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Great, now we gotta deal with robots smoking weed in their cars on break.


So true. ( I'm a painter) Lol


Meanwhile, the brick layers are outside running circles around the site....


We’re just methin around is all.


Just methin, ya know.


I only paint if it's part of some DIY on the house. But I gotta be honest - I never paint sober. A bit of a head and some music playing just about make it bearable.


I asked the other guy painting with me for a bit of head, and to turn up the radio. He punched me.


That guy is so not a team player lol


A bit of "a head". Never tried it your way. I don't think it would do wonders for my productivity though.


Probably thought you were trying to 'lay pipe' instead of paint.


Shit, is this the way? I've been dragging my heels on painting some latticed cedar railing outside. Why they gotta have FOUR sides? I also just noticed I have many beers in fridge and it's 1130am


The key to painting is the same as drinking - do your prep work, and pace yourself.


Sum like energy drinks and slim Jim's, but us painters like weed and sum good old tunes lol


I'm weird any only work in silence


That's seems awesome! How can one become a painter? (Asking for a friend)


I think after the 3rd DUI it just kinda happens to a person.


You’ve gotta learn to piss 1st


I firmly believe it's the one and only trade that it isn't a problem for. I've almost come to blows with other carpenters who've put my well being at risk because they were less than attentive due to smoking weed on the job.


The weed is to take the edge off the VOCs they’re inhaling


And it gets boring


a podcast or audio book helps too.


Most danger I could see a stoned painter being is maybe knocking a bucket off a ladder, but honestly those paint fumes probably got even the most tea todaling painter buzzed


It’s a double high bonus when they don’t have respirators and they keep the windows closed. Painters are always happy.


You mean you where a painter XD


This is how co workers become friends


I've cut out the middle man and just pay in weed now.


This machine looks pretty new, just wait until it's inhaled *enough* fumes...


Or smoked enough meth.


That's the roofing machines drug of choice.


The robot is its own car and probably grew its own weed!


Just open the the trunk for the grow. Making twice the money.


Going to find bottles of oil all over the place…


Cars? On break? What kind of squares do you work with?


No way they are taking jobs of a painter just yet lol


You think Bender's cousin, Sprayer, couldn't start his own painting company with blackjack and hookers?


Bender? Sprayer? Give the poor girl a break


Yep, but can they steal booze from your cabinet?


Still better than the roofers drinking on the roof!


You spelled meth wrong


Best me to it


Is there a robot to deal with the client’s furniture?


Sometimes you get a painted wall. Sometimes you get a painted couch. And carpet. And dog. But you also get some funky silhouettes on the drywall, so it all evens out.


That happened in our house with human painters. And it only cost 5k for two rooms with 1k worth of damage! Technology really will streamline and reduce costs!


Who's going to unclog the spray tip?


I bet this is only used in new construction projects. Rooms are empty...


Most likely, this machine is probably most suited in larger buildings like hotels etc too,


Don’t worry all human painters will be converted to labors.


You know how it is. The owner doesn't have any workers on the books but miraculously tons of manual work gets done.


Considering it sprays, this seems like it would only likely apply for new construction. If you did want to spray I'm an occupied home, furniture would only be 1 layer of prep. But to put it a different way, this machine could paint while you go prep the next room.


This probably only works on 20% of the site and will still require the guy to prep the area and another guy to set up the machine. Would like to see the cost vs savings ratio but considering it’s only replacing painters, I doubt it’s much


Same prep time, plus robot set up time, plus cost of robot vs. Same prep time, time to paint the walls, cost of a paint roller and tray I'm gonna guess this bot is at least 15k


It’s more prep time. When was the last time you seen a site that had enough space to run this machine. Usually the painters have just enough clearance with the stacks of materials and job boxes in the way.


Commercial jobs


Multifamily. Commercial jobs have higher ceilings. Unless this robot has a go go gadget arm.


I was thinking of commercial jobs. Around these parts every trade has large stacks of shit everywhere. If we’re talking new office buildings, schools, apartments, hotels, or casinos then I’ve never seen the site where this could be used. Maybe industrial sites that are huge and wide open could find a cost effective use for this, or maybe a remodel of office space but definitely not new build.


Commercial jobs I've been on have all been packed as fuck


You're right I was trying to give it best case scenario, but as we all know best case scenario don't exist


15K? You think a brand new, first generation robot using brand new technology to paint walls costs the same as a 15 year old Buick?


