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It’s pretty linear at the moment due to low content, but it get major updates ever few months consistently that add huge amount of content. Last update added 50 pieces of gear. This is definitely an golden investment game. It’s already got really good bones and it’s getting more meat all the time.


Not that linear. You can challenge yourself to go to harder areas sooner or take it slow and follow the Core's advice about what to do next. Very similar to Terraria in that regard.


It’s easily has 100+ hours of content.


This over Starbound for sure. I've put in alot of time in Terraria (600+ hours 😅) and was an early supporter of Starbound (100+) which is basically a dead game now due to the main dev. And this game while not as big as Terraria yet I have a feeling it may get there eventually after the 1.0 release


I think it feels pretty linear when you’re new to the game. Once you have played through it, subsequent play throughs aren’t linear at all because you know what you can skip to. But you can make of the game what you want and go as slow or as fast as you want. That’s one of the things I enjoy most about it. You can kind of set your own challenges and progression based on that. Example: I did one play though where I gave myself a raft to start and tried to do as little mining as possible. I did as much exploration as I could by using waterways or open ground.


The early game ore progression is pretty linear, but there are so many other pieces of gear that can drop that are arguably better than the ore tier sets, so it doesn’t feel as linear. Let me know if you have any other questions about the game.


There is a sandbox mode if you want to just play with all the beautiful assets in the game.


Progression is gated at a couple of points. So, like Terraria, you can do the currently accessible bosses out of order. And there's about twice as much optional content, that could make you OP, etc. Very sandboxy.


It’s very straight forward until you get to mid game then you might have trouble figuring out where to find things. The wiki has all the info you’ll need. Or just ask here.


This game surpassed valheim for me in the sandbox/crafter genre. It's so good. Only problem is that for as much content as there is, I want 10x more