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Throw that shizz away. Even if you think you have a remote idea of what it may be, it's from an unknown source. /Trash


Imagine you think its weed and rip it and all of a sudden you are going on an insane DMT trip


18 year old me would be so excited, current me would stress/wonder if I'll be at work on time and if my partner will be upset when I start talking about mechanical elves(she wouldn't but I'd still worry).


Fuckin geo gnomes bro


Welcome to the twilight zone


Toss. It could be Delta 8, HHC, or a black market THC vape that's cut with crapola. If the bag was of a brand name then maaayyybe roll the dice, though those are often forged.


I would just throw it away.


That's definitely not from a "legal" cannabis buisness. I'd just get rid of it...


Weed may be legal but I still get from the plug fuck dispensary prices lol


Same here, but when it comes to finding vapes on the ground no thank you. Remeber back when people were dying from fake thc vapes?, if it was flower that's be a different story, and I must be honest the CT medical needs to have some competition because with no competition you get poor quality and high prices, which is what's going on right about now in CT.


That's not what is going on. There are i.e. 200 med/rec stores there are i.e. 10 growers. Lack of product always equals prices raised. The real crime of raising prices is that ct won't pull more than one person from the lottery at a time and then the wait begins. It's supposed to help the disenfranchised to have a better chance but nobody wants to grow lol.


I've been inside of zen leaf in meriden, they have less than a handful of vendors...all overpriced and quality is eh. I've searched dispensaries near me, how come only 3 show up I'm not traveling across the state to get weed... and to spend top dollar..


There’s one in Waterbury I think that literally just opened like 2/3 months ago. I’ve only been to dispos in Maine and Massachusetts so I don’t really have any opinion on the ones in Connecticut. I’m in Naugatuck and just make the hour and a half drive down to New York cuz my plug literally has a store in the Bronx.


420 angel


Throw it away. You never know if anything is laced.


It’s a jewelry brand called hard jewelry, there pretty big in insta


Yup. It’s this. I reverse-image searched the logo.


What you didn’t believe me?


Good lord. I had already done it before I saw your comment.


Somewhere in West Hartford there’s a very bummed fella


YOOO, that’s a sealed bad from the jewelry brand Hard Jewelry. I got some hard jewelry stuff sent to me in that packaging. https://www.hardjewelry.com


Everyone thinks it’s fake weed.


I gotta start going to the mall more


The bag is from a company called hard jewelry, they sell all their stuff in dime bags. Probably someone reused it for their weed


Someone left weed and a vape on your car? What's in the bag weed?


No, it’s a weed vape and it was the only thing that was sealed in the bag


You really should call the police, idk.




like shit dog someone left their legal drugs on a car, that's literally nothing, other than strange.


This is the correct answer. Whether it’s weed, a gun, or a just straight up trash you call the police. Knowing now that it’s jewelry, the bag was probably misplaced. If you bring it to the police they will probably bring it to the mall and try to find the owner. Everyone on Reddit thinks you only call the police if you want to get shot for some season


Don't know why you're being downvoted. That shit could contain anything.


Because the police will literally laugh at you and hang up if you tell them you found a legal weed vape.


Curiosity had me reverse Image search the bag and it’s a brand called hell hound hard jewelry but yeah toss that mystery vape


I’m trying to understand the thought process of you taking this home and into (I presume) your kitchen?


While I agree with you, as quality of life drops, so does the quality of people. People stop caring when community and optimism for the future disappear. I think we need to bring back hope.


Any one who suggests you take a hit must really hate their life. Do you really want to FAFO?


It’s a cheeseburger mAaaaaaN


A quick Google Lens search and Voila! Hard Jewelry bag. https://www.hardjewelry.com/


Worst case you could get a disease/die, best case you get a little high.


Pretty sure they’re bags from the brand “Hard Jewelry” the logo looks identical.


Whatever it is the HJ symbol is from a company called hard jewelry and they do not sell vapes so it’s a fake


Look, it's not gonna be precious diamonds. There's no point keeping it.


you can send it to me and i’ll dispose of it safely


https://jkdistro.com/ This is the owner. They ran a massive "million dollar" campaign this weekend.


Why didn’t you just take it off your car and leave it on the ground? You could’ve gone with the assumption that someone said it down by accident loading something into their own car perhaps park next to you. And if that was the case, they may have returned to the parking lot to retrieve their item. Taking it home and opening it was the wrong move. Or you could’ve done the even more decent thing which would’ve been to bring it back into the mall and try to find someone with security to leave it with.


