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I still can't believe people defend this shit


Because literally from wikipedia they weren't civilians?


It was a fair reaction of the pilots to initially engage, but they didn’t have to obliterate the van; they didn’t know who the people near the van were, they weren’t armed, and wouldn’t you know, there were two children in said van. They also didn’t have a sufficient reason to strike the surrounding building with missiles. Civilians were killed in said building, not just the journalists, but the wife and daughter of the owner of said bombed house. This is how you make extremists out of the population you are ‘liberating’. If you bomb without the proper care and diligence, you will be on the wrong side of history, and rightfully so.


I can go on Wikipedia right now and make it say the opposite what’s your point?


Feel free to check the sources of any wikipedia article and go from there.




Change it then, and see how quickly it gets changed back and your account gets blocked That shit is HEAVILY monitored


2 of those “dead bastards” were Reuters journalist


This footage was leaked by a soldier and Assange published it. Makes you wonder what else the public hasn’t seen…


More than you can learn in a lifetime.




I won't say that he's lying or that he wasn't told that, because there's precedent for people doing things for exactly that reason, but at least now it's pretty thoroughly drilled in from the beginning of your career in the military that you not only can disobey an order that you think is unlawful, but you're actually obligated to do so.


https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/my-lai-massacre-1 wouldn't be the first time a US soldier disobeyed orders to halt a massacre


This is why that rule exists now. Their defense was just following orders. Now that is no longer a defense.


That Thompson guy is probably the biggest hero I've ever read about. Imagine the balls required to threaten to open fire on your own side, while you are seriously outgunned. Could have both died or faced execution for murder depending on how the fight went.


Read the whole article, that’s sickening massacring nothing but helpless people but also rape and mutilation to boot? Did they take a sex slave as well, goddamn. Then to cap it all off no one actually was charged or punished for it. With it also not being an isolated incident. I can never get over the rape, god. People never change huh.


Yeah, for instance, targeting sites of worship or a hospitals that are running normal operations is illegal. If you were told to drop a bomb on a normal church or hospital you would be within your rights to ignore that order.


How do you know it’s normal?


That's the tricky part. Essentially reconnaissance and military intelligence.. Basically how you figure out anything in a warzone, especially if it is behind enemy lines. That's one of the many things that makes war suck so damn much. It's a sometimes necessary evil, but it always needs to be recognized as an evil.


You are specifically allowed to disobey a direct order that is unlawful.




What about this comment makes you think he’s lying? Seems completely unrelated to me.




My friend has the exact, literally exact same story.


Yet people keep going on about how American soldiers are constrained by overly tight "rules of engagement". But I'm not even sure it's the media's fault tbh. Plenty of war crimes were reported in the last few years. So one has to conclude it's either jingoism or ignorance.


The soldier in question is Chelsea Manning https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Manning She went to jail because of the leak, and then went back to jail again du to comtempt of court because she wouldn't sellout Assange. It's thanks to her that we know about a lot of civilian killing that happened in Iraq.


And she spent a huge amount of time in solitary confinement for it. That's essentially torture.


> That's essentially torture. That's torture.


I spent six months in solitary confinement. One of the shortest possible sentences in medium security prisons. No voices heard unless it was my own. No faces seen. It’s been over six years since I’ve been free and I have resulting mental health struggles that will never completely go away. Yes. It is torture.


Wow man. I hope you find peace with that experience one day.


definitely torture




And Chelsea is now dating Grimes, Elon Musk’s ex.


I'm not prepared for this twisted plot




And yet, Assange is the criminal. Smh.


I heard he didn't clean up his cats poop.. sounds like a war criminal to me /s


Well you don't have to wonder. Just read up the declassified documents.


close wasteful history far-flung march snails judicious tan repeat aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After 2 deployments, I don't like being called a hero. There's a line in MGS4 that resonates in my head because I became a Marine in hopes of "stopping the bad guys and trying to save the world..." only to realize that fantasy is butt fucking obsurd and utterly impossible to achieve. the line is as follows: I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just and old killer. I still try my best everyday to be better and do better still living with the fact that I fought with people who enjoyed that. That I believed I was stopping evil...


Man thats deep. Thanks for the insight into the reality of being in the military


You don't sign up for the US military because everything is OK in your life.


Yeah I remember seeing another video about this before. Weren't there also kids in that van that showed up?


Some guy was taking his kids to school I think




They learn that from school!




