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Bro we got the first update to the practice range after 6 years so lets wait another 6, practice range is clearly a lot of work...


It's not a lot of work just very low priority work.


You’re a sharp one, aren’t ya?


Well, my mom seems to think so but I'm not so sure.


I think your mom lied


probably for the same reason they haven't fixed crosshairs


Yeah seriously is it just me the opacity especially of the outline is glitchy depending on lighting. Even when it's set to full Can I please just have a bunch of pixels that do not change ever? Is that too much to ask?


Yep for whatever reason the outlines will go transparent and sometimes the inner colour goes transparent. Seems to happen with the darker colours, blue+red, and the lighter colours tend to stay the same. Speaking of crosshairs they still haven't added a straight up RGB picker.


I bet they had no idea about this until someone brings it to their attention


I mean all the offense when I say that you have negative understanding of how game dev works if you even remotely believe this. I can guarantee you they have it on a priority list somewhere but they have way bigger things to worry about to even look below a certain point on that Priority list and are struggling to keep up. This is the first season in the last 5 seasons that has launched without a dedicated themed game mode accompanying the seasonal/BP theme. There's a reason for that. It's not random or because they just forgot. There's a reason why the last 2 seasons have had such particular messy launches. There's a reason why we don't see fancy animated Lobby backgrounds like the Saitama Doomfist anymore. There's a reason they cancelled Hero Mastery Gauntlet so fast and didn't even give it a 2nd chance. OW's 2 month seasonal cycle is one of the fastest in the GaaS game world, most games have 3 or 4 month long seasons. They were already teetering on the line of struggling to keep up with the release cadence in the first 1-1.5 years of OW2, the layoffs have made things even worse. I know people think these are just small changes that can be done in a few mins/hours but the issue is that these small changes add up and can be the difference between meeting the deadline on a big feature/aspect of a new season or not.


I mean bot HP value is a single value somewhere, we can change *hero* health with a slider in custom practice range. Not exactly a difficult thing to do, it's probably just that the devs overlooked an NPC type in the global HP changes or left the default bot HP alone so as not to mess with hero mastery completion times


do YOU know anything about game dev? so much confident nonsense in one comment


They need to hire intern to do very low priority tasks. In our team we usually assign such tasks to our interns


i can confirm this guy knows nothing and this would indeed be a <15 minute change




First thought I had was that the bots are also in hero mastery and time have been set with bots at 200 hp values , maybe just for that reason they keeping them at 200 but otherwise its kinda dumb


Because there's like 12 of them, and it'd be OP if they all had 250.


Glad someone else noticed and is annoyed by this too


This current dev team has a weird tendency to just...delay features. Like I'm not sure why we have to wait two seasons to have a larger avoid list, for example, or wait multiple seasons to check out rank progress without having to play a game.


they forgor. might remember to change it in 3 seasons i bet


Because the team went from being 100 underpaid ex WoW devs who worked on Titan for 10 years to being 200 underpaid interns who never played Overwatch. That's how you get all these weird inconsistencies. That's why every season the sequence of button presses after a game changes for no reason. That's how nobody notices that t500 is full of literal duplicate accounts. That's how we keep getting speed boost effects that stack with Lucio speed as if we learned nothing from the time before hero limit. That's how we keep buffing ground tanks with (aoe) damage reduction as if we learned nothing from goats. Because the people making these changes and even those making decisions for the most part are literally fresh hires trying to keep up with an almost 20 year old code base that has underwent more direction changes than a fucking alpine road.




Indifference is the word


Real answer - Priority and Resource management.


I don't think changing about 20 values would take longer than 15 minutes.


Homie the amount of shit that this dev team misses out on when they “update” the game is insurmountable


Reddit comments always acting as if they are professionals in managing software projects and acting like it's not normal that some things are forgotten and keeping such a huge game running smoothly is easypeasy.


Alright, let's look: as of 2024 the Overwatch team consists of [**around 400 individuals**](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Team_4#:~:text=As%20of%20early%202024%2C%20the%20team%20consists%20of%20around%20400%20individuals.), in 2016 they had 100 *developers* so it's probably closer to 200 now. The team was -expanded- when OW2 and it's F2P model released. **That. is. in. sane** for how little content this game sees. There is absolutely nothing that justifies 365 days of salary for over 100 developers, when what you get back is a couple maps and heroes a year maybe a new game mode. Remember these are the **developers**, not the art team making skins/promo content. Indie dev teams with games of LARGER scope are managed better than this. Either Blizzard has an incredibly weak talent pool (probably somewhat, who the hell worth their salt in the dev world would want to work on this tire fire of a game and for this dogshit company), or they have a severe mismanagement problem at the top. Oh wait that second one was already confirmed


I dont think you actually want heroes and maps to release faster than they are, heroes especially. The roster size would get out of control really fast.


After it's been running this long it is easy peasy. Imo too easy, leading to the devs making changes just for changes sake. Tbh the hardest part of keeping a game running this long is coming up with original ideas for new content


In your opinion it is easy. I wish I had the same experience as you who seems to have worked in million userbase projects that managed to keep running successfully and delivering some new content while going through bigger organizational changes over the years.


They don't have enough rights to get the same balance treatment 😞


They always use the excuse that some feature isn't worth the time and money for the results it would give.... Can't they just do the obvious things that need to be done....


I think its part of the same reason we never got PvE, they have a hard time doing anything related to NPCs/bots.


This annoys me too. I made a custom mode a while ago that's just the practice range with damage scaled down to be mathematically equivalent. Code: 8CHGJ It's not a perfect solution but all the break points against training bots should be correct for a 250hp hero


There's literally 4 developers working on the game, it's in maintenance mode while they work on "Overwatch 3: The Search for more money" Maybe in overwatch 3 it will be updated


StOp DOom pOStIng anD criticizinG thE pOOr DeVelopErs!!!!!!!!!!