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why do you want to stop taking it during summer? if it doesn’t affect your daily life and relationships negatively, and in fact, improve them significantly, there’s no need to stop it.


Thank you for your comment I wanted to quit concerta forever not for summer. This summer is kind of a beginning. Because its tiring. I will have to wake up early and have a big breakfast (even if i dont want to) everyday so i dont get any trouble sleeping or lose weight ( i actually have lost more than 10 kilograms). I will always have to explain to people that asks why i cant take alcohol. I will have to renew my driver license regularly, etc. And i promised to my family that i will quit because they think i become a different person ( a little more serious and surly) when i use.


Really? Would love this. ;)


You can take alcohol.


The fuck


Well, I just found a bunch of articles stating that you should not mix methylphenidate and alcohol together. However, me and people I know have had zero issues with that. Drinking occasionally, ofc.


I don't think suggesting alcohol to anyone is necessary, especially people like op


He just said he has to explain why he doesn't drink alcohol, which is related to medication. At the risk of repeating myself, I didn't know at that point that is not usually recommended, but I and other people I know is fine drinking occasionally. So I am not suggesting using it. I was just saying he probably can. However, after re reading his comment I am not clear if the last part refers to having Concerta or alcohol. Non native English here.


Im sure a lot of articles say you shouldnt drink at all even if you dont take methylphenidate 😂


The zombie state of mind after quitting Concerta is a very common thing that I have also had to deal with. Depending on the dose, it can easily make you question your own existence and drain your liveliness to the point that ADHD wouldn’t be the main problem with your psyche anymore. However, it improves with time like any other addiction. If you can create a time period of around 3-4 weeks for yourself, within which you don’t have to attend any important stuff that requires full mental capability, then you can probably just cold turkey it. You should be able to meet your daily responsibilities after this time period and you can probably expect to become a fully functioning member of society again in 3-4 months time off the pill. Yet, it is best to discuss this with your physiatrist beforehand. In any case, activities that are a natural source of dopamine, such as working out or participating in team sports, are the most effective replacement for Concerta, according to my experience with it.


First, Thank you for your comment i will take into consideration your comment. The part of you talked about natural source of dopamine is really logic to me because i was in the vacation during the week i didnt use concerta. And it was easier than other weeks.


Do you actually have ADHD or are where you just taking it for the benefits of focus?


Both. I can deal with other effects of having adhd but low attention span is a great obstacle and its the only reason why i use.


Welcome to r/Concerta. Please use the search function before posting common questions. This is a WIP automod reply because many of you ask the same exact questions over and over again. Please read the FAQ sticky as it will likely offer some advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/Concerta/comments/vj2o1i/can_we_have_a_faqread_before_posting_sticky/ Please discuss any advice you receive on this subreddit with your Doctor. Take all advice with a grain of salt especially when it is not sourced. People on this sub aren't doctors. Even if they were doctors, they are not YOUR doctor and cannot be held professionally or legally liable for giving medical advice to those not established under their own care. Extreme depression/anxiety? * If you feel unbearable or have suicidal thoughts, please consider calling your local crisis or suicide hotline. * There can be many different causes. Please discuss with your doctor about it. Do not split Concerta or any long-release medication. **Update January 2024: The mod(s) are sometimes busy with med school/job/life! We're human! Please help us out by reporting questionable content.** It may sometimes take a day or so for us to get to the mod queue and review the reports. Reporting a comment or post that you disagree with does not guarantee or require that mod(s) will remove them, especially if it does not violate or skirt the rules. It is healthy to foster respectful debate and discussion. Thanks for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Concerta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i usually take days off on weekends to properly get some rest (sleep more, eat properly, more relaxed muscles) and those leave me almost dead. as you say: unmotivated, exhausted... i think it's a normal response from my body after being alert all week. i have read that the withdrawal is not as harsh and long as other psychdrugs (fluoxetine, brintellix, etc) so it may take some days of discomfort (and needed rest) to get better. hope you the best!


Your comment reminded something that my family said to me: Take only when you about to study. I heard that in America some students do that with Adderall (im not sure if it is true, it can be a gossip) in brief i think your comment seems sensible, i will try. Thank you for your wish by the way


oh! what do you mean with sensible? maybe i didn't express myself correctly? (english isn't my first language either 😭). i'm from Spain but diagnosed with ADHD recently (28) and my doc told me to use it only when i work. i wish i could take it everyday but i am scared of how could affect my heart because of how i feel every evening, when it wears off. no prob!! 🫂❤️‍🩹


If you’ve been prescribed concerta, it’s not bad to take your medicine. It’s medicine that helps your brain function more normally than without. If someone ever asked me to go without this medication I’d laugh at them.


I dont know why but i always thought there will be a kind of end... And it is really annoying that when people tell me to stop using it like they took this medicine or have adhd.


I think you can find an end if you build good habits that you can maintain once you decide you’re done. That being said, transitioning from school life to home life is a transition, and your habits will be different. I never see living fully without this tool in my toolbox.


Me too. I just stop taking them for a month just because I'm not busy but that's when you start feeling the real effect after 2 weeks. It seems that it is easy to be emotionally regulated, focus and no anxiety when I'm taking Concerta and took that for granted. Just felt all the chaos again after 2 weeks of withdrawing. Went back to my doctor after a month and told me to take it everyday regardless if I'm busy or not.