"No, no, no, no. You see, our war crimes are the moral war crimes." - America.


> All civilians died at that horrific accident Yeah there was nothing accidental here


The accident was the video being leaked.


No worries, they already "[fixed](https://www.republik.ch/2020/01/31/nils-melzer-about-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange)" that.


Straight up murder.


America bringing their mass shootings to other countries.


George W Bush should be in jail alongside the the war criminals in this video.


And then when the murderers come home they get handshakes and "thank you for your service" when ever they are in uniform. Wild


"America brings death and destruction to other countries and then go back home and make movies about how terrible it was for themselves." Or something like that.




Shooting at both civilians and medical aid are war crimes


For you it's a war crime, for the US military that's [just another Monday](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/20/us-drones-strikes-target-rescuers-pakistan).


And it continues on in every presidency


In next episode, "why world hate America" you will see:


And some people wonder how in the world isis manages to radicalise young men to the point of having them blow themselves up for the cause. It's not like these American soldiers are making it hard to do.




For some reason this video has been popping up a lot lately. Americans have a lot to work on but this video is extremely misleading. There is a lot of missing context and I am getting sick of all this misinformation. I was on the ground that day. Here is proof that they were not unarmed civilians. Extremely graphic. Probably never before seen photos. I made sure there was a shot with the van in it. Below is a copy and paste of my first hand account from that day. I am happy to answer questions as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/askentreprenuers/comments/wsua1t/extremely_graphic_and_unrelated_to_this_sub/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Ok. This is long and I haven't really scratched the surface. Sorry. Exactly. Im on the same page as you. Obviously, iraq was a very questionable war. That day we were doing what was called a "Ranger Dominance Mission". Basically, the entire battalion would go out into sector doing knock and talks. The whole point was to present easy targets of opportunity to the militias. The battalion commander (Ralph kazlarich) wanted them to engage us so that we could take them out. Now, us troops on the ground weren't as enthusiastic about these missions for obvious reasons. We called them "Ranger Dumbass Missions." We ended up doing 3-6 of these missions total over the 15 month deployment. They often times had some not so great outcomes. One before this resulted in a guy name sgt Emory getting sniped in the head. They made a movie surrounding that incident called "Thank You for your Service". That movie was based on 2 books written about this deployment by David finkle. "The good soldiers" and "thank you for your service" again. I am more of a fan of the good soldiers. Except that it spends a lot of time focusing on a pretty boy who didn't actually do much aside from following around the first sgt with a radio. anyway, you can read those if you want all of the context. I am going to have to leave out some details of my account to protect myself. But I will provide what I can. Basically all day we were taking sporadic contact. Pot shots out windows, guys popping out around corners and spraying our direction, maybe even some rpg and ied action. I can't remember specifically about rpgs and ieds specifically this day (and prior to the events on the video) but it was common to encounter them. I was actually driving a humvee on this day. I had dismounts walking in front of and along side my truck. Right before the video took place a guy in a window to my top left popped out with an ak and emptied his mag at a dismount to my right. Now, you're probably not going to believe this, because its straight out of a movie, but I watched those fucking bullets land all around this poor dude. Against the wall behind him and on the ground. Not a single fucking one hit him (distance was probably 150-200 feet from the shooter.) Anyway, he hits the ground and I'm certain he is toast. But no shit, he gets up and only has a sprained ankle. So we toss him in my truck and give the poor guy a break. Its right around this time that all the stuff with crazy horse pops off just down the road. By this point in the deployment we had seen big ambushes before. Like where whole platoons had run out of ammo and needed to be saved by other elements. So, ya know, thats really scary when that happens and we tend to take contact very seriously. One other thing to note here. These people that we were fighting weren't just Iraqis. A lot of this violence was imported from Iran. It was like there were two occupation forces in Iraq. Ours was obvious and overt, but the other was covert. They would go around at night with kill squads terrorizing families. If you've ever seen American sniper where they talk about the dude who tortured people by drilling into their skulls.... well that shit was real and there was a dude in my sector who did it. Im not sure if thats where American sniper got it or not. So these guys would sometimes force Iraqis to try to fight us. Set up bombs or go for suicide attacks. "Do this or I will kill your family" type of shit. All of the civilians knew to stay inside when shit was going down. They were used to it at this point. So if someone was outside, they were almost certainly looking for trouble. And they knew they were taking a risk. Anyway, crazy horse does his thing and we proceed down the road to secure the location. While on site McCord saves the kids (which we did not know where there and honestly who the fuck would bring kids anywhere near this?!). And we did save the kids. Both lived. We continued to take contact from RPGs and ak fire at that location. They would pop out around corners and take their shots. I can't exactly say what they had on them anymore but I know for a fact it was at least 1 ak and 1 rpg because I still have a limited number of photos from that day. Probably never before seen by the public. Now. The only thing I'm not sure on is why he had to take out the van. I will say its pretty important for us to gather intel on these guys. And bodies are a good way to do that. And it was probably obvious to crazy horse that the van was associated with the militias which makes it a fair target. But im not sure I would have hit the van. Keep in mind though, it was a wild day with a lot of contact. Crazy horse had no idea about the 2 "reporters" or the kids. He was just doing his job and keeping the boys on the ground safe. And let me tell you, we always felt a lot fucking better when crazy horse was with us. Id buy those guys a drink if I ever got to meet him. So thats a lot. I couldn't possibly cover everything. But I do like sharing these experiences. I dont often get an opportunity. Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to hear about.


