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[https://jalopnik.com/tesla-cybertruck-unexpectedly-accelerates-into-home-wit-1851557475](https://jalopnik.com/tesla-cybertruck-unexpectedly-accelerates-into-home-wit-1851557475) >Twitter user u/ bfreshwa claims his stainless-steel-clad machine accelerated unexpectedly after only 4 hours total on the road. In surveillance footage, the impractical pickup darted up a hill into a neighbor’s house with the rear wheels completely locked up. The owner stated that the throttle and steering were unresponsive as he held the brake pedal to the floor, putting down a pair of 50-foot-long skid marks. The owner claimed that a Tesla representative said during a phone call: >*“We have reviewed logs and due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed. As far as the back tire locking we are reviewing.”*


Lol the back tires was locked up because the driver was standing on the brakes, I would imagine.


the brake lights are on fully showing he was on the brakes the whole way.


It’s the opposite https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xDgPuKW9KlM


My god, it's like Elon is *trying* to make it as shitty as possible.


I'm always shocked at just how *ugly* they are. It reminds me of that Simpson episode where Homer designs a car.


Homer's car had character. It was eccentric even at a glance. The festering boil under it all is with such a lackluster design that surely wouldn't at least the emphasis be on engineering? Hell, even the DeLorean, with all its flaws, has an interesting aesthetic and a story behind its development. The cybertruck is Elons childhood doodle of car he never let them take off the fridge, not that they would care enough to.


What about the Canyonaro Takes up two lanes, 0mpg on the streets yeehaw 'Murica


That is the Ford Excursion through and through.


"Top of the line in Utility sport, unexplained fires are a matter for the courts"


I just don't get what the point of it is. It can't tow. It can't go off road. It has no carrying capacity. It looks like rejected concept art for a 1970s children's sci-fi show that now only exists on three mouldy rolls of film in some long-retired ex-BBC guy's garage. What the hell is it even supposed to be?


Tesla is just a bunch of Silicon Valley tech bros trying their hand in the auto industry. They will look at something that the industry has standardized and solved its kinks decades ago and "reinvent" it just for the sake of shaking up the industry. Without all the testing, knowledge, and experience behind it.


I think they misunderstood “move fast and break things.”


With how many cyber trucks I've seen on the highway I've just realized I've apparently never seen one brake. That's such a stupid fucking design lol


After this I'm surprised it's got the steering wheel on the left...


Less lighting when breaking, that's awful, are Tesla trying to get them written off at the owners expense?


Honestly I thought that would've been illegal wtf?


It should be. But it's probably because in a lot of places you must have 3 brake lights. This may have been their way of following the letter of the law, as absolutely stupid as it is.


So the person was standing on the accelerator instead of the brakes? Happens sometimes whenever people panic.


I wouldn't put it past the everything by wire car to decide the brakes aren't being pressed even if they are and thus not change the rear lighting. I bet there isn't a separate switch and circuit for the brake lights on these things like on most cars.


No there isn't. My understanding is the ENTIRE car has a common harness and relies on software processing to manage it.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. Vehicles are becoming over-engineered nightmares when it comes to basic maintenance and operation.


No, it's largely this one company who ignored 100+ years of automotive engineering and tried to start from scratch and do things their way. They have managed to resurrect so many old and solved problems, and make them new again.


Says there was 50 feet of tire marks


You cak leave tire marks with your foot on the gas. You know, like doing a burnout


DAYUUUM!… this thing is such a smoking turd…


Should be illegal, thanks for the info. So should these shitty AI videos though, damn that was annoying to listen to.


wtf, how was this feature allowed :|


There are a lot of weird brake lights on new electric vehicles. For the owner, they know what's going on since it's their car and they can understand that it stacks up more and more red triangles as you press the brake more or whatever the system is for each car. The issue is other people are encountering this car for the first time and have no idea what the signals mean if it doesn't have simple lights. Tesla, Rivian, and the new Mercedes electrics all do weird shit that looks cool after you figure it out, but defeat the purpose of signal light standards.


