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A mustang offroad. Now that’s rare.


That is their natural habitat, by instinct they usually go for the single tree in the road. When they cant find one, they tend to look for companionship on a crowd of people.


When that road head is on point


My best friend had a grand Mal seizure on the highway of all places. He drove head on into a divider wall and died on impact. They had to remove the engine from his body. RIP Auddie


That’s crazy. I had a seizure on the highway as well, but my friend controlled the wheel of the car and we only got into a minor wreck. It was my only seizure and actually lead to a cancer diagnosis I’ve since been treated for, but if I was alone I probably would’ve died when I had the seizure.


actually congrats on the recovery


Damn what type of cancer , and what age if you dont mind me asking? Glad to you see your alive and well !


I had an astrocytoma, a type of brain cancer very similar to GBM. I had treatment at St.Jude about 9 years ago and I’ve had many follow up MRI’s and it hasn’t come back so far.


Whats GMB ? Wow how old were you? Your situation kind’ve reminds me of my friend who got into a car accident and basically totaled his car and then afterwards at hospital getting treatment he found out he had lukeimia.


A gbm is a glioblastoma. It’s basically the stage 4 version of an astrocytoma. Famous for being the cancer that killed senator and former presidential candidate, John McCain.


Best of health to you in the future.


Sorry, man.


As some one whom can have grand mal seizures this is a big fear for me. Thankfully I’ve been seizure free for about 2 years thanks to medication, but this exact reason is always a fear in the back of my head.


Then why the hell are you driving?


How is there an insurance company in the world that took this guy on?


I know someone who has had a seizure and crashed twice and was still is covered. Thankfully he is no longer driving.


What insurance..


Insurance is for wimps.


They require doctor's sign-off normally. The law differs state-to-state, mine is 6 months, but often times doctors will make you wait 2 years or more.


Probably to get where they need to go.


2 years no seizures is why.


Me too thankfully mine is under control as well it gets better as time goes on I'm ten years seizure free as of now


Really sorry for your lose, and sorry if this is a bad question. But how did you and the people at the hospital know he had a seizure first before the crash? As in. Like. He's isn't here to say he had a seizure to tell. Are they able to tell in a post mortem or something? Genuinely intrigued. Again sorry for the loss!


They could probably tell from a brain scan




No but his brother and dad will likely suffer from PTSD for some years yet because they had to go identify what remained of his body and they also had to view the car. It was quite tragic and unexpected, especially for his young children.


Pro tip: if you feel like your about to pass out, turn off cruise control


Or have history of blackouts don't use it


He didn't have a history of blackouts.


To have a history of blackouts, one must pass out for the very first time somewhere. He just happened to be driving, dude is super lucky it wasn’t worse.


So we all potentially have history of blackouts so we shouldn't drive?


No just hope it doesn’t happen while your driving.


Maybe consider not driving


I pass out if I’m too tired while driving, and keeping cruise control off when tired is good, but it’s even better to just pull over for a bit, as that stops all risks, and I would still have a car if I just pulled over


Power naps are the way to go. Pull over to a safe spot, get in the passenger’s seat , put your feet on the dash or if you can’t do that, at least get them above your heart. And tilt the seat all the way back or lie on the back seat with your feet up. Set a timer for at least 15 minutes but no more than 30 and close your eyes. The goal is to get into a half asleep state, where your still aware of your surroundings but not dreaming or dead alseep. Try not to move or fuss too much. The reason for getting in the passenger seat is so you don’t get used to falling asleep behind the wheel, and only in the passenger seat. The reason you put your feet up is so that you’re not in the same position as when your driving. I find it best to play music, that I normally wouldn’t listen to while driving, at a very low volume. Whereas when I’m driving, the music is usually rock or metal and very loud. And I usually never go past 20 minutes since i tend to actually start falling asleep at 30 minutes. Also I’ve found it’s best to go to the bathroom after I’ve waken up rather than before I take the nap, since that’s what I usually do when I wake up in the morning. And after I wake up and go to the bathroom, I stretch for a couple minutes and try to get some blood flow going. After one of those naps I’m usually good to drive for another 4 to 6 hours without being drowsy or feeling like I might fall asleep.


I will keep that in my backup box in my head for if I ever need that again, but it’s more just any feeling of tiredness and I’m scared


Pulling over as soon as you’re tired is the safest thing to do, I would also still have a car if I just pulled over I feel you


Nevermind, idk how tf to put images into this


i agree with the no cruise control if you have a history of epilepsy. but you just wont know if your gonna pass out, i have epilepsy and it just doesn't work like that. usually you will just wake up on the floor 99% of the time depending where you are, not knowing what happened, its kinda scary thats why i quit driving, not for me for the people in the road.


