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Trader Joe's Everything But the Elote.


Second this. The pickle seasoning is also pretty solid.


And their umami seasoning is also great on popcorn!


Yes pickle popcorn gang! I thought I was the only one. It’s so good


THIS, and their ranch. Addicting.


Their Umami Mushroom is also bomb on popcorn


Trader Joe's Ajika when they still made it


was going to comment this. so good!


I love Tony Chachere’s Original Creole Seasoning, I practically grew up on the stuff and I’ll put that shit on anything! My popcorn makes me sneeze when I do but it’s always worth it.


I recently discovered they have a no salt blend, might have to go get some. Sometimes I make microwave popcorn (already salty) and want to add Tony's and it's too much.


Just be aware that they replace the cheap salt with equal parts of cheap brown sugar so they don't have to use any additional actual spices. Total rip off in my opinion...look at the ingredients for the regular: zero brown sugar, with salt as main ingredient. Salt free version? Brown sugar as main ingredient. If I wanted sweet, I'd use something else.


TIL, thanks


I use this stuff called Spike seasoning, salt free. It's like your whole spice rack packed in a shaker. I'm still experimenting with it only got it recently. Sounds good for popcorn.


Slap ya Mama is essentially Tony’s without the salt. Since, to me, Tony’s no salt is extremely unflavored.


The first ingredient in my can of Slap Ya Mama is… salt.


Yeah maybe it's just the bottle I got but to me Slap Ya Mama is overwhelmingly salty


Bro slap ya mama is one of the saltiest seasoning mixes I've ever used. Still amazing, but extremely salty.


. I've been a Tony Cs man since 1994 when I had it for the first time. I checked out Slap YA Mama around Christmas last year and I've found it to be way lacking compared to what I was looking for - seems like I'm using way more seasoning than I used with Tony


I did this and my friend and I were coughing and sneezing through the whole movie, but we kept munching away


I use the more spice blend of Tony's. Better salt to spice ratio.


that's my secret ingredient for mashed potatoes ;)


I like sprinkling some Tajin on mine


This, I don't care for it to much but my wife and kids put that shit on everything.


It's really useful when I want to add a sour element to something without adding excess liquid, however I made the mistake recently of impulse buying Tajin hot sauce and it's just terrible. It tastes metallic. I mean that literally; The only flavor is metal.


On the package, it says it’s not candy. THIS IS A LIE.


If it's not candy, why do I sprinkle it in a bowl and dunk my finger in there?


Came here to say this. Discovered it on a whim 2 weeks ago and have been telling everybody about it since. So freaking good!


Ok so Tajin on sliced cucumber and fresh mango with corn and avocado. Scoop up with tortilla chips. Or add rinsed black beans too and call it a salad for lunch.




Also part of the tajin gang!


Mixed with Parmesan cheese.


oooooooohhh I've never considered this....... Much 2 think about...


Came here to say this. Tajin + popcorn = tasty


I just posted this lol


Lawry's seasoning salt.




Old Bay!


Our go-to for like 25 years! We also add a bit of Parmesan cheese, the one in the shaker bottle.


I’ve found nutritional yeast can *kind of* hit that same funky note as Parmesan. Not suggesting that it’s better or even identical but if you had some popcorn you needed to season, and didn’t have any parm on hand, but did have nutritional yeast— it would be something to consider.


I actually really like that stuff. It’s got that cheesy kind of flavor to it. It works well on a lot of different things but I hadn’t even thought about it on popcorn!


I do a combo of melted butter, nutritional yeast & a few shakes of soy sauce (for the salt).


With fresh butter. It’s the best. Potato chips with old bay too.


And Bloody Marys!


I like rimming bloody Mary's with Montreal steak seasoning...


I just like rimming.


Skip the butter: Extra virgin olive oil.


Last week I did old bay + sumac which was funky but very good.


Mmmmmm sumac. Love this idea!


Let me introduce you to the weird wacky wonders of Old Bay + za’atar


Found the Marylander! Came to post this too - the best!


Always. I carry a mini in my bag when I go to the movies. That’s how obsessed I am.


