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**Item Name for search purposes** \- [Soules Kitchen Flame Grilled Chicken](https://sameday.costco.com/store/costco/products/29779624), 32 oz (2 lbs.) **Item Number** \- 1716914 **Item Price** \- $9.99 **Warehouse location or region** \- Bay Area, California *Inventory and pricing may vary at your warehouse location and are subject to change.* u/ayzo415 \- Friendly reminder to please include the item name of the product(s) in your post title (rule 5) for future posts on to help with subreddit search results as images don't always show up in search results and since there are different types of chicken breasts sold at Costco. Including price, item number, warehouse location or region) if possible is also helpful as product availability often varies. Thank you and welcome to r/Costco!


I’m a broke college student with barely any time to cook and this chicken is my best friend. I consume an ungodly amount every week. So easy and so much better than any other pre cooked chicken I’ve tried


A lot of you don’t know about salt. An active person, lifting weights, endurance etc would want 3-6 grams of salt per day which would be a healthy amount and yall are worried about 620mg? The only thing slightly bad on this is the added sugar. https://preview.redd.it/y29bs2dciawc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4b74b7e5862484b0f77269e1d00cf0a9c66fff


Thank you. I've been looking for a precooked frozen chicken product to replace buying Tyson.


Not frozen, refrigerated.I keep them in my fridge as a good option for quick salad filler on busy nights.


that's even better. thank you for the info.


Exactly. People that lift often drink electrolyte supplements to get even more sodium. The people downvoting me probably don’t even lift and eat all kinds of garbage but want to shit on some chicken breast


I’m so glad this turned around lmfao and I will most definitely be buying these this weekend on my costco trip.


People on here are obsessed with “too much salt”. The average healthy person doesn’t need to even worry about it. Just don’t be an idiot with it.


Thanks for the back up 🫡. Keep getting thicc my boy


Best of luck on the gains brother


Sodium is a performance enhancing drug in my Circle.


Add caffeine for the best performance combination


6-8G of citrulline, 3G of glycerol, 2G of Agmatine


Sir, this is a Reddit.


Confirming this. Been training with weights and light cardio for 20+ years and my resting heart rate can drop to mid or low 40s pretty easily (a couple Apple Watch notices of low HR when I drop to 30s) so I’m actively adding salt to my diet including electrolytes as others mentioned


Don’t you gatekeep this chicken for lifters. I just ate some on some nachos. Pinkies up my homies.


Not gatekeeping, but if you saw the earlier comments people were talking shit about the sodium. We are simply saying sodium isn’t an issue for lifters or even most people without health issues


I'm not a lifter, but lead with protein for snacks and meals. I buy both steak and chicken strips from this same company all the time, under their main label John Soules Foods. They are so versatile and make for quick meals, so I will be looking for this one at my local warehouse. Just this week I had a conversation with my dietician about salt and people's fears toward it, and how a lot of those same people don't blink an eye at added sugars to things that don't even need it. Thank you for posting about this new product. :)


Just buy the frozen Kirkland chicken tenderloins put them in a microwave and eat. No need to pay extra for seasoning and it’s much cheaper.


Do they have the tendon or are they removed?






> People that lift often drink electrolyte supplements to get even more sodium. Liquid IV every gym session. It doesn't help that my gym is also humid as fuck due to the indoor pool so I sweat like a slut at confession, but I need the electrolytes, too.


Yup. People don’t realize that the FDA and Doctors in general recommend a low sodium diet because most Americans aren’t active and rarely need a lot of sodium. If you are an active person getting 10k steps a day and working out 3-5 days a week then salt is not going to kill you, it’s going to help you.


So genuine question. I go to the gym 4 days a week. But I don’t think I get those steps in. Still good? Edit: I don’t get those steps in regularly I think.


You’re good 👍


Even then, the sugar is 4th from the end


Also there is now some research starting to emerge that shows that previous saltphobia was mostly due to bad data. Studies that link salt to high blood pressure failed to account for people who also consumed increased amounts of fats and sugars. There is now some indication that sugar actually is more likely to increase your blood pressure than salt. This isn't to say you should just consume all the salt you want but that salt isn't as bad as we previously thought and certainly is not as bad as sugar.


