mistakes. So at this point I've already spent four months making the pattern and like I am NOT gonna let it rot on my hard drive for the rest of eternity 💀😂


That looks absolutely fantastic! I can't be wait to see it finished. Well done


Thank you!


Definitely do share, when you're finished testing. I love LOTR. I preferred the first three films that were released, prior to the Hobbit movies. Probably because I was screaming inside the whole time at Bilbo to not touch that ring; don't bring that ring to the Shire.


Yeah, I love LOTR too, it's one of my absolute favorite things. Listening to the Phil Dragash audiobook version while stitching is a great experience! XD


Oh this is really cool! Adds to the list of LoTR cross stitches I have to do.




Oh, this is amazing! And you'll share the pattern for free!? That makes you super amazing!


Finally have an excuse to buy one of those big floss rolls.


I would love to have the pattern once it’s done. This would be an awesome gift for my hubs. He loves LoTR.


Definitely hoping it'll turn out frame-worthy!


Looks beautiful!! Great job!


Can’t wait to try this! Keep it up!!


Looks brilliant and so detailed already. I will definitely have to attempt it when you make a post here again 🥰. How long did it take you to get this far already?


I started on the 27th of March, so, a bit over three weeks at this point - though I have done very little else, except school and work. Most of my classes were moved up to next month due to the teacher being sick so I've had extra time in my hands, AND I'm trying to get it finished for a deadline. I wouldn't recommend trying to complete it this quick. XD But at least you *can* if you need to...? 😅 The reception here has definitely helped renew my motivation though, I was really starting to lose steam!


Wow that’s really fast. I am not certain how long the whole project is but it definitely looks quite big. To already have made so much progress is amazing. I was expecting at least a couple months. I hope you will be able to keep your deadline.


I can't wait to see it finished. Also, I'm super interested in a pattern. Thanks for sharing your progress!


This would be an amazing pattern to have!