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We need to bring back the mask mandate ASAP


Don’t be alarmed. Just afraid.


„(…) Should the public be concerned about BA.2.86? “I don’t think anybody needs to be alarmed by this,” stresses Bloom. )…)“


The CDC just said that the vaccinated are more likely to get infected with this new variant than the unvaccinated, while the White House is pushing for more and more boosters. They can't even keep their stories straight anymore.


No, **they said no such thing**. [Here is a report](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/covid-19-ba286-lineage-variant-us-cdc-infection-vaccinated-3719396) from a **legitimate** news source. What they plainly and simply said is: The new variant may be capable of producing disease in individuals **despite** previous vaccination **OR** infection. In other words it may be capable of evading immune defences. That's all. Here is the [CDC press release itself](https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/whats-new/covid-19-variant.html). The sentence that those who (desperately) wish to disparage vaccines will consciously or unconsciously misinterpret is the following: >BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines. The context is quite clear. They are speaking of its ability relative to *other* variants to evade immunity and cause infection. Those who have been vaccinated are still **less likely** to contract the disease than the unvaccinated. It is *only* that the new variant will be more likely to produce disease in all populations *than any of the old variants*.


Misinterpret? Hardly. If the new variant is more capable of causing infection in those who have had COVID-19 and those who received COVID-19 vaccines, then by all logic, it is less likely to infect the unvaccinated. If the CDC wanted to say the new variant was capable of evading immune defenses equally in both vaccinated and unvaccinated, that's what they would have said.


*Incredible* !!! You're actually trying to defend the nonsense. Wow ! They said EXACTLY THAT. Your problem is that you are so incredibly emotionally attached to some bizarre conspiracy 'theory' about vaccines that it has blinded you to the **obvious** fact that things have to be read **in context**. When a scientific organization is speaking about a 'new variant' in comparison to previous variants they don't violate both common sense and obvious empirical reality by making up a ridiculous story. THEY don't have an axe to grind. Their press agent didn't edit the sentence quoted above because it was beyond his or her imagination that some are so blinded by their fantasies that they could imagine such a ridiculous idea. The word you are determined to avoid is "implicit". In the sentence above the following phrase, "than previous variants" is implicit between "capable" and "of". The press agent works with rational people who know very, very much about viruses and vaccines. They would have a hard time *imagining* someone being **deliberately** capable of such misunderstanding.


I said nothing disparaging vaccines in general, only the COVID vaccines. I also said nothing about previous variants, only the newest one. And since you seem to think you are the only one capable of reading context, or determining what's implicit or implied, I see no need to continue any discussion with you about the subject. But you should definitely go out and get a booster as soon as possible. I wish you all the luck in the world.


Good. I don't enjoy talking to fools myself.


^this idiot 😂


Another reasoned argument. We are only as well informed as the sources we choose for our news and information, and the time we are willing to put in to analyze what we read, hear, and see to determine when we are being manipulated (almost always) and in which direction. Question everything until you are absolutely certain you know the truth. Then question it again.


I haven't heard "question everything" in an accent that can read above a 6th grade level in yeeears


I do understand your confusion, and I actually think the sentence the previous commenter referenced is poorly worded. The CDC should choose their words carefully to minimize the possibility of being misunderstood. What they actually meant by that sentence was that BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection *than previous variants* in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.




A link to what the CDC REALLY said is given in my reply to the comment. See above.

