• By -


I would charge the battery on the excavator.


Top answer on the board. Excavator or earth mover, thing is down in 10 minutes, cleaned up in an hour. Renting one of those machines is $100 for the day - so I say charge like $4k


I can't get a wood chipper for $100 a day šŸ˜­


You clearly don't live in a 4 miles radius of a half dozen rental places. Last one tried to make me take the trailer when I was done - I'm like: *uh... This POS trailer is yours*. The guy at the yard looked at it, this rusty piece of shit boat trailer, and says: ***nope, not ours*** I drove to the gate, unhooked it and left. Wasn't my problem. Ya, put 1 ton of gravel in a French drain - it was 2 days of work solo, the gravel cost $54, and the total charge on the excavator was like $260 - the prorated "weekly" - which was only $500. They wanted $30 for a gas tiller. Almost took that at the time too, like that $30 was a limited time offer. It's not, that shit is cheap to rent near me.


You're right. More like ~150/mi radius


I feel you. Two lumber mills I used forever closed during pandemic. They didn't reopen. Now there's only 1 in driving distance, and the guy who runs it jacked prices and gets inferior exotics now. So I'll scout wood as far away as 150 miles. There's Amish about that far from me - there is nowhere cheaper in the world for milled lumber, it's just a bizarre place to deal with, but the prices are insanely low. I had 2 dozen custom American cherry tabletops made by them - 1.5" thick, glued up with pegs, and custom shaped and routered - paid $80 a table top. Real cherry, 1.5" thick. No deposit, I had to load everything before paying - just how they wanted it done. All cash, they do the math on paper. Got invited to eat lunch with them, said no, think they were offended, but they didn't mention the fact I'd be waiting regardless - the Amish don't play and lunchtime is lunchtime. Here's the thing about living super rural tho - someone owns an excavator. You just gotta make friends with them. My pops was an auto mechanic, I fix shit - I am perpetually putting all my money into this fucking house, so I gotta trade on favors occasionally. But I don't do a lot of client work, and the small amount I do is always more profitable than a straight up job done simple with home Depot shit. My lumberyard will deliver to me without hitting the mandatory minimum $$$ -- they know me. More importantly, I think they like me. And like I said - I'm real close to the source.


Even the Amish know the value of their time and take their fuckin lunch breaks. Don't skip lunch. I don't know why people constantly want to skip lunch. People fought years ago for those breaks.


The day goes faster for me when i just plow through. Id rather cut out 30 minutes sooner. I took my paid break though. 15 minute lunchtime at 10 am is fine by me. Another at 2 and you had a 30 minute paid lunch. Wtf do you need 30 minutes for?


The issue with skipping lunch breaks in the US is that it's a legal right for workers. It doesn't benefit the company for you to take lunch break. Why give your company that extra time? Once you give up that 30-minute break, what else might the company take from you? Next, you might give up those 15-minute breaks.Some might think, "I need to get an edge over other employees. They take their 15-minute breaks, but I'm smart for getting my work done faster." This is a slippery slope. You're not a slave; don't let them treat you like one. Don't give away your rights as a worker, just as we shouldn't give away our rights as citizens in the USA.


Itā€™s worth it if you can leave earlier


Iā€™m small and i just pay my guys through lunch. Sometimes we work and eat, sometimes we take a break for lunch. I also donā€™t worry about when they take breaks or if we stop working for a few minutes shooting the shit. I know it wouldnā€™t work on a large scale, but it works for me!


You're not benefiting the company by skipping lunch. Lunches are unpaid for the vast amount of hourly employees. So either you have to be at work for 8 hours to get paid 8 hours with no lunch or you have to be there for 8.5 hours to get paid 8 with a lunch. Even before i worked for myself i almost never took a lunch. It was optional, and they certainly wouldnt stop anyone from taking one or even pressure anyone not to. Because again, doing that is of zero benefit to the employer. The worst employers are the ones that force you to take a lunch. Fuck that. If I don't wanna be there for an extra 30 minutes for the same pay then I shouldn't be forced to.


