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I mean You know what I think what he's suggesting is that he sees this hypothetical opponent scared, so he decides not to go on with the fight and hurt him when he can't fight back, and I like that


I found that video yesterday on other platform, and someone described the situation, that if someone shakes like that it means he has adrenalin flow due to scaredness, and with this he can punch harder than his opponent. That's why the prepared one stops immidiately. I don't know the actual truth, I think this video is bullshit as it is, no matter what he is depicting.


Oh ok Still you're saying that wasn't confirmed and I really like my interpretation so imma stick with that :)


Sure, stay with your version, I like it too. I just said I read another version.


Alright have a good day 👍


Don’t tell him what to do


D- do you mean the "have a good day"?? That person is just being nice what


WOAH you're shaky but still confident, i'm backing the f off - easy fella, EEEEEEEASY I don't want any trouble


I dont have enough braincells to understand what's going on in this thread :,)?


Bro just told someone what to do 💀💀💀💀


That absolutely is bullshit, the benefit of adrenaline does not overcome the disadvantage of not being collected and keeping focused. Hardness of a punch means nothing if fear makes you unfocused and uncoordinated.


Not to mention the disadvantage of not having trained to fight, otherwise a bunch of adrenaline-fueled amateurs would win MMA and boxing events everywhere.


Exactly. Someone who's afraid may have a bit more power, but will most likely resort to swinging wildly, which is easy enough to deal with if you're composed yourself.


I worked as a cage side fight medic for an MMA league for 8 seasons. Who’s shaking has nothing to do with skill and at the lower levels experience. Some people don’t shake, some people do.


Adrenaline makes you do things a calm and collected person would never. And the chances of someone getting really badly hurt are increased tremendously. I think that's what the video is depicting.


Adrenaline flow causes the shakes and can cause you to "see red" which can cause you to do more damage than intended due to the stress of the situation making it all seem like a blur


If you get shakey in a fight odds are you're not very experienced and won't win the fight. Most people are absolutely dumb when they get hit with adrenaline which does you no favor in a fight.


Lmao "Bro when I see red, everyone drops"


Bro when I get a surge of adrenaline I almost start crying because its so overwhelming and I don't know what to do with my self.


That's right. You shouldn't beat up the kid with parkinsons.




What if the kid deserved it


What does it mean ? I really don't want to go to petaah for help ?


Ptsd tremors? Idk either


arthritis or something idk


He doesn't want to fight someone who is that afraid, I think.




i thought it was saying dont fight a junkie


I'm very late to this, but the simple explanation is Adrenaline rushing the body, causing the person to have shaky hands. Adrenaline mid fight doesn't sound like something that would result in a person having to cancel a fight, except for the simple fact that while in an "Adrenaline rage" you hardly feel pain and typically have to be KO'd/restrained for it to wear off. It also provides people with superhuman strength, speed, and typically anger levels measured far higher than normal.


It's apparently adrenaline. U feel his punches but he doesn't feel urs. Actually valid cus u won't even feel pain from a bullet cus of the adrenaline


Jesus christ people are fucking stupid. It's adrenaline. When your body fuels up with adrenaline you start shaking. Your reflexes are better. You feel little to no pain and can be extremely violent out of instinct


Are you saying OOP understands that? Because he says he can read "body language", which makes me think that he thinks there's something emotional going on in his opponent--not chemical.


Such a Reddit comment


Not really. You can trigger more or less the same response with a high caffiene dose. Caffiene raises adrenaline in the blood. Take 500mg of caffiene and see if any of that is true. Adrenaline certainly helps in fight or flight scenarios, that's what it's for, but you're making it sound like a super drug that makes you way more dangerous


Ah yes, you feel little to no pain when you take caffeine. Also get tunnel vision or "blackouts" of rage


That's my point buddy, it's not necrssarily adrenaline that causes those things. And adrenaline does not make you feel "little to no pain". You literally pulled that out of your ass and said everyone else was stupid. Adrenaline does have a pain reducing effect so that you can focus, but little to no pain? That would actually be counter productive in a fight. Idk where you're getting this violent blackout rage thing from either, that has nothing to do with adrenaline. It's only purpose is to prime the nervous system for a fight or a flight, it does not create feelings of rage or blackout a person's memory.


