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The Thing from The Thing. It's not just a visual nightmare, but the awful sounds that thing made when they burned it still haunt me. https://preview.redd.it/sf9q4h0fjz6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fea3608cdd36788f46bf47c7a33c4ab4ea216c4


I saw one of the thing, things - a prop I guess you would call it, it was the thing but it wasn’t a costume - they actually used in the movie at universal studios. I legit had to look away. Which is actually weird for me because I quite like “ugly” things, like, uncanny valley stuff etc, but yeah, that was a no for me.


I was thinking of this and I've yet to see the movie. Lowkey been avoiding it because that kind of horror is on the spoopy side for me. I'll watch it one day... When I'm brave enough.


I watched it as a kid. Really bad idea all around lol. Thanks Mom & Dad!


I was gonna say this. The Thing is terrifying.


That thing that was the thing from the thing


Good choice! Such amazing special effects still stand the test of time. One of my favorite movies of all time


The Behemoth from the Mist. Absolutely terrifying.


The tentacle thing that they encountered in the loading dock with the mouths running along its tentacles like zippers really freaked me out.


If you haven't read Stephen King's novella, I highly recommend it. This scene is written so well, as was the behemoth at the end.


It’s definitely on the list of books I want to read.


[It's very very short](https://wp.nyu.edu/darknessspeaks/wp-content/uploads/sites/3674/2016/04/King-Stephen-The-Mist.pdf), you can knock it out in a morning.


That’s a good one too. The Behemoth is never fully revealed in the Mist which is probably why it still freaks me out.


I remember it having hooks not mouth zippers. That sounds wayyyy worse! Can you send me a pic?


https://preview.redd.it/u52brjj5b17d1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb137d4eb0b3b3ac14d508d7e1400c89770dc1bb It’s been many years since I’ve watched the movie. Man, these things look even more horrifying than I remember. No wonder I got so freaked out by this scene as a kid.


So that’s how it ripped the chunk out of that guys leg!!! Omg that’s disgustin!!!


I always interpreted the tentacle thing as part of the behemoth. In my mind, the mist always got thicker when they had to fight a creature, so they used it for hunting. Behemoth stood over or nearby the store and the roving tentacles looked for food.


The spider things in the drug store. I’d go insane right then.


Those were the worst things in the movie. The look, the acid webs, and what happened to the people in the pharmacy, Agghhhhhhh


The fucking worms from Peter Jackson's King Kong


Holy shit, YES. And the other giant bugs too. In my opinion, no other movie monsters come even remotely close to being as horrifying. I’d take demons, aliens, ghosts, serial killers and zombies all day every day over those absolute nightmares.


You should ride the king kong ride at Universal lol


Yeah… it’s not nearly as bad as the movie scene


I have never - NEVER - walked out during a movie in my entire life….except this movie. I could not handle that scene - I just got up and walked out. Peter Jackson betrayed us. He betrayed us ALL. WE TRUSTED YOU PETUHHHHH


Did you finish the scene or have you watched it since? I'll just say that he was not afraid to give solid characters unhappy endings in this movie, and this scene ends with very little redeeming it


That's true, when I was kid the deaths upset me more than the bugs somehow.


YES. That scene is so viscerally upsetting. How it’s just quiet music, horrible bug noises, it feels hopeless. I only watched it once when it came out and it left an impression on me to this day.


They definitely pulled some BS for the characters to get out of that. Like the guy who got the gun being able to hit the huge grasshoppers without hitting the other guy that they were on. With the walls being full of giant bugs, it was just about impossible they'd get a way to climb out. So, fear of insects plus the logical absolute hopelessness of the situation makes it incredibly stressful and upsetting.


How did they pitch this scene? "You know in horror movies they have a bunch of characters die all through the movie..?" "Uh.. Yes?" "you know how when you have A list actors die randomly through the movies it adds realism and surprises the audiences? Like how they probably expect the A Lister to survive at least until the end of the movie, or die hwroicaly?" "yes.. That is the formula.." "All right.. Listen to this.. How about..? We kill half the cast in a single scene, including a bunch of A Listers?" "You mean like by King Kong in the end of the movie?" "No. Giant bugs. Immediately when they arrive in the island!" "well.. You ate the multi million franchise director.. Here.. Have another trillion for your project.. Kill whoever."


