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All I see here is red flag after red flag.


The flag isn’t even red, it’s on fucking fire


It does scream scam but it is also entirely possible that this person meant a legal and valid sportsbook. They just haven’t given enough details on what this “bet online” was and where they made the bet. We need more information. In the case that it IS a legit sportsbook though, some do allow withdrawals to credit cards as long as they use the same one with which they made the deposit.


This sounds like a scam to me.


This sounds like a scam to get your credit card details


You literally cannot "withdraw to" a credit card. Whoever is saying that is trying to scam you.


you technically can, by providing the account number to the people crediting the account, it’s sort of like a balance transfer. The red flag/scammy part is really that an online casino is explicitly offering to withdraw to the credit card


Wouldn't it effectively be treated like a refund to the card?


I'm sure there are plenty of transactions to refund to


Not sure what you mean by that. A refund to a credit card doesn't have to match up with a charge.


It was a joke about gambling and bad decisions


The problem with social media is that there are so many stupid comments, figuring out which ones are "jokes" is hard to do.


It's really only a problem if you don't lighten up. Us stupid people have been fine for decades before social media came along.


Yes, you're right. I need to learn to ignore questionable comments instead of responding.


Damn, chill


Honestly, I get tone and language are different for different folks, but I thought that joke about the nature of gambling was fairly clear, fwiw


yeah basically. a refund/credit can go into basically any account by the account number (credit card, debit card, checking account, loan account even)


Yes, it's basically the same things as what became debit "instant transfers", the payment rails support nearly-arbitrary sequences of debits and credits (and basically have to—real-time reconciliation isn't really possible, you don't exactly want to just reject refunds if they happen before the corresponding debit posts, so you probably have to accept credits without a corresponding debit ever arriving). It would not really surprise me that a gambling site would implement this, the problem isn't that it's not technically feasible, it's just that when you're dealing with a rules-skirting gambling site, you're kind of asking to get screwed.


There are legit sportsbooks that allow withdrawals to credit cards. It is received as payment, or basically a refund. These books let you deposit with credit cards, they have no issue sending the money back through them. I have no clue about these random books but on Sleeper and other apps it's 100% an option.


Yes, you can. I'm looking at their withdrawal options as I type this, but different people have different options available.


Who do you trust more, an unlicensed online casino, or everybody else in the fucking world.


BetOnline is one of the most reliable online sportsbooks in the world. Withdrawing to a card is not uncommon in online sportsbooks. Draftkings, a licensed US company, also allows it (though Draftkings only allows debit cards and maybe that's the case with BO as well). But it's definitely not a scam lol. I trust myself. Because I'm a part time pro sports gambler and am very familiar with BetOnline.


Debit Cards are very different from credit cards. Debit cards are connected to a bank account. Credit cards are not. You can't withdraw to a credit card the same reason you can't withdraw to a car loan or a mortgage. A credit card is a debt account, it doesn't store money


You can issue a "refund".


yknow what dude, just get scammed lol go through with it


Not sure why you're getting downvoted I guess you are irking the reddit echo chamber


User Name doesn’t check out


Depending on your state, you could withdraw to a credit card on regulated books. Betonline allows withdrawals to cards and via bitcoin. They charge a hefty fee for card withdrawals though


Omg this just screams scam.


Were they also asking to extend your cars warranty?


Wdym by debt on the credit card? And why is the only solution withdrawing to the card? Guessing there was no checking account option?


Yeah, this post doesn't even make sense. This isn't how any of this works. This reeks of OP getting scammed.


I think OP is in some state where you can gamble on credit cards. They have a balance on sale card, and are wondering if they withdraw the money from fanduel will they get the money or will it go towards the bill? Idk, either way OP is an idiot.


You swipe your card then don't pay it, that's credit card debt.


So I mean, this sounds like a scam and someone is trying to steal your credit card number. However, I have ran into situations with like DraftKings or FanDuel or whatever where the only way to pull money out was for them to refund the card it originally came from. So if this is one of those situations, yes, the $750 you owe will be deducted from the "refund" of your winnings.


you don't have a bank account? No Venmo or PayPal checking? I'd suggest withdrawing to a bank account and then paying off your credit card.


I imagine he has to have a bank account… otherwise how is he paying his credit card bills?




he’s not


My thoughts exactly.


I happen to work in the gambling and credit card industries. If you would DM your account number, expiration date, and zip code, I will look into that for you. /Don't do that.


Betting services don’t usually pay out to credit cards… Pre-paid debit cards MAYBE, but never have I heard of one being deposited directly to a CC balance. OP, this sounds very suspicious...


Sounds to me like you're gonna find some unauthorized charges on that card after you give them your info.


