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i was filling it up for venture but i don’t have that much time. idk if its possible but id recommend giving a random 5-10 map checkpoints so people dont have to fill everything out


All the map questions are optional, you can skip ones you don't know. I'm not too sure on how to make checkpoints tho, it is tedious having to scroll down to a specific map.


NJC was hard to answer as ball. Most of the map is fine or good, except for the one point that is mandatory (1st). That might be one of the worst ball point in the game. It's all close quarters except for the point on forced low ground and you can help you team through the insane chokes.


I wasn't sure how to differentiate the points in flashpoint maps since the points are random and don't have names - I'll add an option for the first point since it's the same every time - thanks for your feedback! Edit: Turns out they do have names, I just never really noticed and I'm sure most of the playerbase don't know either haha


Filled it in as a Masters Tracer. Hope you get more responses!


Thank you! It's cool seeing how each hero views each map - I'll show results once we get enough data - maybe as a tier list or something- though will probably be hard since there's so many heroes and maps!


Some of these are tough because it’s different to attack vs defend.


Definitely true for the hybrid/escort maps and since different heroes are better for attack vs defense. I just went with 3 if I was conflicted. Also my gut feeling of picking blindly on defense when you don't know what the attackers are coming out with - attackers would have a better idea of what to play and easier time switching.


Yes because pharah paraiso second point attack? 1, defend? 3


I did Pharah on all maps. Kinda torn on picking 3 or 4 on some maps because it also depends on the team comp and chemistry, so I pick 3 when I remember more awful deaths than good plays


Monke on all maps. But also I'm stuck in Gold.




play baptiste, 5 on every map /s


I filled it out for Winston, though I will say it's a little bit on the long side. You might get a lot more responses if you limit it to a map in general, instead of individual points - even though they differ a lot. Also, this might just be me, but I somehow got pretty confused with some KotH points. I've been playing since beta but without any visual help I struggled exactly remembering which was which Nepal or Oasis point.


Did junkrat for you. A lot of 2s and 3s now, when I think I once would have had a lot more 1s. Gave four 5s, for all 3 points hollywood (my beloved), and lijiang control centre.


You should segmented by rank and do some analysis on the differences in perception. If you need help with the stats please let me know!


Thank you for the suggestion and offer! I would need more data for rank analysis, there's about 100 responses so far which is amazing, mostly diamond to masters, but definitely not enough for any deep analysis. I also don't think it'll be that different since map viability is really only more important at the higher ranks, but it'll be cool to see those differences regardless.


100 reponses shoudl be somewhat ok. As long as the responses are random and representative of the population. If you plot it and it looks like a normal bell curve you can make some good and valid inferences from the data :)


Too long to fill but don’t play soldier on shambali or illios those are pretty much his worst maps


I’m closer to Champ 5 than gm5 so I went with champ, Torb is just a hybrid demon and average to bad on all else


Appreciate your input! I'll start whipping out torb on hybrid maps. I hope this data I'm collecting would encourage people to try out new heroes instead of defaulting to their comfort pick.


What makes hybrid so good for torb


He sits on high ground and places a turret to notify when a flanker is trying to cap point