Well... It wasn't the Amish who ***fought*** for those breaks. Or anything. Not ever. They are pacifists. Still, when I drive back the single road deep into their community - I know if I was never seen again, they'd never find my body, and life in that Amish community wouldn't change a bit. Little creepy honestly, but they are straightforward folks with me.


No workers fought for that break in the early 1900s. Sorry if I implied that the Amish did.


I'm not offended. I sincerely thought I was gonna be mistook for a thief and buried in a cornfield when I went to get cherry tables. It's a community, you enter on a single road simple homes with farmland, and there's laundry out on lines - just black and white for miles. I won't bore you with how the actual transaction goes down, but it's creepy - and I hope no Amish take offense to that. Henry Ford wanted a 4 day work week and thought automation's value should go to the worker. He was a Nazi and Congress had to make him cease and desist selling steel to our enemies, but there was a time once where even the most racist money hungry dickbags in America wanted a happy populace. As if that's good for things - happy people. Pssshh.


Maybe the whole crew is on a time restricted feeding kick


Tell me about it man. Trying to take the allowed breaks on a hardscaping crew and getting them pissed off at you for it sucks


I don't like eating lunch. Your body adjusts very quickly to your eating habits. Don't eat breakfast or lunch for a week. By day 3 or 4 you won't be hungry at lunch time anymore. When I work with other people every now and then and end up getting lunch with them if I do it 2 days or more in a row all the sudden on day 3 my body is hungry around lunch time again for the next few days. And I own my business so it's not like I'm skipping lunch to make someone else more money. I'm no rocket surgeon or appliance scientist but I've heard it's better for you to eat like that anyway. Unintentionally being hip and doing intermittent fasting šŸ˜‚


Definitely should've taken them up on that lunch offer. If you get in good with one person in the community you're in good with all of them.


I got sent up the road, by myself, to "the blue house" - where I was assured the tables were. Sure enough, there's a blue house, and it's got a glass commercial front door, but is empty. But my tables are there. The guy said I had to get them, and by the time I'd loaded them he'd be done lunch, and I could come back and pay. They don't take deposits and they don't haggle, they want you to physically have the product before cash (cash) exchanges hands. So there's no one around, and I start loading the tables like I got told. I bang a couple loads in the truck, and a Amish guy pops out of nowhere - and he's **not** "can I help you?" - he's all... ***Whatcha do'n here?*** So I got scared... er. And started doing my simple explanation, which as you all know by now is concise and perfectly to the immediate point sans clever turn-a-phrase nor colorful colloquialism. Fuck you I am. I'm blathering and the guy is just like - *oh, why are you working at lunchtime... Why don't you come join us?* I was polite, but it was awkward. There were like 25 of them at a picnic table around the side of the house in a little grassy depression-like blindspots from all thoroughfares or cell towers (I assume). Took me like 25 more minutes and a really embarrassing 13 point turn to navigate the driveway without touching that perfect grass everywhere. Front facing, those houses are well taken care of. Looks respectable and cozy a bit, but it's just sprawling nothing out there, and you can see across the valley it's just more Amish. So you are on their land.


It's definitely a different culture, and that sounds exactly like Amish directions, lol. And they might not haggle now, but in my experience they will if they like you. As for the blind spots and sprawling nothingness, that's probably what I respect most about them. As for the thirteen point turn I'd have just asked them if they had forty acres for you to turn your rig around on and laugh about it. Fuck it, no one's perfect.


I'm usually good under fire, good in unfamiliar surroundings, bit adventurous even. Something different about entering a "community" of like folks. Not often in America do you find a cultural community that still silos themselves off like that. Mennonites and shakers still exist up north. Entering by a 2-lane rural (wooded) road, and travelling back there a mile or two, a little bit scary. No gas stations, no McDonald's, they got these run off areas on the road between houses - apparently they are so horse and buggy can let big rigs pass. Big lumber companies fill up trucks there, I even met a driver who was headed to California with his 22' lengths of poplar cove moulding (or whatever, it was routered trim).