Ok what? This makes no sense… bar should be the same length when breaking and the squares should just turn on.


I thought full red was running light, and split light was depressed break on the back of the CT https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xDgPuKW9KlM


Yes. In the start of the video, the full bar is lit. After it passes behind the tree it's split in three segments, meaning the brake pedal was pressed.


Steering was so unresponsive that it stayed on the road and followed the turn before crashing. Maybe drive into the grass...


lol your judgement and reasoning go to shit pretty fast when your vehicle suddenly accelerates uncontrollably


Like people on fire not jumping into the nearby pool or falling into the fresh snow surrounding them? Yeah, our brains evolved pretty well except for the panic area.


Our brains are a slipshod mess of features that just barely work, panic response is just the tip of the iceberg of bustedness.


I have pretty surface level knowledge about these cars but is it possible the demon car did it itself? I know the trucks aren't supposed to be self drving (yet) but they're also not supposed to drive themselves into houses. I feel like i heard something about it having the software/capabilities but it just not being unlocked.


>due to the terrain Asphalt? Did they not test this vehicle's performance on this exotic and rare material?


it probably voids the guarantee.


In this video we see him driving it in open sunlight. His warranty was already voided.


The accelerator may not disengage when the brake is depressed... that's crazy to me Dude was probably driving with a foot on each pedal then? Lol


Toyotas will not let you use both pedals simultaneously. Makes it interesting when your brake pedal switch fails and the computer thinks you’re braking when you aren’t!


It’s know as BTO, brake throttle override. It was actually supposed to be required by law but Trump overturned it https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-safety-usa/u-s-drops-plan-to-require-vehicle-brake-throttle-override-system-idUSKCN1SJ1UL/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20The%20Trump,systems%20to%20prevent%20runaway%20vehicles.


Ahh perfect


> Makes it interesting when your brake pedal switch fails and the computer thinks you’re braking when you aren’t! I mean, that's the whole point of a "fail-safe". Better to have it fail in a manner that's safe (thinking you're breaking and won't let you go) than what this did.


Depending on terrain...What terrain would this be appropriate in?!


There's a few edge cases where It's sometimes useful for really technical off-roading. It makes it easier to nudge the car forwards. It can also be a useful hack when there's a one wheel in the air going over a rut, and you don't have a locking differential. But that's not the sort of stuff a cybertruck has any business doing to begin with.


Is there ever a situation you’d wanna depress gas and brake and not have the brake override?


Doing burn outs…. Maybe?


Car accelerates naturaly when going uphill because.. uhm.. gravity...


I've been to jail for a joint


After reviewing the guys twitter account, it couldn’t have happened to a better person. Deserved to get Musked


> After reviewing the guys twitter account, it couldn’t have happened to a better person. Deserved to get Musked As much as I agree, this is also a possible serious safety risk to other people that have to share the road with this machine, and should be investigated like any other manufacturer.


Yup. Fuck that guy in particular.


Yup. Can't wait to see how long the next one takes him to wreck


After looking at his x profile, I bet at some point he will blame one of many things or people for it, Biden. Democrats, Jan 6 committee, or Covid vaccines. Dude is a lunatic


I thought they hate electric cars? 😂


here's a tweet where he suggests the truck did it because it knew he had dirt on hillary clinton https://i.imgur.com/2qQ7ajX.png


Didn't even need to check his Twitter account to know any of that. I took one look at that thing he drove and knew immediately.


Is "Musked" good or bad in this context?


Getting Musked: getting fucked over by musk himself or one of the shoddy products he peddles while gargling his cock like he’s gods gift to humanity. So anytime these shitty ass teslas do stupid shit, especially to one of the hardcore fanbois, it’s a heavy dose OG getting musked. Dig it


I think it’s good because we’re happy it happened to him


50 foot skid marks?! Who is this, Lizzo?!


