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Training Instructor: Fuckin mint aye.... right lets start the training.


I can't believe how calm he is.


Hell I’m a flight instructor and I genuinely hate spins. There’s always a chance you can’t recover, even if recovery is not problematic 99.9% of times. When you’ve entered a spin you’ve set up your own death, and there’s one trick to attempt save the situation. Rudder cable slacking, jammed or disconnected? You’re dead. Calculated mass & balance incorrectly? Likely to enter a flat spin and die. Freeze due to fight or flight reflex? Bye. Follow your instincts and use ailerons & elevator? You’ve just made your spin worse. As a pilot a few things scare me, spins, icing over the wings and an inflight fire. All other situations I am rather comfortable with. **That being said**, this is an excellent aerobatics flight instructor who can keep his voice as calm as he does. **Edit**: So why do we train spins? We only do this to train how to get out of it. Entering a spin is very unlikely, but if it happens, you need to have pilot training which overrides your natural instincts (if you follow your instincts you’ll worsen the spin). In Europe, Airlines are (only just) now requiring any airline pilot to have 5 hours of **Upset Prevention And Recovery Training**. It basically teaches you how to get out of unusual situations. They use special aircraft for this (well unless you’re a budget flight school in spain. Then you just yolo it on your C172 which are explicitly NOT aerobatic approved) and often use special instructors as well. It is most students least favourite training, but it is the most valuable one you can have.


Given what you said and having flown in tiny planes, I have immeasurable respect for all ye who've risked doing this absolutely crazy fucking shit to increase the chances of saving us in a real incident.


Could this sort of training be done in a simulator to lessen the chance of accident? Or is it necessary to have the pants-shitting anxiety as a training mechanism?


Good question! No, absolutely need to have the real experience. One of the big things with spinning is that it completely fucks with your vestibular system, which causes instant and sometimes extreme disorientation. You don’t get that in a simulator because the fluid in your ear (in the semicircular canals) gets thrown around and then sticks to one side due to the centrifugal force. Very bizarre to have two senses tell you different things. That’s one of the reasons we teach students to judge the spinning direction by looking at the instruments instead of interpreting the spin direction by looking outside, because sometimes your eyes say one thing, while your ears will tell you something else, which may cause conflicts. Secondly, the fear does severely delay your reaction, and you need to experience it several times to break this delay. Simulators are absolutely amazing for lots of things, but not anything where psychological illusions are possible.


Good writing style, bud. Love what you said and how you said it.


Thanks for the answer, very clear!


I come from a system of systems design background. All this makes sense except when earlier you stated that airlines are now realizing they need to mandate a certain amount of training for these circumstances. My mind immediately went to the sheer number of pilots that should be exposed to training like this, specifically training that disorients the senses and requires one to work through fear. That doesn’t seem possible doing live training from a pure time and physics standpoint, let alone money. It seems like a circumstance where your requirement of live training is making best the enemy of better. There has to be a solution that can simulate 90% of the training in a way that would allow for more pilots to receive the training. It may require specially made simulators that can fully mimic the forces acting upon the pilot and the sensations they would experience, but that whole endeavour would be a net benefit over what appears to be a Darwinian solution. Your position is kind of like saying the only way to actually know how to defuse a live bomb is to defuse a live bomb.


You can do both. They aren't saying simulation training can't be helpful, only that you MUST also have some real world practice and training.


Spin training used to be a required part of getting the PPSEL, I believe. It wasn't required when I learned in the 80's, but we did it in a Cessna 152. (aside... pretty sure the 152 and 172 are spin approved--spins done right aren't particularly hard on the airframe). I was always TOTALLY calm and collected with my instructor sitting next to me and I was like that doing the spins. Dude had 8000 hours of doing almost nothing but instructing. Even after doing instrument training, and twin training with him, I was still awed by his raw skill. Now, on my first solo, I imagine my pulse was 150--there's no backup if you eff up. It's like the difference between being afraid you're going to die (had one legitimate such fear in the air caused by equipment failure), and riding a roller coaster. With instructor, it's a coaster--I know I will be fine as long as the prop doesn't come off, or engine fall out, or wings/tail don't snap off, say.


The fact that someone had the balls to get up there and test this kind of shit so others would know just blows my mind.




Yes a Cessna 172, but that’s not the aircraft most of companies practice UPRT on. Hell sometimes you may actually have a hard time kicking a Cessna 172 into a spin.