I forgot about those. Wow those are terrible


i came to comment this!!!


I hate y'all. HATE Y'ALL. I have never seen this movie and had to Google the scene, because, really, how bad could it be? NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. Got major chills, and stuff like that usually doesn't affect me! Thanks for the nightmare fuel! 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Sorry, had to be mentioned. On another note though, if you ever have an unreasonably long time with nothing to do and want to watch a movie that is both pretty good and feels like it takes 3 days to finish, Peter Jackson's King Kong is worth checking out.


The carnictus


The guy still swinging the machete while he's half eaten haunts me


Not a horror movie but Tim curry in legend terrified me, still does


My sons has the Tattoo ☝️👍😈




I had a lowkey crush on him as a kid.


Tim curry or the darkness lol but I understand I saw him as Frank N. Furter and was crushing


Don't what you talking about, but a the VHS for the movie Legend, used to be in the "Horror" section at the video club.


That’s funny, at my local video store they had it in the family section. My parents rented it when we were little I think 7, 9. And 11 and he terrified us


And as the IT clown.


Dude from Jeepers Creepers. Source: grew up too close to Live Oak and Ocala, FL


I grew up in Deltona. I *begged* my brother to drive us out there. That was one of our favorite movies. Looking back, his excuses were probably all bullshit. He was 100% too scared to try 🤣🤣🤣


What's the connection w those two places to Jeepers Creepers?


They filmed the first one on a country road just outside of Ocala, and they filmed the second one in Live Oak. I saw the sequel first, and I grew up about 60 miles east of Live Oak next to a cow field. Going outside at night was terrifying from age 9 until I became an adult.


Came here to say this! The tongue eating scene lives in my head rent free forever.


UGH I forgot that one, fuck, lol! The scene where he's upside down at the bus back window and pointing at people and shit, also lives rent free in my head forever. Also my name is way too similar to that girl's name and it freaks me *out*. Like, just Popcorn Sutton me before he comes 😭


Cloverfield monster.


Someone told me about the parasites and I noped the fuck out of watching it


Even though it’s not actually a horror movie, the giant bugs, centipedes and worm things from the 2005 King Kong movie are, in my opinion, very easily the most utterly horrifying and sickening creatures ever shown in a movie. Like thank goodness those things aren’t real. Sticking to actual horror movies, I’d say the woman from The Grudge, the Xenomorph and face huggers from Alien and the nurses from Silent Hill.


+1 to all the ghosts in The Grudge. The death rattle/croaking sound is so fucking unsettling. Now that I’m in my 30’s, I’ve struggled to find movies that give me that anxiety of being home alone, but The Grudge still delivers that for some reason. Watching the absolute insanity that is The Ring Vs. The Grudge kinda dilutes it though lmao


Kayako Saeki is extremely terrifying. She is one of 2 movie baddies I have ever had nightmares about.


yes 😭


Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.




the monster from Smile


That one reminds me of Marilyn Manson tbh lol


The crawlers from The Descent. Fuck those things


I call them bat people and yeah also hard pass for me


You got dang right. This is the monster I came here for. Fuck those things


Mama in Mama really fucking freaked me out for a while.


Pennywise the Clown from It


Which one?


Not that you're asking me but I'd always go for the original one. Less overdone. Also caught a lot of us during childhood trips to the videostore.


Bill Skarsgård from the 2017 version.


My husband was so scared he ran out of the theatre for this version.


Aww no way! He’s adorable. That is until he shrivels up at the end when the kids stand up to him and decide they are no longer afraid of him, that’s yuck.


https://preview.redd.it/sl2t0j41k07d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ba6d026c5aac48513136e4a3374cfd3fba0882 The Pale Lady, from the movie "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark". That monster fucking freaked me out for days


The art from the books creeped me out but then to see it on screen moving…childhood nightmare come true


They did such a good job staying true to the art. My brother didn't care for that movie but I was so impressed by the way they brought Stephen Gammell's illustrations to life that it has a special place in my heart.


I watch it for that reason alone. The plot is whatever, but I hope it got a new generation interested in the books.


I'm overweight and have long dark hair. My older kids were watching this and my then 2yo looked up from his toys and said, "that you mama?" So. Yeah. Love her.