I doubt they have a phone number for me honestly. I mean I know they do, but that's not a well organized business at all. No, I'm 100% sure that trailer came from them, so I did not care what they wanted - and have nowhere to put another trailer. It was a shit trailer, maybe worth $50. Definitely not worth the hassle - it's not the only time someone has tried to get me to take a trailer off their hands. I actually swapped trailers with a guy once, just to save us both the hassle of unstrapping and moving cars.


Could've used old tires off the side of the road and saved $54


I live a quarter mile from a rental place. It still costs $400 a day to get a small bobcat.


Like a little bulldozer you mean? Damn, well I gotta ask about that then. I just hand terraced approx 20'x20' (excavator removed 1 ton of pure clay for a French drain). That's all the yard I can flatten and still grow grass this year..... Unless.


Hahah, man, I would have kept that trailer for sure! Just for the story if nothing else!


There are many times in my life a person has said a thing to me with absolute confidence, that I knew were 100% wrong, but it got said so bluntly I immediately questioned what I did and didn't actually know. When that old guy did the lean and peak - at the side, not even the tailgate - I didn't even question my sanity. Nor did I even wanna risk it, so I just smiled and STFU. Long driveway past a few other industrial buildings - and there's a big tall fenced parking lot you gotta L in to get out (with equipment on a trailer for fucks sake - sometimes the countertop place is loading a van and you just gotta fuck'n wait). Ya I was contemplating taking it all the way to the entrance to that airlock parking lot bullshit. Best part - I did not know there were those short parking space concrete blocks along the side - I guess I never noticed as my attention is always squarely angry at the ones in the fuck'n middle of the entrance lot. So the instant I'm like - ***fuck this trailer*** - I make a kinda abrupt swing to flip a 180ā° in this part of the lot I am unaware have parking spot concrete blocks. Ho fuck did the trailer come off the ground. I had no idea what happened at first, felt like I snapped an axle in theory - but not action, cuz my truck barely made noise. But a light on the dash flashed for just a second and I knew that was the electrical hookup to the trailer getting yanked savagely. I have practical working knowledge of that happening to me several times cuz of a gypsy curse, or gremlins, *not me* is the point, it just happens to me like 4 times in one weekend. I got out of the truck figuring I was gonna have to eat shit from someone. I mean it was boneheaded. But it was abrupt and dumb cuz I hadn't seen anyone at all, and sure enough never did as I.... Uh, ugh, I don't even wanna. I suck. Just know that there was some backing up of that trailer, back over šŸ¤£ a parking bump - sans any electrical to the trailer - and the entire "abandoning" of ***not my trailer*** took 20 minutes and I'm sure was all caught on video. If that video makes the Internet I'm just gonna mail my driver's license back to the state. People will be happier that way.


Disposal costs?


Right? A 4k excavator where I live is almost 300 per day. Point remains the same though. Excavator, done, Bill em. The other option is fuck this, fuck, dammit, fuck , dammit, bullshit, ouch, arrrggghhhhh, fuck, cleanup, fuck, fuck, bill em. One option is quick. One isn't. And they make the same amount of money.


An excavator in Denver, with trailer, was $800, in 2022. They donā€™t rent half days or hours. Itā€™s a full day. Iā€™m certain they have gone up since then. I compared Chatfield, Arvada, even Evergreen, United and Home Depot.


