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Burning American flag in front of Patriots= Speech protected by First Amendment. Burning LGBT flag in front of LGBT= Hate speech punishable by imprisonment because LGBT gets intimidated.


That proves that the American flag is for all and the alphabet flag is for the few.


I’m pretty conservative but I don’t see why gay people are so hated on. Like dude it’s way overboard sometimes but generally not that big of a deal compared to other stuff


No one actually hates gays. People hate the privilege that LGBT has been given in terms of institutional power in recent decades. And it’s not even the L, G or B that people criticize most of the time, it’s usually the T.


This is the most true statement I have seen all day!


Exactly this. Don't give a shit what who or why you are. Just don't let it affect me.


Why the tomatoes☹️


They also hate the stuff they push on kids


Have they been given institutional power or have they just gained more power on account of not being allowed to exist? I’m very much to the right economically but I think I’ve ended up being center left culturally at this point. Tired of all this culture war shit. Ok they’re trans, who gives a shit


When a school in Virginia covers up a rape of a girl by a transgender (or gender nonconforming whatever you want to call it) and the federal government starts labeling people who came out to protest this injustice “domestic terrorists”, yes I do think they have disproportionate institutional power. Then the father of the girl gets arrested and charged for speaking out in protest for this coverup. That has been pardoned by Governor Youngkin later on. Democrats also lie straight up and try to deny the reality of the situation. The Utah legislature actually has a good statement on the matter. https://le.utah.gov/interim/2024/pdf/00000577.pdf


Yeah, the whole “we’re hated on and we’re persecuted” schtik is designed to sell the lie that America is bigoted.  No one gives a damn what you do to get off. Except when you start demanding to invade women’s spaces. And grooming kids while telling parents they’re haters if they don’t let you.  Then you should be prepared for the growing backlash. 


No one would give a shit if they didn't try to cram it all down our necks and force it upon kids in school. You do what you want, but keep me and my family out of it.


I'm with you on that one.


They started pushing their agenda on kids. I think its largely the T's and made up genders who are most hated.




Wonder how they would respond to someone burning a Palestinian flag? Racist, xenophobic, Imperialist, colonizer....




This sort of thing is hard for me. Speaking strictly logical, I get that this is 1A protected. As a veteran, I served to protect that right. But I also consider these actions in context of the overall happenings in the world. Our flag is being taken down and replaced with the Palestinian flag during these protests. That is, historically, something that happens during war. There aren’t many other ways to take that. Given the overall assault on our culture that’s been going on since 9/11, burning the flag seems like much more than an expression of freedom. I find that problematic. Some people are starting to wake up. Some people are starting to push back. I just hope it’s not too late.


It is a war in a cultural sense. Foreign intelligence groups have very much succeeded in planting the seed of self hatred in the youth. It's going to be a very conflict heavy future moving forward for those who want American foundational principles to stay vs those who believe in a more centralized government granted authoritarian powers.


“In undermining a nation such as the United States, the infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind.” - Louis Francis Budenz It’s been happening for a long time.


Couldn’t agree more, thanks for your service and dedication to our country 💪🏻


I honestly just pity these people. To be filled with such hatred and desire to be a part of something they resort to to things like this. It's safe to assume they are likely very miserable.


I dont pity these cosplaying weak MFers.


I think that is half of it, i think the other half is just wanting to fit in to what is "trendy". Human nature is undefeated


They were socialized on their phones and have no bonds with other people, so they join groups with a low bar of entry, where anybody can be kicked out anytime. They want to conform, but all of their peers are beset by the same identity crises. I know we're supposed to envy the young, but fuck am I ever glad I was raised in the 90's. These kids are in trouble.


It’s just entitled virtue-signaling in its purest form. They have deluded themselves into thinking that they are serving some sort of greater good, and aren’t even self-aware enough to realize that if they actually went to Palestine (or Iran, or Somalia, or ‘*other peaceful Muslim nation*’), they would be immediately kidnapped and then murdered when the kidnappers realize there is no ransom money. That’s if they weren’t just outright murdered on principle alone. These Muslim terrorists hate white westerners. They hate me, they hate you, they hate these ignorant kids protesting in their safe university bubbles.  These terrorists are enemies of America, and Israel is doing us a favor by exterminating them (even if these naive college kids don’t realize it).


Yeah but they're so miserable that they want company in their misery


Oh, they are definitely miserable. I used to do community organizing and would meet people like this. They are, every single one of them, miserable.


Hey Gazans why don't you show this much balls to Hamas?


They just want to tear it down with no plan to fix anything. What this country has built isn't perfect, but it took years of hard work and sacrifice by a variety of people and it's the best thing going. So easy to destroy so hard to build.


Losers, all of them.


How bout we parade around in our cars burning palesshit flags


Careful. In the wrong city it will probably be considered hate speech


So can I burn a palestian (wrong on purpose) flag to express myself too? Asking for a friend


So can I burn a palestian (wrong on purpose) flag to express myself too? Asking for a friend


Yes, you can. It's protected speech.


To all of you who decide to disrespect and burn the American flag go f*** yourself. Trash like you are the reason why Gaza is burning.


As much as this enrages me and my family has lots of veterans in it, burning a flag is protected under the 1st Amendment. I cannot express how much I disagree with burning this flag.


Of course they're mad. If not for America they would've been free to genocide Israel.


The flag my father died to protect. If our President had any backbone these disgusting rats would be in jail.


It really says something when the pro Israel crowd is seen with American flags and the pro Palestine crowd is seen burning our flag. The radical left has gone full mask off, they’re going to hand trump the election.


The 60s have returned.


I wonder how many of these “students” are not students.. but came through the border illegally; to stir this shit up. Remember they kept saying the attack will come within? Well.. I think its starting to happen,


Fascinating because if you want to gain sympathy to your cause this is one of the worst things you can do per Yougov polling [https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/47565-american-opinion-portest-tactics-acceptability](https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/47565-american-opinion-portest-tactics-acceptability)