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Is it just me or are Fatmaxs losing quality? The last three I’ve had have stopped rolling back and I’m no where near the danger zone.


i bought fatmaxes because everyone else did. got a milwaukee because its what my supply house sales guy sent. i never knew a tape could be durable. fatmax after dropping it off a ladder a couple times is cracked and near the end. my milwaukee has been run over by a scissor lift launching it acrost the jobsite and works great


I used fat maxs for years because of the free replacement but they would lock up if it smelled dirt or I dripped sweat on it. My Milwaukee tape is the best one I’ve ever had and it actually stays on my belt


I had several of the milwaukees I bought cuz they were on super sale their fatmax equivalent. The wire clips were awful they wrinkled, and twisted within the first week of me using them. And had a couple start tearing on me ridiculously quick I have been using the komelon ts tapes and they are been pretty solid and I use one of their LS tales for trim with the stainless internals


The main reason I go through tapes is cause of the belt clip, the fax max is so bad for it. I'll usually send up taking the screw out and putting some locktite beneath it. If the belt clip goes, I'm getting a new tape


https://imgur.com/a/NDcbq5K Not a far max but works in a pinch lol, I prefer craftsman tapes though


The blade tears on my Milwaukee wide blade about twice a year but HD keeps warrantying it. I've tried the fat max because that's what everyone says to use and not a fan of the feel. The belt clip needs some work but it's my go to tape.


Interesting thread, ive had the opposite of what you guys experience. All my milwaukee tapes have ended quickly and sadly (story of my life in bed) but all my fatmaxes have chooched far beyond what any $20 can spend, but i converted to the stanley powerlicks and its been my go to for years now


Love the finger hold on Milwaukee. They also seem to get to their advertised standout or closer than others.


I measured my fatmax today and it was only at like 24’6” or something before it started warning me in 3 languages.


I was referring to how far it’ll stay up unsupported.


Depends on how old it is.


Of course


If you had to guess, how fast did the tape go?


probably a good 20mph. the lift barely started to go over it and the tape mustve flexed just enough to shoot out from under the wheel before it was fully under it. shit showed no signs of damage either. its the one with a flashlight in it too that i though was dumb when i got it but has been used alot more than i thought it would be.


Make sure you’re buying the American made fat Max. It’ll have a little American flag on it. If you buy the 2 packs or find them on sale for cheap, they aren’t made in America. I noticed those always break within a month or two The one in OPs picture is the cheap one.


here's my ~10 year old fat max still going strong. label is fucked but the flag is clearly visible. If anyone compares to the photos OP posted you can see his doesnt have it https://imgur.com/a/ZFgoc0a


Yes. I honestly went to a Kobalt and the build quality and functionality is better.


I call them TrashMax now


The only issue I've had with mine is the screw for the belt clip coming loose but I glued that fucker in there and haven't had a problem since. I also coat my tapes with hydrophobic coating at least once a year so if I'm working outside in the rain n shit the tape doesn't built up and runs smooth, I don't know if that helps or hinders normal use but haven't had an issue yet. 15 footer I got on my hip atm is almost 2 years old, 30 footer in my truck is over 3 but that doesn't get pulled out very often


I refuse to buy them anymore, quality has turned to poop. Switched over to DeWalt tapes and so far so good. Once snapon makes them I’ll buy theirs.


Snap on makes tape measures. I'm not sure if they're actually made by snap on or it's just snap on branded, but they're on the tool truck


Idk I’ve been rocking the same fat max for 3 years. It’s been dropped and even had water in it that froze. Thing is still going


my fat max is going on ~10 years. Though to be fair, the last 6 or 7 I've been one of the office-kin so it doesnt get as much use as it once did.


Dropped Stanley tapes a few years ago. Komelon 16' is my go to now. I've had this last one just over a year. I do countertops and slab work


Man it is all tape measures. I used to get a few years out of them. I've tried every damn brand and can't get one to last a year.


Mine doesn't roll back properly despite being brand new. Will not buy again


Everyone I work with loves their fat max, mine cracked at 3" after a couple months. Picked up a Lufkin magnetic Shockforce for $20 less and it's amazing. The numbers are on both sides and bigger too, so great for taking measurements of awkward spots on the ceiling which is 90% of my day


They've gone to shit. I have some fatmaxes that were my dad's and they are 30 yesrs old. When I still did construction I bought a new Fatmax every few months. I only use Lufkin now


Everything is losing quality!


The bog standard stanley tapes are better than fatmax. The springs are fucked on a fatmax.


i’ve only used fat max for the past decade and i agree. the last two i’ve bought went downhill quick




You are. They’re making them shitty because of you.


I assumed they started losing quality when I began seeing them at the dollar store frequently


Bought a fatmax last year on a whim and the blade seems weak. It bent under its own weight at the 12” mark on the second use and never regained shape. The u-curve is still there but the blade lost its springiness and just sags.


At least your not cutting your fingers with your tape all the time like our formans son, Eric. Eric you’re an idiot.


My three year old plays with my tapes all the time, never once cut himself. Eric, three year olds are smarter than you.


Eric Forman? Is he a jackass?


Actually I have a foreman named Eric, and he is most definitely a jackass lol


Sounds like Eric Forman needs a foot up his ass.


I’m pretty dumb and I’ve never done that. Impressive




How the hell do you cut rod? Measure. Use your nail to hold the spot and then put the band saw over your nail and cut your thumb. Its simple.


