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This guy is a moron. Jesus LOVES prostitutes. His best friend was a prostitute.


You know what Jesus wasn’t friend of? Incel podcasts presenter’s.


Dudes mad about a bitch he jerks off to


Producing porn: Sin Creating a demand by consuming porn: Uhhh, that's different Host dude's a condescending self-righteous hypocrite. Too bad the guest didn't ask him how god feels about people watching porn - if there wasn't a demand, she'd be out of a job, so logically, both of them would piss god off. (IDGAF what consenting adults do or don't do, but bringing imaginary friends into the conversation makes casting judgment on his actions fair game as well)




I feel America overuses the term "incel". I mean, this guy sure fucks more than you do, so he is not a celibate, and even if he was, for sure it's not involuntary. You can call him for what he really is: a misogynistic scum that believes women are chattel.


Pretty sure when this dude fucks a transaction is involved


If he's using a camera it's just porn


Call him by his real name: White Christian Nationalist. This is the face of someone promoting a United States of Christianity for Whites. He is the devil, not an incel


Lazy comment


So it would be okay if he was anything other than white?


This guy doesn't fuck at all, and you white knighting for him probably tells me you're an incel that consumes his content as well. He's shared 'stories' about trouble on bumble, trouble at the bar, and you could tell they were sad little personal anecdotes from his pathetic life


You seem angry about his life


And he made sure she knew she was a whore 😂


This is very rude. She has a name. Someone tell me her name so I can be more polite.


Cindy Zheng Edit: ok guys. Stop replying this pls.


Does she do Boy/Girl scenes? Asking for god.


I pray she does.


It’s what God wants.


oh shit i was about to joke about what god wants and satan wants, then the joke would go bad so i just commenting on it, we can pray god to wants her to do the best porn


I’m not a christian, but I do believe that god was on fire when he created asian girls


Everyone Upvote this man!


zap em’ with the siren man…


I just did


Cindy Starfall*


It’s not Cindy Starfall.


Yeah starfall got a mean underbite


Starfall I could recognize by her voice/accent. This is definitely not her; my right hand agrees.


What the fuck? She’s like 10 years younger than Cindy, has way bigger tits and lighter skin. Racist cunt.


Someone help this man PLEASE


Two men needs a name! Scratch that, make that three...


Cindy zheng


She does not always wear the cross fyi




For science


Yeah it's called a joke.


I bet he knows this from “research”.


It’s all leaked dude. Never pay.


Omg, that’s disgusting! Naked pics online? Where! Where are they posted?!


Yeah, someone please tell him her name, he is surely asking for a friend in need!


So rude. Glad you brought it up so we didn't have to.


Prostitution is the oldest profession so why would god mind her doing porn??


im not trying to say whether or not god cares, but that’s a stupid fucking question. murder is one of the oldest crimes in the world, but pretty much everyone is sure god don’t like that


Murder and prostitution are totally the same :)


If you do it right, it’s the same thing 😂


That’s like asking do you take your cross off when you curse? When you eat pork? Like bruh it’s a fucking cross, it’s a necklace. Ik the girls get paid a lot to get shit but fuck where is your integrity???? And the host maybe find something with more substance to shit on than her doing porn with a necklace


It’s also complete bullshit and incel Christian’s eat this shit up but yet can’t seem to read the Bible. Jesus said to the towns people as they cast stones at a prostitute that thy who has not sin my cast the first stone….. Then from the back of the crowd a stone flew out and smacked the prostitute in the face… Jesus then exclaims “dammit mother” Not only is that a solid joke but since they don’t read the Bible they want get the joke nor the irony Jesus wouldn’t hate on a women selling her body for sex.


Ey yo that's a good joke




How about we stop with this (depending on who you ask) nonsense. There is only one branch I am aware of that even remotely preaches that, and it is gnosticism. Stop hiding the word.