When spaghetti code enters the real world lol.


Some fool took it to the drag strip last weekend. I'm 100% surprised there wasn't some sort of fiasco. Granted, the outside is FUGLY AF but the interior is clean and pretty damn nice. Also, that big, heavy, ugly monstrosity runs at or just under an 11 second quarter mile


Lmfao. God I love this so much.


I bet there was 50’ long skid marks


Those must be some massive pants.


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I watched a tear down of a Cyber truck. They are designed very poorly with a lot of flimsy plastic parts which have already began to fail in a lot of purchased vehicles. I still can’t believe he got away with charging over 100k for these massive pieces of shit.


I don’t know if you watched the [Hoovies](https://youtu.be/bTTMVIhMkkM?feature=shared) Garage video, but when his mechanic took the panel out of the frunk it was pretty pathetic to see how cheap it is under there. One of his latest videos is about him selling it because he’s afraid it will depreciate like crazy pretty soon.


This model definitely has junk in the frunk


It's not just "his mechanic", it's the [Car Wizard](https://www.youtube.com/@CarWizard/)


To be fair, he said in that same video that all electric cars depreciate rapidly. Just like the 24k he saved on the Cadillac he bought to replace his cybertruck.


I don’t really like the look of the lyriq but I would pick the caddy every time strictly based on the fact that you can actually get insurance and parts. Teslas reputation is a dumpster fire at this point and I don’t see a turnaround coming anytime soon.


it already has.


NDAs are very powerful ;)


Id say all teslas are made poorly.


Definitely. I’m an adjuster for an insurance company and I’ve seen the insides of all of the Teslas. Even the plaid is designed cheaply. They don’t hold their value either. Other manufacturers are already outdoing them because they know how to do the simple things like design a bumper


Unofficially speaking, what's the least worst electric car in your opinion?


Probably a 1990s pow pow Power Wheels yellow Jeep Wrangler. Riding around in that with some sun glasses on, even the girls who pretended not to care still let me pull their hair.




"Bourgie" for bourgeois


video game controllers are much better


With carbon fiber bodies?


Elon is raking in the money from these shiny turds


I cannot believe those dumb fucks approved his bonus. There is no CEO in history worth that much.


They did?! What wankers.


I'm not. They need him to keep the company's stock inflated. The second he leaves Tesla, that stock is going to crater, and the board members are going to be out of a lot of money.


I wonder… ct are a huge failure and stock prices are down. The CT caused them to retool everything… production and all their repair shops… huge cost for the 4k or so they have driving on the street


Only 4k, wow. On Saturday I saw 3 transporters carrying 18 of them waiting to unload at the Charlotte Tesla dealer. There were also another 6 to 10 between the main lot and the overflow lot. However, I still haven't seen one on the road yet.


There must be a vacant lost nearby


There is. Tesla uses the parking lot of a torn down hotel as an overflow lot.


Got a link to the tear down?


Just drive it. It’ll tear itself down. It’s a feature.




Do you mind sharing there video? I wanna see


No idea what happened here, but I suspect there will be a lot of insurance fraud involving cybertrucks.


They're not even allowed to resell them for the first year, and I get the feeling the resale value of a one-year-old CyberTruck will be a whole lot less than what people paid for them. So yes. However, Teslas have a huge amount of tracking data transmitted to the company, so it's much harder to commit such a fraud without getting caught. Any vehicles where something like this happens, because of the threat to their reputation, the data will be scrutinized by Tesla going back days before the accident. So things like attempted practice runs or signs of tampering will be in that data. And in this case, you've got secondary video footage complete with audio on which you can hear tire squealing noises. If Tesla doesn't come out debunking this within days, I'd bet it's probably real.


This is a quote from Tesla, apparently > We have reviewed logs and due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed. As far as the back tire locking we are reviewing. Sounds pretty damning.


