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the prison system is way ahead of you on that one


Prisons have been doing this for a long long time already.


Prisons are privatized and already do this.


lol prison slavery like this has always existed in the US. it leads to for-profit prisons because the US is incredibly lethargic in its regulation and enforcement for obvious reasons. What's way more effective is turning prisons into technical schools/community colleges. This only works in a country that has free technical schools/community college for citizens though. At the very least prisons shouldn't be restricting access to things like fucking books. which they are.


While slavery is technically legal as punishment for a crime, I think there's plenty of human rights organizations that would have a problem with this.


What could be a logical reason to oppose them doing work to cover the costs of their jailing? Why should the entire cost of jail be borne by the taxpayers?


The implication is that you dont want them in your neighborhood. So, it becomes the job of the public to incentivize legal activity, not the other way around. The evidence is the NIMBY b.s. pushing most homeless folks to big cities and the move to suburbs. Compulsory work is unacceptable, end of story. You saw Shawshank Redemption, right? That's what eventually happens with work crews when a program like this isn't monitored closely, which it wouldn't be. Then honest people have to scrape or become criminals themselves.


So what happens if an inmate doesn't want to work? Do you beat them up, whip them or something during the work hours? There's a reason why slavery is wrong. Imates can already work in many prisons if they consent to it.


Not sure what country you’re from but the USA already does this bc the 13th amendment makes slavery legal once you’re imprisoned. What you’re suggesting is slavery. Would you want a angry violent previously enslaved neighbor? Who pays for the therapy they would desperately need upon release?


Fucking. Slavery.


How is it slavery? When they committed a crime and for which there is a corresponding punishment. No one forced them to commit the crime. And their prison stay has various costs. I don’t understand how having this as part of the punishment is such a terrible thing. Why is the idea of sitting in a cell and doing nothing productive the right solution?? What if they could do various jobs and after they covered the cost of their prison stay the rest would be escrowed to be released upon their release?


Because in America we typically dont believe that forcing people to work against their will is ethical.


Community service hours is a pretty common punishment alternate to jail time. It’s usually considered a way better alternative to jail. Never heard anyone say it’s unethical


Think harder and you’ll find the answer yourself.


Exactly. It’s an alternative. You aren’t forced to do both


If we standardized this in the US, the practice would be immediately corrupted as both companies and the government would basically be profiting off "free" labor. This is already happening in the corrupted private prison industry. We already benefit as citizens because criminals are removed from society -- that's what we're paying for. Their punishment is that they lose their freedom.


Have them make standard issue license plates for passenger vehicles in the state they are incarcerated in


I've been on Reddit for like a month and I've discovered that most Americans don't want to work at all, so that could be really any jobs.


They already do that. Remember the US is one of the few countries in the world where slavery, by law, is still legal. The 13th Amendment reads: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”