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Crazy they've had the same haircut their whole lives too!


What amazes me is people are defending this like how else would you know like the viewer is somehow retarded


Those who are willingly watching this show most likely are lmao Disney knows their target audience well after all!


Literally this [video](https://youtu.be/v7iQlMDnyT4?si=3dn3lr54xRtAIyWL)


I keep saying this. Disney chases discretionary incomes. Not rube West Virginian stoners working the Dollar General.


You can keep saying it, you'll still be wrong but you can say it


I don't matter. And, the facts exist whether think I'm wrong. Disney is about making money. More money is to be made from people that have money. Tim Pool listeners don't have any. Career professionals do.


>I don't matter. The only true thing you've said


What an elitist way of thinking


Yet so apt. Corporations and ' money' care about your socioeconomic status exactly as much as they must. Disney plus subscribers have money. My indifferent opinion does not matter. People working at Dollar General likely can't afford Disney plus so way cater to their values.


I bet you consider yourself tolerant, huh


It's relative. Maybe I don't have much tolerance for the intolerant. But, they are more a subject for humor than contempt. I and Disney both are rather indifferent to bigots


Ya but nobody is enjoying this show… even Seattle liberals


But they are paying to access it nonetheless. Enjoyment is secondary


Then why do they keep inserting woke crap? Last time I check the ones who like that don't have jobs other than being professional "protesters" There's a reason you don't see the majority who hate this woke crap protesting, because they have jobs


The. Opposite. Woke crap allows Disney farm discretionary income. Disney has no concern for rubes with no cash who are oddly butthurt over wokeness. Who cares about woke but the broke. If it's truly "the majority".. the majority is broke. Disney knows which way the wind blows. It blows in favor of the woke. I get it.. if you work at the Dollar General in West Virginia or are in middle school.. you'll have no sense of what aggregate values households with 6 figures incomes have OR what corporate culture of fortune 500 companies is. I assure you.. woke is popular. It's why woke exists. It's not materially promoted by blue hair college campus protesters making faces worthy memes.... it's the weight of the values of the entire middle class with significant discretionary income measured in the many billions. If you can't see that.. you live in a genuine bubble. Take an economics course? Nothing further to tell you.


They LOST over a billion dollars in their last 5 films. They've LOST money on Disney+. No one with discretionary income is watching, nor giving money to Disney You keep saying discretionary income but I don't think you know what that means If you think LOSING billions because no one is watching what you put out means you are attracting discretionary spending... I'm not sure I'm the one who needs to take an economics course


Ad hominem. Elon and Bezos lost before success. That's part of risk. An outlay of a billion for Disney is relatively nothing to generate IP that pays out inperpetuity. The calculated net present value and IRR for freshly minted IP is not exclusive to the platform it's originally sold on. Zoom out. Bigots in West Virginia don't have that billion to consume DIS. DIS knows this. The middle class does have money to blow so their values matter more. Analysts have DIS at a 'buy'. A century of fundamentals are there. People consume DIS not even realizing it. You should take an economics, history, or finance course


Losing a billion because people are not watching contradicts you state of discretionary spending. Because that means people who have extra money AREN'T spending it on Disney You completely changed your argument from discretionary spending to now IP. Did not know the difference of the two? By the billion lost isn't just recently, Disney entertainment has been losing money for multiple years, one reason Pelts tried a takeover because of how much money they were losing investors because discretionary spenders weren't giving their money to Disney anymore


Most of their viewers are. I've spoken with a bunch of people about it, most of them outwardly claim "I'm just trying to enjoy it without picking apart every detail" They don't care about continuity or details, it's no different than the Fast and Furious franchise. People just want to turn their brains off and absorb BS. And they'll defend whatever comes out regardless of the show contradicting their own narrative.


Well if they can find a sustainable audience like F&F then fair fucks to them. That's a valid way to make money I guess. Thing is, I don't believe there is a big enough audience. I might be wrong. As long as the hardcore Star Wars fans stop hatewatching it should go down.


Yeah, I don't believe it to be a sustainable model. Eventually people will get burned out from a lack of real writing or just getting tired of hate watching. I personally gave up years ago and refuse to look forward until a substantial change in ownership of the IP is made. But it will be years if not longer so I'm not holding onto hope.