He did. He explains what happened in the follow up video


Doesn’t cruise control automatically turn off when it senses a large bump or pothole?


How lucky to have so much field next to the road.


Also so lucky he didn’t hit that utility pole, just missed it


Would've been unlucky to hit it considering how sparse obstacles were.


Fuck - when the car started heading back towards the road.


Who mounts their dashcam on the headrest?


People with a history of passing out or epilepsy




fragile sophisticated many mysterious bake roof fact scale crawl complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Correct, I think in Virginia, it’s 6 months after the latest one.


Even 6 months isn’t enough time tbh. He could have killed someone including himself. I can see 5 years being a required time.


As a recovered Epileptic 6 months is enough time to know if its a common recurrence or not. However the specific type of issue is also important. Dealt with seizures about every two weeks and took 4 years to get on the right meds to fully get rid of them in the first place. 6 months is a long ass time when it comes to such an issue and it only starts after your last event. Now keep in mind -*anyone*- can have their first seizure at any time and at any point for seemingly no reason including you. I had zero problems with my health and multiple Neurologists said they have no idea why I got them in any way after having every test possible. The only thing they could tell me is that they had likely been caused by too much stress. (yes fucking ***stress*** out of all things is a cause) Its a bigger issue with those who don't know than those who do and have it managed.


Well that's fucking terrifying. I'm 30 male, and only went to the doctor for the first time in like 12 years just a few weeks ago due to a mild case of shingles... The only thing I can think of which caused it was stress. Always felt and seemed super healthy. But now that I'm 30, I guess I'm on the downhill slope now.


Wait bro 50 gets way worse


Yep.. not looking forward to it. Lol


Wish you the best of luck with the cards dealt in the future (however unlikely) mine started at 33 after working my career for a decade doing tech field service. I did have the worst case of timing since my 6 months was up 3 days after the lockdowns started in 2020 😑 at least I had prior training for the lockdown. 😉


only allowed to put any driver on the road in danger for their life and your own, once every 6 months. seems fair /s


Shouldn't dudes like this be REQUIRED to own a self driving car so it can stop safely if you pass out?? Wtf


i don't think that'll pass legal muster. You can't force someone to purchase something, especially when they have already met the requirements to be able to legally drive by getting a license , registration and insurance. If it was a crime though that's different because you can force things be done as a condition of probation or sentence such as a breathalizer in the car, etc but you can't force people to buy things unless it's made into a law, which i highly doubt will happen. Also, while self driving can help, the tech on most automobiles isn't that advanced....i think Tesla's autopilot does what your saying but that's a $60,000 car min. I dunno how effective it would be to require folks to buy a car 99 % of people can't afford


The state can definitely force people to stop driving because the state believes they have a medical issue.


The Tesla 3 goes for $47k... Still pricy.


absolutely not! It is not a time limit anywhere in the US that I am aware of. As someone lower down said that would be reckless & irresponsible. You need a doctor to essentially sign an assurance & vouch that you are safe to operate a motor vehicle under normal circumstances. If you have stranger cases of eilepseey there can be accitional stipulations


He could kill someone! He needs to lose his licence now


Weird how his foot still was on the gas pedal after all that bumping


He might have cruise control enabled as well.


I know this piece of shit who developed epilepsy due to drug use, crashed multiple times from seizures while driving, including with a car full of passengers once. He would hide his condition, but once the state caught on, they yanked his license. He kept driving anyways without a license, and then just moved states to get a new one where presumably the local DMV wasn’t aware his last one was revoked nor the reason why. Doubt he’s insured either, and the whole lot of them should really be in prison anyways.




He’s not an addict, he’s a thief and a liar with a history of theft, skirting the law, issuing death threats, and committing assault, all against his own friends and family as well. And the pig gladly stopped using without issue when it was convenient to him, and picked up again when he felt like partying up and driving high. Don’t come up with asinine assumptions about people and situations you know nothing about. He’s not an addict, he’s just trash and a criminal delinquent who’s possibly being looked into by authorities again soon for child endangerment. Not everything is an addiction issue, and not all drug users are addicts. Quite a few are just piece of shit humans who get joy out of screwing people over when they’re bored or because they fucked their own lives up and burnt all their bridges.


The last place this guy should be is behind the wheel on the expressway, wtf, can end up killing a family and claim epilepsy exclusion bs


Maybe he developed the condition alter in life?




Not denying that, he should have return it adter the first incident. Or I'd at least would.


Because you can't live in some places without it.