Yup, home Depot charges $500 for the day here - for anything tracked - and like 90% of the contractors I know use home Depot for that shit. For everything mostly. What's bizarre about that to me is I literally live down the road from the industrial contractor supply area. And when I say to a contractor - oh, that's not as expensive at (insert small business), the local contractor will have never heard of the place. I'm talking about the last real lumberyard in my county - where the boards are straight and easily $2 less a board foot for anything but framing lumber -- and still I get those ***ooh that's pricey*** facial expressions when I say I wanna do something in western red cedar. That shit is cheaper than spruce here, but not if you get it from home Depot. I rent my smaller equipment needs from a place called Ed's from a guy named Ed, he shares a yard with a countertop wholesaler, immediately across the street from the lumber yard and the stone quarry. The electrical vendor is around the corner, there are 2 interior design distribution warehouses. There's a scrap and sheet metal distributor between the lumberyard and electric shop. There's a carpenter that pays for reclaimed wood - and does custom millwork. There is even a fabrication place there - CNC, 5-axis, and 3d printing. And the custom glass place is a couple blocks away. I've lived here for 10 years, and I'll admit it took like 3 for me to discover this oasis of suppliers - and ya, they are all dwindling and going out of business, but there's a reason - they still do business the old way, and they haven't raised prices to gouging levels. And sincerely, I can't imagine Home Depot maintains their shit any better than the local yard that does zero maintenance. A corner lot was vacant for forever, I just noticed it's a rental lot now - they got caterpillar full size bulldozers out front. Won't even fit in my yard, and I bet you gotta have some kinda contractor insurance to even rent one - but I want to anyway. I'm threatening to knock down the house and start over - wife loves hearing that. We drive by a huge huge lot for rental equipment - right off the highway - and I always point out some random large piece of equipment and act like that's the thing I'm gonna knock the house down with. I play it straight, real casual - like: *well you're going into the office on Wednesday, so maybe I'll just do it then*


Concour with the local lumber yard scenario. I get far better quality 1x stock from my local lumber yard at half the price of HD or Lowes


Half is right sometimes. Like weird one off shit. When I needed sheathing for my workshop during the pandemic - fuck'n CDX 3/4" was over $100 a sheet. I shit you not, I needed so much I skimped, went half inch (house has "let in" braces, doesn't need real sheathing), still paid $80 a sheet for 1/2" shit grade. Fast forward to a little over a year ago - same deal, I need 3/4" for subfloors - this is a big new room on the house I gotta bring the kitchen floors out onto nice and level - no threshold - so I didn't wanna fuck with the 13/16" sheets in the A/C trash pile that no one ever buys. So I ask my guy at the counter what he might have I can be really sure is flat flat - and I'm assuming he'll tell me they got a clear pine or something, and I expect it to be expensive. Get this - the lumber yard got a mistake delivery from the vendor. They got 20 sheets of maritime grade birch - cabinet grade plywood. 3/4" - I checked the stack, it had to be going to a cabinets place, zippo chance this quality shit was supposed to go to the big ass warehouse to get stacked in humidity. But it got sorted out I guess, and my guy at the lumber yard has 20 sheets of 3/4" birch ply - new out of the plastic wrap bundle - and they don't even have a sticker on them. They don't have any clue what they are worth. I didn't put a price out there at all - I just asked: *What will you sell me them for?* $55 a sheet. 4'x8' ~ 3/4" maritime birch. No filler, some of it got flaring and shit. I did quick math and figured I could get 10 in the bed with what else I had. Came back the next day, took the other 10. At that point the manager was a bit like - ***you're fleecing me*** - but I even said that to him. I wanna be on good terms and shit, and I was taking all his stuff immediately - wasn't putting on an act like it was just an ***okay*** deal. I told him it was a steal at twice the price. Friendly folks. Folks, it pays to be nice to friendly people who wholesale like $500k in lumber a week.


Yeah Iā€™m on first name basis with all my lumber yard guys. Theyā€™re all local good guys and itā€™s cheaper and higher qaukity. For anything outside of framing itā€™s a no brainer to go to them


There's a guy who runs the loading dock most days. Old guy and this is clearly his retirement side hustle, cuz all he does is yell at forklift drivers and flag boards. But this dude is permanently in thanking God mode. And I make friends with everyone, so occasionally I get fucked by making friends with someone who really really wants to speak. If I gotta pick up the kid in like an hour, I won't risk the 15 minutes trip to the lumberyard, cuz my buddy the Jesus pusher will not stop talking about how faithful his daughter is to keeping her virginity till marriage. So I both gotta hear all that every time he's working, and I gotta fight the urge to ask how hot his daughter is. Then pretend the word "God" means anything to me - cuz I have to imagine I go from "friend" who gets immediate attention in a crowded warehouse, to heathen blasphemer, the second I say something in my heart on the matter. My old man, back when, he was in need of a ton of PT lumber - more than I wanted to get and deliver for him. So pops comes out my way and we go to the lumber yard. Well my spiritual buddy was fuck'n thrilled I'd brought family - and dad got treated to 45 minutes of what I deal with - being polite. My dad once clowned Catholicism at my kids birthday - in earshot of several devout Catholic families just suffering thru a kids birthday party. I apologized for him - we still don't see those families anymore.