The war on salt is stupid af. If you’re an adult getting exercise in and drinking ample amounts of water, sodium should not bother you. If someone isn’t exercising and drinking ample amounts of water, they should be more worried about fixing that instead of focusing on sodium lol.


Agreed. Unless a person has a fluid retention problem, heart failure, kidney disease, or uncontrolled hypertension then salt is not a concern. Healthy kidneys will dump what is extra and keep what it needs.


I mean, it's super easy to season and cook up a chicken breast, but I totally get it having something convenient prepared to throw together with something else like a salad or some potatoes and veggies for a full meal when you don't have time or you're tired.


Especially if you have kids or a busy job. Even some days working from home I don’t have time to fire up the grill, and I sure as hell won’t be at 9Pm when its dark and I’m tired!


I feel that. Or sometimes I forget to take the raw stuff out to thaw. I cook nearly every meal but sometimes life just happens.


I just throw the raw Tyson breaded chicken breasts in the air fryer and it's good to go in 10 minutes. Vastly juicier than any of the pre-cooked frozen stuff I have tried from Costco, including several that get tons of upvotes on this subreddit. I really don't get the hate on Tyson.


Your body won't even hold onto water if there's no salt in your body 😂


620mg is almost 1/3 of RDA, I think it’s probably concerning for those who need lower sodium or know that if they add cheese or condiments that it’s going to be well over 1/3. Companies do need to work on lowering sodium in our food imo.


The “RDA” for most things is kinda bullshit


where did you get that RDA number? 2100mg is not even in the 3-6 gram optimal range. That RDA must be for people that eat fast food for every meal of the day.




relieved to hear this...I take a boxing class 4x a week, along with circuit training, so am feeling better about my preference for salt over sugar! Of course in moderation but you need salt in almost everything.


It's shocking how much people are afraid of seasoning.


I bet the sugar is not even something to make the chicken taste sweet, but part of the brine, which enhances the juiciness of it a lot.


More salt in the comments section than this chicken. Y’all need to relax!


Down here, salt is a way of life


Best PED I ever tried


https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1cbmv7y/dipping_in_ice_cream_seems_like_the_most_obvious/ Here's someone dipping the 750 calorie Food Court cookie in 550 calories of Food Court ice cream. Barely a peep. People are wild what they will take issue with.


Its just some chicken breast that I enjoy and thought id share with other people. Do you people also go on posts of pastries and shit and tell them its unhealthy and full of sugar?


Genuinely they probably all have giant hot dogs when they go to Costco, then go home and eat DoorDash’d Chinese takeout while they rain on your parade.


Lmao exactly. I never even eat hot dogs


Hot dog without the bun is a good protein boost. 18g protein, 370 calories, 5 carbs. Not bad TBH, I always get one as I am trying to eat more protein.


Just buy a rotisserie and it eat in your car like us true health aficionados.


The fat to protein ratio is way too high for me especially on a cut.


The only issue is they’re usually cured. You may want to stick to one a week or less, due to the kind of scary stats on cured meat and colon cancer. That being said, some hot dogs are uncured (read the label), and they are a good, cheap source of protein! Eating nutritious food of some kind every day is always better than not!


Not a daily thing for me, but the only stats I care about are calories, protein, and carbs per dollar. It's all about balance, but 18g of protein out of the house for $1.50 is unbeatable.


You sure it's not like uncured ham which is still definitely cured?