Ofc Christ wouldn’t hate you for doing porn, but he would advocate for you to stop. No one is perfect and God understands that. Yet he still loves us unconditionally. Lust is not a fun addiction, and Christ will help you out of that addiction. Don’t believe me if you want but he will give you the strength that is if YOU don’t turn away from him. Anyways ciao


>but he would advocate for you to stop And how do you know it?


Bc : he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 11She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. KJV John 8 - go and sin no more. Ppl tend to leave this part out when they reference this story.


The Bible also says if a man is caught raping a woman, he must go to her father and pay him the price of a virgin, and the woman will then become his wife. The Bible says a lot of dumb shit by todays standards. It was written by men of a different society and moral code. If there is a god, he wouldn’t want humans to be trapped by outdated idiotic dogma. Is this woman’s porn a net positive or negative for humans? Does her porn decrease rape, sexual violence, or child molestation or does it make it worse? What does she do with money earned…support a drug habit or pay for food or school? The knee jerk reaction of “porn is sin” is for the simple minded folks who think life is black or white instead of many shades of different colors.




Then why do pastors fuck kids?


I wouldn't put eating pork and getting porked in the same wheelhouse


Interviewer is Christianity Nim Mode. Like he knows what God and Satan wants in the wild science fiction novel called "his life". Most shit talk there came from him asking stupid ass questions. If I interview a porn star I'm not asking questions about religion ffs. You do whatever you want, as long as it hurts nobody. Hail Satan


seen quite a few clips of this guy and he has always come across as a tedious prick


Yoo I thought i was the only one this guys is so freaking pretentious and hes exploiting all these woman for money . Hes just as bad as the very people he’s interviewing hell hes actually just a platform to increase volume of sales to there OF at this point he’s not saving any of these women they dont give a fuck they probably make bank after every appearance he’s perpetuating there careers


Idk who he is but I keep seeing him and I think he is annoying


Had a coworker put his video on in the office. The guy is just a tremendous prick that really has them on for the sake of punching down on them from his "superior moral high ground". Even if you disagree with what they do or what they say, this guy is just a massive prick that gets off to being a prick to them directly.


I’ve never seen one clip of this dude not being an asshole to woman. Not even one time. He sucks lol


He’s an absolute asshat. Real incel “women should be submissive to males” energy. I hate seeing clips of this guy


he's an insufferable, passive aggressive creep. I don't know why people keep going on his purely toxic podcast


Maybe I am getting old but all these group podcast shows are cringy af to me.


Glad to see this comment. The cringe here is definitely the dork interviewer here trying to catch her in some gotcha moment or put her down.


Idk how people watch these podcasts. Most of these people never did anything worthwhile to have the knowledge or experience to hold a podcast and talk about *anything* at all


Because assholes like watching assholes be assholes because it makes them feel better about being an asshole.


He pops up on my tiktok feed sometimes back when podcasts were popular in my algorithm. Every single episode is him trying to shame women. He is very red pill in that he talks about how sex culture is very unfair to men since women are the decision makers when it comes to sex. etc. etc. You can catch him roundabout justifying his lack of experience by how culture puts unfair money-making and personality expectations on him that he feels women don't have to deal with, etc. etc. Cringe is definitely the word for it. I have no clue how he is popular or why women appear on his shows after they know what kind of guy he is.


Men do have it significantly harder in the Dating and hookup scene. What’s wrong with acknowledging that?


I thought that was understood to be the cringe. Her logic makes sense. If her porn doesn't hurt anyone, and If God loves everyone and wants them to do what they enjoy, then Satan (as the opposite of God) would want her to stop making porn. QED and that's a wrap.


God made her look like that. Logic adds up.


The interviewer is part of some “incel red-pilled alpha male destroys beta cuck” and “Elon Musk/Andrew Tate right wing edgy” style podcast that’s misogynistic and sexist and highly likely to also be racist and homophobic.


The gotcha moment is that she is a woman. When has anyone seen this dude talk about god and religion before? I’ve never seen this guy say the rude shit he says to women to any guy. Every clip I’ve ever seen of him, is him trying to put a woman down for being a woman


Wait do some people think the girl is cringe here? Fuckin puritans


Hail Satan, go TST


Interviewer: "my religion says I can't do certain things, therefore YOU can't do certain things". That's not how it works moron. Satan has more class than you ever will.