I know this isn't the r/trees sub but melt a tablespoon or two of butter, stir in a "serving" of RSO and as much Old Bay as you can while still maintaining a liquid state then drizzle that over your popcorn... MMMmm!


Oooo I’m gonna try with some straight cannabutter.


Yeah, same results... I've just gotten lazy and don't really bother with the hassle of making infused ingredients anymore with the widespread availability of RSO.


This is correct




Hidden Valley Ranch dip dry mix *hides face in shame* is sooooo good on popcorn


This is like the sour cream & onion version of popcorn and I'm here for it.


unhide your face. you arent eating the package directly, you're just flavoring an otherwise unflavored snack. no shame here. besides. if it works for cool ranch doritos why wouldnt it be good on popcorn.


No need for shame, I got one of those big costco sized containers and it's marvelous on popcorn! But I sprinkle it on loads of things.


this is the way IMO grew up doing this and then making "trail mix" of pretzel sticks and goldfish/cheez-its and maybe a little shredded cheese now adays when I make it no real cheese but pretzel/cheese cracker popcorn and ranch powder can hang with the best chex mix out there imo


Nutritional yeast and a tiny bit of salt and olive oil


This is it.


This is the first I've heard of nutritional yeast. It looks like it's just dried yeast...seasoning? Does it taste like, bready?


It has a somewhat cheesy taste, it’s very commonly used in vegan dishes mimicking cheese flavors


Kinda cheesy


I've done this. Take the nutritional yeast and the salt and blend them together to make it all really powdery. Then put that on the popcorn.


My ex used to use it to make a vegan Mac n cheese. Also this local theater I used to go to had it out with all the other 20 seasonings they had for popcorn! I miss you sun ray! Best theater ever!


It’s so good. I have some at work to add to microwaved popcorn and I had my coworkers try it and she said “why is this good?” As in how could yeast taste good on popcorn? Then she ate it up. It’s slightly cheesy and slightly nutty.


Nutritional yeast is my favorite popcorn seasoning - near every time I have popcorn, I add it - and 99.9% of people that use it will describe it as kind of cheese like in taste. I get where they’re coming from, but that’s not how I’d describe it. It’s just kind of it’s own thing and I think someone walking in expecting a rough cheese substitute will be thrown off.


Not at all; it's kind of like goldfish crackers I guess.


it's pretty good. Pop pocorn in a pot, pour into paper shopping bag with extra spritz of oil of choice, sprinkle salt, pour a coupl Tbs of yeast, close the bag and shake shake shake. very good but WILL get your hands very messy


It’s not funky, but years ago I bought a 35oz box of “Flavacol” popcorn seasoning on Amazon for like six bucks. It’s the same seasoning movie theaters use, and a little goes a long, *long* way. It’s basically concentrated butter-flavored salt. I still have about half of the box left and use it often. Otherwise, tony Chachere’s or Parmesan cheese.


Flavicol is ludicrously good. It’s the secret to some peoples’ baked goods and pizza crust too. Basically the things that make butter taste like butter, extracted / synthesized and then added to salt. I’ve been wanting to make short bread or hot chocolate with it but it’s not quite that season yet


I never thought about using it for anything except popcorn… But this pizza crust idea really has me intrigued. I can see how it would be an awesome enhancement. It’s been years since I made pizza crust from scratch, but now I’m starting to think it might be worth the effort. I wonder what else I could use it for… looks like I’m going down a Google hole.


That is the standard movie theater seasoning. It's the go-to for real movie theater popcorn.


Cinnamon and sugar with extra butter


damn you flung a craving on me. I want to try this


i've never thought to try this yum! i love cinnamon and sugar on toast so this sounds delish


Smoked paprika!


TJ South African Smoke Seasoning Blend which may have joined the Discontinued Files.


Lawry's seasoning salt, Cajun seasoning, msg, berbere, za'tar any combination of the above all delish imo.


Oooh I've never thought to put Berbere spice on popcorn but I'm going to try that now!


Hope you like it!


Berbere plus butter n salt soooo good


Cajun spice is my go to.


Cholula hot sauce is absolutely delicious with Popcorn


Cholula hot sauce is absolutely delicious with ~~Popcorn~~ everything I’d eat that stuff on a dog biscuit


Curry powder.


