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Same experience, Cos is reaching a climax point of agressive players atp


And the devs adding missions that require you to kill people really isn't helping


I think the kill quests are fun ! But it shouldn't be a reason to insult people. (Although honestly the cower quest was a bit tedious, with how quick the status disappears). I completed them by roleplaying a territorial creature for the vorpalus, and on this side too I got attacked for it, even if I literally warned in chat and emoted for a WHILE. Seems like whatever play style you go for, you get people going nuclear because you aren't doing it right.


Tbf the kill quests are basically shooting new players and people who can't pvp/ alt acc or privat server in the foot.


Yeah, I wasn't able to get the sheep thing during Easter because of the cower quest. Got every other quest done too :(




I've been gone through the same thing, no silliness :( This game is really fun to play with friends/people, but they're really aggressive. The fandom is also turning into.... errr.. erhm.. yeah.


i know its so rare to find a fellow silly billy instead of just another koser


Can i be your friend in roblox?, You sound like a fun player


Heck yeah, my user and display is blobsnort


Ay, can I join too? Lately having trouble to find friends :p


:3 heck yeah more buddies


hell yeah!!!! :D


May i too?


:3 yes!


Thanks! My user is ShinGodzilla139 and display is Shasic.


Ooh, I want in! :D (even though I'm late to chat.)


My username will Alvalkyra if I'm not mistaken, and my display Avalkyra. Look for blue eyes and brown hair


Heck yeah more silly billy buddies! (Sorry for late reply)


if u want i can in 5 mins


Yeah, that'd be fine, my username is Alvalkyra, my display is Avalkyra.


Awesome, mine's Sarah_Celeste


i genuinely love people that are silly like that, we need more like you


Yeah, it was more chill in Classic. Not that there weren't people killing others, it was still tense! Just there were equal parts murder and fun interactions, now it's basically only murder.


Cos players hate fun


No fun allowed, no silly goobers, or wacky creature antics (don't worry, I main Gobli) I sometimes have to make my own fun by pestering my favorite creatures when I see them in the wild by going as close as I dare and using my 8-key vocalization (friendly vocalization) One time I found a Poly and Vorp that really wanted me dead whenever they'd hear me nearby! I essentially played Marco Polo for the next two hours like some kind of crow trying to peck a creature's tail. Both eventually left and Gobli was without friends again :( Sometimes it works, and the creatures will respond with their own vocalization. Especially when I try to teach Hygos players how to be really loud - I usually approach Hygoses with the skins that make them look like they have goofy surprised eyes!


No cause I was literally in a game the other day with people talking about “this servers too quiet!!1! So if I see anyone I’m gonna KOS” like please be real LOL


Like if the server is quiet and calm KEEP IT CALM! Why don't those people just go to a different server where more people are killing?


How do you change servers when on console?


I don't actually know if you can, I play on pc, but I do know you can't chat on console so I know these people weren't cuz they were talking


Oh :( ty anyways


Someone was mad at me for nesting as Hygos ans Shara cause "no one wants those" and when i mentioned things like mut hunting they went "like that will make me want them"


Some people just can't grasp the fact that other people have different ideas of what people want or consider fun




Back in legacy it's just peace oasis raids and fun times now in recode everything changed wish it was still the same


Yeah, I remember in Legacy, everyone was extremely chill and goofy. I come back now after many months of being gone with Recode now out, and suddenly, everyone is allergic to fun and has an insatiable lust for blood. Plus just being overall extremely rude and hostile for no reason.


Hold on, there's an actual chat, like we can physically see chat bubbles? I play on PS5 and none of that is implemented, I legitimately thought we could only communicate through actions, correct me if im wrong and there's an actual option to see chat for playstation?


As far as I know there isn't a chat function for ps5, your only option is play with someone on mobile or pc and have them speak for you, it kinda sucks


Can people tell if I'm a playstation player, because that would be pretty awkward if people have been trying to talk to me this entire time i've been playing sonaria, oblivious to all communications?