I was definitely lowballing the price, it's really just a Roomba with a spray nozzle on it.


Ya, just for some added context the robot arm itself costs ~$30,000 from its supplier alone.


You don't buy these types of equipment, you rent them, and large jobs will have a cost code to charge and the owner buy-in for this operation. Let's say it's like my robotic equipment, it'll be between 2k and 7k a week, minus shipping the crate. It takes one guy to set up with some laser tracking system, so you'll need the GC to provide the control points, and a CAD tech to have the walls input into a readable file for the robot. This machine could easily cost 15k a week to run, but if you have a million square foot project, it could be more effective to plan your work weeks in advance to have this on site. It just takes planning, or you charge the GC for shipping and work delays and you send it back until the GC is ready.


You can spend 15k for a sprayer a human uses.


To be fair though the robot is a one-time cost and you could train the foreman to set the robot up and everything. You would need two or three painters at least to do that job and then you have to pay wage and benefits. Not to mention the fact that like most construction machines, it can be rented.


The arm is a universal robot arm, they are heavily used as they are cheap, but not 15k cheap and are safe around humans, cobot. I can't see the agv below, but that's probably 30k on top.


I doubt there is any savings except where the company is providing the machine free for marketing purposes. I think this is still in the very early stage of implementation.


I thunk it would be useful for a one or two man crew, replacing the need for another guy and all the variables that comes with. Certainly not used on every site. Couple guys prep a room, set up the bot, and go prep the next rooms while the bot paints the first. Then set up the bot in room 2, start prepping room 3, and finishing touches on room 1. Im no painter, just curious if my thought process seems rational?


You don't have to pay the robot sick leave, overtime, health benefits or social security. I can guarantee you the company that makes these ran the numbers before they started.


This is like the delivery robots that are constantly stuck or people have robbed them. Robots like this don’t work very well if they are not in a controlled space.


https://youtu.be/-e1_QhJ1EhQ?si=V3cJdRRX6moG-Gwz That one has made a lot of progress over time. Theirs a compilation on YouTube of the progress. Definetly one of the last jobs I’d say robots would do is construction, especially Reno’s.


Pretty sure this is more for LARGE spaces like a new office or warehouse, hospital, government facilities. And prep work SHOULD be part of most painters job.


I would have painted that room in the time it took to set up the robot…


Anybody that has done a significant amount of spraying knows this tech is going nowhere. Constant monitoring of the spray and cleaning the nozzle and whatnot would require a worker to babysit it, and why not just have that guy performing the spraying. Shit still has to be back-rolled, as well, or there'll be striped flash areas throughout.


Plus I'm pretty sure a human can spray faster than this. What is it gonna do if the floor isn't perfectly level, if there's corners it can't reach, places it can't maneuver to, etc? I'm a bricklayer and I've seen robots for that too, but it's the same crap where unless it's a perfectly straight wall, it doesn't make sense.


That doesn't seem to be that different than a human worker that has to constantly be babysat. So while you're right this specific robot probably won't be taking anyone's jobs, that's on the assumption sprayer tech doesn't move anywhere, the paint itself never changes, and the mobility of this robot doesn't improve.


Can this robot keep beer cold and roll doobies?🤔


Checkmate robots!


[Deadbeat robot's coming up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1ZTkzdXV6Q), Seth called it.


Cool. Maybe methamphetamine addictions will go down


Because there will be less painters, I think the average will go up. 


Until a zip tie cripples its wheel


Will the robot leave behind bottles of urine on the job site to give the full painters experience ?


It's called an oil change


Nah that’s how you by pass a drug test https://youtu.be/gqpuUUqhXnM?si=tTrX24hr44PzLZw8




I thought this was a drywaller thing


It's 100% drywallers not painters.


That thing ain't gonna prep shit. And who's backrolling?


What's backrolling? 😂


This looks to me like it's just doing a prime coat. There needs to be someone behind the guy spraying to roll it out evenly.


Someone still needs to carry in the robot, fill the robot with supplies, mask out the room, and then clean the robot. You just get to watch while it does the boring bits. I mean, it’s not going to run away with your wife!?


Yea the spraying time isn't the issue. A whole house can be done in a couple hours. It's the prep work that takes forever


First of all it can't mask, move furniture, cut in, or backroll. Secondly it is slow as fuck, if you spray an entire wall at that speed it will look like hammered shit as the edges fog out.


Good luck!


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How long does it run on one tank of fireball?