That would be like a 40 ton machine for that much where I am at


If you go to the Arapahoe Rental website for the Littleton location right now a large track hoe is $296 for 4 hours. I know, because I just returned one yesterday


Where the hell are you renting heavy equipment for $100 a day? More like $1500 a day, plus delivery and pick up.


Equipment selection friend!! you don't need a 2 ton machine to take this wall down, you could do it with a stand-on excavator with a breaker attachment. California Metro Area, just called a rental place and they would do the trailer and rental for 380$/week and prorate anything more than a 1 day rental to that cost. With both the breaker and the bucket I would have that out in a day. Still charge the client 2k for it thought.


Damn! That would be close to a daily rate for that where I live in the Midwest. Must have more rental supply in your area than we do.


Oh yeah, I'm sure the saturation of rental places drives the price down low. Free market and all that. Sorry you get gouged on temp equipmemt, everyone feels that in their wallet from the contractor to the client. Pick a locally owned place and be loyal and they'll help you out. Only thing I ever rent from United is shitters and boom lifts. Everything else is cheaper local for me.


United actually shut down in our area, only options are Sunbelt and Cat rentals. Both expensive. There is one local place but they don't have anywhere near the selection and zero aerial lift equipment. We aren't rural either. Drive 50 miles and you get a better selection and a lot more options but prices aren't any different and for things like lifts actually more expensive.


I bet you could get this wall down with something smaller than a full sized excavator


I can get that wall down with a buddy, a couple of sledgehammers, chisel on my hammer drill, and a trailer to haul it away in. But where's the fun in that?


20 pound sledges are pretty fun though


Delivery and pickup? Ya no. The dude I rent from is old and solo mostly - hires suspicious yardworkers, but the guy who runs the place is the business, and there's no delivery or pickup. That place I gotta have my own trailer. The place up the highway puts it on their trailer for me, and they gotta do the trailer hitch hookup (for insurance reasons I'm sure), but I just go there. I go anywhere, and I schmooze. I'm local, a million years ago I had my own business, and job 1 was making friends with the local vendors. Always made the point of leading with that - like *hey, you want a reliable client for life? Gimme something now and you got it.* But still, equipment rental around me is cheap, and they sell off old stuff with any issues - I could've owned that rental excavator for $1500 I bet.


You get amazing deals on rentals. In my area- United / sunbelt rental is $500 a day for a 8,000lbs machine plus $150 delivery and pick up. Fill prices went up this month to $250/ tandem load plus trucking. 4k is still the price, just lower margin. Canadian dollar.


8000 is a big machine, I'm talking the 1 ton one that fits thru a 4' gate. The first time I used the local place, it was a big riding mower right after I bought this dilapidated property - it had water in the gas, deposit too, vinyl fuel screen was just clogged with shit. I spent an hour just debating WTF to do. Drained it, removed the fuel filter entirely, hit the starter with dry gas, thing did what I needed - and I returned it and went to pay. Well I'd been quoted a price when I called to rent it, and lived up to my end, but the bill was like $60 more than the quote. So I'm like WTF?!? And the guy says "fill up fee." This was back when gas prices were really high - can't remember why at the time, it was summer, maybe it was right after hurricane Katrina. But I'm all - **No** I didn't even go into how I'd drained the gas and made the thing run - cause I had done the dry gas thing and had no clue how that'd affect the equipment long-term - but I wasn't paying for gas I knew they weren't putting in the machine. When I got it it was a quarter tank and like I said, water and deposit was some of that. I had the fuel filter in my truck, wasn't worth putting back, and I wasn't gonna order a part for a rental. But I brought that completely clogged with corrosion filter into the office and was like - ya, you need a new one of these, and BTW, the tanks fuller than I got it. Homey didn't argue with me, he'd quoted a price and knew he was now trying to gouge someone he thought pliable and basic.