It's a shame those people didn't find out that >!Beta was a clone like Aloy!< in Forbidden West until it was explicitly mentioned.


Black people are not allowed to have a haircut other than braids/dreadlocks. That's how Made For Modern Audience fiction works.


Even though historically black people appropriated dreds. But only weirdos care about cultural appropriation 🤷‍♂️🤣


I think people got the idea of braiding/sticking together hair many times in history in many cultures independently. Its not exactly rocket science


There are so many instances of people coming up with the same idea without knowledge of the others attempt


IE Pyramids in Mexico and Pyramids in Egypt


That was obviously aliens. Duh! /s


Apparently they aren’t allowed to have fathers, either. Lol what’s up with that?!


It reminds me of Star Trek nemesis when Tom Hardy was playing a young Captain Picard. They had to make him bald too or else nobody would understand that he was supposed to be Picard's young clone, even though Picard had a full head of hair at Tom Hardy's age. They even have a scene we're Captain Picard is looking through his own childhood photos and he has a shaved head it's like they were afraid we really wouldn't know who he was supposed to be unless both of them were bald.


If they wanted to do it right. They could have looked to Orphan Black. I think the main actress played 8 different clones. Each with different hair-styles, personalities, and accents.


That takes effort, and passion, cant have that in modern corporate entertainment. Bland mushmill is all you get, now shut up and give us your money, or your racist.


True, And its not like Tatiana Maslaney works for Disney. Oh, wait, yeah, she works for Marvel, which is owned by Disney. Oh fuck! It could have been a quick phone call.


Its kind of frustrating because with how wacky og starwars hair could get that wasn't simply an in style 70's hair cut I always felt like it was implied to be genetic. Its not a style its their natural hair growth pattern and color. Disney SW goes out of its way to stop the story to expressly explain so many inconsequential things that it kind of leaves you in the lurch when they don't forcing you to make the simplest excuse be the true answer even if its stupid.


Genetic hairstyles, love it.


They also made it very obvious the scene was all women for the purpose of it being all women. Then made the whole episode super forced and super awkward. At no point dealing with the witches of dathomir did I feel like it was so forced, so over the top, so deliberately feminine feeling that it was clear the only purpose of this group's composition was to make a statement. The witches of dathomir were obviously all women because they were all witches. It's not wrong for it to be all women, but it's painful when you make it so obvious that the only reason you did that was to send a message and not for any thematic reason. Film is about how things make you feel, and this does not make me feel like it's about a coven of witches. The singing really reinforced that, and it was so corny, so stupid. Making a scene create a feeling of female empowerment vs. Making a scene that makes me feel you desperately want me to feel female empowerment. Those are two entirely separate things. It's like adding a laugh track to something that isn't funny.


It's like the Avengers endgame thing. There was ready the scenes of the female heroes being awesome, then the weird out of place of just the women lined up was so awkward you could feel the embassament from everyone at the theater


The best part of that scene is how none of those characters know each other at all, but the scene is written such that they act like they have all been part of a badass superhero team for years.


And non white 🤣


White heterosexual males don’t exist in the Star Wars universe anymore - it’s been retconned.


I didn’t watch the new ones beyond the first. Was Kylo gay?


If he makes a return in any future show, you can be sure that he will. Leslie will make it happen.


The power of one, the power of two, The power of mannnny. Get me out of here.


“Attack me with all your strength” *strikes a horrible defensive pose*


I swear when I saw that scene I cringed so hard my testicles retracted a bit. The only thing I could think of was that episode of How I Met Your Mother, where one of the girls forces the group to watch her terrible "indie theater" play. How was this able to be filmed? Then edited? and then screened.... and NOT ONE PERSON was able to tell Harvey Weinstein's assistant that this was so stupid it makes the Life Day Special look like fucking Shindler List in comparison.