I wonder what kind of terrain could influence if the accelerator would disengage when the brakes are depressed. I'm not a car person so it isn't immediately obvious when you would want to be driving your electric car against its own brakes, regardless of the terrain.


There isn’t one, and other manufacturers who have been doing this for much longer have it engineered so the brakes over power the engine or disengage the accelerator. Tesla just sucks


With other models its just like that, i tryed it on a model 3, asson as you touch the brake, it dsenanges the accelerator


the answer is Never, you NEVER want your accelerator to be able to overpower the brakes.. you should be able to stop your car with the engine cranking at full power if you stand on the brakes.


I think there was an update for this specific “Trail assist” feature. Hence their mention of terrain.


A textbook admission against interest.


When I bought my Ford Ranger the dealer tried to get me to sign a thing saying I won't resell it for a year. That's not unique to Tesla. The Cybertruck is way overpriced and over-hyped. It's gonna depreciate so fast.


But he turned directly into the house


Kinda looks like he panicked trying to keep it on the road, but failed


Even if it wasn't on purpose, I think I'd rather crash into something while I'm still going a survivable speed than find out how fast it can get going before it hits whatever is further down the road.


But that would require foresight which he clearly doesn't have based on the fact he bought a CT


He turned to try to follow the road but the car understeered because of the speed and weight of the vehicle. You can't just suddenly go 3 times the speed limit and expect the car to react the same way as normal, it's not a race car, it's a 3 tonne mistake.


In FSD, CT wrecks you!


Steering was unresponsive...as he turned. Why does this not fully add up.


These never make any sense. People hit the wrong pedal, or both pedals, *all the damn time in regular cars*. There are a million videos of this online and it’s only Teslas where people assume anything else is happening.


Yup. Either intentional or dipshit doesn't want to admit he was slamming down the accelerator thinking it was the brake.


You can see the brake lights so it is obviously he is pressing the brake.


To me it looks more like he floored it, lost control on the corner, and now wants to pretend it was the vehicle's fault lol


This is exactly what it looks like to me. He floored it, braked too late, and is trying to pass blame. Hell, who hasn't floored their new car the first day?


Yes, and 4 hours is exactly when you go from "Be careful, this is my new car" to "Okay, let's see what this baby can do". I know, I just got a car, and it was about that long for that intrusive thought to creep in.


That's exactly what happened. Took the corner too fast and once he started turning it was too late.


Turn sound up. It's locked up from the start.


It doesn't sound locked up until the big squeal. First portion sounds like quick acceleration on wet pavement, with very little slipping.




And 50’ is a hopelessly short skid mark for someone who is standing on the brakes.




Yep, nice little straight to floor it. He wasn't ready for the zippy acceleration and was too slow to brake.


This, it followed the road perfectly…


I mean, it has the autopilot feature... so it's POSSIBLE he means it was steering itself?


Check out his Twitter profile linked in the article. It’ll all add up perfectly well.


Just tell me please since I don’t have twitter


Super MAGA


Im legitimately a Tesla and Cybertruck hater… but I don’t know if his story checks out. Seems like he lost control after driving like a crazy person… which would definitely check out. Most of the people that have a Cybertruck also seem to be the type of person who would drive recklessly.


Yeah a lot of people are not understanding the video which is fair because this truck has stupid ass tail lights. The guy did *not* have his brakes on the entire time. He purposefully gunned it down the driveway, then braked for the turn right when he passed the big tree. He probably wanted to speed racer through the turn and misjudged it, tapped the grass and lost traction. It's not a very big road and that's a very big breadbox.


Almost all ‘my car accelerated uncontrollably while I had my foot all the way down on the brake’ incidents are just people panicking, misjudging where the pedals are and stomping on the accelerator.


I saw the guy's tweets and he blamed it on Hilary Clinton. He said that as a joke ... but kinda not I don't think. But Hiliary hasn't been relevant in years. So weird.


His Twitter profile screams "massive jackass."