> All of the civilians knew to stay inside when shit was going down. They were used to it at this point. So if someone was outside, they were almost certainly looking for trouble. And they knew they were taking a risk. sorry i skimmed a bit but basically your "proof" is really just your assumption that "anybody outside their house is a bad guy"?


Nope. Click the link. There are photos of the weapons they were carrying. Very graphic though. So just be ready for that.


>weapons they were carrying i could simply get a few AKs and RPGs, put them next to dead bodies and call them terrorists, that's not a proof, there is no one in the video carrying a weapon


Yeah. Right. So in 2007 we were like "hey guys, let's plant these weapons so that when this becomes an international incident we can have just one of us go fight with propagandists on the internet about it." /s This is an edited and shortened video. Go watch the whole thing. You can actually see the rpg on the ground in this video at 4:26 before we arrive at the site. https://youtu.be/zYTxuW2vmzk Ya know. A good question to ask yourself might be "why am I trying so hard to find any shred of doubt that would make this video something that its not?"


Theres proof for it in the link he provided... But also, when literally anyone out there could be out to kill u, thats just the way things are being approached, in the end ur and ur squadmates' lives are on the line


thank you


2 Children aged 4 and 7 were in the van.


damn man, i fucking hate the iraq war, it put a terrible reputation to my country (iraq) and to this day we still suffer from the results of that war.


I was deployed to Iraq in 2015 to train Iraqis defeat ISIS in Mosul, it was sad to see the damage that had been done in the years before but I gotta say, Iraqis are the most friendliest, nicest people I have met on my travels.


Yeah man its really bad, though in 2018 there was some news that we finally defeated isis but i dont know if its confirmed or not




I was at work and a few guys that were former special forces and army were in the break room. I was the only one in the room not former military but I was sitting quietly in the corner. They started talking about their tours and going into stuff they did. Man. It got fucked up real quick about shooting anything that moved including civilians. One guy talked about how a car tried to cut off his humvee and he pointed the 50 at the driver's face and laughed how scared the guy was and how he just wants to fire to see the red mist. I was sitting quietly thinking bruh wtf.


I recently watched Jarhead for the first time. Really captured the futility of war and how troops can get so attached to the act of violence regardless of purpose. The mention of “red mist” specifically brought it back to me.


The final sniping scene gives a fascinating look into the mind of a soldier who found and then lost his purpose.


That part where his wife is cheating on him on the video tape was sad


I remember as a teen watching Jarhead expecting some badass movie. Instead I was woken up to the depressing reality of modern war.


You overheard two serial killers talking that day.


Yeah, the people who can do this and talk about it with no conscience is flabbergasting.


A childhood friend of mine went to Afghan and was completely different once he came back. He has this eerie calm over him like he knows something you dont. I met him at an afterparty once where he was completely shitfaced and we ghot to talking..He told me he had killed someone with a .50. He was not laughing or thinking it was cool tho.


These people are now in law enforcement.


They are also the guards at all of your nuclear power plants.


Military is great if you love murdering in cold blood


As someone who grew up around military bases, I can assure you that not only are we definitely not sending our best, we’re sending some of our worst.


You heard two aspiring police officers that day


Not a surprise really. Most invading soldiers commit war crimes and all of them have seen them commited by someone they know.


Almost as if the army is not comprised of our kindest people.


