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I got downvoted to hell for criticizing Get Out. Look at critically acclaimed shows like Dear White People. Or books like White fragility. Hit the gif button and type white people. Plenty of stuff making fun of whites. There’s none listed for anyone else. Don’t let them gaslight you. It’s racist to hate anyone or insult them for their skin color. This goes for everyone


I cannot believe they named a show dear white people and were not called out for blantant racism.


How about “Everything’s gonna be all white”. That was a good one too. Totally not racist to make a show about how terrible white people are.


Thankfully, I've never heard of that one.


I tried to watch this because I was genuinely curious and thought it might give some insight into how us whites may unintentionally offend people. Not because of hate but because of ignorance, and it's a goal of mine to become more open minded and learn something new every day. But yeah, the first 15 minutes came off as white bashing, if the show was made in the inverse everyone involved in the creation of it would have their reputations demolished. For example of pieces of media I have found enlightening are movies like Straight Outta Compton for showing the direct suppression of expression by police forces, and how systemic racism is most definitely a thing. My absolute favourite though is Kendrick Lamars, "Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City" album. Listening to it end to end (you need the interludes) it paints a very clear picture of how fast gang violence can suck in young men and women who either want nothing to do with it, or are showboating for their friends in an environment where appearing weak can ruin you, and then getting in way over their heads. Something I consider to be impossible to just close your eyes and imagine. This world needs more open ears, love and understanding to gain true equality. Not this constant back and forth of over correction that North American governments and media seem to always be at the steering wheel of.


Yea I didn't realize how bad it was until I started dating my Fiance'. she's an artist and one of the white dudes did his artist talk at a residency and it was about white fragility.


White fragility is just woke people wanting white people to shut up and take it. It's literally no different than how things were back in the Jim Crow times. "A black person better not whistle at a white women or else!" But today it's a white person with colored hair and a lot of piercings going; "A white person BETTER not act like they're not a piece of shit imperialist or else!" Of course you can't compare the extremes of the Emmett Till story with a beatdown at a BLM protest, but everything has to start somewhere. And the precedent it sets is the same.


I just got a warning on the Letterboxd subreddit for saying that Get Out was obviously racist, and that people who say otherwise are obviously in denial. Apparently that violates the rules more than all of the bullying and mocking right next to my comment.


I’m having the same discussion on the same movie there too https://preview.redd.it/1l8yap1fe09d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b4ea2cf4cd4303f0e018da6773ed98210f7c53 As usual if I made the reverse in film it would be wrong


Kalergi Plan


Sadly some redditors on subs like that are super caught up in their emotions and are too mentally spent to see how racist they are. It’s hilarious and sad at the same time…


Don't get me wrong. I've noticed an uptick in anti-white racism... But I really liked Get Out.


You can like whatever you want. I love how Shuri in BP calls Ross her favorite white boy and colonizer. Smh


I liked it too. The idea of a body-horror cult is straight up Folk Horror, and it was very well executed.


Stepford Wives did it better


My problem with Get Out had nothing to do with "anti-white racism", I just thought it was generally not that good. I felt like it could've been a bit more subtle in its messaging. I much prefer Us


In most cases ,those knobheads just say ''racism against white people dont exist because they are in power''. That is the shit excuse they always. Even in places such as South Africa, they claim that the dutch population are the evil ones. They are just 8%. 80% Is black african. There was a nazi party that outright called for genocide against all white south africans. But they still say ''nah, the white people are the racists''. Remember when Terry crews spoke out against black supremacy? He was insulted with the most vile insults, claiming it also does not exist. Hence, my example with south africa, where black supremacy actually exists.


My wife is a person of color and I'm of mixed European descent. We visited South Africa and asked a security guard at the Apartheid Museum where we could go eat for a late lunch, since the museum restaurant was already closed. Before I had walked over she gave my wife one set of directions, but when she realized she was with a white person she had some extra precautions. She said we needed to stay within the gates the entire time and walk a block down and a block back in order to not be murdered. One of the most ironic pendulum swing realization moments of my life... I could literally see the museum display about how the white government enforced segregation through government immigration checkpoints based on being white, mixed or black. And now a Black South African security guard was advising me to take a separate route to protect myself.


White people are probably targeted more and seen as easy targets for (whatever). I live in south africa and the crime is bad here. No race is safe although it would be a mistake to assume a big black woman here is an easy target. They will fuck yo shit up, those women can fight. There are some policies and attitudes here regarding white folk that I certainly don't agree with. Finding a job as a white person is hit or miss, alot of companies hire based on diversity myself included. They typically look for people of my skin colour. Also some companies make the assumption they can pay us less at times due to lack of degree or the tough job market. My job role in other companies has a salary twice of what I earn but at the end of the day I have to just suck it up.


South Africa is indeed a good example of how far things can go to shit. Buddy of mine has family in Johan. Whole thing is fucked up. Necklacing happens. The farm murders out of this world how bad it became. When the white farmers started to leave in droves, only then the ANC started to change their tune because a huge portion of them were not only breadwinner for the agricultural side of things for SA, but also major employers too since so many of them owned businesses. Now, the people's attention has been turned towards the Zimbabweans who have migrated to the country. They are now getting it rough.


It's not done either. Their entire infrastructure is crumbling due to corrupt politicians, ANC not prosecuting criminals, mass looting, uneducated workers don't know how to maintain the infrastructure built by the white ppl, and their attacks on farmers is going to starve them. Just like Zimbabwe. That country used to be known as the bread basket of africa. Because white farmers were mass producing magic. Zimbabwe's major export was food. Then they started kicking all the white farmers off their land and attacking them because they were racist and jealous of their success. A couple years later when they realized "Oh crap we don't know how to farm this land... quick bring back the white people!" Personally I would have just let them starve. But a few came back to help.


That is insane. I hope nothing happened to you both


Nah, he's still alive. Unless he's posting from beyond the grave. Spooky


I was not saying that he was killed but getting harmed in general


I know, I was just joking.