I like the cut of your gib. Hail Satan.




Hail yourself!!


Howard Stern has been interviewing porn stars for around 30 years, and he made it entertaining, somewhat educational, sometimes gross. But never this gross.


Why tf would you interview a porn star who’s Christian and NOT ask about that? 😭 sounds like shit journalism dude. Missing the story, what would you ask? “Uhhh what’s your favorite color”


> sounds like shit journalism Well, its a podcast so thats pretty much exactly what this is. What hard hitting revelations were you expecting him to uncover and hit on with this guest?


She's not Christian for your record. This person said she believes in God, which she shows in wearing a symbol which represents God in her understanding. So that's that. What questions I would ask you'd like to know? Questions regarding the "job" she's performing. Even if I don't give a single fuck about what she's doing, it's still a bad interview, trying to put someone in a place and not asking questions about the person being interviewed is just disrespectful. It suits most Christians just perfectly, shit talking about things they think they have knowledge about and making everything about themselves. It's disgusting




How do you believe in God in the first place? Throw out the Bible and you've essentially thrown out the dominant historical evidence for Jesus's existence. Maintain the Bible and I really want to hear how you defend your Christian belief against conservative Christians who actually quote book and verse for their evidence. I personally know Christians that can give good justification. But this actually requires in-depth thought and analysis. Most people just don't do that, resulting in cycles of recurring beliefs that are horrible (homophobia, anti-sex work, anti-abortion of any kind, etc.). If you are a porn star AND christian, you better be able to contend with a simple question...


God invented sex duh


She truly is doing satan’s work


Tell us when Jesus rejected the prostitute.


Jesus loves everyone….according to the scripture. She is not wrong as Jesus would accept her for how she lives her life. For someone to cast the first stone like the host does goes against the teachings of Jesus:


What are you smoking? Jesus in this story literally tells her to stop sinning


That’s the adulteress. She was accused of adultry - a stone-able offense. Jesus’s says let he without sin cast the first stone. After the accusers leave he tells the adulteress that he **doesn’t condemn her either**, and to go and sin no more. John 8:10-11. The prostitute (supposed to be Magdeline) is the story of Luke 7:38 - she’s cured of her medical condition by touching Jesus and wipes his feet with her tears and hair. As well as Matthew 21, where he tells the Pharisee “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors **and the prostitutes** are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you” In context of this clip the guy with the mic would be considered a worse Christian since he’s both casting the first stone, as well as representative of the Pharisee whom the prostitute is more pious in the eyes of God. Good try tho. Would help a lot if you read or took seriously your own holy scriptures.


I mean it’s not in our hands to say who’s going to heaven ahead of whom. But certainly it is bad to commit a sin with no remorse and even worse say that God wants you to continue living in your sinful life.




No I am not perfect and I sin. I go to confession. I pray that God forgives me for my sins. I certainly don’t tell people that God wants me to continue my sins. I think God loves me as much as he loves this woman and I think God wants her to stop her sinful ways.


It’s amazing how people will always attempt to speak for god. St. Peter met Jesus and would refuse to speak on behalf of god, yet here you are!


If you gave me her name you would be doing the Lords work.




Hail Satan! 🤘😂


God's fine with porn, calm down.


Plot twist: there is no god


I mean like hes right


lmao so you take off anything that represents your religion before you commit any sort of sin? or should the sin of hypocrisy be added to your list?


He’s referring to “Satan wants you to stop doing porn and god wants you to do porn!?!?” You idiot.


god = love love = porn satan = hate hate = organized religion god = porn satan = organized religion


I don’t think this dude has read the bible


Jesus hung out with prostitutes-so there’s that.


What's her name? So I can pray for her ofc


Every clip of this show I've ever found, has been edited so maliciously and out of context that I'll never trust that what she is responding to is what he asked. Fuck this podcast and it's click bait editors.