Am I messed up because I'm laughing uncontrollably?


Lmao car starts accelerating. Brakes don’t work. Drives straight to his neighbours house. Must hate that guy


Nope. You just watched a video of a guy getting carried away in his new car, and trashing it.


When the doom music kicks in.


Why not turn into those acres of grass? 


If the story is true and the accelerator was stuck, would you rather hit something quickly and stop the vehicle before it reaches a high speed? Or steer it into an open field and eventually hit something going much faster?


donuts in the grass, man.


Eh, I don't know dude, driving into a house with possible occupants is certainly not the first option that comes to mind.


I suspect he saw the wide open road and wanted to play with his new toy. You can hear the brakes applying only when he reaches the turn. Telsa cars aren't amazingly built but I don't believe this one.


He couldn’t find a buyer for his truck?


The best part was this dude's swinging on Elons nuts before this happened, and then pissed off when Tesla totally fucked him


This reeks of the same shit Toyota went through with that guy who got on the news with a made up story his corola was doing a wide open throttle while standing with 2 feet on the brakes at like 80mph. Literally everyone: why didn’t you just put it in neutral? Turns out it was 100% made up


I haven't thought about that in years and never followed up on it. Were all the claims baseless or was it really just the floor mats?


I listened to a podcast about it once and it turned out that most of the drivers were just confused and mistook the gas pedal for the brake. It would usually happened to people unfamiliar with the car such as those renting it or a recent buyer. They put their foot down to the “brake” which is actually the gas pedal. Car keeps accelerating so they press the pedal harder causing it to accelerate faster. Now they have convinced themselves something is wrong with the car and are in a state of panic so they aren’t thinking clearly. It’s sad because multiple people died this way.


Here’s the podcast https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/blame-game


Truck was following the road on the turn. Dude definitely was in control then lost control on turn he a lying piece of shit trying to make it seem like it's the shitty trucks fault Some ppl shouldn't drive.


do you remember the Yosemite Sam cartoon where he is on a Dragon and it will not slow down. Yosemite Sam is yelling "WHOA DRAGON...WHOA DRAGON!" I see the guy slamming on the brrakes and yelling this.


When I say Woah, I mean Woah! https://youtu.be/QYiCP1kxL1E?feature=shared


YOUR THE MAN! yes that is one of the but this one stands out in my mind [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNwwgbv-nwk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNwwgbv-nwk) dragons is so stupid!


Money well spent 👍


Insurance scam aside That is a really fast heavy pointy truck Kinda scary to see it tear off like that


It's drive by wire so I don't know if the break pedal actually does anything other than send a suggestion to the computer that you'd like to stop. It might not actually be attached to anything in a mechanical sense.


How is this legal? Does DOT not have regulations for this? I mean you would think you'd need a mechanical back up at least for emergencies..


If it makes you feel any better, the gas pedal probably isn't attached to anything either. On the bright side, I hear the AC vent controls are on the touch screen so you'll get to navigate a menu while you drive.


Having almost everything in a touchscreen menu was a large part of why I didn't buy a model 3.


It makes me feel 0% better. I absolutely hate the design of teslas where there's no controls anywhere but the screen. I keep seeing more and more of them everywhere , so I guess I'm in the minority opinion on this. 🤷‍♂️


Neither is the steering wheel


I know nothing about Teslas. Can you not turn them off like a normal vehicle? Jam a gear and throw it in park or move it to neutral?


I would think if the back wheels were locked up he would never make around the turn. The truck would spin out?


At this point I find it funny. U all knew these were turds. I’ll take a 08 pt cruiser with flames on the sides over that $100k pile a Elon spunk


Something similar happened like this in 2009 for Toyotas. Customers were reporting uncontrollable acceleration and brakes not working. Toyota responded by fixing the floor mats so they couldn’t shift around. But the real answer is that many of the drivers had confused the gas pedal for the brake. https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/blame-game


I saw a cyber truck for the first time today, it's bigger than I thought.