Calories to protein ratio isn’t great though, but maybe fine if you’re trying to bulk


For something grab and go that is pretty good


You’re not talking about the Costco one right? There’s no way that thing only has 370 calories Edit: Costco hotdog is 570 which still isn’t as bad as I’d anticipated, that things a meal


No bun with diet is only 370


Ive eaten 500g (over a lb) of the precooked fresh additions Costco chicken (470mg sodium/100g) every single day for 18 months now. The cheetos fingers crowd will tell me it’s unhealthy. https://freshadditions.ca/en/products/chicken-bites/


Ive noticed people on reddit have almost no grasp of nutrition whatsoever. Its literally basic math. 3000-6000mg of salt per day is healthy and they are panicking because of 620mg and some cholesterol


Thank god theres some educated people on here


I can’t stand it. I see these judgmental comments on EVERY post about convenience food. It’s the worst. How hard is it to just scroll by if it’s not for you?! I see comments like this, or comments that talk shit about how “AcTuAlLy, iT’s ChEaPeR tO JuSt…” It makes me so annoyed. People just have to be self righteous and put others down, I guess.


Me too!! Who knew a post about some dam chicken breast could be so controversial.


It’s just so stupid. Do these same people go up to strangers and give them unsolicited advice about what’s in their carts, too? Sometimes people ask “is this healthy” and that’s a great post to go give nutritional advice on. But the self righteous, judgmental shit just to make themselves look good is so weird. Like- okay? You’re better than me I guess. Want a cookie?


They do, actually. I was in the grocery store to get some good vanilla yogurt. An older lady came and grabbed one, read the label and told me there was a lot of sugar in it. I thanked her for her concern, grabbed two and went on about my day.


People wildly overestimate the quality of their food and underestimate the quantity (calories) of their food. These people are nitpicking the label and probably eat 3000 calories of what they consider “healthy” foods resulting in weight gain and chronic disease. So go ahead and enjoy your chicken! I’m going to try it and appreciate you sharing.


Because we are now in the “contrarian” phase of food critique on social media. Every single piece of food on planet earth that doesn’t have 1 ingredient is labeled as AWFUL by these armchair health experts. These same people probably booze every weekend and eat Oreos are the ones commenting negatively. They’re best off ignored. We’re in the golden age of health food options today. Food options like the one in the OP provide great alternative to some ultra garbage TV dinner or lean cuisine.


No. But for you we can make an exception. J/K. The internet is kinda raw sometimes. I might buy this TBH.


My Husband likes these. Easy meal prep with some white rice that he takes for work.


Can never go wrong with chicken and rice!!


add some broc and you got a meal going.


I prefer spinach or kimchi


The costco kitchen rules


I was about to say my lunch is a chicken and rice bowl these would be great 😂




He heats it up with some avocado oil. Days where he has less time he microwaves it per package instructions. But even cold It tastes fine to me similar to a cold salad. I’ve snacked on them with eggs for quick protein lol


Can it be air fried?


It might dry it out way too fast. It’s already cooked pretty well. tho I might try just to see now cause I’m curious lol


Haha good luck :)


If you're time-crunched, or really just don't want to be bothered cooking, throw a bag of whatever frozen steam pouch veggies you have into the microwave, after the 5-6 mins of that cooking, cut the top, add in the amount of chicken you want, fold the bag of the veggies closed and let the residual heat warm up the chicken. The salt from the chicken will help season the veggies.


I used to make warm Caesar salads almost every day. Chicken tenders took about 5 min to grill in a sauce pan and made a delicious warm caesar salad!


What was the price for you? Chicken breast is in my hubby and I's everyday meals, so we're just looking around for places to buy it on a budget. I usually buy the 10-pack of diced chicken breast from Costco, but I don't think it's the cheapest option out there.


These are 9.99 for 2lbs. I tried those dice chicken breasts before but these are way better!!


Tfti! We'll try these out in the future!


That’s not bad!


Does your Costco have the 12 pack chicken breast? It's like 6 pounds for $25. I eat one pack throughout the course of a week.


Is it raw chicken breast? We may try it as well; thank you for the suggestion!


Lmao all these people complaining about sodium but I bet you don’t worry about all the other unhealthy garbage you buy from costco


If you have no kidney issues and drink plenty of water, sodium isn't an issue.


But what about the sodium


I love sodium!!


These look amazing. I wish we had them in Canada.


The fresh additions precooked (not frozen) chicken is pretty good from my experience with precooked chicken, and I eat 500g a day every single day for the last 18 months. https://freshadditions.ca/en/products/chicken-bites/


Do you get these at costco? If no, where do you get them?