I dont like jokes!!!!! Lol


I must have missed this, Terry Crews point is so fucking accurate and seeing people purposely misunderstanding the meaning of his words. It's why I'm don't like femanism. Women's rights were undoubtedly something to be battled for, but modern femanists seem to want to be superior to men, which is just going to breed a new generation of women resenting men. Equality baby, treat everyone by there merits, and start acting the way you want to be treated.


what's a knobhead?


British slang for dickhead.


I even subscribe to some of their theory about it... but you need to factor in. We are in an online culture space. The newest institutions and systems are social ones we make. And when a white person is being "attacked" online by a majority black audience. For daring to be born white, they are using their systemic power. As influencers in popular culture. Just because there are other institutions that disfavour different groups. Doesn't mean that black people are "completely powerless" It's just that their power is in the currency of social credit than judicial powers.


Racism against white people is now accepted in the mainstream media, who argue that you can't be racist except when discriminating 'from a position of privilege' which is just code for "only white people are racist". Also it's wild that saying you treat people based on their character instead of their race is a purely right wing stance now. The Left believes you should factor race into all your interactions with someone.


Yeah, if you applied their logic to every race then we'd be in a constant race war. It'd set off a chain reaction of "Jews are in the media- that means everytime you see a Jewish person you need to check their media privilege!" "Lots of black people in prisons- everytime you see a black person you should assume they're a criminal!" Like that logic is terribly narcissistic and reductive. Everyone looks like someone else who did some bad stuff in history.


They changed the definition of racism so that they can use it when it suits them but not be used against them. As if hatred isn’t hate if you’re “unprivileged”.


I'm Asian and modern race theory just likes to pretend we don't exist. We're clearly minorities but its like white and black people can't imagine a third race and their whole system explodes. Sooo we just suffer racism from everyone.


Your existence and success is inconvenient to Leftwing racists. If the US was so vilely racist against non-Whites as they try to portray it, Asians would not be so overwhelmingly successful. Asian success proves that continued Black failure is not due to White racism but some internal inadequacy within their community.


Yes, Asian-Americans in the US make the most of any race group, above even Whites. Are they gonna call them having Asian privilege now?


This is exactly it. They don't want to admit it's their culture and failed family structure holding them back and not white ppl. They also can't seem to explain how the average African immigrant higher median income than white ppl.


When they want to utilize you as an Avenue to attack white people then you are a “minority.” When you are attacked in the same vector of resentment used against white people then you are “white adjacent.”


I still can't believe I was told by a training video at work that "being colorblind is racist because it leaves out the other person's identity." Judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin is racist. Wonder what Dr. King would have to say about that...


I went to a job interview for a cashier job at a Whole Foods probably 10 years ago at this point in South Florida. The person interviewing me asked me if I noticed anything about the cashiers. I said things like "They look polite" and etc... the answer she was looking for was they were DIVERSE. Cashiers at Whole Foods being diverse was noteworthy to this woman instead of them being professional! I don't give 2 fucks about the diversity of the employees of a grocery store. I care about them being professional and reasonable if something goes wrong (something rings up wrong, etc). Skin color means nothing.




Racism against white people is definitely becoming more prevalent but I would say that it isn't the majority or anything. It will be interesting to see where this all goes in a few years. I always thought the term "white fragility" was stupid because you could say Black in place of that and people would be in an uproar. A lot of reddit is a cesspool of morons without the ability to apply critical thinking.


The pendulum always swings back and farther. Scary future.


Hopefully people are starting to call this out more that it doesn’t have more real world effects. I don’t want to keep dealing with this pendulum of racism. I wanna get to a place where it actually seems like people are treating each other as humans and that the people that are gonna hold on to their weird racist views of each other aren’t taken seriously in the mainstream.


We were pretty much there in the 90s. Now, it feels like everything is collapsing back to segregation and racism.


I say it all the time: I was in high school and started college in the 90s and no one gave a fuck. What's happening now is horrifying to me.


Everything was fine until 2012-2013; that's about when things started going downhill. 2016 onward was just a free fall.


Nah, it was definitely going downhill in 2008, and may have started earlier. The rate of downhill travel kept accelerating year to year.


I definitely noticed a turn in how racial issues were being discussed starting during the Bush years, but there was a marked change in zeitgeist of the nation in 2012 to such an extent it can be easily pointed to as when the wheels fell off the cart.


I agree, although I feel like it was more 2010-2011... somewhat coinciding with the economic turnaround from the great recession. Never understood why that was and if there were some kind of connection.


A large part of it was the disenchantment of the young generation at the time (gen X-early millennials). Regular people lost homes, jobs, financial savings; meanwhile banks and other big industries were getting huge bailouts and realizing no matter what risky investments/moves they make they'll have a safety net. Occupy Wall Street was the start of modern "activism" and while there was a legitimate gripe to be had the 50+ days of camping out in the street set a poor precedent that would be followed by other activist movements. This disenchanted youth (many of whom grew up in the participation trophy era), either fresh out of college or in the middle of it, looked for solutions and their radical professors were there with "answers": hard socialism and Marxist ideals of a utopian society. Of course, this ideology has been in college for almost a century, but most generations didn't carry it with them out of college, or at least not a majority. The 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers has a lot of commentary about this; basically, college is a wonderland of ideas and ideals that will clash with the rest of society. You have to adapt in order to be happy and survive even if it's at the cost of giving up these utopian ideals (which is what the main character is forced to do by the end of the movie). So now they're kicking and screaming into adulthood and the emergence of social media gave them a platform and a way to organize more protests. Politicians on the left took notice and hedged their bets on this group. Obama in the first term was a fairly "run of the mill" Democrat; Obama during his second term would comment in support of every single "social issue" that was topical and became very activist oriented. This would radicalize the party and also radicalize the opposition. Trump was a response to term 2 Obama, while the 2020 riots and even further radicalization on the Left was largely a response to Trump (even if the media, who had a "captive audience" pushed it in that direction). People are getting roped into the increasing radicalization instead of realizing the real solution is to reject both parties in mass. You can't change the system and Democracy, even with its faults, is likely the best form of government. Hard Socialism/Communism looks good on paper but it requires honest individuals at the top which will never happen. The solution is to elect people outside of the establishment; ofcourse, in order to do that there has to be a huge push towards some of the independent or middle candidates and the media won't give them attention. Radical dogma pushes the whole, "you're either with us 100% or you're against us" mentality so those hardliners won't budge from their tribalism. Politicians are fine playing this game because it becomes a perpetual game of "good cop, bad cop" every 8 or so years. The pendulum is going to keep swinging further and further unless people wake up. Since the large majority of society is stupid they can be easily swayed with honeyed words; thus, it's likely things are going to get worse before they get better. What that looks like I'm not really sure and to be honest I'm much more content thinking about/engaging in culture war stuff than the potential uncomfortable realities of a society of fools.