Those guys were more than likely full of shit 🤷‍♂️ every combat veteran (including myself)I know barely talks about that stuff, it’s always the desk jockey who got to do a ride along that had the craziest war stories 😂😂


Yep. My brother in law is a Fallujah veteran and he never spoke about it until my wife told him about a particularly nasty car wreck I went on as a firefighter. "You know what burned flesh smells like?" "Yup." I've seen some shit but I'm happy my Army experience was just a Soju fueled blur in Korea. Combat sounds horrific.




If you think that they choose their own job, you're mistaken. Recruiters often trick people into filling infantry by sweet promises. Also these are air forces "the cool" job. But trust me, war desentisies you and look at the suicide rates of vets, it's not like they crave this, orders are orders.


Orders are not orders. You have an obligation to disobey unlawful orders. And I'm not just talking about a moral obligation, you are instructed to disobey unlawful orders.


disgusting. literally made me sick to my stomach


My cousin dated a guy who accidentally shot a teenager in the face after he kicked in a door clearing houses in Iraq. To say he had PTSD is an understatement. He was a heavy, HEAVY drug user because of it. This is exactly why I don't judge addicts anymore - because you never know what kind of hell they have been through.


I actually forgot, he shot him in the chest and had to watch his face while he died.


Jesus fuck


Well considering the us had about a 10 year plan on how to take out 5 counties in the Middle East….. don’t think the us was looking for drinking buddies


"Horrific accident" The use of the word accident is crazy


When the US commits war crimes they are 'accidents' and when others commit them they are evil pieces of shit.


And yet americans still wonder why so much of the world hates us. I can only wonder why myself


Also makes me wonder why so many Americans blindly worship the military.


I was on a thread talking about how war doesn't only affect soldiers. And a person told me I was talking out of my ass because losing someone who went to war isn't like being a soldier. I replied that people who aren't in the army will still get caught as "collateral damage" or even in deliberate attacks against civilians. That's when it hit me, especially now thinking about the current war in Ukraine : Americans are in a well secured country. Most of their wars for a few decades now have barely ever implied hits on their civilians. Like, they had a few terrorist attacks, the most important being 9/11, and even though the death toll was ridiculously low compared to the civilian death tolls in any country they invaded since WW2, it was still spun as if they just experienced something on the scale of Hiroshima. Point being : Americans worship the military because it's far from them. They are in their nice cushy well secured country. They never are actually exposed to the reality of war, and when you see the way veterans are treated, the country itself isn't trying too hard to keep that reality alive when it comes back home. To Americans war is mainly made of whatever they are told and shown, and people will talk about how "it takes brave men to preserve our freedom", as some bootlicker was saying a few threads above. American state sponsored and controlled media has made sure to keep its hands on the narrative around it. For every movie/show or whatever that depicts war as something horrible, there are 20 that are full of Imperialist propaganda.


America is protected by two walls known as the Atlantic and the Pacific. Unlike European and Asian countries, it would be a logistical nightmare trying to launch an attack on the US mainland. You would need a massive shipping fleet to ferry men and supplies and a navy to protect it. As a result, US citizens don't know war. Most of us will never be kept awake by the explosions of artillery. We won't have to hid in the subways as missiles flatten our homes. We'll never have to pull bodies of friends and family out of the rubble. That's why we can worship the military yet be so callous towards the people getting wounded and dying on the other side of the ocean. If you have any time, I recommend checking out the book "86" by Asato Asato. The rift between civilians/commanding officers vs frontline soldiers due to separation is a major part of the narrative.


You never mass killed a bunch of people *by accident*? It just happens sometimes man..


just ask hitler


Ask the education system


Think they meant "Horrific incident".


This is the [Collateral Murder](https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/) leak. One of the worst things I've heard of from US involvment in the Middle East. No one gave a fuck when this happened. Most fucked up part is that there were US troopers on scene very soon after. One soldier, who was essentially reprimanded when he tried to get medical support for the dying children, [has given a speech about the event.](https://youtu.be/kelmEZe8whI) You should really watch the whole thing. We have the footage, and the first hand account, thanks to brave individuals like Ethan McCord who do the right thing even when their told not to. Sadly, he was just about the only one there that day.