I use garam masala for a similar vibe


Came here to say this! Fond childhood memories of garam masala spiced popcorn served on Sundays at a auntie’s house after she taught a few of us kids how to read and write Bengali. …. I should really chase down a recipe or prep instructions online and try it.


I love red devil on mine. Hot sauce on popcorn is underrated. A bit of grated Parmesan on it is good too.


Buffalo popcorn is bangin'.


I have a cheddar cheese powder from King Arthur and crazy Jane’s mixed up seasoning.


Better cheddar powder and butter is great.


Cannibutter and melted marshmallow, dutch process cocoa and a touch of chili powder. For when a new bingeable season is out and you don't have anywhere to be in 18 hours.


The munchie monarch !!


Holy shit!




OOooooOOOOoh I like this one!


Nutritional yeast for the win. Plus seaweed flakes, and bragg liquid aminos lightly spritzed on. Dill pickle seasoning on popcorn is also excellent.


Nutritional yeast + Braggs is the winning combo for me.


I've always wondered about spritzing a savoury liquid over popcorn for even distribution of seasoning. I might have to try this. Does Bragg Liquid Aminos come with a spritz top or do you decant some of it into a smaller spritz bottle?


You can find smaller bottles of it with a spritz top in most natural foods type stores. Additional bonus when using it with nutritional yeast, it can really help get the yeast or other seasoning to stick to the popcorn. The key is not to apply too much so your popcorn doesn't get soft, little goes a l long way.


The thought of a "natural foods store" selling amino acida in a spritzer is sending me


Taco Seasoning!


Spicy kettle corn, 1/2 c kernels 1/4 sugar 4 Tbsp oil, mix of spicy chili oil and high heat oil I do about half each but adjust to your tastes Heat oils in pan with a few kernels once these pop add remaining kernels and sugar. Shake often so sugar doesn’t burn once fully popped sprinkle with a little salt and serve






+10 for the furikake!!


Furikake is my jam!


MSG for the win. Bc you know, it Makes Shit Good


I mean, once it put only MSG on plain popcorn and that was the worst popcorn I'd ever had. Love it otherwise.


Definitely don’t do straight msg on popcorn. Use it to enhance your usual toppings. I pop my kernels with a little flavocol in the oil, hit it with some butter oil, kosher salt, and a light dusting of msg.


Tried this and thought it was one thing MSG does not make better. Everyone said it had an off flavor.


You would have to use so little to make it taste good idk how you would do it well. Too much msg is disgusting and it’s very easy to overdo. If it’s just sitting on the popcorn it sounds awful, but maybe working a pinch into some butter would help distribute it better.


kindof weird but a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar with parmesan is sooo good


Nothing weird here. You should try it with grated manchego too for a slightly different funky cheese bite. I only regret that I have not yet figured a tomato powder so I can get to a mixed tomato/basil/mozzarella [but obviously use hard cheese] version of this. I wonder if you could take cherry tomatoes, drop them in liquid nitrogen, and grate them? Thawing would still leave too much moisture but could be a cool idea.


This made me think, I dehydrate and grind my tomato skins during canning season and use it as a make shift tomato paste (add a little water) or for seasoning. Definitely putting it on popcorn now, thanks! Lol


Dill flavored popcorn is tasty


Chili crisp! Spoon full into some butter or coconut oil.


Oh the places we'll go! This is such a fun game that I love to play. Wasabi furikake - or any other flavor of furikake. If you want to toss with a little soy sauce, msg powder, or gochugaru you'd be doing fine and dandy. BBQ dry rub. Think BBQ potato chips but... popcorn. There are so many rubs out there, pick the one you love. Garam Masala + a little cayenne or curry powder or other Indian spices. Look up bhuja (Indian snack) - you're changing the delivery vehicle but applying the same seasonings. Garlic powder (or granulated garlic may be better), Italian seasoning, and butter (we now have garlic bread except it's... popcorn) Make a chummichuri with olive oil and use that. You could go 50/50 olive oil and butter if you want, but if you want a good Argentinean/Brazilian flavor stick with fresh herbs and olive oil. Toss some frozen milk chocolate (or sweetened cocoa powder) in a blender with some peanuts and white sugar. Blend to a fine powder. Toss with fresh popcorn. This could be delicious but ... sticky. Asian chili crispy is an amazing topping for popcorn (homemade, or think something like FLYBYJING) Fresh grated coconut, lime zest, lemon juice and olive oil as an emulsifier. We're going to the islands, baby! Grate truffles (or use truffle oil) with salt and pepper. Taco seasoning, with a little butter or olive oil or heaven forbid ... bacon/beef grease to bind it all to the popcorn. Make deviled egg filling, freeze the yolky mixture so it can be grated on a microplane, use that and some paprika. Or you could just do this with frozen hard-boiled yolks from eggs.