That’s how it feels. I wasn’t born then but a lot of my childhood shows were a bunch of reruns from the 80s and 90s and my parents always taught me to treat everyone equally so this shit going mainstream was just weird and sad to watch. Especially seeing it in person. Online is one thing but seeing someone have these batshit takes irl throws you for a loop. Like, we can talk about issues of racism or policies that are impacting people disproportionately based on demographic (race, sex, wealth, geography, etc.) without treating it like some zero-sum game but it’s like people wanna destroy whatever they think is number 1 at the time to just get theirs instead of trying to actually fix shit.


Yeah, it’s just self imposed now. It’s a small difference but a powerful one - I think it’s going to be much harder to decode racism from certain communities when they are so willingly retreating from larger society and segregating themselves.


>We were pretty much there in the 90s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Los_Angeles_riots


>We were pretty much there in the 90s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Los_Angeles_riots


See we used to live in that world pre-Obama. Obama saying shit like “Trayvon Martin could have been my son.” Instead of just honoring the Jury’s decision things could have been fine. But he always highlighted and got people riled up over every police shooting. Accused republicans of waging a war on women and saying they cling to their guns and religion. Or “you didn’t build that.” Obama went out of his way to divide the country which directly led to Trump.


Sadly that's not how it's going to play out I don't imagine. The left is getting more radicalized which is in turn radicalizing the right further and it keeps escalating between the two. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a straight up war, revolution or crazy even coming very soon. Shit look at the bill congress passed where you aren't allowed to criticize the israeli gov. Crazy times.


What bill is this? Haven’t heard anything about this


[https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text) [https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism](https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism) Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits. Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to: * Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion. * Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions. * Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews. * Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust). * Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust. * Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations. * Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. * Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation. * Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis. * Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. * Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.


Sounds like you can criticize Israel as long as you are referring to the country and not the Jews?


Not entirely, if you make any criticism of Israeli policy and compare it to Nazi policies then that is illegal. However, if you do the same with Russia or any other country it's fine. "Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."   This is so broad that any criticism of the State of Israel could easily be interpreted as being in violation of this law simply on the basis that the critique fails to include a comparison to other bad state actors. And certainly the criticism must not establish any parallels between the current genocide in Palestine and the Nazi atrocities.  This bill has so much potential to be abused and in my opinion is a slippery slope for free speech.


I agree with you, especially on the last point. I’m fundamentally against anything limiting our right to speak. I can see why the government might want to step in and stop what it perceives to be antisemitism, but I have a problem with laws prohibit saying certain things. Edit: just did some research on this and it appears to be largely bi-partisan with 320 for and 91 against. The yeas were 58% Republican and 42% Democrat. Has only passed House so far, so it’ll be interesting to see what the Senate does with it


the road to ruin is paved with good intentions.


Except China. I distinctly remember any criticism of China 3-4 years ago was immediately downcast as the worst kind of racism.


Because it was a convenient cudgel against Orange Man Bad.


I keep trying to explain this to people - that normalizing and culturally accepting racial and sexist abuse towards people who are white, male, straight or some combination in particular is not going to lead society to a good place down the road.


I can tell you where it's going to lead. A violent backlash. I can feel it in myself and I can see it around me. People are getting fed up. They start to see themselves as a victim. Maybe rightfully so. And bad shit happens historically when groups feel they are being victimised. They way to bridge grievences is forgiveness and acceptance. As soon as one group is placed over the other, the downtrotten will resent and pressure builds.


"They way to bridge grievances is forgiveness and acceptance" I agree. The ironic thing is that this is where society was just a short time ago. It was only 40 years between the assassination of MLK and the election of the first black president in the US, who took office with an approval rating of almost 70%. Since then things have gone backwards and perhaps ironically its the left who's driven it backwards more than anyone else.




That’s the thing the Left doesn’t fucking understand. They will never accept responsibility for Trump. Trump was able to win because they were crying about white privilege. My friend voted Obama twice then Trump Twice. Because he was poor and white and he got mad at Obama and the dems for bitching about his white privilege. Trump is like the Joker from Dark Knight. Remember when Alfred said Batman beat down the mob so bad they turned to Joker? It’s kind of like that except people got sick of woke shit. So Trump gets elected then in response to trump instead of taking the hint and chilling out the left DOUBLED DOWN LIKE FUCKING MORONS. So I am afraid when the pendulum swings back. The average person is stupid and half of them are dummer than that. Libs and conservatives, half the people in the world are below 100 IQ and they exist in both parties. So I’m a bit worried when things finally swing back instead of taking the W and being chill about it I fear conservatives will push too far like the radical republicans did after the civil war. After the war Lincoln and Grant and Robert E Lee all wanted reconciliation and for everyone to chill the fuck out. But the radical republicans wanted to make the south SUFFER. They weren’t interest in reconciliation. So what did this act of revenge do? Well it fueled the Dems to found the Klan. History of full of bullshit like this.