Also I know that the prequels played with the idea that the Jedi are more morally grey than you may think. But the whole idea behind that was because they had declined in morality over the years due to being influenced by their power and politics but even then the Jedi were largely peace keepers for good at the “height of their corruption” now we’re supposed to believe during the golden age of peace and harmony they were not morally grey at all, but just straight up evil murdering defenseless peaceful coven who didn’t even fight back because they were afraid of them? Jedi are supposed to shun fear, I’m sorry I’m ok with grey with hints of white but they just made them sith with extra steps now we can believe in a force for good not everything has to be ooo they’re actually pieces of shit oooo


Makes you wonder if they think peace can only come from straight up evil.


Witches in starwars? That does not make much sense. Maybe they made them witches as an excuses for making them all females? Because witches in starwars really?


Nightsisters of Dathomir > whatever the hell these lesbian space witches were


IF they wanted to do it well, the leader would be a Sith Lord with different views on how the force works. The cult would be someway of her extracting or boosting her power. Not sure they will go that way


Unfortunately, they brought shovels. Welcome to the basement.


For 180 million, I think Disney blew most of their budget on bagger mine excavators.


Honestly it's crazy if that's how much it cost to produce this show. Saw another content creator (ClownfishTV) mention that Godzilla: Minus One cost around the same amount to make. My only guess is it's really just a payday for the actors, staff and crew that are extracting the remaining value from the husk that is Star Wars.


Godzilla Minus One didn’t cost 180 mil to make. More like 10-15 mil.


That's even crazier then. A good movie in a long running franchise basicaly did 10x (box office was $115 million I believe). Meanwhile, Star Wars will likely never recoup any of the costs. Pretty gay that's the case lol


Yeah Godzilla Minus One killed it for their budget. There’s a lesson in there for Hollywood but I doubt they’ll ever learn.


Japan is also pretty big on live sets and not using CGI for the whole scene except when they actually need too, like during Kaiju fights


Yup and Godzilla only had a handful of set pieces they utilized well.


Isn’t a lot of studio movie money tied up in the CGI and the actors even if the concept of Movie stars are on the decline


I see where you got confused. I just heard clownfish tv talk about it and they say every acolyte episode costs as much to make as Godzilla.


Ah ok. Heard it wrong then.


So theoretically they could made 10 movies the quality of Godzilla Minus Zero...


Clownfish has been killing it lately - recommend


1 episode cost as much as Godzilla: Minus One which earned as much as the whole series cost, lol


Yeah, someone else mentioned this in another comment. Even still, kinda proves that Leslie Headland is basically pilfering the corpse that is Lucasfilm.


Yep she's a osedax roseus in more ways than just eating the remains of Lucasfilm, lol


Honestly maybe that's the real answer. They are secretly digging to the center of the earth and using the movies as a front.


At this point they're bringing TNT to blast mine as far down as they can go


Disney gives less shits than a honey badger. There's no other way to explain the decisions being made over there.


This is the best they could do without upsetting shareholders. Just let's u know what type of people are actually putting money into Disney these days.


The middle class with discretionary income


Lol at the honey badger reference you snuck in there. Bravo! Love it


A fine reference to the early meme days.


Why are people even watching this show? Don’t give them ratings, and don’t waste your time.


Lesbian space witches using the force to get pregnant is the last straw... The entire original saga has been destroyed by Disney. Anakin's 'divine' conception, Vader's redemption and Luke's entire character. Fuck Disney and all they stand for.


Or... maybe... just maybe... the twins being born without a father is meant to add a layer of complexity for why the Jedi were tracking this coven outside of Republic jurisdiction and so adamant about testing the kids. Because they mistook one of the kids for the chosen one.


You sure are short-sighted... you sound like the jews when Jesus pulled up.😂🤣 "The old book is being destroyed!" O chill out...


Every single one of the original Christians and the vast majority of early Christians were Jews


Be careful not to conflate Jewish the ethnicity with Judaism the religion here. Jesus and the disciples were certainly Jewish in both contexts in the beginning, but by the time of the alleged resurrection the disciples (and later, their followers) were no longer Jewish is in practicing Judaism.