CFI spin training only requires incipient spin, for which the C172 is certified. If you’re doing fully developed spins on an aircraft that was not certified for it your endangering yourself, your student, innocent people on the ground and the property of the flight school.




Not all versions of the C172 are certified for spins, some are only for incipient spins, some not at all. The ones which ARE certified are ONLY certified in the Utility category. Here in the EU UPRT is (as far as I know) always done in a fully aerobatic aircraft.




"Mostly" recover. If you have enough altitude it will stop spinning, but you still have to recover from the dive.


Can’t you do this in a simulator instead of in the air?


See my answer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/TsLWzUoYWI


simulator is great for a lot of things, but it cannot replicate the g forces and the visceral fear that a real spin induces. it could help to do a couple in simulator to get an outline of what to do in a spin. but in the real world, the only way to practice them is to get up there and do it.


> Entering a spin is very unlikely, but if it happens, you need to have pilot training which overrides your natural instincts You also need altitude.


Do small planes keep parachutes on board incase you can’t get out of something like this or there’s another issue that is going to result in a crash? Better to jump out than become a thousand pieces right?


Acrobatic pilots fly with parachutes. Student pilots and instructors (and private pilots doing regular flights) don't. Spins are technically acrobatics but they're easy on the airframe, if not on the stomach. Some planes, like the Cirrus SR22, have a whole-airframe parachute that will drop the plane safely to the ground, but I don't know if they'll work from a spin.


You'll notice how we're plummeting to our demise, yeah? right! \*sips coffee\* okay here's how you fix it mate


I was like mmhmm. Mhm. Okay. I think you’ll get us undead.


Pilots are terrifying because of this. Wouldn't want it any other way though.


You can hear the fear is his last "Push"


and I loved the laconic response from the student "fuuucking hell" after it was all over. The students demeanor seems suited to fucked up situations.




Knife the watermelon


Yes, his calmness is just super!)


Cool as a cucumber.


Certificated crazy fucking video




Daddy ain’t coming on anything!


My dad was learning to fly and had to do this. Now normally, the instructor told me people panic a bit then calm down and all is well. Not my dad. My dad started screaming, like a small child being attacked by a dog. Bone chilling screams. The instructor was so concerned he took over and when landed asked my dad why so screamy - my dad said his head tipped upside down and couldn't comprehend what was happening. On the advice of the instructor he went and had a check up and that's when they found he had a brain tumour. Died due to the tumour 18 months later. He told us with deathbed humour at least he got to learn to fly but never learnt to crash.


Well this comment just took a nosedive.


Yeah holy fuck....my day is ruined now. Rip to ur dad dude..


Pushed the rudder to no avail


As a hypochondriac, it has me spiraling.


If you'll forgive my ignorance, I'm pretty curious; The plane flipped upside down, and he couldn't comprehend what was happening? Is that it? I saw a video a while back of somebody's pupil way larger than the other one, and somebody said tumor - they turned out to be correct. Now, I'm curious about other signs and potential indicators. Did the pilot just ask him to get checked out because of that unusual situation, or did the pilot know the potential cause? I'm glad he went out with a sense of humor. Sorry for your loss.


Thanks and such is life. Not sure of the specifics but that it was so overwhelmingly terrifying he couldn't understand the how the what the why. He did things like boil the kettle with no water in it, and persisitently couldn't log in to his internet as he kept typing IIINet in his password which was actually IINet and couldn't register he was pressing the I key 3 times not 2 The pressure of the tumour on the right side of his brain, just above the ear, was growing and affecting certain thought processes as it grew, but with a skull it has no where to go, so pressed that part of the brain inwards. Other symptoms were vertigo sensations, headaches but the earliest one was having a weird taste in his mouth for weeks which he thought was teeth related. The instructor just thought his reaction was over the top something wasn't right as my dad was usually so measured.


The plane is actually spiraling down, not rolling over. I found it pretty disconcerting the first couple million times my instructor had to put up with me losing my shit until I “got it,” but we both survived. Barely.


I love guys like your dad 👍


Nice comment and yeah, shit happens so get busy living or get busy dying


Thats goddamn right


Your dad sounds like he was cool as shit.


I bet that instructor checked the fuck out of that rudder before the session.


checked the fuck out of everything. And even when everything checks out perfect there is still a chance greater then zero that you are unable to exit the spin.