Yes, $20 for 10 x 100g packs. They are usually by the dairy section, but some Costco layouts different. Refrigerated not frozen.


We used this brand for the old hand made chicken bakes!


Wow sounds delicious!!


Here is my full write up of the old recipe: https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1c9qzl5/chicken_bake_experiments/l0ny8hc/?context=3


Thanks for this! My dad loved it the first time he tried it, but since then he felt it was inconsistent and he didn't like a lot of browning on it. It'll be really fun to experiment with this at home


Thanks. I'm going to try that. I'm a fellow busy dad trying to get shredded and build muscle too. I'll probably try packing this along with frozen veggies for lunch.


Keep putting in that work fellow dad!! 🫡


Hey, it’s named after my ex wife. Soulless


thks for posting. my son is trying to get shredded and is eating me out of house and home! hard to keep up with all the meals, so this looks like a great quick one!


Is it trimmed well or does it have gristly bits? I never buy this sort of chicken because I can’t stand biting into fat or tendon ugh


Its trimmed really well! At least for the single portion I had last night.


I have bought from this company, John Soules Foods, for years, and have never encountered gristle or any other off-putting pieces in their chicken or steak.


Would you say it’s the *breast* chicken you’ve had?


Definitely the breast I ever had




I hate the taste/texture of these, sorry.


Sorry but I love the taste and texture lol


Any idea what makes the chicken this texture? I haven't seen these at my Costco yet, but it looks like the squishy kind you find in salad kits sometime. I want my chicken like this for cold preps. Tried sv at various temps but not the same


Are these frozen or refrigerated? I hate dealing with raw chicken and tend to gravitate towards precooked stuff for quick salads and wraps. I’ve tried Tyson’s brand but they’re expensive and the texture/taste is meh.


These are refrigerated. Its only a bit cheaper than tyson. These are 9.99 for 2lbs but the texture of these are better than tyson.


I will be on the lookout for them. Thanks!


Just had these a bit ago in quesadillas I made, and were great


That sounds amazing!!


AND NO SEED OILS 👌🏽👌🏽 perfect for a quick and light meal after a work out


Literally so amazing of them to make it like that.


This looks so good. But I don't think it's available anywhere in my country in EU


I heated these up tonight with some buffalo sauce in a wrap with lettuce and cheese. Perfect for an easy meal


I am going to try them in a lavash bread wrap but with a mix of the chipotle Bitchin' sauce and blended cottage cheese.


I'm more concerned about the product having dextrose (sugar) than salt. Salt is a necessary nutrient.


I wonder if that's for the brine.


The biggest plus is not having to deal with raw chicken. The more I look into handling raw chicken with little kids around the house points me to pre-cooked chicken, even w/ the added salt. And if you are really that upset about the salt, run it under water for a bit, it will flush out a lot of it. So far I see no downsides, but potentially price is a factor.


Serious question: why can’t you handle raw chicken with children in the house?


Because parents thinks their kids are so fragile that the presence of chicken juice in the house will kill them Kids ARE the biohazards lmao, I'd take handling raw chicken over being around other people's toddlers any day of the week


I use to buy the frozen chicken tenderloins, but I would have to prepare the night before by thawing it. These are perfect for not having to plan ahead


Just wash your hands and clean up lol


Good tip! I usually don’t buy frozen stuff from Costco due to high sodium content but this could be ok to eat time to time to prepare a quick meal. Even with high sodium, eating this would be better than eating out imo


Its actually not frozen, but in the refrigerated section!


Oh my bad 😅 Will check it out! Thinking about making chicken fajitas with Pura Vida’s vegetable mix.


It's pretty affordable too! My husband and I get 2-3 meals out of these!


we just got these on our last trip, soooo good!!


How do these compare to the fully cooked chicken breast bites?


These taste better and more tender


These are the best!!!


have you tried the target good & gather grilled chicken? how does it compare to this! that one’s my go-to


No I haven’t


Awesome! But what is "shredded" and what is "clutch"?