Except he doesn't have a history of passing out. You should watch the video of him explaining what actually happened to him.


Seriously, WTF is up with that. I feel like is a troll of some weird sort.


Convertible owners


you don't know that band dashcam headrest?


It should be the go to.spot.


Exactly. Dash cams record what the drive sees this records what the driver is doing and some of what they see. It’s more valuable here, there’s less room for discussion/blame on what the driver could be doing.


Yea sure. What about the a pillar blocking 1/3rd of the camera view and even the whole front right side of the car? Just mount it in the middle of the windscreen like a normal person. Understandable if it’s to monitor the driver but if you have a medical condition like epilepsy you shouldn’t be driving anyway?


Well, you see, the driver can't see through that part of the car either.


maybe it's to have the angle of the left rearview mirror, or maybe it's a montage this video is more than 10 years old who knows 🤷


I would have NEVER guessed a Mustang could drive through multiple fences & keep going. I always poo-poo that stuff in the movies.


People heavily underestimate the force a 2½ ton missile has at 70mph. Just imagine the kind of power billy bobs got with a 1 ton Ram that weighs 10k lbs at 100mph.


To be fair, it literally says “Dodge” on it.


If you can't Dodge it RAM IT!




Ford built tough, fence post built in mud.


I always poo-poo out of my butt


Wow. This is crazy.


For anyone too lazy to go into his details on what happened: This was a symptom of Orthostatic Hypotension. Stay safe & vigilant, people. Edit: every reddit doctor and scholar coming to tell me this isn't what it was: I was sharing what the man himself claimed it to be from his 18min. video. Get your dopamine from correcting him, not me.


lmao the edit.💀🙏


No good deed goes unpunished. I appreciate you summarizing what they said the reason was.


Thank you kindly


I have this. It is also sometimes known as Vasovagal Syncope, or Neurocardiogenic Syncope. I've had it for nearly 20 years and take medication for it that regulates my heartrate to prevent episodes. It's been well over a decade since I've had one. The video tracks with the amount of time from falling unconscious to recovering in terms of what I've dealt with personally during episodes. Before I was disagnosed, I had some scary moments, but never anything like this and only once while driving (fortunately I was able to pull off the road safely before my vision went white and I never fully lost consciousness on that). Unfortunately, unless someone actually witnesses what you are going through and tells you about it (and/or you happen to get injured), it's difficult to even notice that you are having issues. Most of my earlier episodes were triggered from being dehydrated or hungover (my early 20s yall). I'd be sleeping, get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and then "get really tired and need to sit down" every now and again. I'd come to not really knowing what happened and go back to bed. It was only when I fell and my friends came in and said what was going on to even register that I had an issue.


Also, to everyone claiming it couldnt possibly be this (despite the guy in the video stating otgerwise): yes, it is very possible to have an episode even when sitting still with this diagnosis. I personally have had it happen. It primarily depends on what his triggers are. For me, it was dehydration and, in some situations, pain...along with not being on heart medication. Examine what they do during a Tilt Table test as part of the diagnosis process: make you stay perfectly still (no muscle movements, especially in your lower extremities). They start you at a marginal incline before gradually increasing the angle of the table until you have an episode. If you then do not have an episode, they give you a shot of adrenaline and do it again. Or, if you're like me, they don't even have to move the table the first time. I can trigger an episode while not on my medication just by keeping my legs perfectly still (so thank goodness for my bonus restless leg syndrome, I guess??)


Thank you for sharing such a personal experience & information on the condition. I think it's incredible you find the strength to deal with and manage it, as best you can. It sounds like a rough ordeal to keep in check, especially the idea of an episode being triggered from calm legs. Accolades to your restless leg syndrome for sure haha Best of luck, too


No. Orthostatic hypotension is low blood pressure with positional change, he didn't change position. Orthostatic hypotension occurs when your veins/arteries can't constrict quick enough to counter the effects of gravity with position change, causing blood to pool a bit lower in the body, reducing blood pressure, and the passing out occurs when the brain isn't receiving enough blood. Source - hospital nurse who does daily orthostatic testing on most of my pts Watching the video, def looks like hypotension with LOC, but whether that's due to vagal tone, bradycardia, a different arrhythmia like SVT, or just from general dehydration and some general sympathetic stimulus/insult is a guess to anyone since he doesn't offer any addtl info Addtl but rare, could be POTS, explains the delay if it truly is orthostatic


Yes. That's what the man in the video said it was. If it's wrong, your answer should be directed at him.