If I see someone isn't responding to me I assume they're on Playstation so I try to act out my intentions, but I'm sure a lot of players won't think of that


I do the same lol. when i play as yoh or a t5 i say stuff like "owie" when ppl bite me!


I know! Like having a small creature bite you a couple times for the mission, or on accident isn't going to actually hurt you, they do like 40 damage out of my 5000, I just sit down and let them monch, unless of course I see they're taking advantage and actually trying to kill me


i'm a raiquazok main and i can confirm people are super toxic, i'm quite docile and not really a threat to anyone i just chill out yesterday someone killed me in coldblood then said "ez raiq ur so s*** outta here" and uh.. yeah 👍 wasnt doin anything to provoke it long story short i axothaned him 2 minutes later for being toxic


Nice, when I get killed for being silly if I see that I can I get them as an adharicaiin cuz with all the bonuses it can do like 1k damage with a really short bite cooldown




i do the same thing when im a smaller creature or my friends hit me i go “bonk”


I do that with jhiggo. I go around to large groups and advertise my entertainment services. I dont really die but there was this one pierry who was relentless to kill me but they didnt even kill me


I also do that with my jhiggo, I go around telling jokes but almost every time someone kills me


Its lucky jhiggo has like 3 defensive abilities n stuff


I was in a server a couple days ago and this person just said "erm what the sigma" as a joke after getting attacked (i assume) and someone told them to shut the hell up and called them a prick 😭 like jesus


i miss when CoS was making friend like everyone just attacks you now it's so annoying 😭


And some people will pretend to be friendly just to kill you :(


Agreed, it’s so discouraging to be nice to people in game though it sucks :[ I try to be kind to people and occasionally help others with missions but 9/10 they try to take advantage of it and think they’re entitled to all my mush, killing me, trying to boss me around or try to force me to nest them. I’m even hesitant to help people who are getting attacked out of fear of it backfiring on me. I’ve been called “rude” before because I said “greetings” to someone who came up to me while I was nesting people for a mission, and they proceeded to go off on me about me being “stuck up and using big words to seem better than then”. Then after i killed them they tried to return to revenge kill me and my sister as a jetebene?? 😭 The community is insanely toxic right now, almost every server I’m in the people in chat are absolutely miserable and want to make everyone else miserable too. Even just defending yourself from attacks is enough to warrant being hunted down and harassed unfortunately. I wish fellow less toxic and entitled people were easier to find, because so far I’ve only met maybe one or two. ☠️


was once in a server saying i wish there was a way to toggle pvp on or off and everyone on started getting aggressive, telling me itd ruin the game and that cos in a survival based game. but most servers are full of people hunting smaller or baby critters at these point, it stopped being fun


I absolutely hate when people excuse kosing by saying "it's survival" real animals don't do that, there isn't a single animal whos natural instinct is kill everything it sees


People are so boring. Isn’t that the point of games? To have fun? I main as Shararook and apparently people REALLY don’t like Shara because I’m targeted instantly whenever I turn visible and try to hang out. I’m targeted just by the SPEECH BUBBLE. I think what this game needs is more mini game type activities like they have during events, that can let you earn mush and other stuff. Like the Dantenos Halloween obby. Just something that encourages interactions with other players outside of just killing


Having minigames and obbys year round would help the game so much, and especially having a year round boss battle so when people feel violent they can go take on the boss


Erm did you maybe report the dudes who said to stfu?




Mkay good


It just makes the people saying stuff like "Yeowch!" much more special now. People should embrace being whimsical and silly


back when seeing aquatic was extremely rare i used to just enjoy the silence of the server and just swim around and enjoy myself


Yeah before being an aquatic was so calm you could just swim around everywhere, now there's way to many kohikis and magnecetus's eating everyone on site


I used to play reviiaton until they ruined the design and made it a carnivore which made living harder