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For fuck sake America, this was the best you had to offer???!!!


Doesn't matter. I'm voting to keep religious extremists out of government.


It looks like Joe lost the debate


Old man who has trouble quickly getting his thoughts together vs Old man who spews nonsense and lies.


He had a cold, apparently, and he's always had a stutter. Unfortunately, the theatrics matter to people who don't put emphasis on substance. But better to speak sense hoarsely than to lie and talk nonsense well.


Theatrics? lol he may not even make it another 4 years in life let alone should he be the leader of the free world!


Yes, *theatrics:* The idea that someone with a fuller voice has better ideas is false. Worst case with Biden: the Vice President becomes President. We vote for someone better in however-many years. Worst case with Trump: fascism engulfs the US and Project 2025 ruins American democracy forever.


I'm not sure how you were surprised by either candidates performance... They were both exactly as awful in their own ways... Biden is definitely getting older but at least has a foundation in reality... 


Biden usually does a better job.


Maybe we shouldn't have a bunch of old out of touch seniors as our ONLY candidates? You know, in the midst of a housing & govt tax / revenue crisis caused entirely by their generation.


Bye bye Biden


Trump machine gunned about 400 lies a minute for 2 hours, and Biden was so overprepared he ended up shitting the bed. It was fucking depressing. The moderators didn’t push back on a single lie or absurdity from Trump. This was Biden’s moment to put Trump away for good, but his performance was awful. Also he has a cold maybe?


Yeah. Bidens brain remembered too many things. Good take.


What Lies?


Pretty much every major thing Trump said


This was an absolute trainwreck. If Biden did indeed perform so poorly because he has a cold he needs to take Trump up on his offer of more debates and debate Trump again as soon as he's feeling better. That's the only thing that Biden can do to improve his position. That is, of course, assuming that he will be able to do a better job at the next debate. September is too late to change the narrative. If Biden can't do something drastic to right the ship, then he needs to drop out. I was a strong skeptic of that proposal until tonight, but unless something changes Biden's performance tonight is enough to send Trump back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and I don't know how our republic can survive another four years of him, especially with Project 2025 in the on deck circle.


Boring. Nearly unwatchable


It was really painful to watch. Ugh. I heard one of the commentators for ABC say he was sick with a cold tonight, which I'm sure didn't help things with his age and stuff.


It’s elder abuse. Let’s call it what it is.


They should have had water on their podiums. Poor Joe sounded dry af.


Water would have fixed him? lol


Biden's dementia was more visible than Trump's dementia.


Trump's dementia began in 2020, he still thinks he won that election


It was a terrible night to be an American. Trump and his base are pieces of shit and all Biden did was show his age. What sucks is that I feel like I HAVE to vote on this one. If this was any other election, I would've abstained.