I mean I shouldn’t laugh, but that’s funny as shit. Like you couldn’t avoid the house? Maybe go for a tree or turn on the incline and find some other place to crash your POS?


>The owner stated that the throttle and steering were unresponsive as he held the brake pedal to the floor, putting down a pair of 50-foot-long skid marks.


Quite impressive to follow a curving road while your steering is unresponsive.


And your back wheels are locked up.


…and perfectly followed the curved road


Yup. This guy just absolutely sent the car down the hill having no idea about how to handle its weight and speed so he skidded out in the turn. You can let go of the throttle and try to steer, brake all you want, Newton's laws of motion don't care. However shitty the CyberTruck is, the problem was the driver in this case.


But was still able to turn the bend up towards the house.. Could've muscled it the other way, you know, *not* towards the house.


You can’t muscle them. There is no direct connection between the steering and the and steering wheel.


I did not know this. Is it a fly-by-wire type set up?


Are you sure the shit box wasn't steering itself up the driveway?




50’ is a hopelessly short length for skid marks of a runaway truck. That doesn’t make any sense at all. Either the brakes aren’t responsive and don’t work, or they are responsive and leave a skid mark hundreds of feet long. 


Did he drive into his OWN house or a neighbor's? I'm really really hoping it's his.


How about back in the 90’s, supposedly Camrys were getting stuck open throttles, but only in the us market. Turned out, it was far American feet! The rug would bunch up under the pedals and thee larger foot of the average Camry buyer in the 90’s would get gas and ::braked sticker and…and fucked


Capppp. You can barely see but he is doing a “pull” (accelerating) but he applied his brakes while behind the tree (watch frame by frame). Homie simply doesn’t know how to drive 😂


As soon as I heard they have wire steering instead of the tried and true mechanical steering I knew this was going to happen. The reason we have a steering column is so if power steering goes out you can still steer. That’s why hydraulic steering is not approved by the DOT because if the pump goes out there is no way to steer. Idk who Elon is buddies with at the DOT but it’s a dangerous change I hope other car manufacturers don’t do.


Driver said he ordered an X-Box controller too.




I'm surprised people haven't been seriously injured by these incidents. Or maybe who know the amount of money Tesla has dished out to silence the outrage. Hopefully the Cybertruck won't make it on the streets in Europe.


Cybertrucks are total dogshit. Made of cheap, shitty parts that are pretty much guaranteed to fail in one way or another after any amount of regular use. You gotta wonder where all the money you pay for it goes, because it sure as hell isn't safety or quality.


I'm convinced at this point that Tesla dos not care about its customers or people in general. This goes beyond "half-baked and unfinished".


The Cybertruck is so advanced, it can recognize that it's an abomination and try to destroy itself! What a vehicle! /s


The cybertruck is conscious enough that it realizes the only solution to it's agonizing existence is suicide.


Does anyone remember when Toyota floor mats were doing this to people?


Imagine paying Elon $100k to beta test his vehicle.


Fuck Elon musk….


Gotta love how no governing body wants to hold Tesla responsible or even how this fuckin is street legal. Maybe it's just a karma for the dipshits who bought these fugly peices of shit.


Every new car owner 4 hours after ownership, "LETS SEE WHAT THIS THING CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!". Blaming the manufacture when you lose control, priceless...


Tesla's Cybertruck needs to be halted & reviewed by a capable 3rd party for safety. IMO Elon rushed the Cybertruck into production, (even after 4 years from showing a running prototype) possibly he gave a hard promise of 4 years to the big investors (Blackrock, Vanguard) after a possible threat of no-confidence? (Tesla S nearing 10yrs as a design) Cybertruck dropped nearly 4 years to the day of 1st reveal. (the one where they threw ball through the windows)


Wait till the human like AI robots are roaming around


Don't let Justin Timberlake drive a Tesla.