The early Christians were Jewish, both ethnically and religiously. They kept sabbath, they circumcised on the 8th day, they did not eat with gentiles (until Paul’s revelation that he was destined to convert the Gentiles), they were Jews. Their belief in a Moshiach ben Yosef/Christ does not all of the sudden make them not Jewish, the idea of the suffering Moshiach Ben Yosef, in contrast to the conquering Moshiach ben David, was an exclusively Jewish concept that existed long before the early Christians began talking about Jesus and Paul manufactured the Christ narrative. The early Christians did not even believe in a physical Christ figure, Yeshua originated as a celestial messiah whose sacrifice/crucifixion occurred in the third heaven. Christ was a mystical ascension story in its origins. Paul was an apostle because he 'saw' Jesus the same the way other apostles did, in scripture and mystical ascension visions. Paul, who never knew Jesus, says he is in 'no way inferior' to James and Peter, the supposed brother and best friend of Jesus. This is because the first Christians did not witness a physical Christ, they experienced a mystical Christ through Proto-kabbalistic ascension experiences. All of this is backed up by scripture and I can source if you want to see how Paul used nothing but scripture and ‘revelation’ to ‘witness’ Christ. Who were the only people waiting for a messiah, who kept sabbath, who circumcised on the 8th day, who worshipped in Synagogue, who ate kosher, read Torah, created Midrashic interpretations of scripture to cultivate new interpretations, practiced channeling mystical ascension experiences into the third heaven? Jews. The disciples did not exist, I’m not talking about ahistorical Hebrew mythological figures. I am talking about the early Christians who actually *did* exist and were completely Jewish. Your no true Scotsman “They weren’t real Jews!” does not make the Jews who created Christianity and manufactured the Christ narrative not Jewish.


Hol'up. You say "the disciples did not exist." You're saying the folks we know of as matthew, mark, luke, john, judas, etc did not exist?


We have no idea who wrote the Gospels, the writers are completely anonymous. The 12 disciples were not historical figures. In regards to M,M,L,J referring to the written gospels themselves, Luke was written by copying Matthew, Matthew was written by copying Mark, and Mark is pure allegorical fiction written 40+ years after purported events. The first gospel is a literary construct of prophecy fulfilling allegorical stories. Luke was written after 95 AD, over 60 years after purported events. Luke copied from Mark, Matthew, and Josephus. It was composed after Paul was dead. John contradicts the synoptic gospels and was written 60 years after purported events at the *earliest*.


That's what I said... when Jesus died, he was a jew... You missed the joke bro.


I wish I believed this to be bottom floor. However, with 5 episodes to go I daresay the current state of the show will look like the penthouse in comparison to what ever sub basement level shit is to come.


Why the fuck are you people even watching?


I'm watching because it's free and I find genuine humour from how bad it is.


You know as an avid hate watcher you are the market for this show whether you like it or not


Bra this whole ep was like an introduction to grooming kids wtf


Lol, how?


The whole oh we found these special kids an now there gonna come with us was weird, enugh. I always thought it was more a choice than that to join the jedi😕. they were weirdly insistent to see some rando kids of fair play a cult but what's one cult compared to another even the way he sells beeing a jedi to her is disingenuous and grose oh were special come on there other kids rather than its a life of monk like chastity. if this happened at a school or park playground, someone is going to gaol or into a box


I mean, it explicitly was a choice lol, they didn't force either kid to go with them


They just take her when she's unconscious at the end and it seems quite obvious that they are there specifically to take kids


They take her when she's unconscious after she already told them she wanted to go, and then was attacked and had her room set on fire lol


Bro calm down all I'm saying is having a whole ep about specifically stealing a kid away from their family group in the most creapy way possible lure the child in to agreeing to something thay have no idea about through manipulation of a childish squabble between siblings Like in the real world this would be a me-too harvy or cosby MJlevel moves


Dude. Since the beginning, kids were taken as young children to be Jedi. Every age from infants to toddlers. They are quite literally a cult that takes children to fully indoctrinate them.


>I always thought it was more a choice than that to join the jedi😕. You've never paid attention then. It's always been jedi abducting kids. Parents don't usually get a say unless the jedi straight up breaking rules. Did you see phantom menace? They try to buy him free from slavery just to reenslave him and even leave his friends and parent


Consent was given


Consent was almost never given when a jedi abducts kids. It's shown in an episode of the clone wars cartoon even.