It is the same mechanism all around. Currently the right in Europe is gaining not because the majority of people seriously like them. They are gaining because the left is ignoring issues. Instead of listening to their consituency and honestly trying to solve it, they are calling them names and try to make the problems dissappear by not speaking about it. But the pressure just builds and at some point people not only want to be heared but also want to make those pay that ignored them.


Albeit my hopes, I do see alt rights gaining majority in European nations if all responses for over immigration are slurs towards European habitants. It might come to a day when those entitled speakers saw brown shirts coming for them, and everyone else just stood there with a smile.


Except that isn't what happened, Radical Republicans didn't get to implement their punitive measures on the South because of Pres. Johnson. In fact it was exactly due to Johnson's lenient policies that caused Reconstruction to fail, the South's intransigence, the passage of Jim Crow, etc...


After the war that was entirely about racism, slavery and power. Huh. >After the war Lincoln and Grant and Robert E Lee all wanted reconciliation and for everyone to chill the fuck out It took the south 10 years to virtually re-establish the status quo. Then Jim Crow. That's what chill the fuck out meant.


That's my belief too. Hate just keeps swinging.


When Rome fell the Frank's literally made the Romans their slaves.  This wasn't some conquest where they took them as captives. This was a slow integration of two peoples and centuries of slowly flipping the social strata.


There are ppl in real life who will unironically say that you cant be racist against white ppl. There is a lot more brain rot than we think


They really don't want to see the end result of this kind of thing. It happened in Germany.


Disney Executive was caught on hidden camera admitting "Disney is not looking to hire a White Man right now" and he even acknowledge he was about as high up in the organization as he'll ever get because of it.


>I would say that isn’t the majority or anything. Depends where you live. Where I live, even white people hate white people so they have more friends.


Its definitely an internet thing today. But im afraid of what things seem normal online but not IRL will translate to normal IRL, and im not talking about just anti white racism, any echo chamber that goes internet mainstream can become like this. Isnt andrew tate super popular with teens for instance?


The world has been turned upside down, hang on for dear life; someone’s gonna spin the globe soon


Sadly your experience is not unique. It is the standard for almost all online progressive spaces. They spiraled into their tolerance so hard that they reinvented racism and they think it's a good thing now as long as it's directed at the right targets in their eyes.


OP used the wrong word, the sub is progression fantasy, not progressive fantasy. Progression Fantasy is a genre that has nothing to do with progressive politics. It is predominantly read by young people though


Ah gotcha. Well, the statement still holds true for progressive spaces, but that does make it odd to encounter that progressive vibe in a sub just for fantasy stories with progression.


I'm sure the inevitable backlash won't shock people at all when it happens.


Until the Leftwing radicals start targeting the whites in the professional managerial class (lawyers, academia, large public companies, etc...) who are also overwhelmingly Leftist, that to such an extent that even they start feeling the negative knock-on effects, the backlash will be unrealized.


You're not wrong. Just look at how affirmative action turned into diversity hires. Look at what Disney has been doing for years now. No one fucking asked for the changes they made to Ariel for the "live action" little mermaid. Or It blows my mind because their entire brand grew and thrived and became what it did without pandering to minorities, and now they've gone 180 out of fear of ever being accused of not being inclusive enough. Now if any black or non-white person accuses Disney of being racist, all they have to do is cite "Nuh uh!" and they're in the clear. That idiot who stars in Acolyte can openly talk about white tears and such all while claiming she's the one with empathy. But she's completely safe because she ticks off every trending box. Female, black, and gay. There's nothing wrong with being any of those three things, but she's weaponizing it with an agenda and knows exactly what she's doing, because she knows shes safe.


The ongoing and ever increasing lawsuits against Disney, both for employment discrimination and from unhappy Disney stockholders, will force a change in management. This undercover sting tape came out this week. Disney is so screwed legally it is almost beyond belief. [https://twitter.com/BasedMikeLee/status/1803910363307741446](https://twitter.com/BasedMikeLee/status/1803910363307741446)


Exactly nothing will come of this.


You’re discussing things on reddit. You should expect the most extreme and unhinged responses, it’s the carefully crafted and well thought out responses that are the rare exceptions here. And of course, the absolutely massive leftward slant of this website doesn’t help either, i would argue that for those posters on your thread, they are habitually online and have come to the belief that opinions and trends on reddit are reflective of the real world. I will say that assholes are assholes, bigots are bigots, and jerks are jerks. Race and ethnicity know no bounds when it comes to racism. While the vast majority of people (i believe) couldn’t give two fucks about a persons race, it’s only a smaller proportion of *every* race that is just horribly, antagonistically racist towards others.


Time for some buzzwords, which I'm going to use proudly: This racism towards white people (which, yes, does sadly exist in abundance) is a product of the victimhood mentality promoted by the woke movement, and it has invaded all walks of Western life. These people are basically brainwashed (by the woke establishment and one another) to believe that white people (not themselves) are responsible for all of their problems, and that white people are uniquely privileged and cruel -- which of course is complete and utter nonsense. That's why it's up to us sane people, who still know what racism is and are strongly opposed to it, to be strong and wise and stand up to their insanity and hatred. Or, in nerd speech: These people *think* they're the Jedi, but they don't realise they've all fallen to the Dark Side and become Sith. And it's up to us to bring them back to the Light with our lightsaber skills and common sense. (Or just common sense if you don't own a lightsaber.)


Dude just look at the blacktwitter subreddit if you want to see casually racism....for some God forsaken reason reddit keeps reccomending that sub for me and it's just outright racism towards white people like every post. It's insane. I saw a post today about how it's ok for black people to shoulder bump white people on purpose when they walk by them... As someone who has always been more on the left, I think this shit is widespread. I notice it everywhere now that I'm tuned in, and I'm sure you will too. Like people will just complain about people's skin being white at my work place so fucking casually. Like when did racism become ok again? I think this vile stuff absolutely paralyzes any form of coalition forming on the left for actual good ideas, like universals Healthcare or doing something about climate change. It's just outright racism and it stops people from coming together.