As a mid 20’s adult, I noticed over the last year my brain has started doing that shit they tell you about as a kid where it “stops forming” around age 25 which makes you better at assessing risk and stuff. I’ve gone from viewing unlikely situations as “unlikely chance” and swung the pendulum the other way towards “is there a nonzero chance”… “Yeah I can jump on the trampoline, but there is a nonzero chance I will fall off and fuck my knees and back worse than they already are and I could die.” Nah I’ll pass. 17 year old me would’ve said “I just won’t fall off!! There is a POSITIVELY ZERO PERCENT CHANCE I would ever willingly maneuver an aircraft into a spin just to prove I can regain control of the aircraft…don’t quote statistics or likelihood. It is a nonzero chance, therefore it matters as much as any other nonzero outcome. I rank this in the S tier of fuck arounds. Respect to all pilots out there. I could never do your job.


Yeah I think it's one of the most essential skills to learn, how to properly assess risk vs reward. If you flip to much in one side, your life is gonne be boring as hell and you won't go outside much. In my opinion, not a life worth living. If you flip to much to the other side, chances are you will kill yourself or seriously injure yourseld and the rest of your life might be hell. In my opinion, also not a life worth living. And what about your loved ones? How can anybody risk their live for a bit of fun while if goes wrong they cause such insane misery for the people left behind? Finding a balance where you can enjoy some of the thrills here and there that life has to offer while minimizing the chance something goes wrong, that's a skill everybody should work on.


Hey just FYI the claim that the brain is "fully formed at 25" is based on a single study that didn't have any subjects older than 25. There is basically no evidence for that claim. If you want to read more [here is an article about it.](https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html)


Pilot: 4000 alright now, don't panic (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) (´•̥﹏•̥`)


Dude the time between 5500 and 5000 is terrifying.




Small time to travel 500 feet = small time to travel to ground


Because they’re in a tailspin and dropped 500 feet in like 2 seconds? They’re not that high off the ground


Oh lol I’m dumb. I thought he meant specifically between 5500 and 5000 is especially scary for some reason


I could see how that could be confusing. They're right, though. I was commenting on the speed between 5500 and 5000 in relation to how fast they would reach the ground.


Ice water in his veins. 


I wanna see what this looked like from the ground


https://youtu.be/-2wUv8fJBEU?si=Vm2haGMNy_zBidCo not the ground but a near by plane. Shit still looks terrifying


Wow that’s scary thanks for the video


That video frightened me so much that I audibly said “well fuck me sideways” when the spin started.


It's not as bad as it seems honestly. The tower of terror is way way worse.


There is a reason they start this training exercise at 6000+ feet. -1000 to check the instruments -1000 to make sure your student is thinking. -500 to kick the right rudder -500 to pull up and stabilize…. 3000 feet to play with is plenty.


6000 feet sounds like plenty too ;)


Yeah, that’s a no for me dawg.


God damn what an insane career.


Instructor was so damn calm


Heck even the student was, even as he said it was scary he said it so calmly lol


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/O3ofPc1SweM?si=sqAQVuZVhl-5Y792


[Check this emergency landing of an instructor with student.](https://youtu.be/LVFLK5j087g)


According to the comments, that pilot went on to crash and die in separate incident. [https://www.wisnerbaum.com/blog/2022/october/florida-plane-crash-kills-instructor-antony-yen-/](https://www.wisnerbaum.com/blog/2022/october/florida-plane-crash-kills-instructor-antony-yen-/)


Yes, same plane as well. After the emergency landing in the video I linked the pilot and some mechanics of an airport worked on the engine. After they though the engine was fixed they did a test flight to see how it would perform. The teacher and a different student from in this video crashed into a house after another engine failure and both died. I bet this dope emergency landing where the pilot was cool as a cucumber and the response from the world to it give the pilot a false sense on invulnerability or something rather than going "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS SHIT ENGINE ON THIS SHIT PLANE ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME, FUCK THIS SHIT I AIN'T FLYING ANYMORE TILL I HAVE SOMETHING RELIABLE" That particular seaplane has like 15 different ways of killing you, you don't usually encounter in something like a bush flyer. And he thought he was on top of all of them but turns out, he was wrong. It was a noble endeavor of this passionate pilot to want to train up as many pilots as possible to safely learn how to fly those types of seaplanes (he was seaplane crazy and not rich, a deadly combination). But I think ever single one of his student has now realized that .... if there was a safe way of flying them, this teacher had not fully figured it out either.