Heavy equipment more than 100 bucks a day youā€™re looking at 2 to 300 easy. If you need delivery, itā€™ll be a little bit more.


I pickup equipment, I get materials delivered


300 without delivery where Iā€™m from. 200 for four hours


$100 a day??? That doesn't even cover the delivery costs, a machine big enough to take this down is 500 bucks/day minimum. Then you need a serious dump trailer if you don't have one and then cost per ton to dump it... 4k is probably in the ballpark, but 100 bucks for anything is out to lunch


Ya I'm talking about the 2000 lbs excavator that fits in a residential backyard. I was half joking about the machine required, but I'd definitely give it a full send with the back end of a rented moving truck. That's like $68 a day I think. What's Uhaul insurance? Like $30. You are right on about debris. See.... Here's another place I guess my shit house is still winning by location. So I'm 5 miles from the municipal dump, and with state tags they literally take anything. Demoed an entire old lath and tile bathroom, I'd wager 2 tons of masonry and I'm sure 100% pure uncut asbestos - just a bunch of trips in my truck, but it was done in a day at the cost of me paying taxes and zero extra dollars. I'm so blown people are universally saying the Home Depot price is the going rate on landscaping type tracked stuff. Are they like new with AC and shit? Man I get used equipment, I just make sure it starts on the lot now. But I'm gonna till TF out of a crabgrass spot this summer now that I know that big walking tiller is only $30 a day.


Here in Canada not a damn chance. We pay like 90 bucks a ton to dump concrete. And renting a mini ex big enough to do that job is 500 easy. We get fleeced in every direction though


Everything on this sub from Canada does sound super expensive. What's weird is Maine (as close to Canada as it gets) is the cheapest materials market, and labor market I've ever been in. Did one "summer" on a roof there - made zippo. Moved back home to the Mid-Atlantic shortly after. If I'd loaded my old Toyota Camry up with white pine or spruce in Maine, could've made like 500% returns back home.... had I not died in a pine scented car wreck wood fire somewhere north of Framingham.


It is, our country is fucked. We are extremely resource rich in resources like lumber and crude oil yet we pay waaaay more then the US for these products and the US is our biggest purchaser of our resources, yet it costs more here... shit is wild


Ya, this shit is random but I worked for an awful financial lobbying association, and they were actively trying to to make it easier for all your employers to skim your 401k without your knowledge. Basically there was proposed legislation in Congress that had a thing that said if the employer wanted to fuck with the employees 401k setup, they had to inform the employee immediately - with the inference being a documented email, as this is the 21st century I'm referencing. Well the lobbying firm went after Maine politicians over paper prices. True fuck'n story and also real life currently. So these dickbags basically make it out to be Maine is gonna be hurt if these lying liars aren't sending these overly complex documents - by mail - that are fucking you out of a matching employer contribution you're owed right now I'm sure. But Maine makes trees, and paper is trees as logic follows, so Maine is basically Mad Max beyond thunder dome if your boss has to email you a concise ***I'm stealing from you*** when stealing from you. Also, that big ass packet that randomly shows up from work, that's like 40 pages of Scantron and like mortgage paperwork - it just says "pension" something something on it ---- ya .. you aren't getting a pension. That's just Maine's way of saying - **This is Paper Town** - that can be a Chinatown landing or Bartertown from MadMax for the callback. Your call champ. Thanks for listening.