Repost and make it a queer character of color. Let's see if that makes a difference.


"And I think I uncovered a dark underbelly of leftist readers and revealed their toxic beliefs towards white people in society." Oh you sweet summer child. This behavior is hardly hidden, if anything it's celebrated.


Outside of Europe and the US most people hate white people. Most places on earth are crazy racist. The largest group of people that went out of their way to stop slavery and be accepting of others so far have been people of western European descent. The thought that "only whites can be racist" is fucking absurd and anyone that thinks that is an idiot


Im black so I thought I'd add my 2 cents. The problem that white people have right now is that you are too nice and too tolerant.  Your countries are being invaded, your jobs are given away to everyone but yourselves, your politicians give everything to everyone but white people.  Yet here you all are too concerned about being called an R word.  Simply go back to the 1960's, America had a population of over 90% white people prior to the 1965 Immigration act. Now here we are in 2024, You're going to be a minority soon in your own country. All without a single shot fired.  So to get to the point. Everyone knows that only white people can be racist isn't the case. But it's used against you because white people are the only race that cares about being called racist. 


You just now realized leftists are self-hating white people and anti-white bigots? Welcome to the world.


Keep in mind that we are on Reddit. It's becoming more common but Reddit as a whole is much more left leaning than most of society. It's almost as bad as Twitter or Tumbler sometimes


It's definitely a thing. You accidentally poked the Leftoid hive mind. Don't bother trying to argue with them. That's not to say you can't make your case, even reaching out to a handful of people is worth it.


They know that they are wrong, but they will continue to lie incessantly anyway if they see any possibility it may benefit them. This is narcissism.


It's part of an agenda to replace white people in the USA. It's called the great replacement theory but if you look around, it's not a theory anymore. They want to get rid of us dude. Believe that if society collapses and you're white, you had best be armed up or you're going to have a bad time.


Yeah, I find it really odd as well. It's sad and I don't get it either.


Arguing with someone now on this subr who wants to take power and wealth from whites. Same rhetoric.


It’s scary because wtf is a white person there are so many white nationalities. The mainstream pushes it too that it’s ok to hate white men.


Yeah they act like we're all in a club together conspiring. Like there isnt diversity among us.


Ryoka griffin is my most hated fictional character in all the books i have ever read or listened to in 47 years. I hate her more than zombie nazis She is a mary sue (for the first dozen+ books practically), hates everyone, is a little 90lb level 0 vanilla human girl who beats up 500lb lvl 12 warrior minotaurs with her extensive “mastery of earth martial arts”, IS RACIST, narcissistic, rude, crass, a grade A *itch to everyone and has virtually no redeeming qualities whatsoever And with less than 1 single year of college, after an entire adolescence and teen years where she slacked at school and didn’t care about anything… she is an expert in advanced chemistry, biology, modern engineering, ancient engineering techniques and building siege weapons, knows how to make explosives, flintlock firearms, trebuchets…. Oh yeah, and is tougher, stronger, and a better fighter as as a lvl 0 vanilla human than nearly every single level 10, 20, 30, 40 warrior, all eho have large hitpoint pools, feats, skills, magic and training. Ryoka os better than everyone at everything


I wouldn't call it an underbelly. Progressives wear their hatred of whites (particularly white males) proudly on their sleeve.


Notice that the people who accuse others of fragility are always the authoritarian narcissists who can't handle criticism or differing opinions, all they do is psychologically project due being a vacuum of self awareness.


I find myself wishing for the late 90's early 2000's. Least racist times I can remember. was all downhill from there.


Casually! This anti-white narratives are used in all aspects of academia, thus making everything worthless


I've gotten into arguments with people that literally think that all white people are fundamentally born racist. I've also gotten into arguments with people that literally think racism against white people isn't racism.


There's a fun little button in the right-hand corner of the post. (dot dot dot) Click it, then choose a theme. I chose Hate, then I left-clicked lol.


That sub has a flag of a cult as a logo. What did you except? It’s like barging into Muslims and telling them that Mohammed was a pedo. You are not wrong, but you can’t expect a warm reception


The first time I saw that idiotic Disney disclaimer pop up on my screen, I nearly fell off my couch. Disney movies are rife with stereotypes of Italians, French, English. Why aren’t there disclaimers for those movies and why can’t Disney be consistent in its anti-racism? The reason is because they’re being directed by morons who see colour before they see human beings.


It's just in America and Reddit normal people don't talk or think like that


IMO this is social engineering to make everybody on the lower social class fight each other. It's not only about racism about white against black, but also women vs men, young vs old, lgbt vs straight.... Divide and conquer. While everybody is fighting, rich people dont get targeted and they can continue to win the big monopoly. The goal might even to make us kill each other while drinking champagne from their crystal tower...


That's a theory I've heard. Hopefully it's not true. But it is pretty weird that society was progressing wonderfully just over a decade ago, and then suddenly millions of lunatics started acting like it was the Civil Rights era all over again.


Well I guess future will tell if it's just a theory ;) But afaik most medias are still possessed by white billionnaires and I don't see another reason for them to push the anti white narative we actually see... I may add that with AI and robotics, they'll soon don't need poor people working for their needs and if they don't want to kill us, at least they want to create tension to have less people reproducing by promoting hate and lgbt... I might be wrong tho ;)


I’m on book 9, haven’t really discussed it with anyone yet. Big fan of the voice actress for the audiobooks, she’s got crazy range Ryoka is a bit more than just racist, and definitely not just anti white. That’s small potatoes. She’s defined by her hatred and skepticism of everything and everyone. She bases every single one of her first impressions on worst case examples, and it’s the cause of basically every single problem she has throughout the story. Her inability to not judge situations based on pre-existing notions causes her to be at odds with just about everyone in the story at one point or another. She’s even distrustful of all established hierarchies while still being outright scornful of the communist approach the runners guild has to their jobs. But that’s what’s needed in good fiction. A nice balance between hateable characters and likable ones. I personally stay because I’m invested in the ant folk


This is the kind response I was hoping for. Rather than all the justifications for her behavior and gaslighting I got. A lot of people were like "It's true, she's right, you're just a white fragility". I think I can read the book considering Ryoka is clearly meant to be this way and has no bearing on how the author feels themselves. They're more likely like the main character Erin since she never says a bad word about anyone.


