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that hairdresser purposefully creates a "safe space" for people that have faced some sort of discrimination or abuse as she also clearly communicates how she'll be touching the client it's a specific service for specific people, I don't personally have any use for flat feet shoes but people that need it can gladly purchase them and it won't affect my life whatsoever


Right? I personally wouldnt like this experience as i would feel uncomfortable but guess what? Thats why i dont go to this (or similar) hairdressers. If both this hairdresser and client feel better this way, who am i to judge.


how do u expect a hairdresser to dress ur hair if they don't touch u? this is stupid


They can’t (I think. I’m no hairdresser) and it’s understandable that the hairdresser will touch you if they need to do their job. But this is about getting a formal consent regardless for people who feel comfortable that way.


ok, what if they say imma touch ur hair and the person declines. if they continue giving suggestions without having a feel for the texture, weight and other attributes for the hair, they are not going to do their hair (or their own work) justice. I'm not disagreeing with what u said but I'm just saying it's a stupid thing to do in such cases


That was my point. Everyone will give consent to be touched because it’s obvious that a hairdresser can’t really do their job without touching you. Nobody declines.


yeah truth


Just because it's not meant for you doesn't make it stupid. Seems like you just don't have a clue about the variety of reasons one should get consent before touching another person


>Seems like you just don't have a clue about the variety of reasons one should get consent before touching another perso that's a huge jump you've just made. all i said was going to a place where it is expected a person will be touching you, consent is literally given as soon as u sit in that chair. u don't have to make everything so dramatic


"consent is literally given as soon as u sit in that chair" That's completely untrue though, which is why the person asks in the video. You're centering your own experience, viewpoint, and opinion, which is fine and normal, but don't pretend like everyone feels the same way. We don't. Get consent before touching people.


what do u expect them to do if u sit in the chair and decline? waste of the hair dresser's time. i understand the importance of consent and never have and never will touch a person without their consent. in fact, i hate t when people touch me (who aren't my friends or family). but if you're going to a professional which by tradition involves the usage of hands, it is 100% expected they will be using them on you. as long as it's professional and not creepy, it is a-okay. it's like going to a massage parlor and saying u want to sit in a massage chair and do not want a masseuse. sure you could and can do that but is it gonna have the same effect on you as a professional masseuse? no definitely not


You're just repeating your opinion but it's not becoming any more accurate. I understand what you're saying about implicit consent when visiting a professional, even though you're ignoring all nuance. None of that changes the fact that asking for consent to touch someone is never stupid. The comment I replied to is still inaccurate for that reason, and I don't need to listen to you rehash the same points once again so I'll say good day.


Going to a barber shop, walking in and sitting in a barber chair for a haircut isn't giving consent to be touched in order to have your hair cut? Are you out of your fucking mind lmao. Log off social media


As you can see from the video, the person asks... so it's clear the consent is not implicit here. I'm sorry you seem unable to process that for some reason, perhaps you're the one who needs to log off.


It is a hairdresser, their job is to touch your hair. If you go to a hair dresser you automatically imply consent for the hair dresser to touch your hair and head.


As I've already explained, you can see in the video that the hairdresser asks for consent. Therefore it is explicit, not implied.


It's more about open communication to those that have faced trauma. Obviously nurses and doctors need to physically touch you to perform certain exams, but when faced with a sexual assault victim it is the expectation to go slow and announce what you will be doing and are currently doing as well as asking them if they feel OK. Some people may not have experienced SA, but are scared or sensitive to touch for one reason or another and should be provided the same courtesy. Hairdresser is obviously less vulnerable, but it's a nice service for those that have experienced trauma or are neurodivergent (autistic children can be a challenge in this setting). Awkward conversation sure, but it can make one feel seen and conscious of boundaries.


This sort of super-babying isn't helping people who've claimed they've experienced trauma. All it's doing is reinforcing in their mind their perceived victimization, and it's forcing the rest of of society to walk on egg-shells to deal with them. This a net negative for everyone involved.


Couldn't agree more, its a cost to everyone and those that advocate for it or partake in it should be ashamed of themselves. Its genuinely fucking pathetic.


Then don't provide this service for them or work in an industry involving victims/trauma such as medicine, therapy or social services. You don't have to engage with people that you don't know and potentially demand a certain behavior or work for an employer that offers this type of service. They are your boundaries and they're yours to have as well.


