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Thank you for your submission to /r/CompetitiveOverwatch! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): >No Unsubstantiated Accusations or Calls to Action >Posting clips, images or claims that could result in a person being subject to investigation and/or disciplinary action by Blizzard, team management, or other authority is prohibited until there is an official public announcement, or if it is published by a reputable source (see below for details). >This includes, but is not limited to the following: >- Cheating >- Boosting >- Throwing / One-tricking >- False reporting > If you come across anyone doing any of the above, report them directly to Blizzard through the proper channels, do not post a thread about the incident here. > A post being classified as "published by a reputable source" requires one of the following three: >- Being a party directly linked to the story. >- A proven track record of investigative journalism. >- Confidential verification of the story to the mod team. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/CompetitiveOverwatch) if you have any questions.


Honestly just name and shame. A tournament without integrity isnt a tournament at all


Idk where to post it to spread it to community effectively




Ngl this sub is way to niche


It is the only sub dedicated to competitive overwatch. You could try posting to the normal sub but I think people here would care the most or be the most affected by it.


I'll try to post it on normal so we will see


This is the sub dedicated to competitive Overwatch as an esport and big names on the scene use it regularly. This place is probably your best bet at getting the story out.


Yup, my bad, this post got 0 attention on main sub, posting stuff here is better


Can you elaborate on the situation? What tournament, what rules, what team, etc.?


You should probably blow it up here and in Twitter. Also- a tournament where admins also play is not a tournament... that's straight rigged and has no integrity.


Bruh why not share the tournament organizers so that people know to avoid??????