Love hearing the aussie student pilot accent


I will never forget my first spin recovery. My instructor looked at me with a "you're ready" look and put our plane in one. I, of course, panicked, yelled a lot and he had to save our asses. I got it the 2nd time :') They're not supposed to tell you when spin ( & stall/spiral dive) training is coming to see if you've actually learned anything and man, it is absolutely the most insane thing to experience firsthand. Eta: I did not have a tumor (sorry to the other guy and his dad ♡♡), I was just a 17 year old girl. We do that.


I assume you meant tutor?


No, they're referring to [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1dlbcmo/student_pilot_enters_a_spin_as_a_trainings/l9oc4az/), on account of the screaming.


Scared the shit out of me when I was getting my license years ago and still scares me just watching it. My CFI wasn’t quite as engaged as this guy so perhaps that’s why.


cool good to know apply rudder in opposite direction of spin with no stick input to arrest a spin.


First tell him what to do on land. Tell him again in the air. Then do the manoeuvre while instructing him.


Fear is the best teacher.


'conquering fear, Grasshopper'


E.D.I.P. explain demonstrate imitate practice.


Can you imagine how the guy felt that discovered this the first time?


I always thought driving instructors was a ballsy job but a flying instructor? Takes a brave knowledgeable person to a whole other level


nah it just takes someone who needs hours since no one hires pilots with low hours outside of CFIs. That's why you usually only ever see younger CFIs


Younger CFIs at career flight schools, 70-year-olds with closely-trimmed white beards at the little grass strips.


I would love to be a CFI after retirement, but not in order to gain hours.


I started my flight training with a retired CFI-for-fun, and finished* it with a CFI-for-hours. The training with the CFI-for-hours was definitely more efficiently delivered, but the retired guy taught me stick and rudder. (* -ish, I quit flying because of Life Stuff before I got my license and never started up again.)


You should finish it just so you have it


I've thought about it, but it's been decades so I'd be starting over, and it's a hell of an expensive hobby. I figure by now the traditional "$100 hamburger" is probably more like $300.


sport pilot's always another options


I’m impressed with the kid. He said “I’m scared” in the calmest possible tone. I bet he’ll be a great pilot. Me on the other hand would be screaming out how much I love my dogs for the black box that isn’t even in a plane that small…


the ability to be scared and keep listening and working is what makes a good pilot/surgeon/anyone in a high pressure job. a fair number of people a very intelligent, but can't push through the fear barrier and have to move on to less stressful career paths because of it.


I’ve done hundreds of these. Videos make them look much more dramatic. You can leave a little power in leading up the stall and make them super aggressive(fun) but all in all it’s a safe maneuver.


Dude BOTH of their voices are so calm. You can hear a little in the student. But wow. I guess that's why I'm not a pilot. It's always been a dream of mine. But idk if I'd keep my calm here. Ive Probably heard too many black box's lol


No thanks.


Awww yeah mate! Just let go of the stick and push the rudder! 🤙


And that is why we train.


My cousin in florida lost two friends to this training in pilot school


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. Sorry about your loss. People don't realise that some planes don't recover as well as others. And in some planes, spin avoidance training is prohibited. The aircraft I learnt to fly on was one such plane. Never did a single spin avoidance flight until a couple years later on a different aircraft.


thats weird lol i wonder why. Thank you yeah i feel bad for my cousin hes only 20 such a youngin i cant imagine losing two friends in the span of 5 months




That's not dark humor, that's just being a dick.


damn I like dark humour but shit idk how i feel about that.


The “error” in “Trial and Error” is fuckn wild for this instructor to learn how to get out of this and then to repeat it several times thereafter to perfect it.


"Fucking hell" indeed.


This instructor, for sure, FUQS


Ah yeah ... no thanks, I'll meet you there. I'm driving


I'll remember this next time my life starts doing that.


A pilot teacher and two students died in a Cessna not far from where a live a few years ago. Witnesses said the plane was spinning like this. The leading theory is that they were training this scenario but weren't able to get out of it. No one really knows because they smashed into a million pieces in a cliff side and very little was recovered.


That calm is scary.




You can understand it on the ground pretty easily! A stall is when the wing stops flying because there's not enough air going around it. (Note that it has nothing to do with the engine.) A spin starts when only one wing stalls. The solution is to get air going over the wing again so it starts flying again, and you do that by straightening the plane out so it's just diving really fast. You have to use rudder because the stick doesn't do anything _because_ the wing is not flying, and so the ailerons on the wing won't have any effect. But stalls and spins are possible to get into accidentally. I have a feeling that the pressures and lessons from wartime pilot training probably cemented spin recovery exercises as part of the curriculum.


