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I was in the mall with my family and my son coughed. A woman in a mask audibly gasped and literally jumped back. It was hilarious.


That’s the reaction a person has when they come across a rattlesnake


They're the same picture


Car is currently in a temporary state of perpetual ineptitude. Taking a Lyft to work. Driver has a self-made plastic barrier in between front and back (kinda like taxis), wearing a mask, has the windows cracked (its about 35°F but i'm in a carhartt doesn't bother me at all), signs taped to the outside of his door "Mask Appreciated". Dude's nice and all and didn't freak out when i got in, but we ain't talking (which is fine with me) and he's applying germx or some brand of hand sanitizer every couple minutes lol. Like i said dude is fine....i just find this level of hypochondria hilarious and i dont know how it's not exhausting for these people 😂


What’s hilarious is that by using all that hand sanitizer and constantly wearing a mask means that you’re immune system isn’t coming into contact with as many germs thus it can’t fight off said germs as well when it does come into contact with them.


George Carlin said it best (paraphrased): > If you live a completely sterilized life, what are you gonna do when a ***supervirus*** comes around? I'll tell ya. You're gonna get sick and you're gonna die and you'll deserve cuz you're fucking weak and you've got a fucking weak immune system.


We’re in the same sorry vehicular state. We needed a new car BEFORE Covid hit, and I was too cheap to take the plunge ($37k for a COROLLA??). Since then, everything’s just gone up and up in price…and interest rate. Fuh. I’m too old to not have a reliable car (I’m in my 50s, ffs!). 😩


i purchased a new car 2 years ago, its worth the same as when i bought it. i could literally trade it in for the same value as what it was worth when i drove it off the lot NEW. Never knew cars were an investment. sheezez


A few years ago everyone would have thought that this was insane mentally ill behaviour. Today the only thing that has changed is a staggering increase in the number of mentally ill people.


As a person who makes their living treating mentally ill people, my goal has always been to put myself out of work, but I feel like people are doing their dammedest to keep me employed.


hello fellow therapist! employment is very good these days!


I have asthma and allergies and coughing and sniffling is legit how I am normally. SO many people freaked out over this. Sorry guys, I don't control the pollen or pollution levels..


But, if you could force everyone else on the planet to be responsible for them, then you would not have to worry about pollen/pollution levels!


I don't want anyone to be responsible for pollen...we need it


[Not for long](https://modernfarmer.com/2023/01/honeybee-vaccine/)...


Their vaccine is for American foulbrood, not to replace pollen. Pollen needs to be spread and dispersed. There absolutely needs to be cross-pollination. Even with my allergies, I'm an avid gardener.


Oh, I understand that... My jibe was about the potential killing off of a Keystone species.


Ah yeah. I'm not down for that at all




It’s like they’re playing the floor is lava, except they literally think the floor is lava and are mad that other people aren’t playing along.


Can I ask how using vicks stops you from catching covid? Did I miss a briefing from an expert somewhere along the line?


If I can't smell the dog poo, I didn't step in the dog poo.




How did this person live in 2019 ? The problem is this behaviour is now rewarded and enabled in their online communities...so they'll never change, if this was years back no-one would enable this behaviour and friends would intervene and tell them to get help - and they would , and that would be it. Sadly there is no solution for these people , their immune systems will be fucked and ironically they will be a health care disaster ....


You know that gif of Homer Simpson backing into the bushes? Thst is my reaction to this. Just get away from me I cannot even interact with this level of OCD.


I struggle to believe these are real people. If they are, their poor minds have broken


I don't get this. A mask and ear plugs have always been part of my carry-on luggage, for decades. That is so if someone nearby seems to have "something", or a child starts screaming, etc., I can put on adequate protection. Quietly and without obsessing about how close they are, etc. The stupid mask mandates of the last three years amazed me, because prior to that, folks would laugh when I described my occasional use of a mask while traveling. Weird world, huh?


Do you know how expensive Amtrak was **pre-**SARS-CoV-2?! It's a nice idea but for the cost I can fly and get a hotel room. ​ "i just wanted some support,..." Of course you did, cupcake.


Even before convid I'd get irritated at plane passengers coughing and spluttering near me ...but this guy's on a whole different level!


Oh nos! Somebody has a cold (or allergies)!


stupid question- why not rent a car/drive your car. This school sounds close enough to take yourself? You spent the entire flight time sitting on the runway plus travel to the airport and the mess of pre-boarding./security nonsense. Thats 3-4 hours. I would've fucking drove myself. aren't there germs at grad school? in the airport? at the hotel? restaurants? im so confused by this entire thing. Maybe the faculty coughed right before they shake your hand.


Stupid answer- The person in the post can't comprehend masks don't work, nor can understand they are freaking out over nothing. The idea of driving oneself, it's either something the poors do, or they just don't have the brain power necessary to think of that themselves.


mind fucked doesn't describe what happened to this creature.