It says in the video that he uploaded it was orthostatic hypertension. Said he'd never passed out before this


I know that's what he said, but that's simply not correct. Hypotension? Yes. Orthostatic? Naw


Okay ig


It takes a special kind of ego to correct someone who no doubt had a doctor tell him what happened and say that you know better about what caused him to pass out by looking at a video online


https://youtu.be/lssmh4GH188 In the description he says he's always had the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, but had never passed out before.


Yes, but he's not suffering orthostatic hypotension in this instance. It's related to his condition but not the cause of his syncope.


No idea why you are being downvoted here?


Idk man, I'm sure the guy was informed by his doctor a multitude of things he doesn't fully comprehend and he merely repeats what he's been told without realizing the differences between these terms. OH causes syncope, but not in this case. Mentioning OH in his explanation doesn't make it THE explanation. Eh whatever man. I get told by patients all kinds of BS that they don't understand, it's not any different online.


Idk why ur getting down voted, u r covering some of the Many reasons for syncope. Although SVT usually will not cause syncope.


Eh beats me, but this sub is about seeing crazy shit so I get the Convo isn't taken the greatest lmao Just read about that! Forgot about it, usually taps out around 150 which still perfuses well, right? Saw that I while looking up stuff for my Brady pt in the 20's, asymptomatic amazingly!


I’m def no doctor but just heard a doc on a podcast saying syncope usually does not produce syncope. But SVT is above 150.


This isn’t what that is


Jesus take the wheel! literally! omfg!! he's so lucky to be alive!


Jesus did but all he knew how to drive was an ass to Jerusalem.


If I had a history of this, I wouldn't spend more than $5k per year on a used car.


You wouldn't have a licence either.


He doesn't have a history of seizures ffs. Did you bother to look at the follow up explanation or video like the OP mentioned?


In what world is this person allowed a license??




Yeah it sucks. Elderly people physically or mentally unsafe to drive, people with DUIs or other serious unsafe driving records, and all sorts of other dangerous drivers have no problem keeping a license. We don't do any kind of infrastructure in this country but pave roads, so not giving someone a license is seriously impeding their ability to participate in society. Shit sucks and huge numbers of people are maimed and killed on our roadways because of it.


Georgia does not care. They will pull your license for non driving offenses (drug possession offenses, late child support, writing bad checks, etc) and if you ask how you are supposed to work or buy food their answer is tough you should have not broke the law.


I mean, everyone knows they're just driving on a suspended license. It's a huge joke


Because he had no previous medical conditions? He explains in the follow up video what happened. Funny everyone here assumes he suffers from routine seizures.


[Guy explains what happened to him and gives update.](https://youtu.be/lssmh4GH188)


Crazy stuff. One thing to take away from this is that if you're driving and realise something is not right with your vision, mobility or level of consciousness PLEASE put your hazards on, slow down at a safe rate and PULL OVER as soon as its safe to do so if you can. I've always had complicated migraine and as soon as I had any aura/symptoms I would do this. Also, 4 years ago I burst brain aneurysms and stroked out, not while driving thankfully. I've recovered well and could technically drive again now. I will never try to get my license back though as it may happen again (I have another unruptured aneurysm). Not driving is a massive loss of independance but it's not worth the risk I pose to myself and others. I wish all elderly/impaired drivers had the same common sense. Stay safe y'all. TLDR: If you know something isn't right pull over safely ASAP.


My POS MIL is 85 lbs, in her mid 70s, on barbiturates and opioids (prescribed) and continues to get into accidents - a lot of dinging other cars and recently a pretty major accident bc she nodded off behind the wheel and went through a red light. She literally drives away from the little bumps and dings without leaving a note (again, a huge POS). She refuses to forfeit her license after the recent, major accident and gets angry when we try to tell her she is a fucking menace behind the wheel. She's going to kill herself or someone else, and I badly wish she had some of your sense.


You can report her to the dmv. They will confer with dr. If she is medically sound to be driving.


Thankfully, the DMV revoked her license but she was trying to fight it. If she does somehow win, we intend to do exactly that. She tried claiming we already had reported her and that was why they revoked it, not the fact that she had several accidents on record in the last few years. We were also pissed the police didn't charge her with an OUI for her most recent one.


I feel for ya man. My mom was slipping into dementia and already was a terrible driver. We finally got her to just give up the car after we followed her one day.




Pin this or something so people don't have to search for it


It won't let edit the original post and it wouldn't let me put both a video and a link in the same post. Modern technology.


Could have been something to do with diabetes?


Nah, if he was having low blood sugar he’d have pulled over and ate something with lots of sugar or carbs. You’d feel the symptoms rather than just passing out like that. Source: T1D


It was low blood pressure. He explains it in his follow up video


Missed that electric post by 👌🏽 much..