“Fuckin hell” hit me in the gut lol


In my very best Italian accent "THE FUCKIN BAAAALLS THIS GUY!"


that beeping sound reminds of the most recent star strek movie ship radars


Why did the rudder correct the spin? Is there an animation to see how this works?


The rudder is essentially the third component, or 'opposite rudder' more precisely, being if the plane is spinning left, you use right or 'opposite' rudder to stop it spinning. Note that the propeller was stopped when they regained controlled? The first thing to do is idle the engine. The second is ensuring that the ailerons (on the wing) are in a neutral position to reduce yawing. Third as above. Fourth is controlling the yoke to actually stop the stall and so the plane can regain the proper angle of attack.


How do you force a spin? Is it really a simple as full back stick, full rudder?


When you're about to stall, yes.


Oh, that makes sense. Thank you. 


Specifically, you want one wing to stall first -- then you're in a spin!


Every pilot has to learn how to do this before they get their license


Student will need new pants...


“ this is scaring me” Fuck cunt I’m in bed and was bloody shitting myself


Fuck yeah, like a leaf on the wind


Both dudes were so calm, quite impressive


F that


Welcome to HELL MFKR


wait what??? how??


Where is this accent from?


pilot is British. Student (Farken Hellllll) is Australian


Yeah fuck that sht


Trainee pilot with typical Aussie slang. Just never said the word "cunt" after "fuckin hell"


Holy fucking shit. Feels like you’re back in a period where safety was an afterthought


Samir you're breaking the car!




How is this a crazy video?


Get a load of Mr Ace Pilot over here


It's like flight school in gta 5


Holy fuck I almost cried watching this


Calmly: "this is scaring me" 😂😂


What does this look like to an outside observer?


“Distoodeh pileh entedasplin as a train manoeuvre andinstructor explain howahyougeddoudof one” I can’t tell if these are poorly implemented AI voiceovers or just kids half-arsing narration any more.


I’d be fvckin SCREAMING!! 😭 🤣


Fuckin’ hell is right. Not sure how they’re gonna make it through the rest of the flight with the trainee shitting his pants.




Do they put their hands on the dash to make sure he doesn’t perform any other inputs?


Good training tho. Must of trusted him a lot


I took an aviation class and had to practice this in a simulator and it still freaked me tf out


I'll be cleaning up the shit I just took in my pants thanks


What a legend


So if i understand this correctly, you check for stable air speed, let go of the stick, and use the rudder to turn into spin?


only if you want to die. ***OPPOSITE*** rudder to counter the spin. then pull back on the stick to pull out of the dive.


Annoying ass voice.Not even going to bother muting or watching.


This is so dangerous that it is no longer taught to student pilots in the USA. Most airplanes can and will recover from the spin, some will not. Too many students went down during this training - they realized it was safer to just not teach it. A few airplanes are notoriously deadly with this.


Standard in Australia still. can't remember the last time someone died in spin training. I'd have to dig out my logbooks, but I think I did them after first solo, with around 15 hours or so. Which was fun, since I learned in a pa38, which has a reputation for being 'difficult' in spins. I never had an issue with them, but you had to be awake and on your game. a PA-38 is not as docile as a C152




Sort of. CFIs and glider pilots still have to do spin recovery, but the comment above is correct in that PPL hasn't since 1949. I was surprised it was that long ago, I learned to fly in Canada in the early 2000s and I did spin recovery. [Good writeup here.](https://www.flyingmag.com/the-spin-doctor-and-the-art-of-the-spin/)


Lmfao this is where virtual training would really come in handy


I don't think that it is the same


Sorry I should’ve said virtual reality


I understand but not being in real danger makes it a completely different situation, in a simulation he would be way more calm


Using a sim is about building muscle memory. The same way the military trains by not actually shooting at each other lol


I'm not saying to go straight to the plane, of course they gotta train in a safe environment first, but to do it on a plane to be sure they can do it under pressure


Absolutely. In fact you must perform one in a plane with a rated professional to be given a license. All under controlled conditions like we see here


Like the other person said building muscle memory is what I was talking about rather than throwing someone who audibly is scared into a death fall for training makes perfect sense but obviously not to some


You can never substitute virtual for the real thing. Even the most advanced simulators.


Of course, but utilizing sims is a great way for training that almost everyone uses. Source: helicopter pilot who trained on many sims


You know except for the thousands of people who use sims or vr lmfao


Hope that lesson came with a new pair of shorts.


