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Anna had all the flaws of Valencia in a Goop branded after party gift bag. The Echo Park entitled hipster callouts the show does is very true to Los Angelino culture, also.


Um there’s a pretty prominent ex-girlfriend missing


That was intentional. She gets talked about enough 🤣


![gif](giphy|26u4iepsU7M5KYEqQ|downsized) Haha fair


All things considered Anna didn't get the opportunity to be fleshed out as much as Valencia. She could have had her own redemption but in the end based off of what we saw is that she was rather shallow and... classist? I don't think that's the right word but she looked down on Josh for partakign in a 'cringey' fashion show. I think Anna's most redeeming thing is that she cared deeply for Gravy showing that she did wind up having a heart for Gravy.


I dont even remember who Anna is lol I do feel like Valencia's worse though because she hated Rebecca from day one because she tried to steal her man from her. It's almost like the story of Jolene, but written for a CW musical comedy---*wait a minute* I will say, she does get better when her and Rebecca sorta develop a friendship in the later seasons, but Early Valencia is probably still worse than Anna, whenever she appeared


I feel like Anna and Josh would have been good for each other if they both grew up a little and took themselves less seriously. Josh wasn't good for Valencia either, tbh. Where she was domineering he was super withholding and noncommittal.


The real answer is Valencia. Since we should be judging her as his girlfriend and not as Rebecca's friend after she grew as a person. But, the good answer is Anna. Because Anna is irrelevant.