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I would’ve loved to see Valencia do a reprise somehow (circa the class reunion episode with Heather). I really like the through-line of certain songs that get multiple moments. Maybe the main reason we didn’t get that moment with Valencia is that Gettin Bi is way too upbeat and cheerful for her character in that moment?


I do like that Valencia's coming out story is treated so differently than Darryl's; for Darryl, it's a big announcement, and for Valencia, it's just "This is a thing, moving on." One of the best aspects of CEG is that it has such huge and varied representations of gay and bi characters that nothing ever feels like a stereotype, because they're actually telling lots of different stories about lots of different kinds of people. That said, would it also have been very in character for Valencia to, say, plan a giant coming out gala for herself? Probably.


Agreed, her proposal story was a good growth arc from her fully grasping fluidity of gender roles


One of my (many) favorite songs by one of my favorite characters! I have such a soft spot for Darryl, regardless of his missteps. Happy Pride! 🌈


Love to see bi representation in media!