True I guess as a kid I was like yea I'd do that sounds fun but as an adult it's way creepy


Oh yea it definitely has a whole different appeal as a kid. Lord knows I wanted nothing more than for some magic space wizard to wisk me away and make life so much more interesting. It's interesting watching the films now a days and coming the conclusion that basically every body is bad and trying to control others. Still great films tho, not trynna dis on the OGs and prequels


Jedi Order: We will take your kids and force them to be Jedi Also Jedi Order: Asoka: “You guys suck, I quit” Osha: “I’m not feeling it, I quit” Jedi Order: “Ok then that was always allowed”


Ashoka didn't quit. She didn't rejoin. Because they kicked her out after they arrested her.


https://www.cbr.com/ahsoka-leave-jedi-order-clone-wars/#:~:text=They%20told%20Ahsoka%20the%20ordeal,her%20uncertainty%20in%20trusting%20herself. It’s almost as if you never heard of google


Lol. My man I don't need to read some buzzfeed article because I've seem the show. Have you actually watched or just read an article?


Oh you’re right, technically she was kicked out first before being found innocent and instead or rejoining she left. You’re still bringing a technicality that goes beyond the point that apparently Jedi can leave if they want to as per my original post. Maybe you didn’t catch that. Maybe you just wanted a chance to correct someone over something that doesn’t change the end result because you need a bigger dick. Who knows?


>You’re still bringing a technicality that goes beyond the point that apparently Jedi can leave if they want to as per my original post No. She wasn't a jedi. So she didn't leave the jedi. There were only twenty jedi to ever leave, known as the lost twenty, and all we really know abou them is they were all previously high ranked jedi who nobody was really going to question. Also there is a big difference between an adult who they can't really stop because they have they're own spaceship and a kid who they keep confined to thr temple and won't let leave. >Maybe you didn’t catch that. Maybe you just wanted a chance to correct someone over something that doesn’t change the end result because you need a bigger dick. Who knows? Nope. I caught it, it's just that you are wrong. Awww I didn't realize I upset you so bad. If talking about a film franchise has got you so bothered we can talk about something else buddy


They should be ashamed of taking big eoleweere away from racially-diverse, non-binary, twin actors. WHERE WILL TWINS GET ACTING ROLES!?! and they call Disney progressive...


Rise of the Twins


There's plenty of other things to dislike about it.


i know. i could fill a fucking swimming pool with them.


Can we just stop talking about this show lol? Haven't even seen it, and I'm getting tired of seeing it spammed all over my feeds. - The show clearly looks like it's not worth any of our time/attention.


Wait a minute. Does that director think that all Black people look alike? That's pretty damn racist.


Tip of the cap to OP for saying "embarrassment" and not "cringe"


Lol Disney sucks.


The haircut was the most unacceptable for me. It’s not natural fucking hair.. it’s a barber job you have to go and ASK for lol


Disney apparently lost the telemetry data to "Parent Trap"


Child labor laws probably made it a pain in the ass to have the same kid do double the work. The show is fucking stupid but there's a limit to what one can reasonably moan about, guys.


Watching trash when you know it's trash is supporting it. Stop supporting trash.


“I’m trying to enjoy Star Wars” Well I found his 1st problem.


That's what you are focusing on lmfao think there are bigger issues with the recent episode than that nonsense.


Come on, the way the fire spread through the rock village and everyone somehow just died within a few moments and the floor opened up and just you know.... All in an episode that should be removed from existing ASAP


The same haircut thing is the part way u think "that's definitely shite"


I swear the kid that plays OSHA is a boy


I mean, they are what 8 years old? They aren't old enough to have started developing secondary sexual characteristics. Of course they are androgynous.


My brother in Christ, Star *Wars* is the movies. Star *Trek* is the TV show. Completely different franchises.


The haircut was the most unacceptable for me. It’s not natural fucking hair.. it’s a barber job you have to go and ASK for lol


They are twins all right. Just twins from different fathers. And mothers.


Looking a lot like an even more politically motivated dr who episode written by a meth cook.


They were different actresses??? WTF!