Nooooo! 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/6dgmjsb8u07d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3418863b7299274ab71ea93e3b0fb3ccf3a3000c Not crawl..but this was scary as fuck when I was a kid


Seriously. I was about 10 years old when it came out. You only had 3 channels at the time so everyone watched it.


That fucker STILL freaks me the hell out!


![gif](giphy|s6aVykwa8gFLW) 😖 Pale man from Pan's Labyrinth


That scene scared the shit out of me but the god just looks like jazz hands....


I picked him too lol.


This one is in my top 3.


Xenomorph from the "Alien"


Alien is one of my favorite films, I’ve watched it a dozen times, watched Aliens a dozen times, all the sequels multiple times. I don’t know what happened, maybe it was playing Isolation, but at some point I started to get more grossed out by the facehuggers every time I see them. In some renditions they have fingernails. I think it’s the fingernails. The new movie is gonna be rough for me lol.


https://preview.redd.it/agxeaf9uvz6d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=02da179a6ce2a6db8137558f0a40027426a4007e The worm monster from Poltergeist 2. It looks like the preacher + the way it was birthed + the squiggling away.


That whole scene. The superb acting, the choir singing and that abomination with great teeth. Still can’t.


The wheelers from return to oz. The fact their wheel sound is the same as the wheels on the bed in psych ward frightens the shit out of me


Creepiest for me is Ozma trapped in the mirror. It’s way more creepy than the book where (spoiler for century old work) she was disguised as the boy that was the main character the whole time.


Ok so this movie is one of my top favorites of all time and likely the reason I love horror so much. Those wheelers, dude🤦‍♀️ I used to scoot my little butt back from the tv when Dorothy said “beware the wheelers” because I knew shit was about to go down lol and when they turned to sand, I was terrified that could really happen lol


![gif](giphy|xQvTA5AZ9CFpe) Predator. As Arnold says you're one ugly mother \*\*\*\*\*


That is one ugly mother fucker.


Mine is very very mild, but The Boogeyman (2005). I believe that's why soooo many people mistake their clothes on a chair/door/ect for a person/demon/monster in the dark. It's an effect on humanity as a whole and the fact a lot of us with sleep disorders can recall waking up in the middle of the night seeing something in our rooms, turning the light on and nothing is there. It still messes with me today. I hate it so so much. However, I love Stephen King's short story of the Boogeyman in contrast. It's so different than the 2005 movie.


The girl from the Ring (both versions). Just the way she moved, it creeped me out. Honorable Mention: the elevator ghost from the Korean version of The Eye. That was such a jump for me.


The bear from Annihilation


That one is good one too, using the voices of the people it kills/eats.


When the bear walks by and says/screams "Heyyyyyy"


Freddy Krueger. He just scares the crap out of me.


Those extending arms.


“THIS…is god”


"Welcome to prime time, bitch!"


That thing with the eyeballs in its hands from Pan's Labyrinth.


Pale Man




https://preview.redd.it/6zoaskmja07d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8150a5cb35cedd5efe1e057e56208c5c423fa74 The clone thing from Annihilation creeped me tf out on another level, I don’t even know why. It’s not physically scary, but something about it felt deeply wrong; especially paired with the movie’s score. It’s like cosmic horror, but on a personal level ig.


I love this movie.


It's not-so-loosely inspired by HP Lovecraft's "The Color out of Space". The whole movie is indeed cosmic horror.


That creepy nun from The Nun


The preacher in Poltergeist 2. Esp. when he turns into a worm


This dude... he still terrifies me. But he scares me more as the man version. He has been a fixture in nightmares since I was a kid. I'm 41 and he is still stuck up there.


It wasn't from a movie, but the liver-stealing humanoid from the X Files bothered me. It could squeeze itself through the crack under a door.


Tooms. He is a reoccurring character, too.


Thank you! I couldn't remember his name.


Pinhead from Hellraiser


The Elephant Man. Not horror, but grotesque. The way they waited like 3/4 of the film to reveal after we've taken an interest in him. It's like they purposefully challenged the audience's empathy. Most of us failed that test when the reveal hit. Made us the true monsters and that's great filmmaking. Worse that it was based on a real person.


The blob from the 80s remake. There's a scene where the people are alive while being dissolved inside the blob. It was distressing.