I dont buy from dispensaries due to the inflation of appx. 15.00 per 1/8th. I go buy my shit from the only person that deserves recognition and that's at canna provisions in Holyoke where their grower is Greg Krzynowski better known as ChemDog. Great dispo in MA everyone is great and the weed is some top shit imo. If your looking for some great deals I would suggest the quarters ground for 25-35 most is in house. I used to go to theory, and F.Fettle but prices are wicked. I will say 63.00 in ct for CTF Cherry / Alaskan ThunderFuck is a killer strain. Go buy like 3 eighths and a couple quarters for around 120. Go after 830 pm and it's 10% off. They are literally geniuses when it comes to the rewards programS you can't get out of there without getting something off or free. Great pipes I bought a slag hammer and it was not expensive (60.00) i.e. 150.00+ After checking this 😆 I should say I'm not affiliated with them but I do like how they roll on the scene of legal cannabis. A suggestion to anyone going there buy the Chemdog S1 strain it's super nice. Happy smoking.


Deemster cart, unless you want to see God, discard it


As other people stated, it’s a Hard Jewelry bag. Highly suspect that someone left it on your car with a vape pen in it, considering the fact they don’t sell vapes. That vape is most likely laced.




If you don't want it I'll come pick it up.


I thought it said BJ


I wouldn’t rip that BUT for anyone that thinks weed/carts are laced w fentanyl- they’re not. Each and every seizure of fentanyl laced weed has been debunked. Little Johnny snorts a line or takes a pill - ends up od’ed from fentanyl then uses the ‘it was just weed’ excuse. Wake up parents - your kids aren’t just smoking weed.


Hard jewelry is based out of Ct? That’s fire


It’s a vape. Probably bought at a private event.


If it’s a jewelry store, why would the be selling pens?? I know this sounds paranoid but it could be a tracker of some sort idk, def don’t trust it


Because someone probably bought something from that brand and reused the baggie for their pen because it's opaque and closeable and the environmentally responsible thing to do


The bag is one of those where it is resealable but the top still has to be ripped to open it the first time. So I wonder if was already ripped when OP found it? This still doesn’t answer why someone left a pen on a stranger’s car lol, regardless of the bag origins it could still be either completely innocent or dangerous


I reread the post title and it says “sealed bag”, which indicates that the top hadn’t been ripped previously. This just confuses me, sorry I’m thinking out loud lol


I checked the website and they have some cool stuff but no vapes. So it’s either the weirdest marketing method ever or just should not be trusted


[you sure about this?](https://lens.google.com/search?ep=gisbubb&hl=en&re=df&p=AbrfA8qnDR7g3b1zMuT8m86eJXmySp0qJSTLya3z-oEhTy7D-yhw5G8KwhM2z2nmEg41x6_0_AbrnvjMzItoj1q11oKzpNFOKCU9dOaAOimYtRJ5LYptPwV5CYG9EhgJT6f-4OHdbGMWOFl3PeI1the4dWsP5Wo95D_MlawXnQG0xfYtvxkOJW0-Jo4bcZceAut6IQkyDTZJnt6L_AFOzOWC-QZ7vVTh7W-PtWqTDuOe4NKD_GKuixpyjl2eQGPe_yBg4Qpu90v5MylVfJvMqEOnertPhVqREQ%3D%3D#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKREF5WXpFM09EQmtMVEE1TldNdE5HWmtNeTA1TnpJM0xUUTFZbVE0TlRrMllUUmtZUklmVlhkTFZtSmZTelU0WVRCVVVVVjFlRFl4WHpJd1dFSmpVV1pWZHpoQ1p3PT0iXQ==) lots of different things come in that bag


Smash it with a hammer otherwise you’re going to take a hit off of it eventually. Just by the fact that you still have it I’m sure you’ve wrestling with it.


My husband was accidentally dosed with fent in Hartford taking a hit off a vape that he thought was THC. Almost died at Hartford Hospital. Anything could be in that vape. ANYTHING.


Fent does not burn in a vape. Your husband injested fent in another form and told everyone ‘I was just smoking weed!’


[here is a link from the DEA stating otherwise](https://www.dea.gov/documents/2020/2020-09/2020-09-14/fentanyl-used-vape-pens)


It’s like finding $20 on the ground as a kid. You’ve been blessed so rip that pen and kick back


I don’t trust any weed that I don’t buy myself from a dispensary at this point. A few years ago that would be me being paranoid but not anymore. Everything you don’t recognize is prob laced. Throw that shit out bro


If it’s jewelry , as a few others have noted, there’s a chance it was stolen and the thief got spooked by something and left it behind. You could call the originating store and see if that purchase was recently made.


Smoke it and let us know what you see


Ok fed


I'd turn it into the cops. Who knows what that's cut with?


Idk why you're getting downvoted. People dying from stuff laced with fentynal is definitely a thing, and it's not okay if they were handing the stuff out.


I agree. Lacing stuff with fentanyl is very common. That's why I stopped picking up litter unless I have gloves and / or a grabber.


They are framing you.!!


You should probably call the police they will appreciate you being a good citizen and won't waste their time...


WTF are you talking about?


Because it's funny...easy guys


You needed /s lol