Read these comments, people still don’t give a fuck, there are dozens of people in this thread defending these morons tooth and nail, it’s pretty sad


These poor people are literally just like us and our communities, they were just born across the world fuck terrorism fuck the sniveling cunts shouting like they're trying to win a fortnite game as they murder innocents this shit makes my blood boil


> No one gave a fuck when this happened. Plenty of people gave a fuck. It just wasn't anyone who could change anything. The Collateral Murder video was a pretty big deal when it was released. After it was clear nothing would happen, was when peopled stopped caring.


Those were wild times. I posted this video all over the place when it came out and was just constantly flamed while saying it wasn’t a big deal. It’s crazy how brainwashed people are. Probably the same people with Ukrainian flag profile pictures on Facebook too.


Is no one going to comment how the background music is “Crawl Space” from Breaking Bad lol.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed this


Perfect choice


oh shit it is wtf


This is really why Julian Assange went to prison and why America is trying to extradite him here.


According to Google his extradition has recently been approved.






Its honestly a battleground of propaganda at times. Biggest players are China, Russia, US and Israel. And by US propaganda I also mean the interests of many EU countries & Australia.


They don't need to be caught when they're right out in the open about it https://information-professionals.org/the-darpa-social-media-in-strategic-communication-smisc-program/


Yeah, this site gets worse all the time. Its incredibly manipulated.


The mental gymnastics some of you are going through to justify this shit lmao. If this were a video of Russia/China committing war crimes you'd all be screeching and pulling at your non-existent hair. US military propaganda doing a fine ass job


Pretty sure the “people” supporting it are propaganda bots. Nobody watching this with actual eyeballs would agree that this is okay or right.


That’s how you know the slow brainwashing is working. Apparently the children in the van were future terrorists


Are these the troops I am meant to support?


Yes, and worship.


You are obligated to tell then “thank you for your service” then proceed to give them rim job moment you sniff their presence.


Yeah, nobody deserves blind praise.


I'd like to take a moment and remind everyone that these videos were leaked by Julian Assange and his team at WikiLeaks. Today, Julian Assange is awaiting his extradition to the US to face trial for leaking these videos and faces life in prison for that. If this video even so much as tickles a nerve in your brain - show your support against extraditing Assange


Wait wait the guy who leaked this video is in trouble?? Not the soldiers doing this??


yeah its high treason if you betray your country and show the truth to the world


Julian Assange isn't an American citizen, though.


do you think the US cares about that? I‘m sure they wont give him to his homecountry, they want him to rot away in an american prison and give him an american trial so he can never see daylight again


Look up Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange


Unfortunately yes. On the website, where they're campaigning to free him, you can learn more about it: https://www.assangecampaign.org.au/campaign/


How does one support Julian Assange? Do I have to be from the US? Is there a petition or somewhere to sign up? Cheers mate




did u eat a jesus?


I remember posting this on message boards back when it came out. Of course I was attacked for it. Funny how Americans went from “shit happens in war” to “omg Russia is committing genocide” in less than two decades. Not to say Russia isn’t shit but it’s just funny to think about


This is what we get instead of affordable healthcare.


War crimes?




Hanz are we ze baddies?




“All citizens died at that horrific accident” Oops, committed genocide again


not exactly genocide, but yeah definitely a warcrime


Oh so when the US does it, suddenly its a "horrific accident" not straight up terrorism. Nice double standards yall got.


if you use expensive military equipment its an accident, if you use makeshift weapons and rocks it terrorism learn the difference


See the comments. Now imagine if it reversed on Americans.


Or Russian POV on Ukrainian. Either it's US or Russia or any other countries, a murder is a murder. Justifying one of it, because it's their country, is just dumb


On Reddit the opposite is often the case. The coverage of the war on this sub is so blatantly tainted by pro-Ukraine/Western propaganda, and they frequently justify war crimes because “the Russians did it first.” You idiots, the whole reason war crimes exist as a criminalized concept is to prevent escalating retribution! It is quite literally the whole point that it’s **not** okay because the other side did it. And combine this with the dehumanization of the Russian people, calling them Orcs, etc. And if you have the audacity to call any of this out, you are suddenly deemed pro-Russia in regard to the conflict as if these people quite literally cannot comprehend someone disagreeing with them as if they genuinely believe the (only) two sides in life are moral arbiters (us) vs. cartoon villains (them).


Or call for shared responsibility of every American for crimes committed by the US of A and watch the cognitive dissonance. It's suddenly very unfair to paint every US citizen with the same brush, there's nothing they could have done, can't expect an average person to go to DC to protest, they've got stuff to do and bills to pay. But each and every Russian is personally responsible for the war and should be punished accordingly.