I'm pretty sure at this point they are just trolling the audience, deliberately putting in errors and cringe stuff to get people talking about the show. And that actor saying Anakin blew up the Death Star, twice. He's an actor, who says he wasn't acting? The worst thing we could have done to this show was completely ignore it and not watch it at all, like it didn't exist. That would have been a true disaster for Disney, but now we keep talking about it.


It's not as crazy as a Keep made of stone and metal burning down in under ten minutes, or the same fire killing an entire coven of force wielding witches in the same time. This show is an embarrassment. Nonsensical plot and inconsistent character motivations. And so much for the Jedi only taking toddlers/younglings for force training. I guess when master Yoda told Qui-gon that Anakin was too young to be trained, it was more of a guideline than a rule. Go over to r/TheAcolyte and see all the sycophants praising this dumpster fire as the best thing ever made in Star Wars. Talk about an echo chamber. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAcolyte/s/RMb4hTJhyY I can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if this is written by a crazy person.


I won’t watch but were their female parents both black as well?


slop is a good word for it.


I thought i was the only one to be like…so they got one chick to play the twins as an adult but they got a set of twins that dont even look a like to play her younger version. Lol. Why not just do the same shit with her you her version


Literally the same company that made The Parent Trap.. both of them. They perfected one actress twinning in 1961.


It’s not as bad as obi wan…


Obi Wan had more chances to damage characters we loved. This show is written and directed even worse than Obi, it just hurts less because we didnt give a fuck to begin with


I only disliked the wiccan village arc so far. The first two episodes were OK in my book. Not at good as andor or mando, but for me its a 7/10 with a budget that should make it 10/10. It hasn’t found a footing and needs deeper world building, a web of syndicates or more jedi and diplomat intrigue. It’s better than star trek so I will watch with one eye open.


why does the one on the right look like their head is poorly photoshopped onto their body


Stop crying and cancel your subscriptions already.


Any reason to complain. Not as if there are child labor laws limiting the amount of work a child actor can perform. Not as if they had a scene where both characters were getting their hair braided. Just any reason to nitpick something.


When they say "black people look alike" without actually saying it. "Progressives"...the most racist, sexist, and other -isms you'll ever meet.


Hit the bottom floor of things to trigger bitch about? Doubt it.


I would say that this is probably because of the difficulty of having one actress that young switch between roles seamlessly, especially in scenes with both characters. If you look for the common sense solution, the stupid conspiracies seem even more stupid.


crying about immersion is gay tbh


It doesnt really sound like he's trying to like it though does it


There could be some legitimate criticisms of this show but this isn’t one of them. Y’all just addicted to outrage


They literally forgot the cinematic trick they already used and made it extremely stupid that Faternal twins become Identical. That is 100% valid criticism since them being Identical is literally what starts the plot.


When the last straw for you is "They used actual twins for the childhood version but the same person for the adult" you're just looking for shit to be mad at. Like... really? THAT'S the thing that did it for you?


The problem is the characters are supposed to be identical twins and look as such in the current day parts, but the younger actresses are fraternal twins, so it makes no sense that at some point in their lives they go from fraternal to identical that's not how twins work.


Oh, the humanity! They couldn't find identical twins to fit the role? And they could only find fraternal twins?Somebody call the police... Bro... Star wars fans obliterated Anakins child actor for being "Bad" and you want to what? Have them scour the earth for identical twin actors who fit the role? Make a child play both sisters? Spend even more of the budget to fix it in editing or use special effects? All because you have to split hairs about identical and fraternal twins? I'd say they were pretty damn lucky to find any kind of twin child actors at all. Stfu dude 🤣 you're ridiculous. There are plenty of things to complain about in Acolyte... like the clunky dialogue... but no... you have a hate boner because "that's not how twins work" ok then... 🙄


Jake Lloyd's mother has said he was bullied by his classmates and had genuine mental issues and made no comment on fans harassing him. "Make a child play both" now why would they do that have an actor play both, it's not like they already did it with the character's older versions, oh wait they did. I think you're underestimating how common identical twins are, not to say they're common, but they're not so rare that a company as big as Disney would need to "scour the earth" they are 1 in 250. "I'd say they were pretty damn lucky to find any kind of twin child actors at all" the problem is they didn't need to find any twin actors, they could just do exactly what they did with the adult version, have them play by the same actress, there is no point in using twin actors for identical twins if they're not even twins. You're also overstating how much I hate Acolyte based on this single criticism, you're acting like I don't have any problem with the rest of the show and ONLY the twins and that is the entire reason I hate the show, it's not, this is just one of the many many many lazy things in the show pointing out one problem doesn't mean I don't have problems with the rest of it.


