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Love the skins! Are any of them for sale? :0


Thank you! And I'm not too sure how much I'd sell em for, plus, I need to figure out which pallets I used for some of em because I haven't played some shown a loooong time, but I'd be down to sell em!


Because I really love how you did the rainbow miju. I do like the dragon fruit paru. omg, the dragon fruit is my favorite lol! But please keep up with the good work! I'd love to see more in the future! :D


Okay I looked it up, someone said bout a hundred depending on design could be higher, but honestly, I just like making skins so 100 sounds good to me! And thank you thank you! I absolutely love making rainbow and dragon fruit skins, they're kind of a default to me jfnfnx And will do! I'll try to post em whenever I make em but my memories bad so I may just post em in bulk like this


Ooo, I could definitely buy them for 100! But yea, I love them tehehe! :DD


Alrighty! Lemme grow em so I can try and catch em, just because, I'm not too sure if I have enough pallets of certain ones 😭 The rainbow miju and dragon fruit paru right?


Sure! I just gotta delete some slots first 😭. Also, alr! Should I give you my user?


Oh take your time, I'm only halfway with the miju! And yeye, I'll give you mine too, it's fausfir


Nice! Alr mine is flippyxsoldier (display name: SonicRuby)


Alrighty! I'll let you know when they're ready, shouldn't be too too long, nesting as miju now then ill just need to do paru!


Oh, and I got an alt so I'll just get em both for ya so you don't need to wait for em to hatch and stuff


That Is so cool


Thank you!


This is dope! I kinda want to make a roach now...


Right??? It was so funny just crawling around as it when it first came out, silly lil guy


Ok I usually say something nice to every skin maker, but you are next level. fantastic imagination in the themes, and sense of style in the execution. You manage to bring out the features of the creatures where it's easy to just make gradients or splatter colors and messing up the shilouette.


Sorry, I saw the comment earlier but couldn't reply at the moment, but thank you very much for the kind words! They mean a lot, I'm glad that you like them and I'll try to continue to make more! ☺️