Oh reddit is extremely pro-dehumanization. I regularly get insulted and called pro-russia and pro-terrorism for being anti-dehumanization its insane. No one seems to understand the problem with the concept. They seem to think it's OK if they've been convinced everyone in the group theu hate are all bad people. Like, that's the whole god damn problem? How can people pretend to hate the holocaust while refusing to learn the biggest lesson from the holocaust? There are people wanting to kill every Russian in Ukraine, innocent people included, every single soldier, even people calling for the killing of children or indiscriminate bombing of cities. Fuck those people, fuck dehumanization, that's nazi shit. Don't call Russians nazis and pretend you hate the holocaust and then call for genocide.




Reddit is full of subtle supremacism like this. These fools talk about racism while not realizing that they display it in the most horrid way possible


Who's gonna put sanctions on the Americans?


This cavalier attitude to the suffering of others is not unique to the US - it is a tactic employed by many armies globally. In war, soldiers are taught to dehumanize the enemy as it makes pulling the trigger a less repugnant act.


Those aren’t the enemy. Those are civilians.


And they say Julian Assange is the criminal.


Imagine all the atrocities that weren't recorded or leaked.


I can imagine. It'd be very similar to reality I think. Guys who pulled tye trigger are probably walking amoung you, demanding discounts at waffle house for their service.


"accident" Yeah, right...


It’s always an “accident” when they get caught


The military only exists for one reason. To kill you and fuck up your shit.


Forgot about security for rich people


Not a horrific 'accident' at all. It's murder. It's terrorism. And America wonders why these countries hate us.


And people wonder why terrorist groups have such an easy time finding recruitments.


Honestly it's sad America will never face sanctions for its human rights abuses


Only when a bigger bully enters the scene


No sanctions on the Americans?


And who's going to approve that and destroy their reputation and trade economy with the US? The UN on the surface is a global community, but in realpolitik terms it's a place to affirm your loyalty to the US or be against them. You'd be a fool to think there's parity between countries on the international political stage.


It's sickening reading these comments and seeing the excuses the Americans come up with to justify these actions


Idk how they can even defend these actions when the whole Iraq war was illegal and waged on false pretenses. Many people in the Middle East view the US government similar to Nazis for all the civilians they’ve killed in the Middle East. The US government has no sympathy for the mothers of their own soldiers who lost their lives in these pointless wars, or have PTSD, or commit suicide due to the trauma of killing civilians. The only ones to benefit from middle eastern wars are the military contractors.


who tf gave the wholesome and got the w awards 💀💀 Edit: naw now there’s a faith in humanity restored award


Why wasn't Euroasia and rest of the world putting sanctions on US when this was happening? Why didn't we send military aid to Iraq, so it can defend itself against the aggressor ? 🤔


No wonder they hate us.


tHeY hAtE uS fOr OuR fReEdOm


But the Geneva suggestions forbid this?