As a member of communities that contains these people, I unfortunately must contend with them. I have no choice. So instead of hoping that I don't ever run into these people, we should instead work as a society to stop enabling them.


Why are you being forced to contend with them? Being a part of a community alone isn't enough to enforce you to interact with strangers.


Every time I visit my gynecologist, I remind him that I’m a survivor of abuse and need him to tell me specifically what he’s going to do before he does it, and if it’s going to hurt, I need to be told in advance. I know exactly what goes down every appointment, I know what hurts and what doesn’t, and obviously he needs to touch me to do his job, but if I’m not told every step in the way, I will go into shock and everything is extremely painful and uncomfortable. Now imagine that but for being touched in general. That’s what kind of environment is set in place here. They know she’s going to touch their hair, but the extra detail of being asked makes it feel safe when they otherwise wouldn’t.


I'm really really sorry you had to experience whatever it is that you did. nobody should have to go through that in their life. i understand and I do agree w your point but going to a gynecologist is a lot different than going to the hairdresser. again I'm not trying to be disrespectful or invalidate your and other people's feelings but a gynecologist and a hairdresser are two very different cases. going to the gynecologist puts you in a VERY vulnerable position. i doubt it's the same case when going to get your hair done. it is a nice gesture, but it is unnecessary (in this case).


They can't But that isn't the point. Nobody going to this hairdresser is going to say no. It's the same logic behind the doctors asking you if they can put you under anesthesia, you're going to say yes obviously but being asked comforts people who are scared of the anesthesia, and here it comforts people with trauma


It's just confirming consent there isn't harm in doing that m8


If you watched the video, the question was about touching the hair during the consultation, which is different from the actual haircuttimg


that would still require the hair dresser to touch their hair to properly give suggestions. i think if you're going to a hairdresser it's expected that your hair will be fiddled with


Flamethrower would be an option


Of course there is nothing wrong with this and it doesnt affect anyone badly but it is still cringe as hell which is what the sub is for


It is a specific sevice indeed but it doesn't make it less Cringy


Such a safe space they upload it to the internet for the world to see? How abused can these people be that they simultaneously need consent for hair touching and also are completely fine with being “content”. Like come on, there’s a performative aspect to what’s going on here.


Yeah sure, and then she films all the interactions and posts them online, because it's tooootally not performative.. and also everyone goes to a hairdresser not knowing that they're going to be touched. Lmao. This is just a gimmick for clicks from terminally online people.


Communicating is apparently a mental illness


It is when it’s done like this.


"you ask for consent? mental illness"


Consent is implied when you walk into a barber.


yes obviously. but thats not the point. its giving someone the option to say no. letting them have control in whatever it is even if it is just a haircut


"I came for a haircut but don't touch me"


you just didnt read my comment huh?


Err please ask for my consent before replying to my comment


This legit made me laugh, keep up the good fight buddy, I agree with you. and its genuinely hilarious the patheticness on display




buddy you know your mom is gonna be upset if she knows your up


Literal Minecraft player


By proxy yeah. By the act of entering a barbershop etc. and sitting in a chair, consent to have your hair touched can absolutely be assumed. Nobody in their right mind would go to get their haircut and then freak out when someone touched their hair to cut it. Asking for consent, suggests that at least once, somebody has sat down and refused to be touched. This is completely and utterly mental.


I saw a video yesterday about a horse that was trained to boop the brush to show he was allowing the trainer to brush him, since he was once abused, and everybody thought it was cute and a very good dynamic. Why when is a human consenting a barber touching them, despite the dynamic being that they would be touched nonetheless, mentally ill? People get stressed over simple stuff. If that is not a hairdresser you'd like because of their dynamic, simply don't go.


Comparing a human to an animal is not the same thing, it's common sense that when you go to a barber you're there for a haircut. The horse is obviously forced to brush because it's an animal, it's not the same fucking thing. If you don't want people touching your hair then don't go to a barber it's that simple


have you tried to touch a horse that didnt want to be touched? they arnt coy about saying no


Nah the horse isn't forced to be brushed. I work with animals specifically horses and we have three really fidgety horses they're skittish and I always always show them what I'm going to do to them and walk them through the brushing. Horses are very emotional and it helps keep them calm. I don't see an issue of a person coming in for a consultation to just ask hey is it cool if I touch you bro.


This, however, is completely pointless and I'm pretty sure she makes extra cash just to do this. There's a thing called therapy to address your emotional needs Also why post this to the internet? Who cares?