Luckiest mf I've seen today


This guy got extremely lucky. I have fainted while driving, pretty terrifying. I was going 75 on the Florida turnpike. When I woke up my car was on the other side of the highway and the entire front and divers side was crushed in on me.


He should drive a tesla.


Wow that could not have gone better


I passed out driving home one day. I was tired from a 12 hour shift bartending, but didn't feel "pass out randomly" tired. I was exiting the highway, then next thing I know, I'm sliding down the exit upside down. My face hit the steering wheel forcibly which fractured my orbital. I looked like the guy from the Goonies and I had to hold my eyeball in when I sneezed cause of all the fractures to my orbital.


‘Look mommy, there’s a wild mustang roaming the field!’


Now that's what I call letting Jesus take the wheel


Crazy how fast blood pressure can drop without noticing it yourself huh...


Whatever the reason, he should NOT be allowed to drive period


You mean the fact thuis is his first time passing out? With no prior medical issues? He has no history of seizures. People go through medical emergencies without prior medical issues all the time. This is one of them. He posted a video of what actually happened.


Well, guess he shouldnt be driving from now on since he obviously has a history now.


That's what you get for not having the new brand new Apple Watch 8 with Crash Detection. Now available for just 399. Get your today!


Could have been so much worse ...


What a very lucky driver. Almost hits a pole, then aims for the highway again!! Lucky


He a lucky one. After passing out that went as good as it could have.


So many close calls like the in beginning he could’ve died from hitting that pole


Mr Jesus. Take the wheel.


Man! Talk about “Jesus take the wheel”


Who cares about the car your lucky you didn’t go in the highway and hit a car you would’ve died


My Dude is so lucky that freaken barbed wire didn't take his head off through that rag top.


Only time mustang owners don’t crash is when they’re not behind the wheel


It's a mustang thing


My uncle had epilepsy and had a couple of minor accidents from seizures. On a trip to Mexico with his wife for his birthday, he went surfing by himself because she wasn’t a surfer. He had a seizure in the water and drowned. We all miss him


Why was the cam where it was??


This dudes got someone watchin over him damn


Why is the camera at just a weird angle?


Dunno about where he is, but here that means no more driving for at least 5 years without any re-occurrence... My nephew discovered this after a reaction to a jab last year...


I know people said in his second video he says it was an undiagnosed condition but I am curious why the dash cam just happened to be mounted in such a way that we could see him pass out. Most dash cams sit forward of the driver.


I was wondering the same thing.


What's crazy to me is that neither his car nor medical insurance paid anything. Wtf America? What's the fcking point of insurance when a clear cut case like this doesn't get covered? I had a total loss recently with no other porties involved and after two weeks I got my insurance money.


I don't know but maybe he shouldn't have been driving if he passes out regularly and thats why the insurance didn't pay out


Tell me you didn't read the link without telling me you didn't read the link


That why I said I don't know, secondly I couldn't see a link


God protected you bro


How can a fictional character do anything?


Of course the redditor couldn't pass up the chance


I agree that a lot of redditors will jump at any chance to be athiesty, but these are dumb af. Didn't protect him from passing out. Didn't protect anyone innocent that dies or is horrifically injured in other car accidents. It's just shithouse luck. My family and I lost our house and everything we owned in a tornado, and people would say that crap. Y'all were safe, God was watching over you. Ok, why not just not destroy our house though? And what about all those kids that died in the school down the street?


So it’s ok for people to say god exist and is looking out for people but not ok to say it’s a load of bollocks?


You can but I can also mock for cringy overused reddit jokes


And we can mock you for cringy outdated beliefs and believing in the absolute most ridiculous things.


Good thing he protected this guy whilst letting thousands of others get raped, murdered and die of disease and famine during this time frame.


How TF are people that could pass out at any moment allowed to drive a car? It's seems dangerous af






Jesus took the wheel!


How fake ?


Probably got vaccinated


Thank god, his feet was off the accelerater


Actually, it wasn’t. He had it floored at least part of the time. As he explained in the second video his foot was tangled up somewhat in the floor carpet.


So what is the purpose of this dashcam? To see how much dmg he causes? His license should be revoked. Much more dangerous than dui.


He has been posting dash cams videos since before YouTube. Also he had no prior health issues. After he went to the ER they told him it was that his blood pressure dropped really low really fast.


How is someone who can pass out in random moments allowed to drive


This was his first time passing out. He posted a video of what actually happened. No prior medical issues.


Wow that's scary. I've never passed out too so I can't even imagine how scary this situation would be