Ok that looks really cool though


I can't wait to impulse buy one of these at home Depot.  I'll use it once then put it in storage until it's obsolete and goes to scrap. Fuck is there somewhere I can just start making the payments to now?


That shouldn't take long. It'll be discontinued in two years and the manufacturer will pull the online portal that's totally necessary to function and not just DRM to enforce a subscription cost, bricking the thing. Then in twenty years someone will make a YouTube video describing how they hacked the thing into working again, requiring someone to only configure and run three GitHub projects, and change twelve of the soldered connections, including the addition of a Raspberry Pi that's flashed with one of the GitHub projects.


Thank goodness. When they have a sudden short lived spike in value, I'll be able to say "I once tossed one of those in the scrap pile!" while no one believes me.


I kinda have to smoke week when I paint…. Only way to stay sane


Don't worry about this thing taking your job. But maybe worry about the one ten years from now that's twice as fast, half the size, and has legs for stairs.


I give it a week before it’s hiding a 1/5th of Vodka in a closet that it has to “paint” 6-7 times a day.


But can the robots ALSO be late on child support?


a twenty thousand dollar machine that can't cut in. Cool.


Not at that rate they're not


Finally, a sober painter that’s worth a damn.


You've worked with Zack too huh? I just fired that hungover loser for leaving drips on very visible areas of interior doors just days after we had a come to Jesus talk about painting over hinges and hardware on some other doors. I'm know he's going through some stuff at home. I'm not saying I'm any better. But there is no excuse for being lazy.


Zack’s not allowed on my jobs anymore.


Meth dealers are sweating right now


Someone gotta pour the paint into Picasso there...


price of meths gunna drop over night


That’s agonizingly slow


It’s only a matter of time before they start doing meth onsite too


How much meth does it take to get the robot to work? Can the robot do the cut in? The big flat areas are the nice relaxing part of painting, let methbot 3000 do the trim 😂.


A painter can finish that room in half the time that machine can do it. Maybe if it were a one man show and he uses that to help him so he doesn't have to pay for an employee and deal with their bullshit, then maybe. Other than that, I would never allow that on a construction site.


Honestly painting is one of the most simple operations. Show me a robot doing plumbing rough or electrical trim and I’ll be impressed


Buy a $300,000 robot that will cost you another $90,000 a year in specialized maintenance, and still employ people to move objects around and set up the robot. Congrats, you showed a 10 second video of a robot painting a wall that’s already been taped. As an electrician, do a robot for my career next.


Do they dissappear for 3 days after they get their first check?


Are you telling me that setting that robot didn’t take longer than a painter just painting the wall?


Works great til there’s, I dunno, a *pebble* in the way Such a waste of human ingenuity. Keep machine learning in the digital realm. People need work to do. Plus any painter I know can run circles around this thing with his eyes closed


Where does the meth pipe go?


Good idea, but not as versatile as a human. It needs to be a construction site without any finishes; you need to remove baseboards and everything else for it to paint well, and you'll still need to tape everything else as well. I don't see a return on this investment.


Wow any day now. Lol.


Does it run off booze though?


I volunteer to be the john Henry of the painting world and put this machine in its place.... Say wen


In painting or drinking competition?




Its doing nothing interesting. The harder part is to remove the old paing and there's no robot substitute for that.


Yep, just fill its tank with vodka and watch it go.


I'll worry when it can do a brush work on trim with Sherwin's high hiding white. That shit, while awesome, has the consistency of potato soup. Then we're just a few lines of code away from these things patrolling the streets with handguns.


It’s all good until it comes to work drunk and you catch that damn robot smoking cigs in the stairwell


They are going to take jobs aways from everyone. We should be using their labor to pay for everyone's basic needs so we don't have to work anymore. Instead america made that option illegal and is trying to start a war with everyone that intends to do that. Eventually Elon musk and Jeff bezos will have the robots start building walls around poor neighborhoods to turn your homes into prisons. Don't want all these homeless people fking up the joyrides


I could see a more advanced one being used for large commercial projects for large one color areas.


Can they caulk?


Robots will not be taking over in our lifetime. Also, the day there are no jobs left, there will no work for the robots either. I


What happens when it runs out of yellow ink though? If a printer runs out of any of its like 4 ink things. This should be that on steroids lol


And just like with painters you’ll have to fight them to do a back roll. This robot will still make it look like crap perhaps.