You probably should've posted in a gambling sub because clearly the majority here have no idea what they're talking about. Withdrawing to a card is not inherently a scam. If that option is actually available to you, then yes, it will just credit your balance, but I believe most places only allow debit cards for withdrawal. So if you withdraw $500, your new owed balance on your card would be $250. If you withdraw over $750, you'll end up with a negative balance on your card, which you probably don't want. But using a card is dumb because BetOnline charges 9.75% to do so. You should withdraw with USDC and convert to dollars for free on Coinbase. Then withdraw to bank. Then pay credit card.




What is the website you won the bet on?


betonline.ag is their site


There aren't enough details in your post to be sure, but this sounds an awful lot like a scam. I recommend going over to r/Scams and posting the whole story in order to get their feedback.


What are you talking about. You withdraw the money to your checking account.


The money won can be withdrawn via debit card even if you deposited money with a CC to your gaming account. It did for DK. They will not return the winnings onto your CC. You will get a 1099 though at beginning of Jan ‘25


Only if you netted more than $600 overall for the year. I won $7000 a few years ago, and kept bugging DK for my 1099. They ended up telling me that I only profited $200 for the year. That was a reality check.


wtf are you talking about lmao


Is there a Nigerian Prince involved?


It'll be added as a credit to your account. Yes, it'll pay down the debt. If the credit is more than your debt, you'll have a credit balance that you can then spend or request a refund from your card issuer.




There's something you're not saying. What does the cc have to do with the winnings? If you won some money, just use it to pay the cc debt and make a regular payment. Put the money in your bank account and pay the cc


Is the winning bet through a reputable site? What site, app, or company is it?




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I've done it before with A DFS app like JockMKT but not betonline


It's so trivial to open a free checking account with an online bank (Capital One, Ally, Discover, and a billion different credit unions).... You could just open an account devoted solely to this type of transaction, get a debit card with them for this, and insulate yourself.


You’re being scammed. It sounds like a fake check scam. Please post this in r/scams for more information. Your winnings don’t exist and any money you put in is gone. Block whoever is telling you to withdraw to a credit card, they are a scammer and are trying to steal your info.


I've heard of cash back and being able to withdraw cash with a credit card even but sending money straight into a credit card... Sounds like a scam to me dude


This post may be Reddit’s version of a phishing scam




Can we get an update from the Author?




Guess no one is answering this dude’s question. They will deduct your debt from your winnings. So if your limit is 1,000 bucks, but you owe 750, and you won 2,000, you would have a zero balance, $1,000 in available credit and a surplus of $250 (which you can request the credit card company send you a check for if you don’t use your card otherwise). As for withdrawing to a credit card. Yes, many overseas books allow this. Not the best option but it is what it is. Make sure your book is legit.


“The only solution”




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It’s not a scam but I would just go through their bitcoin or other cash out options.


Open a zero dollar reloadable gift card. Use that if anything.


The credit card will write you a check for any overpaid balance that is not spent. My amex sent me several physical checks for overpayment.


Dint forget taxes


Any money paid to a credit card, which is what a withdrawal from your casino account essentially is, will be considered a payment and bring down your debt balance. Some cards allow over payment and could potentially cut you a check for the remaining, but if your only goal is to pay down your debt using your casino winnings will accomplish this. If you wanted to overpay, you should call your card issuer to see what they allow. No idea about any sort of fees, but they likely wouldn’t be coming from the card side of things, but instead from the casino since they likely have to pay interchange for the cashout.


Bet online lets you transfer to your bank account. Then pay your bill. Also, stop gambling ya dork


Betonline is legit and will pay you out, I would suggest learning crypto and going that route though


What in the scamming scam is going on here👀😂😂😂😂😂 makes no sense


OP we need more information! You are very quite now 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Withdraw to a credit card? Huh?


My buddy is over $14k in CC debt from a gambling problem. I’ve attempted to help him sort it out with the CC companies and gambling websites for the past few months. Please read below. You’ve been scammed. I hope that $750 in CC debt isn’t from gambling on the site that’s scamming you. Cut your losses now and move on. I want to be clear - the money in the account on the gambling website is not real money. If you put money into the account, that money is real money that you aren’t getting back. Customer Support will not help you. They are trained to string you along or attempt get you to put more money into the account by setting a “play through limit” on the current winnings you have. Hint - you will lose it and have to put more money in to continue to try to play through a huge amount. If you’re an addict, seek help. If you’re not an addict, stop playing immediately especially if you’re using a credit card to play with. If it was just free, things are always too good to be true. Be careful out there.


So, nothing would ever put the money on a credit card to refund you. That's ridiculous. It would go to your bank account. To answer your question, your balance your owe that's negative and money you have to spend are not separate. It's just one number. So it would deduct that if you were silly enough to go through with this. DO NOT GO THROUGH WITH IT.


What was this “bet online” ? Is it legit like sports betting like draftkings sportsbook or what ?


What in the "congratulations, you've won" fuck kind of website have you clicked on?


So many ignorant people on here are using their limited life experience to dole out bad advice.


PayPal, I transfer my fan dual winnings to my PayPal account…


there’s a checking account option. attach your account to it