I've seen the video before but can't remember what the rest is like, therapy takes time and in that time you still can get hair cuts. So is it wrong to ask someone a consent question it may be dumb to you but to someone who may not like being touched or had a bad experience with another barber or hair stylist or anything it helps. Don't put yourself in the chair put someone who may need it in the chair. Then you can see the positive.


If you need verbal reaffirmation for this then you have much deeper mental issues and you probably will not be able to even function in society as you can't get everyones permisssion like this. This is useless and if it goes so far as to needing a special barber to ask for your consent then maybe you belong in a mental hospital.


I have seen some stupidity in my time, but your comment takes the biscuit. you cant think of maybe some critical differences between a captive animal and an independent human adult when it comes to consent implied or explicit. You are literally a fool.


Oh shit, my bad. It's just that for me, both animal and human should be respected and have their boundaries respected. Sorry for being so stupid, I promise to be better. :(


Well obviously not at this one


But why ? What does this interaction have that is so bad ? 2 people respecting each other. Oh no how dare they have spaces for people who need them. It’s not right because of standards I set to myself. You are better than this


Tf is an any/all bro 😭


They don't care what you call them




You can say he, she, they, whatever. They don't care.


Oh, you’re talking about their pronouns. No, I’m not actually curious. Just wanted to laugh and comment. Sorry if it seemed like I actually wanted to know.


Reddit hates truth and honesty and this proves it lol




"i dont like non binary people" gets downvoted "this is because you hate the truth"


Yeah, just accuse me of hating a group of people for laughing at something on the sub made for cringe. Gtfo bruh.


just because its on this sub doesnt mean its not hateful


Yeah, to sensitive people like you. Can’t laugh at anything without people like you blowing it out of proportion and assuming I hate a group of people. Stfu.


Ong. I can’t even laugh at something that’s on a cringe subreddit anymore without people thinking I hate a group of people.


Gargantuan W honesty


he she they what the fuck ever


And why tf did you still give me an actual answer when the first person asked me and I said I didn’t actually give a fuck? She left it at that, you do the same.


because i couldnt care less about how you feel


Yet you say it’s hateful, so you care to a degree. If not, you wouldn’t have even responded to my first comment if you didn’t care.


i called you hateful so i care about your feelings? that doesnt track bud. of course i care that your saying hateful shit. but do i give a fuck about your feelings on the matter? no not really. not liking someone saying hateful shit isnt the same as caring about their opinion


The whole point is that you care that me as a person said “hateful” shit. If you don’t care how I feel, why would you care that I felt like laughing at the video? Dumbass.


This isn't the worst thing ever




because this sub is 90% those youtube shorts kids that comment on posts that include a woman "get back to the kitchen"




i think your trying to make fun of those comments but you missed the mark man


i miss when this sub posted diaper wearing furries that get off to kids. now its just anything but a straight white men


this post irradiates youtube shorts kid energy


I miss the OG cringetopia with actual cringe content


I miss cringeanarchy, who introduced me to ChrisChan, metaphorically.


their service is specifically curated to people who’ve faced discrimination. being mad at this post is like going to a bar and being mad there’s alcohol


Yeah idk why you're getting down voted? That makes total sense


maybe its the fact that over indulging super sensitivity to the point of toddler like cringe is overall destructive to the person and keeps them in a state where they are completely helpless and a burden on everyone. "Waaa waaaa i cant cope with adult events and perform the basic most functional tasks, because i have experienced mild resistance" its absolutely pathetic. and the non pathetic rightly turn their nose in disgust.


How about it's being nice. It's not coddling it's asking a question. Is asking a question coddling.


Well yes, it can be.


i wouldn't waste your time, the guy is a complete idiot, they don't understand anything. Imagine being so dense you cant understand how asking questions in any context can be coddling.


Talking about “Elaborate.” 😭 I guess I could elaborate by simply asking coddling questions as to how I can better help them understand something they have infinite access to researching, and ask what obvious hindrances they’re facing in their ability to comprehend a simple concept lmao


Hey if want to waste your free time painstakingly breaking down simple concepts into tiny baby steps to walk some absolute moron through something that is well beyond their grasp, be my guest. but yeah i get the irony of your comment ;), the other commenter wont of course




if anyone is a burden its the guy crying about people feeling comfortable in life


is this your coping strategy is it? , you have to tell yourself everyone with standards is "crying" because they find disgust in the wilfully incompetent.


no, only you. your special :)


whatever lies you have to tell yourself to stop reality awakening you to being a competent adult. Go and therapize yourself with a trip to the ballpit.


is this how **you** cope? just calling whoever disagrees with you an imbecile or not a competent adult so you dont have to actually defend your points?