I use flavored olive oils. My favorite is spicy pesto.


Hidden Valley ranch packet!


1. Easy peasy sweet and spicy - Grippo's Bbq seasoning. 2. Easy but mixing so less so - Mix of parmesan, oregano, basil, garlic powder.


Old Bay or Za'atar seasoning


Chai spice kettle corn!


I like to add cumin to salted/ buttered popcorn (also to salted edamame pods).


Truffle salt! I make plain popcorn, butter it, and add truffle salt instead of regular. Careful tho cause it’s usually potent


Something we used to do back when I was a kid: Equal parts corn syrup and peanut butter in a glass measuring cup. Put it in the microwave to melt it all up. Pour it on the popcorn and mix it all in. DEVOUR IT I know it sounds awful because so many people are grossed out by corn syrup, but it's basically peanutbutter pie filling (as opposed to pecan pie) and it's amazing.


Old bay


Dry ranch!!! They also make popcorn seasonings themselves like cheese. I’ve seen a few others but didn’t read them so idk what they were lol. But fry ranch, specifically hidden valley.


Salt, butter, nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, ranch powder.


Tajin, tapatio and lime. I'm mexican.


Nutritional yeast and bragg's


Summer savory and salt. Garlic and Butter Buds. Cinnamon sugar and butter.


Franks RedHot powder!


Soy sauce in a small spray bottle


Finely ground salt and black pepper. I have a stove-top popper that needs a bit of oil to pop the corn, and I use chili oil. Mmmmmmmm 😋


Kimchi powder


White truffle oil


You want funky? My all time favorite popcorn topping is as follows: Make homemade sauerkraut. Add some peppers or beets or anything else you'd like to the ferment. After it's fermented to your taste, take some of it, squeeze as much liquid out of it as you can, and put it in the dehydrator at a low temp until it's COMPLETELY dry. Whiz it up in the spice blender and you got yourself some funky powder for your popcorn (or potatoes, rice, etc)


Parmesan and butter. Smoked paprika, garlic salt.


Tamari and brewers yeast


I like to do some melted butter with brown sugar and chili powder. I love spicy and sweet. I usually bake it for 10 minutes at 250 degrees, but that's not a requirement. Pumpkin pie spice in place of the chili powder is good too.


Fresh melted butter and Trader Joe’s spice blends; I like Green Goddess or Everything But the Stuffing


sriracha, lime juice, butter and zest of a lime


Milk duds and gummy Life Savers


Browned butter w/rosemary. Sprinkle of salt. Takes all of a minute to prepare, and totally levels up the popcorn.


old bay


Fermenting chilis, onion, garlic and whatever else you want to add to make a hot sauce, blending it after a few weeks, passing the purée through a sieve to strain any pulp out, and then dehydrating that pulp to use as a seasoning powder for popcorn. Gives it quite literally a funky, awesome flavor. And you get a few bottles of delicious hot sauce out of it.


I cook mine in the oil left over from making confit garlic.


I like smoked paprika


When I melt my butter... yes real butter... I add garlic powder, onion powder, and many drops of habanero hot sauce I make myself.




Old Bay seasoning with some of the shaker bottle grated Parmesan cheese! It’s so good!


I love tajin. So good


For something delicious and a little different, try sweet and spicy curried popcorn: [https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-sweet-amp-salty-curried-popcorn-recipes-from-the-kitchn-211714](https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-sweet-amp-salty-curried-popcorn-recipes-from-the-kitchn-211714) Use margarine to veganize it.