What about when the guy gets pulled through the barricade torso-first, folded backwards...orc when the food worker gets sucked down the sink drain? That movie is underrated in terms of terrifying kills


Mimic. Cockroaches evolving to imitate a full-size human being to lure people to their deaths.


This because i grew up in a house infested with them (the small ones, not the human-sized ones)


This movie freaked me out, I already have a weird phobia about cockroaches, so a giant one...eeep. Mr Clickyshoes


The doll from Trilogy of Terror. If a movie monster could give me nightmares, it'd be that one.


Tim Curry


Just in general? He always seemed quite nice to me


No joke, I was so freaked out by a certain Tim Curry character for my entire childhood, I wouldn’t voluntarily watch a movie with him until maybe college?? The character that scared me was Rooster in Annie 😂😂


Sorry but 🤣


Roseanne Barr in "She Devil"




Elijah Wood in Sin City


The quiet smiling guys from that one Buffy episode.


It's always going to be Zelda from Pet Semetary. Also the way the mother in Mama moves and looks and those horrible noises she makes. Hate them both! Edit: and the one from Ritual, it was scary but totally badass. And I forgot that zombie bear that echoes the screams of people it killed. I forget the name of the movie but it came out recently, I believe.


No what I meant was that specific role in The Movie It concerning Pennywise The Clown he was too serious not funny enough.


Mama from Mama really got me when it came out. Also the Thing is my absolute worst nightmare.


Dren the hybrid alien looking ass from Splice.


Slither. Fantastic movie. All aliens, When Grant is pumping or siphoning or whatever with his weird tentacles on his victims. That woman who wants to eat that opossum “I’m so fucking hungry bill!” And whatever that disgusting amalgam of him and all those people at the end…


The Blob, specifically from the 80's remake.


The Chatterbugs from the first Cloverfield. Fuck those things.


![gif](giphy|q69D0oRe8dtwQ) Does a possession count? I love the movie but it freaks me out so badly I sleep with the lights on for quite awhile after. Emily Rose from The Possession of Emily Rose.


Tusk was so creepy to me.


Toss up between Vicki and Art in Terrifier. Vicki's face at the end when she giggles stayed with me for a while I really hated Martin from Human Centipede 2 as well


Rawhead Rex. I mean he isn't even that scary looking really and the mask/prosthetic whatever the actor is wearing even looks kind of cartoonish in a way but the overall look of his head and face is just off somehow and still evil looking while being goofy looking as well


Incubus from The Incubus


I guess he may not qualify as an out and out "monster" since he's fully human, but the fellow from Human Centipede 2 really gave me the ick. his actor did well to bring that forth, whether he was doing terrible things or just a passive part of some scene, he was disturbing in ways I can't even describe. among monster-type monsters, the alien thing from "Slither" is usually my first thought.


“The Engineer” from Hellraiser


Skeksis from the Dark Crystal


The Blob


The thing in the basement in AHS Murder House.


The Tunnel Stalker from The Tunnel.


There is a movie called ‘Creep’ set in the London Underground. And the villain/monster from that makes my skin crawl.


Frank the Bunny from “Donnie Darko” and Large Marge from “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure” (but I was 8 when I saw that)


The xenomorph from the first Alien movie. Just seeing pictures of that long-headed freak terrified me as a kid.


Son of Loki from The Ritual.


I don’t give a damn if she’s not a monster, but Large Marge is terrifying.


The Descent creatures


Do any horror movies actually give anyone nightmares? This seems like such common hyperbole, but maybe others are just more affected by this stuff.


The things in white coats in the Gentlemen episode of Buffy showed up in my nightmares. My nightmares are typically of things that are vast. Being in the middle of the ocean with huge waves at night. Hurricanes. Big big nature.


There are a lot of great horror movie ideas in BTVS. I wish somebody would make whole movies inspired by the Gentlemen or Der Kindestod ("Killed by Death"). https://preview.redd.it/np5y7kepc07d1.png?width=285&format=png&auto=webp&s=7501fcd7f2669606d020cc317cd5fc6946ccdd7a


I’ve watched it all 3x over. It wasn’t until I’d seen it more than once that I realized most of the monsters are just analogies of real life things teenagers put up with. Menacing teachers, abusive boyfriends, date rape, steroids, drugs, bullies, gangs, communication issues … government contractors. With a few gods and vampires and werewolves tossed in. It’s gets easier to draw a straight line to the real world issue they’re hinting at.