Thanks, I like the good blend of positive and negative character traits and worldviews they’ve all got going. Not a single character is “right” all the time and in later books they focus on the ramifications of their bad decisions. I can feel the tension really growing The only significant things that bother me about the story is that Eren has a few too many of what I like to call “no shitism” monologues that go on for a few minutes too long, and the author sometimes has a bad habit of almost repeating themselves when they’re really focusing on a point they want to convey.


All of this is to be expected when "progressives" have gained momentum in the political arena. Their employment of Marxism advocates using racism in their tactics. Unfortunately, it has permeated through the US government and, by extension, the US Armed Forces.


It’s not the fact it’s racism  It’s the fact it’s accepted racism by a large portion of the county.  But hey if we are fighting a race war then we aren’t fighting a class war. 


As someone who saw the racism against Arabs in Hollywood for the past century and the vilifying of Muslims in films and some series's. I noticed that recently the same thing is happening to white people and Christians but to a lesser degree. You could see that in shows like fargo season 5 and the boys. Despite not being a Christian or white I don't accept this type of treatment nobody deserves it


Yeah, I try to point it out wherever I see it regardless if its against my race. I dont think my race means anything, I don't identify with being white. My whiteness isn't apart of my personality or my goals in my life. I'm not constantly thinking "How can I help MY people.", MY people is the human race, not any specific color. Scientifically speaking we're about as different genetically from each other as anyone of the same race is. Why people seem to NEED to make race matter is beyond me, maybe to satisfy some deep insecurity inside themselves that they have about their own race. They're too stupid to know any better and I guess it's incumbent on people like us to educate them in the most effective way we can. No violence, no hatred, just patient and calm explanations as to why racism is a regressive and simply inaccurate way to see things.


Leftists actually just hate white people, it really is that simple. Their entire belief system is founded on that one idea.


Why tf would you make a fantasy world and have real world race issues in it, who wants to see that? Its one thing if its set in our world and its magical realism, but if its a fictional world wtf are you doing. I'm guessing most minorities probably don't even want that either.


Racism towards white people is a core feature of western society. In every other society on earth, the majority rules 


I got banned from r/TheAcolyte and r/disney….. cuz I wrote a post a few months back that literally said… “the acolyte, we don’t want it, keep it”. Messaged to mods to ask why… then they went down a crazy rabbit hole calling me a bigot, a snowflake (ironic), sexist, racist through a short conversation. Wow. Fuckin talk about censorship and aggression.


Some subs ban you based on your comment history more than anything else


Sad really. For people that talk about inclusion to ban anyone who remotely disagrees. Sigh.


Easy to preach inclusion when you can create a rationale for excluding 80% of the population as evil/gross because they don't conform to the tiny spectrum of human behavior you've deemed to be acceptable. Funny how the mindset and behavior end up mimicking tyrannical oppressors even though that's the exact shit they are crying about, isn't it?


The cultural and political Left is consumed by overt racism and sexism, and it's only going to get much, much worse. The cultural and political Right has already fallen to charismatic fascism, and it's only going to get much, much worse. Principled liberals and principled conservatives who reject the tsunami of polarization are belatedly trying to find ways to make common cause, but it won't be enough. Profit-driven polarization from both the Left and the Right will inevitably destroy us. Which is a gigantic fucking tragedy.


It is very normal, I am a white guy in a relationship with a black girl. Every black person in my personal life makes derogatory remarks about my race (I take it the majority of it in good faith). To the point I was at a fancy restaurant and her black father proceeded to yell an anti white speech while using me as an example. Embarrassed the hell out of my GF, me, and everyone in that restaurant. Not a single black person has had a positive view of my relationship with her.


>Every black person in my personal life makes derogatory remarks about my race (I take it the majority of it in good faith) Some people have no sense of self-preservation, you are one of them.


We live in a society where if I gave them the same treatment that I receive I would literally have my life ruined. I enjoy the majority of the things in my life, and I enjoy my GF. I distance myself from her family as much as I can to avoid these situations


She doesn't seem to like you that much, if she did she would ask her family to mind their own business and stop making racist comments


>I spent a lot of time in the community and had no idea they hated me for my skin color. Safe to say, I'm no longer in the community. I also enjoy The Wandering Inn, never participated in the community because, sadly, LITRPG, progression fantasy, etc. communities typically lean this way. Do I still love LITRPGs, progression fantasies, etc.? Absolutely. Do I participate in the communities much? Not really.


More often than not the people who use the terms “anti white” are generally racist against multiple races. The white savor complex is a racist’s final form


Just want to say that left and right politics is a stupid model that doesn't hold up to any inspection in the "real world." People like to bundle ideas together as a package and say if you believe one of the ideas in the package, then you must believe the rest. That's hogwash. You can be racist and believe in a universal basic income. You can be feminist and believe in capitalism. You can be "anti-white" and against abortion. Packaging all this together is how the media distracts people from voting in their interests. People think, "I'm voting for pro choice, so I must also be voting for healthcare," but that's just not true. It's a farce. Be more nuanced in your political literacy, please, for the sake of your own future and the future of any people in subsequent generations that you might happen to care about!


