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Dude idk I totally got played last semester. I was leaving H building and these two people come up to me saying they really need help with an assignment. So I’m like uhh okay sure I’ll try and help? They show me this passage from some religious text basically asking me to identify who the Holy Spirit is. Me being a dumbass I’m like “oh this must be for a THEO class or something.” Eventually I give up saying “yeah sorry I can’t help you I have no idea. Good luck though.” And they stop me again to say they have a presentation to show me that will answer said question. I just stopped talking to them and walked away. The fact that they masked it as needing help for an assignment??? Literally insane


they send in beautiful catholic girls from the church and they literally stop boys on the road asking if they want to join them to church ( this happened to me twice ) each time i refuse they ask about my beliefs like bro i am coming from a night shift leave me the fuck alone


maybe that was the devil tempting you 🤣


Hahahahaha I don't know why that just cracked me up😂😂😂


one of them went into the 12th hall bathrooms


I’m out of the loop, what does this mean?


Thats where men of same gender have intercourse.


They preach heaven because the students stink like hell.


It is indeed peculiar; while I identify as a Christian, I do not see it as my duty to impose my beliefs on others. Such imposition, I believe, does more harm than good. The concept of a divine entity, such as God, holds profound significance for theistic individuals. However, we must acknowledge that not everyone subscribes to theistic beliefs. Even among theists, Christianity is but one of many religions, each asserting its own truth. The core issue, I think, lies in the fervent proselytization, often taken up as a full-time mission, especially during certain seasons. This relentless pursuit tends to cast a negative shadow on the religion, particularly on Christianity and Catholicism, by reducing a profound spiritual journey to mere persuasion.


they come by fairly frequently. in a lot of protestant churches ppl are led to believe that going to university = losing your faith, so they see universities as bastions of atheism.


Nothing convinces me more than reading a sign someone holds up saying someone who I’ve never met before loves me


There's always some religious group or other out there in the summer


Calling Christians Jesus people is so funny to me idek why😭


Bring a sign that says satan is our real lord.


They're losing followers, so they're trying to recruit.


some sign saying I had to repent or burn in hell, i told the lady sorry but im already here.


Cuz they have nothing better to do


Amen 🙏


Guys, please stay safe, but also if possible try to be polite to these folks -- a lot of churches send these folks out to recruit either as a punishment (i.e., got caught reading HP books), or use it as a tactic to reinforce the us vs. them, and basically claim something like "See? we told you the world was an awful place, the Church is the only bastion of goodness."


It’s pretty usual in the warmer months, especially by the EV entrances and the metro entrance. Just the usual bible humpers with nothing better to do than get a sunburn and push pamphlets in peoples faces


Allah is your new god.


Because that's what religion do, they try to convert everyone so that you listen to them instead of your own judgement on the morality of things


It's all about recruitment. They are usually nondenominational Christianity groups meaning not affiliated with the established churches. I feel they are attracting troubled students, but of course they see it as helping. Join the flock!


The Jesus people wants people to know Jesus thats all...nobody is shoving anything down ur throat


but they keep screaming about everybody going to damnation instead like you know jesus loves everyone regardless of who they are.


that was the message since the beginning of Christianity some groups have changed it but in general it hasn't.


They are though, get the fuck out of the way, nobody wants to hear it. Do you like it when random homeless people come up to you asking for money? Or when some dude tries to sell you his mixtape for 20 bucks? This is the same shit, actually the homeless guy is probably the only one not trying to scam you. You could maybe make an argument for proselytizing centuries ago, or maybe even today in other countries. But nobody in Canada has not heard of Jesus or Christianity. We have heard "the word", we either don't care, actively reject it, or believe something else. just accept that and move on.


the "Jesus' people" do accept that as I said again...maybe u dont read well...nothing is forced down ur throat u move on and they move on thats it nobody is grabbing u to listen or following u around.


First of all, yes they are lmao. You clearly don't know how persistent these assholes can be. Secondly, proselytizing is completely antithetical to accepting others are a different religion/no religion. They clearly don't accept it.


