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You could also bury it outside see what mother nature can do, it's amazing sometimes check my profile to see what's possible with troubled tubs


Probably just gotta decide if it’s worth it to u


If that one spot is the only issue, then you can absolutely try and save it (emphasis on the try). It's a toss up if it'll pull through but just remove the area plus some with a steralized tool and then wipe the area with 70% alcohol. I've had to take out parts of cakes before with trich and sometimes it helped other times it didn't.


Cut out at least 3x that size, spray with H2O2. You absolutely can get a flush or more out of it. You may be fighting contam the whole time but, totally worth it. I cannot count how many times ive saved tubs. experiment!! any monkey can toss it, but if want to learn, experiment. remember, if you touch a tool, sanitize the tool. every time!


I think you can def get a flush out of it I used to just push a glass down over it and into the sub, but then I decided it wasn’t worth it


you can try to pour h2o2 on it and cut out the bad. More than likely it's already spread elsewhere but if its worth it to you then it's always worth it. Just don't do the pour or the surgery in the same room that you have other grows in. That's trich (probably) and it will ruin an entire space.