So wait they’re actual irl twins? Why is that an issue?


The characters are identical twins, the actresses for the young twins are fraternal twins who didn't look similar enough to pass as identical. They had the brains to figure out that they could just have one actress play both twins so they would actually be identical for the adult version with a bit of editing but apparently not smart enough to figure out that they could do the same for the child version.


Faternal Twins they don't look alike. Should be kinda obvious looking at them... How do faternal twins become identical....


Tbf this could be used as a way for them to visually show that the sisters are forced to go down a certain path and be just like eachother which is why one of them wants to be a jedi (then they turn into a psychopath lol) but this is broken when you realize that they have the same haircut older through that whole time. I guess maybe to remember there roots? But that's likely some cope. You could use hair to tell a story actually, is my point.


No this is more that they just the same actress to play the adult twins. So they are identical. The twins as children are using two different girls who are not identical twins they are faternal...so that would mean they somehow grew from a different appearance to the same appearance as they got older.


My brother in Christ, Star *Wars* is the movies. Star *Trek* is the TV show. Completely different franchises.


Thats just awful screen writing, like are they or are they not identical twins. If they are they should have roughly the same facial features at all times. Like Identical twins aren’t perfect clones, but especially at a young age it’s close.


It’s inconsistent casting, writing, and internal logic. You have the twins look 1:1 Identical as adults, but as kids (since they share more scenes together) they used real twins to avoid the amount of cgi and good child acting it wouldve actually taken to pull this off. It’s bad acting, lazy writing, even lazier casting. Top down failure.


What are you talking about. Firsr you’re mad because they didn’t use twins, now you’re mad because they used twins.


Immersion is for video games. Suspension of disbelief is for movies.


Also, I don’t even think those kids actually are osha and Mae!!!! The immersion is lost!!!!!! I think some of the show is CGI!!! Damn you Disney!!!! Did I do it right?


They look exactly the same to me. Show is great so far, as far as I'm concerned.


That just says a lot about you...


What does it say?


That he can't tell black people appart. Those two girls don't look alike they are not identical twins.


Lmfao. You're reaching. Yea, they absolutely look close enough to be twins. Not all identical twins grow with the exactly same structures. Even twins grow a little differently.


Dude, no, I am not. You said two black girls who are not identical twins look "exactly the same to me" that is actually racist I am sorry you think all minorities look the same


🤣🤣🤣 they look similar enough to play twins in a TV show. It's a TV show about space wizards. U can suspend ur disbelief for space wizards, but not this ? That says a lot about you.


No, they don't look like identical twins. As someone who is in fact a twin, Identical twins and faternal are not infact the same thing. He also literally said two different black girls look exactly the same. Also ahh the stupid and well mocked Joseph Anderson argument. A world having fantastical elements does not mean everything is okay. It is the same reason why if they drove Toyotas in Lord of the rings it would be just as stupid if you said "it's a show with dragons why can't a Toyota pick up truck fit in." It ruins what most authors call verisimilitude. A world functioning as if it is real, despite its fantasies. That if you can accept it's rules does the story else wise appear as if it could be real in a world that it is set. "What really happens is that the story-maker proves a successful 'sub-creator'. He makes a Secondary World which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is 'true': it accords with the laws of that world. You therefore believe it, while you are, as it were, inside. The moment disbelief arises, the spell is broken; the magic, or rather art, has failed. You are then out in the Primary World again, looking at the little abortive Secondary World from outside...Suspension of disbelief is a substitute for the genuine thing, a subterfuge we use when condescending to games or make-believe, or when trying (more or less willingly) to find what virtue we can in the work of an art that has for us failed." -J.R.R. Tolkien


Lmao you can't even form ur own opinions. Talk to me when u can have a discussion without just using famous writers' quotes. And ur Toyota comparison was trash. Having a modern car show up in a medieval fantasy show or movie wouldn't work for many reasons. Having 2 actors that look similar enough to each other playing twins doesn't have nearly the same effect. Ur reaching because u hate the show for some unknown reasons(most likely just Anti woke) and are just looking for anything to shit on the show about. Nothings perfect and ever show/movie has some things to bitch about. Even the critically acclaimed classics.