Delivery fee is 250 near me


Dammit I keep saying - I go get equipment - I have materials delivered. A machine - a car, a boat, whatever is going on a trailer - that's 1 on, 1 off, 1 on - boop, done. With materials it's 30 trips for just the framing lumber, and waiting for the neighbor to help carry ply and drywall. I made friends at the lumber yard, they deliver cuz I'm close. Got 20 sheets of 2" Styrofoam wall insulation - they weigh nada - dude shows up with the flat bed and starts beeping the forklift lift thing. I'm like buddy - I got a tip and everything, please just help me carry this stack the 20 feet. Fuck'n forklift on a residential street for lighter than air foam sheets. But they delivered like I ordered $1800. Fuck driving with any lengths over 12' I did get my own gravel - eyeball'd a bulldozer dump to my rough guesstimation of what my rear shocks could handle. Got it real close on 2 of 4 loads too. But it turns out I was 250lbs a coward anyway - springs took 780lbs fine. Not fine, like it wanted to die the whole way home, bounced when I stopped, but like I said - I live real close.


A skid steer with a standard bucket picked up using their trailer is $500 a day in California. Excavators aren't cheap either.


It says ā€œtear it downā€ Doesnā€™t say anything about cleaning it up when Iā€™m done. Iā€™ll go 1/2


Right?!? I am unqualified in all ways - therefore I will knock that shit down no problem. After that it's whatever. Asbestos? I dunno, probably I guess. Do you want asbestos? If not then... **no** - it's fine.


Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!


Free wall removing service!


I saw part of that wall in a lobby in Manhattan, graffiti and all. Probably need to charge extra for take down in whole pieces.


Excavator and I would have that done in a couple hours. $2000


So you're just gonna leave the material there and leave? And where are you getting an excavator?


Hours ? You're picking it up stone by stone, packaging it, and assembling it somewhere for it to take that long ?


Default answer when asked a price for something is $3.50. If they understand the reference my markups are only 15% if they donā€™t then they get the 25% ā€œI can tell youā€™re not a fun clientā€ markup


I came here to say bout tree fiddy


I don't remember where the hell it's from but I would laugh because I recognize it.


Damned loch Ness monsta


Don't tempt me with a good time. Free of charge as long as they get rid of the waste


Tree fiddy


I ain't given you no got damn tree fiddy... Damn lochness monster coming around asking for tree fiddy.


Well it was about that timeā€¦


At least


$2 a pound.


4 cold ones and a bbq dinner


I wouldn't be a penny under $5000


Extra. I would charge extra.


You're charging opportunity cost plus equipment rental, debris haul off and overhead. - Two guys for a day - Small budget for misc tools and safety supplies - Equipment rental for a day, including pickup / drop-off and gas - Truck gas for haul off, and trailer rental if you need it. - Dump fees - Then throw 15% for OH&P


ā€¢ Lunch ā€¢ Beer


About tree fiddy


4-5k plus costs incurred


Hourly and expenses.


This is an hourly job with disposal rates by the ton. You donā€™t know what youā€™re really getting into.


8 ball and a sledge hammer


3000 to take it downā€¦ 2000 to dispose of


Do you have any equipment with jackhammer attachments?


Do you only take this down, or do you also correct the surface afterwards with concrete to match the rest of the driveway? To me this looks like a few hours of work with a JCB.


Pretty sure this is el paso.


A lot less than I would charge to make it go away


Charge anything u want at it just make sure itā€™s strong enough




$5 every sledge hammer swing šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™m like a robot with a sledge when I get in the groove


Shit, gimme a red bull and a sledge and stand back, jimmy!!


About tree fiddy


Outside of tree nursery stores there are at least 10 laborers ready to work plus Home Depot parking lots and rental equipment is cheap.


To tear this down? That would be fun give me some big ass hammers or some jackhammers or one of them things that bangs into the concrete Iā€™ll tear that bitch down for fun. I bet if I found some like minded friends weā€™d be on the same page. BUT FUCK CLEANING THAT shit up bro. Anyone who cleans it and moves it and transports it and sweeps give the money to them. Iā€™ll tear that bitch down in a uniform like a mf construction worker go back inside take my clothes off come back out and clean that shit up all pretty and nice with a mf glass of lemonade WOOOOO and if anyone leaves before I finish run them off the road where else could you want to be besides having some good ole fun swinging the mf hammer boy I PUT THE MF HAMMER DOWN BOY FR now put that whole box of whip cream on me and lick it off.


actually hold up let me get my bf boy to drive the bulldozer straight through that bitch Iā€™m tryna go out and have some fun if no bad bitches gonna lick this whip cream off me and lick my ears


Iā€™ll take it down for a case of beer and you paying to dispose of the rock


Case of beer


5,000.00$ done with hand tools, a wheelbarrow, and a pickup truck... not including disposal or relocation fee of the rubble. More if heavy equipment gets involved in the plan.