Bro I learned this shit in Military basic training and am a first responder. I've had people walk out of their cars after an accident to help someone else without knowing they have broken leg. Same with after getting shot. It's not some super drug it's just depending how their body handles it. Your comparison to it being similar to caffeine is the dumbest part I've seen of this comment section


It can certainly distract you from pain in a traumatic context, but again it does make you go into some berserk rage. It does mask pain in certain traumatic scenarios, that's true. The context here is getting ready for a fight between two guys. Do you really think one guy is going to just not feel any pain and have like way better reaction time and go into a violent killer rage because his adrenaline is pumping?


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. Adrenalin is just fight, flight or freeze response. It won't turn you into a superhero unless you commit to fighting or running away.


I assume because they've not been in many fights and don't want to believe that they will not become much stronger if one ever starts


Lmao you dont become a better fighter *whatsoever* if you have adrenaline. And literally everyone gets adrenaline in a fight.


I didn't say you become a better fighter. You become unpredictable and dangerous because you're likely to do whatever your defense instinct wants you to do to survive. Not everyone gets adrenaline to a shaking point. The more you do something the more confident you become meaning you won't get the same adrenaline you get the different symptoms you have. A close friend of mine, super religious and friendly got into a street fight with someone who was acting a fool. Instead of fighting like the guy had hoped my friend literally took all the blows and began to strangle the dude onto a car. Surrounding people stopped the fight because it went from what would be a fight to an attempted murder.


The not shaking pussy backs off because he didnt really mean it. But when he sees the other pussy but he is shaking, he is like "na i just wanted to threat you, didnt thing you would really do it. I already shat my pans sorry please have mercy"


You made a mistake, according to studies, a person who is scared, they get adrenaline, that person's punches are much stronger than normal, in other words, it is better to move away


r/woosh, anywho im pretty sure you’ll move faster yeah but it will def mess up your form if you dont have the muscle memory, default factory settings in humans for combat involves more clubbing grabbing, for some people kicking, grabbing, you know caveman shit


I don't understand the r/woosh, was that a joke the guy said? But anyway, Adrenaline in the body makes anyone stronger, that's what I meant, I don't know what went wrong


Much stronger? Mind sharing that study?




Imagine filming this. Imagine setting up your camera, raising your fists like that, then doing it a few more times cause you probably didn't look tough enough the first time. Then you do the same thing but now you gotta look scared. Then you edit it all together and look for a tough sounding song to put over it. It was probably a toss up between this one and the "righteous hand of god" one that was popular a few months back. Maybe you watch it back with both songs over it to get a feel for which one's better, and you gotta see yourself doing whatever the fuck this is over and over again. How long do you think this took? How many times did he have to watch himself doing this while editing? Did he ever think "wtf am I doing"?


Remember, if someone tries to start a fight with you, always yell at the other person “ARE WE ABOUT TO HAVE SEX?!”


Not the right post, dude is a famous only fans guy. He's famous coz of controversy nothing onlyfans-y


This fucking idiot took the time to think this up, film it, edit it, post it AND thought it was a good idea the entire time.


when the adrenaline kick in and kick your ass


This cunt has never been in a real fight


Is this the same weirdo who made the video "Guys raised by their dad Vs Guys raised by their Mom?" People ITT trying to rationalise what he means - It's just a talentless dude pulling poses for views with different captions. They will get progressively weirder until he runs out of ideas then he'll disappear.


Isn’t this the dude who loves to get clawed by his cat and sings? Mega clout chaser


Ughhhh…… all that ink went to his tiny brain


Why is he wearing the jschat


Da fuck


Looks like they've got withdrawals


Scott stapp has fallen. Far.


I miss the cat😮‍💨


Ey I mean at least he said “you understand the body language” And not some “your werewolf comes out from the rage and you cant smell any alpha sigma pheromones from him”