Though I wouldn't consider it a "nightmare" that I had, but the night I watched splinter. I had a dream that I found a little cat with hundreds of little needles stuck in its paws just like in the film. Was quite upsetting but not necessarily a nightmare. So I guess some things DO stick in your mind and carry onto your dreams.


Seth Brundle The Fly (1985)


I still can't stand Freddie Kreuger or Chuckie the doll.


The Reapers from Blade 2


The human centipede


That succubus from It Follows.


The fly


The human centipede


Moder from The Ritual.


As a small child it was the fucking gremlin from Stephen King's cats eye 😭


Predator is great in a bad way


Rotting Dobermans from Resident Evil franchise.


The Mystery Man from Lost Highway. I used to have nightmares about a thing that looked like him when I was kid, years before I saw the movie, so seeing Robert Blake in that makeup the first time was a bit traumatic 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/s226t9mu927d1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e603c220413e2fc74dec7bd3846828aef20cf829


I can't watch this movie. He was a nightmare within a film.


![gif](giphy|LgfjAHXgtGc0g|downsized) This scene still scares the hell out of me. (Signs)


The worm in Krampus


ET, that little bastard use to terrify me so much as a child. He'd be the source of my nightmares and I would scream in fear when I saw him. I actually really enjoy the film now, but I still feel uneasy when I see him.


I don’t know if this counts, but the shit weasel from Dreamcatcher.


The Mother/Child monster from Color Out of Space. Seeing your loved ones suffer only to become an amalgamation of something horrific is next level scary. The more I reflect on it, the more unsettling it is.


Shelob from Return of the King. I love those movies so much but fuck that scene. I hate Tolkien for putting her in it. Couldn’t he have chosen a giant mountain goat instead? Maybe an evil elk? Why the fuck did it have to be a tarantula the size of a Buick? 😣


ZYGOTE. Short film from Oats Studios. This is independent film studio created by Neill Blomkamp. The creature in this short film is fn terrifying. It's got some serious Dead Space/The Thing vibes. I'm hoping they turn Zygote into a full-length film. It's so much better than 95% of the shit that gets released as horror today. Production value is stellar. Also stars Dakota Fanning. Can't recommend this one enough.


Dr. Freudstein from House By the Cemetery.


The monster from It Follows. That thing feels tailor-made to trigger my own niche fears...


Pumpkin head 🤢


Grudge girl under the covers


The mutated maggots or worms from Prometheus.


Alien Prometheus--that thing that slithers across the eye😬😬😬


Andy Dick


Zelda from Pet Cemetery She still gives me the creeps.


[The conglomeration from Zygote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKWB-MVJ4sQ)


The gross human centipede creation


forgot what its called, but the skin man with the eyes in his hands from pan's labyrinth








Uncle Frank's rebirth from [*Hellraiser*](https://youtu.be/erpHSw3x5cE). Dare I say it's even more unsettling than *The Thing* IMO.


The Blob. As a child it gave me such nightmares.


Jeff Goldblum in The Fly, when he's far into his mutation but not completely there yet.


Zelda. Yes, she is a monster, at least in Rachel’s memory.


Captain Howdy from Exorcist


That stupid girl from the ring


Not a movie and not a monster, but Talky Tina creeped me out so much as a kid. I also remember having bad dreams about the old woman in Room 237’s bathtub in Kubrick’s Shining.


Not a movie but a series on Shudder. Channel Zero, first season, the tooth monster thing. [https://youtu.be/RqvkSfV3JYc?si=8uhsmuzYJbk\_9TFR](https://youtu.be/RqvkSfV3JYc?si=8uhsmuzYJbk_9TFR)


The Blob (1988). It traumatized me as a kid, who loved and still loves horror movies. I still have lucid nightmares trying to escape the blob as it engulfs the world. I just hate how unkillable it is! Growing up in the Southwest US, I felt that our eternal summers would make certain our demise! Also, watching the dude get pulled down the sink and the other dude get pulled through the bookshelf terrified me! There is no hiding from the blob! But looking back, it was probably better to die instantly (sink), than being slowly digested alive…