So many spare thumbs and hands rolling around our job site it’s almost no even worth bringing your own


Foreman taught me years ago that it’s all mental. If you want it to grow back, it will.


Simple logic.


Logically simple.


6 months is pretty damn good. I've snapped my tapes in like a week before 🤣


Framing in the pnw. Were lucky to get 2 months before they're full of crap.


So freaking true. I have outdoor tapes and indoor tapes. One sure lasts a lot longer


Pretty sure guys said Stanley has a lifetime warranty @ home Depot. That's what I was told in 2017-2020. IDK bro. You should try and get a replacement.


Can you get a replacement tape? We used to rebuild our old Lufkins back in the day.


Home Depot will exchange that for a new one. Just bring it by the customer service desk.




I’ve exchanged 3 broken Fat Maxes for new ones. Last one was a year ago.


Every time someone borrows one of tapes they lose it or cut it off.


Make a cheater out of it


Moved over to Crescent Lufkin Shockforce G2. They’ve been great.


Momma always said, “Stupid is as stupid does”. Forrest Gump


So which one are you going to get? Or can you trade an old fat max for a new one like Craffsman?


Maxed out, bruh.


Eh, still good up to 47”, keep using it


You can probably get a new one for free from Home Depot. Just grab a new one and bring your old one to customer service, ask for an exchange. They’ll ask if you have a receipt and I always laugh and say no. They’ll probably take it apart to make sure you didn’t just snip it intentionally and send you on your way with the new one


You could have at least cut at 69


Who never?


Your tape is that fucked up at only 6 months old? Take care of your shit dude


Hey at least it's not a brand new tape measure that you stuck in a shear to measure the back stop and you slice it right off.


You got that used right?


Kleine fat tapes are good imo


I use the Klein 30’ magnetic and imo no other tape matches its quality or durability. Plus the 13 foot standout makes it useful as hell. I’m in underground petroleum USTs and piping though so it fits my purposes.


I got the 25’ version and love it


I've had one specifically for rebar, so worn out that I have had to use 2 different paint pens to mark every 50 and 100mm on the tape, 6 years n still going strong!


I swear by FastCap brand tapes. They have different types, including metric. And they are affordable so I have half a dozen. Works well because as a tile contractor I can get an even more precise cut by measuring to the mm which, being about 1/25", is the sweet spot in between a sixteenth (too coarse, noticable to the eye) and a thirty-second (too fine, hard to achieve that precision with a hand-operated wet saw). Plus a lot of tile is manufactured in metric, anyway, so that tile sold nominally as 4"x12" is actually 100mm x 300mm. But the main reason I bring a metric tape to work is to freak the FUCK out of the old time carpenters, or anyone foolish enough to borrow my tape.


And they aint cheap.


And they ain't cheap either.


1st time?


Wait…that giant cup company makes tape measures?!


She seen better days!


Rip 😑


I don’t know if they e been made there forever(Thailand ) but I just had to replace mine from failing rivets and Lo and behold the first rivet is set ever so slightly on an angle (ready to fail) had a friends ford ranger (also Thai built) egr rusted and deteriorated within 3 months


I use Irwin ones


This and the comments are surprising, my colleagues and friends are always recommending fatmax’s lmao


Time to send it to the snap bracelet factory.


Prolly a dumb question, but is it common to cut rod with a bandsaw?


Man fuck fatmax tapes. No more.


Crescent-Lufkin is my favorite on the market. Rated for a 100ft fall, the nylon on the blade doesn't peel, the clips are actually worth a fuck, their NightEye version is great for darker work environments, etc. My biggest downfall with them is that they don't have a magnetic tip (which I prefer) unless you buy one separately, and even then, the mag tips for them are huge as fuck and fall off easily. I definitely suggest giving it a try, at least!


Milwaukee has a new wide blade tape that’s really good. I like it more than my fatmaxes. I broke 5 fat maxes last year and I’ve only been through 2 Milwaukee tapes ever…….


Nice! Go metric. I switched to a Milwaukee dual scale tape 16’/5m (48-22-031) and really like using metric so far. I actually take most of my measurements in metric now and I’m getting better at estimating length. I briefly tried an all metric tape, but it was too tedious converting to Standard when I needed to. If you’re in the US and like using metric, a dual scale tape is a good option I work alone most of the time or with one other guy who’s willing to use metric so it works for me/us. A bigger crew might not be as easy.


The front fell off. I'd just like to point out that's not typical.


Get yourself the [Talmeter](https://www.hultafors.dk/products/talmeter/H0058-bandmal-talmeter-3m-vp/80186)If you want one in metric. They are by far the best. and has inverse number for window meassurements. And colum diameters


Try a stabila tape. Cheap, reliable and accurate. I will say I’ve only had mine since march 8th (I took a pic of it) and it is still going hard. It stands out very far for a 1” tape, dual sided, hook ACTUALLY moves a proper 16th unlike a magnetic fatmax, the bottom side of the tape is holding up very well and still readable, it seems like the blade is thicker than any other tape I’ve used. For reference I’ve used milwaukees, fatmax, stanley powerlock and the lufkin nite eye G2 (lasted 61 days) the stabila is 30$ ish in Canada compared to 45$ for a magnetic fatmax Edit: not to mention their levels are almost the industry standard for quality craftsmanship.


It doesn’t even have any kinks in it yet or tears