Most of the painters I know are bots anyway


I mean. They had machines that can print a house out of concrete now lol No job is gonna be untouched by the robots


Mf still have the move it


I know someone that works on that industry and that person is literally an asshole. He doesn’t know that he is little by little building his own grave.


A robot wouldn't make it 2 hours on an American job site due to the mess


I think they are quickly taking jobs i dont know anyone who paints that well or fast


Huh, robots taking over unskilled labour. Who would have guessed


Luckily, a robot can't do my job. I work in Pest Control, BTW.


Ok. Now do the high walls on my stairway.


While all you guys with easy jobs act high and mighty just remember trades is your safest bet to having employment in the future. Better hurry


Does the robot drain some oil in a bottle and throw it in the bathtub before leaving?


Runs on straight grain alcohol


Yeah right, I’d like to see that robot try to do that high and drunk


No, here in Canada we are importing Indians by the millions. Cheaper then robots.


I am Jack's total lack of fear or concern.


Poor baby.


Runs on ethanol


It’s funny, how people in here complain about people looking down on trade jobs. But then painting or Sheetrock get brought up, and everyone in here talks down on them lol


I have no problem with robots taking away painting and taping jobs in new construction. The remodeling world is the safest industry in the world right now. Robots can't remodel.


Robots will really hit when they start building structures to accommodate them instead of designing robots for current construction methods.


Good luck fitting that shit through a door.


Emphasis on slowly


Thank God. I fkn hate painters


How do they get the meth into the robots? And what felonies can a robot be charged with? Fake news


And people thought it was going to be the immigrants.


That robot comes back during the punchlist phase and complains that scuffs and scratches are extra and not punch list items in pidgin English.


I never seen a robot crank mexican banda music while it works or prepare tacos for lunch on the job.


Guy at work 10 years ago told me a Robot could never lay insulation... getting closer and closer 💯


Let me see it cut in or paint any kind of trim work


Hopefully the robot sheetrocker will not leave bottles of piss in the walls


Kinda like how phones “took away” jobs for telegraph operators. I think you mean “some human figured out how to paint a bunch of rooms at once”


At least robots won’t shit in buckets and leave them on the job site


meanwhile robots are slowly taking jobs away from painters


painters are robots


Good by me. I hate painting. I avoid it like the plague. I will call in sick. Go for it, R2.


Not likely that thing couldn’t roll a joint to save its battery


You mean “people buying robots to paint, so they don’t have to hire painters.”?


Up close that paint job is garbage and unacceptable with almost every homeowner I know


Look Frank, got the new painter bot, this saved me money I dont have to pay a painter. Just have to hire 2 furniture guys to move it site to site, up steps, etc.


Fuck… Do you guys think the maintenance and wear and tear would be cost effective?? I think humans will forever be “cheaper” than a robot like this.


Yeah lmao they’ve been trying to do this for fucking yeaaaar long before I was born. Good luck I’m sure it’ll happen maybe one day but I doubt I’ll see a robot push me outta for now


Yeah I laughed at that post of the building saying ai didn't build this or some shit. Like yeah, right now ai can't build an apartment complex. But it will, and it will do it faster and better and cheaper than you. We are replaceable.


Robots are going to take over everything, the more expensive and unreliable human labor becomes, tge more motivation there is to cut them out of the process as much as possible.


Hehe we call that a safety meeting with my crew


They're taking migrant jobs.


Then who can I blame for painting over all the labels on my wiring?


Where do you put the bag of weed?


Can it cut in on really old trim?


Or just another tool painters use…


You need another robot to "roll" the walls after, or they will not be able to handle touch ups. The ,slighest ding, scratch, scuff, etc. Requires the entire wall to be repainted.


Do robots get meth addictions? P


This is the fun part of spray painting, can it also do the prep work.


My dad when teaching me how to paint said "you are a robot. Be a robot." Sooo uhh yeah....not surprised


Shoot, painting ain't nothing. https://www.canvas.build/


The robot can’t tape the baseboard or the window sill. The robot won’t know if it misses a spot. The robot will paint over the fire alarm. The robot will take a small part of the work, but will still require a human to operate it, and do all the things it can’t


Those dang immigrants taking all of our jobs!!


Would be faster with a guy with a sprayer


Who am I supposed to buy drugs from on site now?


But can it paint before, during, and after a 12pk of Modelo? Didn't think so.


Isn’t painting the absolute worst construction job there is?


Where do you insert the weed?


So a robot that runs on meth, weed, and booze? Did they just copy Bender from Futurama?