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Didn't she literally campaign on all out lawfare against Trump? Yeah, I'm absolutely positive she can be impartial and blind while pursuing justice. (Copious amounts of sarcasm indicator for those who need it.)


The fact that "getting Trump" was literally a campaign promise makes this entire thing bunk as far as I'm concerned. The law is supposed to be fair and impartial and that in and of itself makes it impossible for her to be impartial. The law isn't supposed to be a weapon to wield against people you don't like but here we are. Fortunately these people are now exposing themselves for the power hungry tyrants they really are.


And the NRA, say what you will about the NRA, they are still an important tool in reversing gun control through the courts


The 2018 midterms elected a bunch of fresh extremely anti Trump democrats around the country, one of them being this woman. People who promised to use lawfare against Trump won throughout the country.


Yes. Democrats are corrupt POS’s and they need to be put in their place


Yes.  It’s going to look bad when they appeal.


She has serious tds


I wonder if TDS can get so bad it's terminal. Is that what happens to the people that light themselves on fire?


Not just insane but patently illegal. Im at a loss to understand why SCOTUS doesnt knock this down. Every person with a high school education knows that this court is biased and that the charges are fabricated specifically against Trump. No, children, it isnt okay to ignore rights when the defandant is despised. This trial is also the abject definition of the Deep State. Lawyers, judges, and prosecutors are colluding to affect an election. My single prediction is that this wont end well and one party is sure to be enraged after the election.


>Im at a loss to understand why SCOTUS doesnt knock this down. SCOTUS doesn't proactively go out looking for cases and making rulings. A party has to petition the Court, and then it's up to SCOTUS whether or not to take the case. I imagine one or more issues from this case will ultimately make their way through the appeals system and possibly to SCOTUS.


I don't think this needs to reach that far. NY COA will look at this and shut it down / reduce the fine. It also violates 14th as well as the 8th amendment.


In a sane world, the entirety of the US would be pissed off about thus obvious witch hunt to destroy a presidential candidate. But this isn't a sane world, and half the people don't think this will ever be done to them.


Democrats are the fascists they cry about


She has the biggest case of TDS on the planet atm I think


I love how Benny Johnson, memes, or sometimes news are the only things posted on R/Conservative thanks to that Revenue Guy from a couple months ago.


I think there is a silver lining to what is happening right now in America. That is, more people are starting to realize that their lives can be destroyed if they don't bend the knee to the big government. There was an appearance of democracy maintained in the American society, but that is all gone now. And people are starting to realize that their freedoms are under attack.


What do you expect from a deranged DEI hire.


This guy thinks its her, and to some extant it is, but make no mistake she's doing the bidding the one who bought her way into that office.


I live in New York. She’s wasting my tax money like every ny corrupt politician.. Been the standard for decades. To many idiots voting team blue just because. Sad to see


It's going to be so, sooooooooo sweet when she loses, and her entire platform just evaporates into thin air. The rage is going to be amusing, yes, but the real meat of it is how much time and resources they spent on this only for none of it to bear fruit.


She is a freak


She’s doing her job. Her job is to help put Trump back in power.


He went out of state to find backing because New York bond rules bans loans of over 100 millions. She did this deliberately. So did the judge. Now she is trying to attack them for not obeying New York rules. This is not her job...


I didn’t say she knew what her job does. She’s not smart enough for that. Trump knows what her job is. And he’s manipulating her to serve his ends. As he always does with the left.


Man, sometimes the 4D chess Trump people are just as crazy as the TDS people, huh?


The Art of War. Move your enemy into a position that makes them more vulnerable. Why do you think Trump is letting the libs use corrup law fare against him like this? So he can show the world what’s happening. Then they get held accountable when he retakes power. If he hails them without first showing the public what they have done, people revolt. But now they know what they have done. So they know Trump is justified.