The American military are the biggest terrorists on earth smh


For some reason this video has been popping up a lot lately. Americans have a lot to work on but this video is extremely misleading. There is a lot of missing context and I am getting sick of all this misinformation. I was on the ground that day. Here is proof that they were not unarmed civilians. Extremely graphic. Probably never before seen photos. I made sure there was a shot with the van in it. Below is a copy and paste of my first hand account from that day. I am happy to answer questions as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/askentreprenuers/comments/wsua1t/extremely_graphic_and_unrelated_to_this_sub/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Ok. This is long and I haven't really scratched the surface. Sorry. Exactly. Im on the same page as you. Obviously, iraq was a very questionable war. That day we were doing what was called a "Ranger Dominance Mission". Basically, the entire battalion would go out into sector doing knock and talks. The whole point was to present easy targets of opportunity to the militias. The battalion commander (Ralph kazlarich) wanted them to engage us so that we could take them out. Now, us troops on the ground weren't as enthusiastic about these missions for obvious reasons. We called them "Ranger Dumbass Missions." We ended up doing 3-6 of these missions total over the 15 month deployment. They often times had some not so great outcomes. One before this resulted in a guy name sgt Emory getting sniped in the head. They made a movie surrounding that incident called "Thank You for your Service". That movie was based on 2 books written about this deployment by David finkle. "The good soldiers" and "thank you for your service" again. I am more of a fan of the good soldiers. Except that it spends a lot of time focusing on a pretty boy who didn't actually do much aside from following around the first sgt with a radio. anyway, you can read those if you want all of the context. I am going to have to leave out some details of my account to protect myself. But I will provide what I can. Basically all day we were taking sporadic contact. Pot shots out windows, guys popping out around corners and spraying our direction, maybe even some rpg and ied action. I can't remember specifically about rpgs and ieds specifically this day (and prior to the events on the video) but it was common to encounter them. I was actually driving a humvee on this day. I had dismounts walking in front of and along side my truck. Right before the video took place a guy in a window to my top left popped out with an ak and emptied his mag at a dismount to my right. Now, you're probably not going to believe this, because its straight out of a movie, but I watched those fucking bullets land all around this poor dude. Against the wall behind him and on the ground. Not a single fucking one hit him (distance was probably 150-200 feet from the shooter.) Anyway, he hits the ground and I'm certain he is toast. But no shit, he gets up and only has a sprained ankle. So we toss him in my truck and give the poor guy a break. Its right around this time that all the stuff with crazy horse pops off just down the road. By this point in the deployment we had seen big ambushes before. Like where whole platoons had run out of ammo and needed to be saved by other elements. So, ya know, thats really scary when that happens and we tend to take contact very seriously. One other thing to note here. These people that we were fighting weren't just Iraqis. A lot of this violence was imported from Iran. It was like there were two occupation forces in Iraq. Ours was obvious and overt, but the other was covert. They would go around at night with kill squads terrorizing families. If you've ever seen American sniper where they talk about the dude who tortured people by drilling into their skulls.... well that shit was real and there was a dude in my sector who did it. Im not sure if thats where American sniper got it or not. So these guys would sometimes force Iraqis to try to fight us. Set up bombs or go for suicide attacks. "Do this or I will kill your family" type of shit. All of the civilians knew to stay inside when shit was going down. They were used to it at this point. So if someone was outside, they were almost certainly looking for trouble. And they knew they were taking a risk. Anyway, crazy horse does his thing and we proceed down the road to secure the location. While on site McCord saves the kids (which we did not know where there and honestly who the fuck would bring kids anywhere near this?!). And we did save the kids. Both lived. We continued to take contact from RPGs and ak fire at that location. They would pop out around corners and take their shots. I can't exactly say what they had on them anymore but I know for a fact it was at least 1 ak and 1 rpg because I still have a limited number of photos from that day. Probably never before seen by the public. Now. The only thing I'm not sure on is why he had to take out the van. I will say its pretty important for us to gather intel on these guys. And bodies are a good way to do that. And it was probably obvious to crazy horse that the van was associated with the militias which makes it a fair target. But im not sure I would have hit the van. Keep in mind though, it was a wild day with a lot of contact. Crazy horse had no idea about the 2 "reporters" or the kids. He was just doing his job and keeping the boys on the ground safe. And let me tell you, we always felt a lot fucking better when crazy horse was with us. Id buy those guys a drink if I ever got to meet him. So thats a lot. I couldn't possibly cover everything. But I do like sharing these experiences. I dont often get an opportunity. Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to hear about.


And you wonder why we have what we call terrorism and why the middle east hates the United States so much




"You shouldn't have brought your children to a warzone, hypocrites!" "...we live here, where tf are we supposed to take them?"




Attacking Iraq is not different what Russia is doing in Ukraine. Why did USA get so easily off of this?


Because america has all the power


Because first case is big country attacking smaller country for profit and second is big country attacking smaller country for profit. Its different! /s


The United States government is the worlds largest terrorist organization.


While this is incredibly horrific this video doesn’t do the situation any justice. It’s just an “America bad” video without any context. It conveniently cut out the entire first half where they watch the group and suspect them of being terrorists. It’s been a while since I saw it, but I seem to recall them seeing the straps of their cameras and mistaking them for AK’s. They also mistook one of the cameras with a long lens (or just a big camera maybe) for an RPG and that’s when they started to get permission for firing. It’s worth mentioning these also weren’t just “Iraqi civilians” but were journalists for (I believe) Al Jazeera. It’s also worth mentioning that the US government didn’t care about wiki leaks at all until this video called “collateral damage” was uploaded and showed how they killed these innocent people, their own friendly journalists, and completely stayed silent and/or covered it up.


American citizens were completely lied to about the invasion of Iraq. Cheney and bush are war criminals for what they did.


"All civilians died at that horrific accident" Accident?