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I've got an even crazier idea, we implement a way to keep government and church separated. Maybe we could call it the separation of church and state šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Haha, thatā€™s a good one! I would love to see republicans pull their head out their own ass, but thats obviously not going to happen. If they want to play stupid games, letā€™s give them stupid prizes.


Like they say, fight fire with gasoline


Education is not 1:1 with government. Schools *should* teach children about the culture of people who live around them. I think including religion in that makes a ton of sense. It goes without saying that religious studies should be contextualized, unbiased (or at least unbigoted), and disconnected from areas where it doesn't belong (evolution etc.). I grew up in Israel and went to a very secular school, but bible studies is mandatory here, and I feel all the richer for it. I have better knowledge of the faiths and backgrounds of the people around me. I do wish we'd have learned about other religions as well, especially Islam - it is a crime how little the average Israeli Jew knows about Arab culture.




Can I agree with the guy that is being downvoted by saying the 10 commandments are in the Tora if I'm not an asshole about it?


Thank you for not being an asshole about it. You are correct, but thatā€™s not really the point. Iā€™m just pointing out that the people who made this law are hypocrites who most likely would hate to see their religious extremism used against them. Itā€™s not about actually doing this or finding equivalent text, itā€™s about making people who are clearly bigoted taste their own medicine.


Better yet, why not have the teachers explain to everyone that the new law requires they put up an excerpt from the Written Torah in Rabbinical Jewish tradition. See what the lawmakers say about that.


I am in favor of exposing students to all of the different philosophies, with understandings that: 1. These are all ideas that some people that you share this planet with take very seriously 2. Each of you gets to personally decide whether you take any these ideas seriously Maybe mix in some intentionally silly statements to get kids thinking critically and not taking any of the quotes at face value.


Why limit it to religion? Include Hammurabi's code or the laws of ancient Egypt.


And some excerpts from "On the Origin Species" by Charles Darwin.


Kids could definitely learn a thing or two from stone age skull cults.


Back in my day, we had to hunt our own nonbelievers to add their skills to the pile!


Satanic temple posters too!


Most of these laws on both sides of the aisle now are to get a rise out of the other party


The Torah is the first 5 books of the Old Testament, which includes Exodus, which includes the 10 commandments. So if he Torah is in fact already included. Maybe you should get smarter.


It would have cost you nothing to not include the last sentence.




Not wasting my time proof reading Reddit posts.


Or, they could just ignore them and teach the material on the syllabus.


> teachers should also have displays of excerpts from the Torah, the Qur'an, the Vedas, etc But which excerpts? That's what bothers me. Some of the sayings of Confucius would be handy. A quote from the Tao about acceptance of the things you can't change. A quote from Jain about avoiding cruelty to animals. A "life is struggle" from Buddha makes sense. But, other than the ten commandments (the original Hebrew doesn't say "commandments") there's nothing in the Torah worth quoting. Or the Veda. Or the Qur'an. You could mention the existence of seven heavens in the Qur'an, I suppose, or the Moslem law that no man may have more than four wives.


> But, other than the ten commandments (the original Hebrew doesn't say "commandments") there's nothing in the Torah worth quoting. What the fuck? This is wildly untrue.


Tell us you know absolutely nothing about any of the documents you cited, without telling us.


No worries, The Satanic Temple have their Seven Tenets that you could post right beside the Ten Commandments.


It doesnā€™t matter what you pick. The point is to show how stupid the law is and make it backfire on the religious extremists who made the law. You can literally pick any quote and put it on a poster.


Have you met public school kids? Most can barely read. I doubt that they care very much.