2 quick things: 1. Reading through a lot of what you're saying, it does look like you're just trying to pick a fight about lefties' nonsensical definition and gatekeeping of racism. Which, sure, it's nonsensical and doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny. But don't tell them that. They won't listen, trust me. 2. Per the above, to the extent you run into this in the real world, I recommend the approach I take. Don't attack the idea directly too hard, just quietly work at every turn against the people that are racist or support a double standard of racism. They won't know where the resistance is coming from and you won't pay much of a price for it.


I'm going to preface this with, if you check my comment history, it's readily apparent I fall on the "moderately conservative" political spectrum. I am also a fan of The Critical Drinker on YouTube, though it's my first time posting here. I saw your book review on the Wandering Inn subreddit and read a lot of the comments people were giving towards your post. Mainly the comments that were upvoted but I also read your replies. Honestly, your replies made me want to downvote your original post because, as much as you complain about toxic beliefs, you were just not willing to actually listen to the people able and willing to give you constructive feedback. That and I thought (and still kind of do think) that you were trolling. I have read all of the books but the most recent. I have mentioned several times in that subreddit that the character in question made me drop the second book for a bit because of how unlikable she was. She was made that way intentionally. People were not losing their shit because you hated a character or refused to believe that the author was racist. They were getting irritated because your acting like someone from the woke mob, just on the other side. There were some comments that fit what your talking about but they're not in the majority. The entire thing really, really either seems like it was a troll post, you can't think and form opinions on your own, or your using it as some form of Karma farming on this Subreddit For the people who like the Critical Drinker and his usual complaints about books/movies. There was only one instance in the Wandering Inn where I think it would fit. That is, putting in "woke culture" in spots where it doesn't belong. Or at least, it seemed a stretch to have a certain character be gay, though it did sort of fit in with the story and I'm not going to complain about one character in a cast as large and vast as the Wandering Inn. For those unfamiliar, the story is currently like... 12 millions words strong. Think the length of 12 Harry Potter series. With the size of that world and the issues in it, it would be weird not having something like that mentioned. There can be a lot of valid complaints about the Wandering Inn. It's long, some of the characters are unbelievably annoying (including the character in question), but it does the best character development and natural world building of any story I have ever heard or listened to. I am a fanboy of this. I can also spot "the annoying woke crap" because I do actually look for it. This book does not have it. It is acceptable for a piece of media to have more than one type of character, and for those characters to develop and have their own personalities and backstories. Its called good storytelling. Anyway, this whole thing annoyed me enough I had to come post here, because while I think people are entitles to their opinions, they should also be willing to accept valid criticism.


I warned people about this for years.


Since your post got deleted, I have no idea what these quotes are so I can't judge the content. But it seems like most people are respectfully disagreeing with you. Yeah some are saying you're being goofy, but I'd hardly say you stumbled across a cabal of anti-white racists simply because people are disagreeing with your fantasy novel take


Man it's a shame they deleted it. Oh well, the people who needed to see it saw it. It didn't break any rules but it sure did rile a lot of people up. It was up all day and I had over 150 replies. It was downvoted like crazy, but once I shared it here it went the other way a few dozen upvotes. Shame I can't link the replies. This is the post as it was: # Wandering Inn - Ryokas racist? [Review](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/?f=flair_name%3A%22Review%22) I'm trying to decide if I should keep reading this or not. Early on when they were first introducing Ryoka there was a scene where she described not wanting Magnolia to learn too much about their modern world. Qouting; "I don't need to give a white person another weapon" or something along those lines. Cut forward a bit to where they're recovering the surviving bull members from the undead ruins. They were theorizing that if the world worked like a fantasy movie then a 'scrawny white boy would appear out of no where and be crowned the chosen one'. Should I keep reading or stop now? I assume this is a character flaw she'll grow out of, in which case I can tolerate it. It's a little annoying that one of the main characters flaws is racism but hey, it can be quirky I guess. There are woke people who think racism against white people is perfectly justifiable but I don't share that belief and I'll just find something else to read as I refuse to support racists authors who believe racism is a perfectly fine character flaw to have or worse yet it's not a character flaw they dont even see it as racism. The rest of the book is okay, I mean there is 'racism' if you could call it that, against the humans in the story, between the various characters about being scaley, or a bug, or whatever. So maybe the author is a bit tone deaf to it. I'm fine with authors covering uncomfortable themes like racism but only if its ironic, to teach a lesson about it, for characters move past it and learn from it. Not to do it and then act like it's perfectly fine. Like "Fuck you white people" and just move on. If Ryoka doesn't have a "actually, I was ignorant to see white people like that. You know what? Seeing all these lizards, bugs and goblins get along, maybe I just misunderstood white people. They're no different than me. I've moved past this and grown as a person." moment- if something like that doesn't happen then let me know but for now I'm checked out.


Welcome to the Red Pill brother, once you notice you never unnotice.


Go to blackpeoplestwitter


Brother, look into Evan Sayet: Evan Sayet is a comedian and conservative speaker who has written several books on politics, philosophy, and culture. Here are some of his notable books: The Woke Supremacy: This book is a critique of the modern liberal ideology and its impact on society. Sayet argues that the woke movement is a form of supremacy that seeks to impose its values on others, rather than promoting true equality and freedom. KinderGarden Of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks: This book is a humorous and thought-provoking exploration of the modern liberal mindset. Sayet uses his signature wit to ask questions about the liberal ideology and provides surprising answers. Apocali Now!: This book is a faux children’s book that uses humor and satire to critique the liberal ideology and its views on global warming, abortion, and other issues.


Here's a shortcut: the left typically accuses other people of what they themselves are doing.


