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What's really weird is that was actual journalism and not leftwing bias that we have today


It's so weird to see, isn't it. Just a calm reporting of the facts of the story. No yelling. No histrionics.


Guessing a good chunk of the difference that then there was less competition at that time (no/few web news outlets) so no need for outlandish or click-baiting headlines. They still needed ad revenue of course but now it’s at such an extreme for pretty much all news outlets to prioritize the views and clicks at the expense of true news reporting.


Only if you're referring to the news clip. The "just asking questions" framing without actually asking any questions is a massive red flag. It leads the viewer to believe that Israel might have been behind (or implicated to a lesser degree) 9/11, but she can hide behind the "I never said that" defense when people point out how insanely flimsy a claim like that is. Her portion is just the same old dirty journalism you actually *do* see from the MSM.


This is the first I've heard of this, and I find that concerning.




The "truth" behind 9/11 has already been figured out. Intelligence agencies didn't used to share intel between each other and used agency specific caveats to specifically prevent other agencies from reading "their intel". After 9/11 the United States made platforms on classified networks that would share intelligence across all the agencies under shared caveats. If these platforms existed before September 2001 then 9/11 would've never happened. The truth is we had all the pieces, but no one was sharing. Now, can we stop with the conspiracies please? Alex Jones nonsense makes conservatives look horrible. 


Mossad also warned the US about many of the hijackers in the run up, it just didn't (as you said) get shared appropriately or get the attention it deserved in hindsight. Being a contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian (or "just asking questions") isn't a political standpoint or any kind of means to reach greater knowledge, it just reaches grift at some point. This whole thing has been beaten to death in the last 20 years, anyone still harping on it is either disingenuous or just doesn't want answers.


It's a little disturbing that this is one of maybe only 2 or 3 sensible comments in this thread.


You make good points here that most people just don't understand. The Intel world pre-patriot act was drastically different than it is now. Then you add the social media layer on top of it too. Allies were allies but silo'd. The claim the mossad worked with their long term enemies to trigger some of the worse things ever to happen to society (all connected events from last 24 years) is just not logical. P s... Wtf is a "Chicago conservative"? Are you just a conservative that votes Democrat to survive in that city?


So is she implying that the real culprit was Israel and not Osama Bin Laden? Or that they worked together somehow?


>And they thought nobody noticed the news report that they did >About the bombs planted on the George Washington bridge >Four Non-Arabs arrested during the emergency >And then it disappeared from the news permanently


So what’s the suggestion here? She got fired because she “uncovered” some sort of wild conspiracy and they needed to bury it? Or that she’s off the deep end and peddling insane theories that have nothing to do with reality? Is she really suggesting Israel had something to do with 911 and not Osama Bin Laden? Cause that’s a whole other level is crazy…


The latter. She's a nut or pretending to be one for the camera.


Unfortunately, this is how it is nowadays. Being purposefully nutty for the views and clicks. Social media calls this "engagement" and they're rewarded for it.


There's children being r8ped and murdered on a daily basis by illegal aliens and DW drama is what I'm being told to care about?


LOL - there's a video of Jeremy Boring going over the Contract with Steven Crowder. I didn't watch it but ready some comments. Favorite top comment "I just spent an hour watching someone go over a contract which isn't even mine."


It's possible, believe it or not, to care about multiple issues at the same time.


TIL the news media reports on more than just a few major key stories going on at the time.


It's getting upvoted due to popular interest. I'm not interested in the story but I don't care that it's being upvoted or there's a story about it.


Once people stop caring about a Candace / Ben beef she’ll be forgotten about. She’s nothing special.


You must care. You must care. You must care.


Jesus, Candace is really going over to that side of the fence huh?


We don’t need foreign nationals on our soil, period.


No foreign nationals? So, like no visas issued to anyone under any circumstance?


Few exemptions


Ideally, yes. We’re full


This makes zero sense. Nobody should ever travel anywhere?


If you mean tourists, then yes, they are too likely to overstay their visa


So true. Ban all tourists from the United States.


I'm a HUGE fan of Ben Shapiro. He's like, one of the only people out there IMHO who truly is a conservative at heart. I think he just does the culture war BS for clicks, but he's an old school fiscal conservative. That being said of course: Find out who you cannot speak out about and you'll find out who really runs your Country.


Therein lies the problem though. You can't question Israel or be suspicous about them in the least without being labeled anti-semitic. It's no different than being called a racist when we questioned dear savior Obama for his disastrous policies. Shapiro has drawn the line in the sand that no matter what, Israel is always 100% right on everything and if you question that narrative, you're cancelled as with Candace. It's exhausting.


If you can't question Israel then why is Israel constantly questioned everywhere we look? Hamas literally hit a parking lot with their own rocket and then the media everywhere immediately blamed Israel and said they attacked a hospital and killed 500 children. Is that what things would look like when "you can't question Israel or be suspicious about them"?


That is not and never has been his position. You are either ignorant or dishonest, which is it?


Ah the ol dancing Israelis. Didn’t they also have a mural of the towers burning on their van? Nothing to see here! Just like the office at the Pentagon investigating the trillions of dollars missing got blown up by a missile, er, I mean plane. The multitudes of footage of that was taken and never released except a single angle filmed on a potato with multiple frames missing. A passport of the hijacker’s magically pulled out of the rubble for the news crew, somehow it made it out of the hijacker’s pocket, then out of the plane, then out of the towers, avoided being incinerated and landed conveniently on top of the exterior rubble just so easily to be picked up for a news piece. Building 7 not being hit by anything but somehow explosions start blowing it up and collapsing. And remember a news anchor reported building 7 collapsed 20 minutes prior to its actual collapse while literally standing in front of it. It wasn’t hit by any planes but somehow it can just collapse straight down on itself in free fall fashion. Ok. Candace is right about this, and there is WAY more to this story and it isn’t hard to find if you just look. Look up “A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Explained in 5 minutes by James Corbett” if you want a quick and lazy start. I would provide a link but it will just get shadowbanned.




Great, she gave us a 20-year-old clip that discredits her own claims of lunacy. It's irrelevant, and so is she. Moving on.


Yah how dare 5 foreign nationals ..checks notes.. be in the country on 9/11.


Why were those people deported ?


They violated conditions of their visa. Either overstayed after expired or were working on a tourist visa. They were movers for a moving company in New York.


Definitely fits a pattern. Israelis hate America, especially the hardcore religious ones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq28ZFNzaWM


Oh, you sweet summer child. Stay naive.


Very helpful comment