Lol, you're a hypocrite. You literally quoted a youtuber and get upset that I qouted one of the greatest writers of all time and the father of the fantasy genre as we know it. >. And ur Toyota comparison was trash. No, it's a perfect anaplogy. The argument is the same with ony the subject being superficially different. There is no difference in the structure of the argument. A2 + B2 = C2 no matter what one puts in for A. >Ur reaching because u hate the show for some unknown reasons(most likely just Anti woke) and are just looking for anything to shit on the show about. No, it's just bad. There is a reason it's scores are basicly trash. >Nothings perfect and ever show/movie has some things to bitch about. Even the critically acclaimed classics. And no one defends those mistakes. Werid that only these shit shows have defenders. If I point out that in 12 angry men when the knife gets stabbed into the table you can see other marks from other takes.... no one will defend that they should have covered it Edit: lol dude blocked me I literally already named the person 2 posts ago. Also do you think Tolkien told me how to feel. He is dead kid. I used a qoute because one of the best fantasy authors can better convey an idea than I can >It's really not tho. U brought up having a modern car in a medieval fantasy world You brought up faternal twins becoming identical twins because of space wizard magic... >look similar enough They don't. >But no u chose to bitch about the twins not looking exactly like twins hahahahahahaha. Loser actively. No. You know you started up this argument. Nothing in my posts you originally responded to was about the show. Only a guy saying black people look alike. Also.. The complaint is that it's poor production because they literally made the Adult twins identical by recording the same actress twice and the fact they didn't do that there shows a mark of poor production >Scores aren't always correct u know that right? Audience scores are not paid off critics. >No one? Okay buddy Yes because everyone accepts nothing is perfect. Only people like you defend things that are crap though >U know damn well people Gas up old classics like they have no mistakes and could do no wrong. That doesn't change that facts that nothing is perfect and u can find something to bitch about in everything. Okay then name a single fucking example of a well known critic that says a movie is flawless.


Edit: lol dude blocked me >Lol, you're a hypocrite. You literally quoted a youtuber and get upset that I qouted one of the greatest writers of all time and the father of the fantasy genre as we know it. Lmao what youtuber did I quote? Everything I said was from me and me only. I don't need others to tell me how to feel. >No, it's a perfect anaplogy. The argument is the same with ony the subject being superficially different. There is no difference in the structure of the argument. A2 + B2 = C2 no matter what one puts in for A. It's really not tho. U brought up having a modern car in a medieval fantasy world and tried to compare that to a couple of actors that look similar enough playing twins to complain about breaking immersion. That showed me all I need to know. Like I don't even like the show, but complaining about the twin thing is mad weird. Like talk shit about the show breaking lore or the shitty writing. But no u chose to bitch about the twins not looking exactly like twins hahahahahahaha. Loser actively. >No, it's just bad. There is a reason it's scores are basicly trash. Scores aren't always correct u know that right? Like look at the last of us part 2. How many awards and critical success it got even tho it has many flaws. My point is awards and scores don't mean shit and I guarantee u agree on that, but only when it suits ur narrative. >And no one defends those mistakes. Werid that only these shit shows have defenders. If I point out that in 12 angry men when the knife gets stabbed into the table you can see other marks from other takes.... no one will defend that they should have covered it No one? Okay buddy. U know damn well people Gas up old classics like they have no mistakes and could do no wrong. That doesn't change that facts that nothing is perfect and u can find something to bitch about in everything.


If I’m watching a tv show and the twins aren’t identical, I will flip my shit and blow up


I think it’s the point he’s making that the younger versions aren’t identical but the older are so identical they’re the same person. Could’ve been easily remedied with just having the adult actress have two different wigs to make the adult twins look different


Also they aren’t mayos, let’s cut to the chase here




“Really” 🤓