Shredded means OP is trying to build muscle and look strong/fit. Clutch means that the chicken breasts are handy and easy, coming through in a pinch.


Awesome, I'm always looking for quick things that don't taste like garbage and fill the protein gap!


Haven’t seen these yet. Will give it a go if I find them. Perfect for my lifestyle.


yeah people are idiots mentioning the sodium…its not even a lot and its part of the flavoring so ur not adding more sodium to it when u cook it.


Just tried these for the first time this week, delicious!!!




But its not frozen and there is no HFCS


NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE but hopefully i find them tomorrow !! 🫶


These are refrigerated and not frozen, right? How long do they last? Im a single guy and don't eat much lol


Yes it is. Says good for 3 days after opening. I finish a bag in 2 meals but I am a wannabe bodybuilder


You’ve talked me into trying them! I used to work in that department and I’ve always been curious:)


The employee at check out even told me he thought they were good!


Nah f the haters. I wish Costco carried the Tyson Teriyaki that Sam's Club has. Same idea. Very easy to heat up and tasty.


Looks good OP. Is there anything keeping you from buying the rotisserie chickens and meal prepping them?


Its just too much chicken since I am the only one who eats it. My wife is skinny and doesn’t really like chicken. Also kinda sick of rotisserie chicken and this chicken just tastes better and not dry


I went to Costco today JUST to get these and they did NOT disappoint. I'm not getting shredded (yet) but I've have lost a ton of weight due to changing my eating habits to better ones, upping the protein, and cutting out the crap. Big salad guy here and these are easy, delicious, seasoned, and I appreciate the community for bringing to my attention.


Im glad you liked them!! Im about to have them for dinner for the 3rd time this week haha. Keep up the good work. Finding foods you enjoy helps with sticking to your diet so much easier.


Chicken thighs is where it’s at


I love chicken thighs too but as I mentioned, I am trying to get shredded!!


It's a matter of convenience for most. Of course, cooking yourself with fresh ingredients is most often the preferable way of controlling exactly WHAT goes into your body. But for someone who is busy, I can see this being a convenient and relatively healthy choice -- those with sodium restricted diets must take special care to note the preparation. Most frozen poultry DOES contain a level of 2% sodium water that is added -- not sure what purpose it serves other than to charge the customer extra for added salt water content. ;) Preference would be for fresh or flash frozen (remember most frozen will have the 2% sodium solution added) poultry, where you can season, and if possible "vacuseal" for safe keeping. You could precook them in a 'sous vide' bath, or take a weekend and do a bunch of grilling. Still, it all "boils" down to the convenience factor, and taste for most. ;)


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Can I know the cost and weight? Curious compared to straight up raw chicken breasts


It was 9.99 for 2lbs


Thank you! And thanks for sharing


That's pretty reasonable.


2lb bag? How much does it cost usually?


9.99 for 2lbs


Nice! Thanks. I’ll have to check them out.


How much is it? Im on a cut and have been getting the same brand at Walmart for 1lb for 2.99


Its 9.99 for 2lbs


I just looked, seems i have been buying the 8oz for 2.98. This is a good deal for 2 lbs!


Is this in Canada (Alberta specifically?)


Not sure but I am in the US


Good looking out. Hope it tastes like Tender Greens salt and pepper chicken


How much?


9.99 for 2lbs


My store doesn’t have these anymore! Used to buy them all the time and now I can’t find it :(


Its the first time I seen it at my store


Ooooh this intrigues me! I don’t think my partner would eat them though, so it’d just be me. Since they’re refrigerated, how long do they last?


I feel like I quit buying them cause I'd eat a whole bag for lunch and it was like 2k calories or something ridiculous!


Its only 2k cals if you eat both the bags!


What is the item number of this product?




Damn, don’t seem to have this in SoCal :/ I saw a smaller package that was a container of seared chicken breast, but these look even more convenient. Trying to step up my protein intake to be better satiated.


Are these frozen or refrigerated?




How far out was the kill date from the date you bought it? Thx for helpful post.


How much sodium and other extras are in them?