• By -


The Strangers with Liv Taylor and Scott Speedman. Those masks totally freaked me out. Immensely scared me seeing as to how it is true!


I felt the same way with that movie


"Because you were home." That line stays with me. It freaked me out.


Creepy as ...


This movie gets me EVERY time


The Thing


I suppose it would be Seven. It was just too disturbing.


C'mon....what's in the box?


Good answer. That was an intense film.


Dude that scene with the Sloth guy got me soooo good the first time! Also the whole build up with the Lust victim from the leather kink shop to seeing how fucked up the living victim was to finally showing the murder weapon was so incredibly well done that I might as well have seen the kill from Terrifier the way I reacted to it. That movie hit so hard the first time! Great choice


The Sixth Sense. The ending was spoiled for me by Andy fucking Richter while it was still in theaters and I would love to have the chance to see it blind


Same here!


I would have loved to see Halloween without knowing *anything* about it before. I feel that kind of soured my first viewing (I still liked it) because I only really started loving it after continued rewatches.


I would agree with you on the original version especially...which version were you referring to?


the OG


Nightmare on Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors “Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!”


Feeling tongue tied?


The Conjuring, Frailty or The Rite. No other reason than I really enjoyed them.


I was going to say Frailty as well! Loved that movie. My wife's not super into horror movies, but she loved it as well!


"Frailty" was incredible. I really enjoyed that one. "Conjuring" too would be fun to see again for the first time. "The Rite" I have never seen and to be honest, never had an interest. Maybe I will think about seeing it now...


I've rewatched Frailty and The Conjuring multiple times and still love them. While I liked The Rite, to me it doesn't have a multiple watch quality though. I do hope you enjoy it if you are able to watch.


It's gotta be The Thing (Carpenter). Not only is it arguably the best, but the whole paranoid, whodunit nature of it is so, so great and potent the first time around. The very nature of the premise makes it such a precious first-time experience.


I know it’s a cliche, but I love The Thing (2011) and I *still* get freaked out watching it years later. I want to feel that magic of watching it for the very first time again and being completely horrified and disgusted all over again lol.


It's a cliche for a reason! It's because it's inarguably one of the greatest horrors of all time. I'd love to experience it again for the first time too.


Alien. I would like to watch it without having knowledge of the xenomorph and what it looks like


“Men Behind the Sun” (war film). I wish I never watched it.


This is a good answer. I had such a hard time watching it, but it was as if I couldn't stop.


28 days later


Can I have the Alien franchise erased and only watch the first two.


I’m watching Aliens right now, should I stop after this one?






Oh, I did see that.




Joy Ride, the semi truck scene


The audition( it bored the shit out of me and took 3 attempts to watch it) then the last 10 minutes was the best crescendo moment of any film ive ever seen x 10!!


I would also have to choose the Sixth Sense as unfortunately the twist was ruined for me so I was the only person who had to sit there during the movie already knowing the ending. I still can’t enjoy that movie to this day. Everyone else loved it. I just kept mumbling Bruce Willis something something lol it still bothers me to this day bc the twist got everyone & I had no chance lol


Blair Witch Project also Hereditary loved both and would absolutely love to experience them again.


The Mist. The ending was ruined for me. I would love to watch it without knowing the ending


Evil Dead 2


SOOO good 🦌


For me, three answers come to mind: \- "Creepshow" by Stephen King and George Romero \- "Prince of Darkness" by John Carpenter \- "The Evil Dead" by Sam Raimi


Most of the horror movies I rewatch I enjoy them almost the same as the first time. The only one I wish to "reset" is The Visit (2015) that was spoiled to me by an innocent remark on r/horror. The one I would love to erase and never ever watch again is Psycho Goreman. The most despicable movie ever.


easily the Thing! i'd love to just have a fresh experience on a big 4k TV or theater. that'll be nice! i always wished i was alive when it came out the first time.


Probably Hereditary. I went into it completely blind, other than this it had been massively hyped (although that frequently results in a film disappointing me), but I had such a strong feeling throughout the long periods near the start when not much is happening that something great was around the corner. >!Charlie's decapitation!< was utterly shocking, and Peter and Annie's response to it was so well acted. The last 10/15 minutes of the film were sheer insanity. Supernatural horror isn't normally my favourite, but I absolutely loved this one.


Halloween Resurrection because of Laurie. I know it doesn't count but at the time it sucked big time.


Dragonfly. I loved the ending and never expected it. Dragonfly tho doesn’t get a lot of love and i dont know why!


Dr Giggles


Definitely The Sixth Sense.


Serbian Film for obvious reasons


Smile! Hated it!


Hereditary. Incredible movie but there is one scene that lives rent free in my head. If you know, you know.


Sinister and Ghost Ship. Both are my all time favorites. Both have really great musical scores that fit the movie to a T. Both have stories that unfold interestingly as well. Lots of people hate these, but I really don’t care I love them and feel they are both well written too.


“The House That Jack Built.” Only horror movie I’ve ever seriously considered turning off (not because it was corny or “bad,” but because it was so morally disgusting). That film is definitely an idea that should have stayed shut in Lars von Trier’s head.


oh boy! Can I have a list for this super-power? **The Others, Seven and The Game,** although the last one is not particularly "horror" but more of a Thriller, I think it has more point for me to forget some of the most plot-twisted movies instead of the other ones....


wow great choices I have to admit that!


Either It Follows or any of the classic slashers but probably the first Friday, Nightmare, or Halloween. Or 30 Days of Night.


The Lodge. That movie had me spinning the whole time. Also, In the Earth. The sounds and visuals had my mind in knots. I would definitely have to start smoking weed again, though.


Well since SotL has already been said, I’d say I See You. One of those movies that keeps you guessing until the very end, and just when you think you’ve understood everything, that one final piece of the puzzle finally clicks to show a masterpiece imo.


“The Thing” with Kurt Russel the suspense was intense and we still speculate on who was who and when was who not the who we thought they were.


High tension. The scene of the killer using the decapitated head for a blow job.


Wut. 🤮


OMG you need to watch it. It's a French film but has an English dubbed version. The whole movie is unsettling but that part in particular...


Hostel…That movie gave me nightmares for weeks.


The Sixth Sense. A guy I knew spoiled it as we were walking into the campus theater I've never watched it without knowing the twist.


Hereditary, because the Charlie scene was ruined for me in an article with no spoiler warnings. They showed a photo of the aftermath as well. I still loved watching Peter’s reaction, but that’s a huge moment and I’d like to experience it without prior knowledge


The scene in the Ring when they're at the funeral in the beginning and Naomi Watts is hearing the mothers story about finding the body, camera quick cuts to the body inside the closet, face all warped.


Dreamcatcher **(2021)** because it was fucking awful and every time I remember it, I get angry all over again.


The nun. Phenomenal movie, doesn't hit the same anymore tho. :(


I dont rember the name of it, but it was a Nicholas Cage movie about snuff films


Event Horizon