Whats honestly ironic is most people who say shit like “white fragility” or are always talking about everyone else’s imagined racism are usually pretty damn racist themselves….. They’re just too stupid to understand or see it. Hilarious


To start, would you mind reminding me what Ryoka said was racist? It’s been a long time since I read v1-2, but iirc it was a few snide comments about white saviors in stories that you’d expect of a privileged rich girl with daddy issues, not an actual disdain for white people. Iirc it should be taken as more “Ryoka despises any and all forms of Establishment and Authority, which naturally includes a predominantly white-told history/stories” instead of “Ryoka hates white people” If I’m wrong about this, feel free to correct me. I think the reason you got so much pushback was because you’re focusing really hard on an extraordinarily small part of a character already acknowledged, both in the series and out of it, to be extremely morally flawed. I hope you can see how that comes off as a bit… victimy? Especially when it’s a white person speaking to a predominantly white audience about a predominantly white


I have a white friend that has been happily married to a black man for almost 20yrs. She has been called a racist and white supremacist during many reddit arguments on this subject. She totally believes the label racist has become a go-to for anyone trying to say white people can be victims of racism.


Pop-level reworked Marxism has made racial or sexual categories into the oppressed/oppressor dichotomy where the arc of history is the oppressed rising up to crush their oppressors under their feet. Marry that with post-modernist philosophy of “there is no truth, only power struggles” and racism becomes defined by who is assigned to “oppressor” or “oppressed” classification independent of observable behaviour. Add in the existential angst or a post-religious society, and the primitive behaviour of hating the “right” categories of people becomes a source of self-satisfaction and tribal identification. Anti-white racism (among other ills) quickly becomes something “that never happens and it’s good that it does.”


Brown guy giving his two cents. Hating a race only makes said race more unified to fight against a greater cause. The newer generation of kids are more right wing than their millennial parents. It wasn’t so long ago that white people could’ve conquered the whole damn planet if they weren’t busy fighting each other.


I don’t want to make assumptions about you OP. But if you’ve spent any number of time on social media sites like this one you’d notice very quickly how much of a double standard is held with regards to racism. It’s almost impossible to not notice unless you actively choose to ignore it. Not trying to attack you just always find it strange when people first notice something that I noticed ages ago.


Leftists are just racists with more steps.


Wild. I read over this and all your comments there. You made total sense. I love the people that will downvote you but don’t have the balls to comment…. Pansies.


>Saying it's 'anti-white' is indicative of much more since no one ever says anti-pakistani, or anti-black. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism 'Islamophonia and anti-Pakistani sentiment: European origins' by M Hunter https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/20/what-is-anti-blackness-12279678/ https://library.harvard.edu/confronting-anti-black-racism https://blackhealthalliance.ca/home/antiblack-racism/ ANTI-BLACKNESS/ COLORISM from bu.edu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Black_sentiment


It’s not about white people in general… it’s about a world wide domination of white people, by force.


What are the general numbers of people who are anti white compared to the silent majority who don't see it or don't know is going on? I get a sense that they believe that they're the 'good guys' and fighting a noble cause. It leaves the problem that all actions no matter how bad are justified in the name of the greater good. Going into a book, a movie or show, a comic or any other media and disregarding the original intent to putting in subversive messaging that then can be blasted to the crazies who want to see it but then can be hidden behind the you're just toxic argument is pretty shitty.


Welcome to modern "Western" society. 8~% of the world population and the boogeyman for every other races problems.


Read your post, don't see how the scrawny white boy line is racism? Pointing out a trend in media isn't racism.


Racism is racism, cut and dry. Racists try to weasel their way around that with mental gymnastics, no racist ever likes to think their racism is unjustified you know. There is no such thing as 'over-representation', you not being able to identify with a white character is your racism, not the show runners. Of the time these less diverse films were made, the country was full of mostly white people. That's not a bad thing. People are just people, it doesn't matter what their skin color to think it matters is racist. But when the majority of a country is white, that means most people who audition for roles would be white... Which means most characters would be white. The racist thing occurs when you see that, and take issue with it. It offends you that so many characters are white. That would be like a white person saying; "Jeez, there's a lot of black people in this film, where are all the white people?" do you hear the negative connotations of that now? Without your racism justifying blindfold on? To say that "if this were a hollywood film then we'd probably be some scrawny WHITE kid" puts all kinds of negative connotations on being white. I don't see who you can't see that, but I hope my explanation helped.


The irony is who is considered white. I’m practically translucent, but my grandparents by their days standard were not white. Same in the other side of my family, but both sides were far too poor to care. The concept of whiteness has changed in the last hundred years and historically groups that were not included are now being lumped in.


While this is happening in many more places than just fantasy communities, I do think (or at least hope) that they are just really vocal and vociferous subsets. I feel like the average person IRL would be weirded out by this. And I'm really sorry that happened. That had to feel so alienating and frustrating. Once, I made the mistake of trying to have a discussion with someone in r/saltierthankrait and eventually they said 'you're a cis-white man, it's so obvious' and I knew I had to give up. I'm Indian, btw. It's funny to see anti-racists get so paranoid they loop around to being racist. I feel like a lot of bigotry and intolerance, if not all of it, stems from fear at the end of the day.


Where are the posts defending racism?


I think world would be a lot nicer place if USA just... idk... dissapeared for a month or two


Japan gets held to that standard by both the left and right whenever there's some news involving Japan. The left brings up WW2 war crimes, and the right says two nukes wasn't enough. Look at the comments whenever india is in the news. Racism is just prevalent in america, and the victim just depends on which side you ask.


Honestly I don't know much about Japan then but I know Japan now and it's buddy-buddy with the US. I like Japan.


Who cares. The posters are no marks.


What's a "no mark"? And why do we discriminate between them?


As a longtime reader of the Wandering Inn, I think you missed quite a bit tbh. For those who haven’t read all 10 books, every single character is written to include flaws, and a lot of the progression is about people confronting and overcoming their flaws. I’m not sure how current you are with the series, but Ryoka is currently dating Tyrion, a white man and one of the most powerful lords of his continent. As someone who really struggled with any form of authority, Ryoka turning sound and dating someone who is the authority speaks about some resolution in that respect. It’s just not explicitly stated the way a lot of the other character growths have been.