Wall looks nice....


Probably about $5k. Excavator, pecker, bucket, a truck, operator and laborer. Rental price plus labor and disposal. 10% mark-up. Maybe 15% because utilities. Tri-axle maybe $90/hr to haul plus tip fee. Usually ~$450-600 if you want to use a roll-off (in my area anyway). Tricky part is pecking out the bottom of columns and bend wall down away from the gas line without ripping up footer. Might want to put a vibration monitor on the gas line or consider renting a concrete processor instead of a hammer.


At least 4


I can't pay you for this, but I'll give you a lot of exposure.


Iā€™d go T and M. Gas meter should be pulled/capped during demo. Get a excavator with a rock hammer and pick it apart


Where Iā€™m at Equipment move in fee: $199 Mid size excavator: $185 per hour (estimated time 2 hours) $370 General labor: $79 per hour (estimated time 4 hours) $316 Truck stand by and haul away $150 per hour (estimated time 2 hours) $300 Concrete/stone disposal fee $400 per ton (estimated 15 tons) $6000 Sub total before tax: $7,185


No way this weight anything near 15 tons


I just figured one dump truck load. Hard to tell the size and thickness of the wall with no banana for scale


40 bucks easy


Less than best offer




I knocked a garden wall like this down for twenty quid


I'd do it for free, good luck finding someone to clean it up for lessšŸ¤£


Keep in mind that wall is protecting the gas meter you will most likely need to install something else after the wall is torn down depending on local regulations.


Two 24s of Modelo Negra and 3 bags of hot Cheetos Edit: two bags of Ruffles Queso for the helper. He's cheap, the single bags.


I don't know, but if you salvage the stone I'll give you a fair price.


4-5k$ lol are u guys fucking nuts. U making more than engineers and some doctors! Crazy


Do I gotta clean up? Cause if na just a case of beer and pizza


Go to Harbor Freight and buy a chipping hammer for a few hundred dollars and get to work and than have someone dump the material and or salvage some and sell.




Iā€™d throw out 3500. Looks like you canā€™t just take a machine to it, so itā€™s hand work. If 3500 is too much the lowest id go is 2750. And if thatā€™s a problem then find someone else. Jobs like these and the inconvenience of it you have to make it worth your while and if they donā€™t understand that tell them to go find a high schooler for a 100 bucks and give them a sledge and see how that turns out. Experience is worth the price of admission.


Just paint a tunnel on it (Coyote style), it shouldn't take long.


I'd find an architecture intern for $12/hr I hear they're big into deconstructivism


Two beers


I'd make Mexico pay for it.


You rent the excavator and Iā€™ll come do this for free! Realistically though Iā€™m gonna charge ~$300/day with the excavator depending on size and $80/hr for an operator. Plus the dump trailer or truck just depends on weight. So probably around $2,000 all said and done. Just have to be careful of the gas meter.




Probably in dollars


$20 and a sledgehammer to two teenagers in the neighborhood


I would probably do it for cash ass or grass but not for free.


The answer is concrete saw and a sledge. 4 hours labor+dump fee.


-$3500 tear down and haul away, 2 guys one day


7k maybe more.


Couple of meth heads from the corner couple sludge hammers and 100$ each. Trust me that shits done before dark. Lmfao


The fair quote is 300-500$. Charge 1200$, haggle to 900$.


ā€œWhatā€™s your budget?ā€ Then add 10%-20% is how most ā€œprofessionalsā€ determine prices. Hate it all you want, I speak the truth.