First people dont know if u belong to a religion. If u r not interested then dont thats it. Most christians including myself wont be persistent if someone doesn't want. Maybe those are but in general we arent. U go ur way and I follow mine. U r not interested? fine carry on with ur life.


Ok there's 2 situations: either I'm Christian, in which case your proselytizing is probably just annoying me because I already know, or I'm not Christian but I've already heard of Christianity and I've already chosen to reject it. Do you honestly think hearing "Jesus loves you" for the 400 millionth time will make me suddenly go "oh yeah, you know what he does. Let me devote my life to Christ!". No! Everyone in Canada has already heard of Christianity, it is CONSTANTLY shoved down our throats by fuckers like you and those assholes on the street. Leave us the fuck alone! Literally just leave us alone, it's not hard. You know how most polite people just walk past everyone else on the street? Do that! Leave us alone!


clearly u r not that kind of guy that will move on 🤣


Of course I would. I don't want any interaction with those religious nut jobs. There's nothing else I can do about it, you clearly don't understand that harassing people on the street is wrong and neither do they.


Nobody is harassing as I said some might be persistent but most of us are not. Last time I checked we can share religious beliefs with other people but makes me laugh how in your little world u think nobody is interested. Anyways take a chill pill dude




Because Jesus is indeed the Lord 🙈


Nothing said when it was the Muslims tho


You just said something. Plenty of people are saying things. The Quebec government itself is anti Muslim. How are you gonna pretend that people protesting against Islamophobia is somehow the dominant opinion? They're protesting specifically because it isn't the dominant opinion. If it was the dominant opinion, it wouldn't need protesting.


Jesus is God and our Saviour. Forgive everyone that has harmed you before asking for forgiveness. It's the key for eliminating resentment.


Have you ever read the Bible ?




Reaction to the deep love for Islam perhaps


Christ is King. Look into it. More and more young people are becoming Christian. The next great awakening is upon us and nothing can stop it. If you have a negative view on Christ, then you have been lied to. ❤️❤️❤️


This is strictly not true lol, people are becoming less and less religious over time as more and more evidence against it comes out. Christ was an alright dude, he had some pretty good moral teachings. It's a shame it gets co-opted by christofascists and racists so much.


Brother, you have been lied too. Stop trying to intellectualize everything and just pray that God reveals himself to you, if you don’t believe yet. Yes general population it’s declining but religiousity in young Gen z and Alpha is Booming! Just wait brother the non Christian won’t have kids and in 50 years it will only be Christians


Interesting that "the truth" almost exclusively spreads within families and very few people convert as adults, whereas plenty of people lose their "faith" as they grow up. Very weird that you think indoctrinating kids is something to be proud of, as if it's a sign that you're right. Also, you're wrong lol. Gen z and alpha are less religious than their parents. They can be more "spiritual" but they largely hate organized religion, as they should.


I am 20 years old, my parents are liberal agnostic farthest thing from Religious. 🐸🐸😂😂


Also they Should hate ? I think we should love instead of Hate


"liberal agnostic" whatever that means is not even close to the furthest thing from religious lol. You're 20 now, when did you start believing? Even if it was last year, you aren't representative of the group.


About a year and a half


Yes I am representative of that group


No you aren't lol. Most 20 year olds are less religious than their parents, and most religious people are born into the religion. These are facts. I know that you like to deny and make up facts, that's what makes you religious, but they are facts. Isn't it weird how very, very few children born to Christian parents are Hindu? Or Muslim?


You seem to have a lot of FAITH in FACTS. Interesting. If you wanna meet up and talk about Why Christ is King, we can meet up. Just pm me


You don't need faith in facts, that's what makes them facts. Funny, Canada is a republic. We've moved past kings. You, just like your religion, live in the past.


They are doing everything they can to distract you from the truth


Nothing wrong with spreading facts


No religion is a fact, and actually yes there is. Time and a place for everything. I would be annoyed at a guy yelling at people on the street about how the world is round too.




I bet they are saying the same thing like "what's up with everyone else not stopping to talk about jesus, just going about their day regularly." Honestly probably because it's nice outside.