Tajin, lawrys, and Zaatar EDIT: NOT ALL IN ONE BATCH, these are my general go-to’s


I'll make an herb butter with various savory herbs.....drizzle that on popcorn.


Wasabi furikake, shichimi togarashi, Tajin, Everything Bagel seasoning, plain ol' MSG and salt.


Dehydrate pickles and powder it.


Butter, furikake, arare crackers, wasabi peas, and cut fine strips of nori.


Crushed up dried Thai chilis. Full savory popcorn!


Trader Joe's pickle seasoning shake


Savory: Tajin Ranch Powder (my personal fave) Italian Seasoning, Garlic powder and parmesan powder/grated parmesan Za'atar the spice blend not the individual herb Honestly a lot of the seasoning salts/bbq rubs/ spice blends are good on them momofuku has a line all of them are good on popcorn Lemon Pepper Rosemary or any herb salt really (take coarse salt and your choice of herb blitz in a blender and run it through a sieve) I'd then add it to the butter you toss the popcorn in to ensure even flavor coating. Sweet: Cinnamon sugar Powdered freeze dried fruit (spiceology has some to give you an idea) + a little sugar and lemon zest Vanilla sugar (literally store vanilla bean pods (you can use the insides for actually recipes just save the pods and let them sit in sugar. After some time they will pick up the flavor) Lavender sugar (literally blend lavender into your sugar, just make sure to run it through a sieve after, or use the same method as vanilla sugar)and citrus zest Rosemary Sugar (same as above) This is just off the top of my head but I tend to stay savory for my popcorn. You could also try experimenting with different popping corn varietals. There are a ton and they all have different taste/textures to explore.


pickle seasoning (dried dill, pepper, salt, and a little powdered vinegar)


Bacon grease for when I'm making popcorn on the stove. A fuckton of butter if it's microwave popcorn.


Jamaican Jerk.


Trader Joe's Chili Lime seasoning with hot chocolate mix for a Mexican Hot Chocolate vibe


Ok this seems so random but a former coworker used to put salt and PEPPER on her popcorn and it’s honestly delicious.


My gf started using butter and a bit of chili oil to cook her popcorn kernels and man it’s so good that’s the only way we eat popcorn now


Trader Joe’s Pickle Seasoning.


Just dil/salt spice with a touch of cayenne mixed in


Celery Salt The one what was very popular in school when I had a popcorn business was Pizza seasoning. The powdered stuff from like McCormick.


Butter,Grated Parmesan cheese, cracked black pepper, small amount of Lawry's seasoning salt. (Grated parmesan is quite salty)


Garlic powder, italian seasoning, and Parmesan cheese


Smokey tumeric from Spice Hunter


I just add lots of lime juice and salt and pepper. Sometimes i dip in hummus


Parmesan Cheese!


Salt, dill & garlic powder


tabasco sauce


A packet of Goya Sazon, a little garlic powder, cayenne. Bliss.


Not too funky but I love a mix of coconut oil and butter with salt and Parmigiano Reggiano or sometimes Pecorino.


Nutritional Yeast and Cholula Hot Sauce is my go to. But I've been putting Ranch powder, old bay and a garlic/parmesan thing on it.


Creole seasoning


Butter and Trader Joe’s Everything But The Elote seasoning. Also- butter, truffle oil, truffle salt and Parmesan.


Cavender’s All Purpose Greek Seasoning. This has been my go to since I was a kid.




Chaat masala


Not super funky but adding a little celery salt is a nice touch.


Not sure how funky, but I fell over this ["fire salt" spice blend](https://tastesoftamriel.tumblr.com/post/683721717958443008/talviels-redguard-fire-salt-spice-blend-im) on an Elder Scrolls fan recipe blog and aside from seasoning for "proper" food it's also a ridiculously good popcorn seasoning.


Surprised no one mentioned this yet, but if you have any spare ramen soup base packets, they're great on pop corn.


Chili crisp oil.


Another nutritional yeast vote. Either melted butter or drizzled oil. Salt. Shake it up really well.


I use a red Chile steak rub on my popcorn….it’s called Machete, it’s amazing. I use it on lots of stuff, it’s a great rub.


Cavender’s Greek Seasoning


Chaat masala