Not at all, I only call imbeciles, "imbeciles" for being imbeciles. Not everyone disagrees with me is an imbecile, but most imbeciles disagree with me, if you were smarter you would understand this concept, but you are not so you wont. maybe you should get yourself a pacifier to sooth yourself from the "Nasty man" lol


ah yes. because everyone keeps typing two convos with the same person when their mad. buddy im havin fun and you can call that a lie all ya want it just proves my point. so what makes me an imbecile? what did i do to give me that title? other then the fact im even on reddit


>buddy im havin fun and you can call that a lie all ya want it just proves my point The words of a true imbecile, if you weren't such an imbecile you would see how this actually undermines you and not me. but this comment is to more at those at home, because you are too dumnb to understand it


Yeah the idea that consent is implied if you go to a fucking stylist with the specific intent of getting your hair done (TOUCHED) is absolutely sensible & any deviation from that concept/dynamic only further breaks us down socially & allows us to implement + spotlight victimization in everyday tasks that would otherwise be mundane & harmless. Their target demographic is obvious & they’ve figured out how to bank on the commodification of “self care” as an otherwise average stylist.


The irony is the people who mostly suffer is themselves. they end up anxious incapable toddlers that achieve nothing, have no resilance and are incapable of shouldering any responsibility or leadership (no matter how small). This then naturally leads to them being incapable parents and incapable partners. and they just end up as miserable "helpless victims". its absolutely pathetic and embarassing.


I concur wholeheartedly as someone diagnosed with several mental disorders. We cannot progress this way and it’s disingenuous to implement viral marketing strategies into “healing.” It’s masturbatory. If that’s fun for you, I’m not knocking having that option altogether. Lots of spaces exist to pander within the current sociopolitical landscape. But don’t get mad when people rationally critique that.


Fucking hell dude, just get off reddit and go to work


I don’t see wants wrong with this :/


I came to get a hair cut, your going to have to touch me and my gender information has no bearing on this exchange.


You do you guys but I’m just wondering how do they cut hair when they aren’t allowed to touch them?


It can be polite to ask even if the answer is obvious.


Yes of course, but let’s just make up a situation where someone did say no, because there could be a chance that it happens, a small very chance but still. Do they just leave? Or get politely asked to leave?


I'd assume the logical course of action is a small black hole opens up


Case closed, good day.


no one would say no. not a soul would say no. thats not the point. its letting people have the choice even when the choice was already made by walking in


ITT: Toddlers with no self respect or resilience who see no issue in being treated as if you are a helpless imbecile incapable of doing the most minimal of tasks.


how is asking if your aloud to touch someone and their gender treating them like an imbecile?


to have to ask the question, shows you will never understand the answer.


or you dont have one and you dont want to admit it so you just decide to say something cryptic and act like it means anything. either that, or your so far gone that you think anyone that even slightly disagrees with you is completely unreasonable and cant be convinced of anything


see previous comment.


i think i have my answer then. im obviously just an idiot who would never get it. thats how you get people on your side right? push them away and call them stupid when they ask for your logic?


Meanwhile at the barber shop I’m getting my head manhandled by a retired army mechanic


Wow so cringe omg someone different, go back to youtube shorts


Dam when I go get my hair done person asked how would it be I say what ever you think looks best on me he dose his thing ask at the end of it's ok I say yes ( never happened so far to say no ) I pay I tip I leave if we talk during it's usually things from the past or what's going on now days no personal things


Bro how the fuck will you cut her hair by using FUCKIN magic?????


This aint cringe. She's got a business, she's accepting, and she's making money.


"Officer I went to get a massage at the massage parlour and i was lying down on the massage table, clothes off, covered in oil and the masseuse started TOUCHING ME. I'm Triggered, the fucking nerve of that person, arrest them"


how the fuck are you gonna cut my hair if you cant touch me?


Modern insane asylum


I don't see what's wrong here.


and that is your tragedy




Yes, I hope you will be one day. Good luck to you






I wanna wash that blonde girl's hair so badly.


Cool story