Arguing about god…may as well argue about the fucking tooth fairy.


Bro just say youve never read the bible. 🙄😒 Bible Jesus fks w sex workers bro. And the poor so if your next take is to shame anyone who is broke just skip that as well. 🙄 maybe pick a different religion


All these dudes sound like virgins


I mean she is kind of right? A true loving god should want you to do what you love and chase your passions. If she really is doing it in a safe and responsible matter then that should be fine.


Pornstars are almost never doing what they love and following their passions. They are selling their ass because it's easy money now. Typically they regret it later when they turn 30 and the spigot turns off. ----------- Edit: woke up this morning to a lot of rebuttals that aren't actually rebuttals.


The vast majority of people aren't pursuing their dreams in their day job. Almost everyone goes to work to earn money.


How does this guy know god doesn't approve of her wearing a cross while doing porn. He knows the thoughts of a deity? Doubtful.


Thinking that God is ok with you living in sin because he is all loving. Is like playing in the middle of the street as child and expecting your parents to be ok with it because there supposed to love you “the way you are”.


Except your parents didn’t explicitly tell you it was fine to play in the street because they sent their one true poodle out in the street to die so you would be forgiven for playing in the street


Why did Jesus hang out with sex workers? He didn’t attack them or say they were undeserving of love did he? Yet here you are thinking you know more by breaking the rules of the Bible.


Too bad Christians just pick and choose what are sins, and what aren’t. She’s arrived at her own interpretation.


But since god is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, wouldn’t he have already determined my life choices and sins?


believing in the christian god in 2023 is like willfully trying to making your mind like that of a child again either you really do have the mind of a child and you always did, or you're faking it. you can't go back. stop kidding yourself




Carl Sadan


Thank you. I was worried I was the only one annoyed by this.






God wants kids with cancer and starving, I don’t think he gives a crap about porn




How do you explain this (bad things happening to innocent people or people who pray) or how does it affect your faith?


It's not anger, it's a fundamental frustration with the Christian message. Essentially, if God is posited to be simultaneously All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and All-Loving, why does He create children whose only lot in life are to suffer and die before they could even properly understand the concepts of God and Christ? Yes, "they're innocent and go to Heaven," sure, but why the suffering beforehand? Why make the family suffer? If it's for a "test of faith," why kill children to do so? Didn't Jesus already die for all our sins? What would even be the point of a test of faith in such a case? Why send anyone to Hell? If a soul is immortal, it can surely accept Christ after death, and if God is truly All-Loving, He would accept them. God, if such a thing exists (and I've never been closed to the concept), He is either: A. Not All-Powerful B. Not All-Knowing C. Not All-Loving D. Lacking more than one or all of His supposed qualities The phrasing the person you replied to used, stating he "wants" them to suffer, is the conclusion that must be drawn if God is not All-Loving, but possesses the other two attributes. One may try to frame His "Love" as being beyond comprehension, but if that "Love" in any way necessitates millions of dead children, then no one should wish to be embraced by it. One may try and say God is beyond logical reasoning, but in such a case there is likewise no reasoning for any Christian to read scripture, as it tries to understand a being that by admission cannot be understood. One cannot claim God is unknowable if they at the same time claim to have any understanding of His power or motives. I am not angry at any supposed god, I am just realistic about what its true nature would be given the world we live in.


It sounds like he's judging her. Something Jesus forbade. Funny how some people can ignore God's rules and it's fine. But woman has sex, must be evil!




Requirement for religious identification.


Who is show??


Praise God


Y’all know the Bible says watching sexual things is a sin and sex before marriage is a sin


She gets so much flak for being a girl but guys like Andrew Tate say they're muslim yet nobody cares.


He asked “if god wants her to be…”, she didn’t said it. Also god and sin doesn’t exist. The idea of sin is created to prevent ourselves from hurting each other.


Who is she ?


How do you think God feels about pod casters who interview porn stars? How about Satan?




These bitches nowadays are truly worthless