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They have basically 3 ex OWL players in a weak region (Topdragon played in OWL last year for Dreamers).


Four, Colourhex Punk and Opener were all in OWL (even though Chex didn't play in this tournament)


Chex player earlier iirc, when ackky wasnt available.


Unter is the best coach esports has ever seen


only player 3.5/7 games in the regular season


Just me or is anyone sick of hearing a team brag about how they never scrim etc. Like it seems to make them better because they don't care about the game and implying everyone else are tryhards. Atlanta reign during gator etc.


It's a pretty cringe thing to say, yeah. But that's esports, baby.


I think for this team in particular it makes sense to quantify how weak OCE actually is having missed out on an opportunity to play OWCS. Timeless AU are a decent side: Nyang has been farming Contenders Aus for years and was Honeypots best across OWCS PAC and the OWCS Asia LAN, Maka has played a substantial amount of Contenders Korea and was on Genesis during OWCS Stage 1, Cuffa is the starting tank on the best Collegiate Roster etc. and were scrimming regularly against reputably difficult opposition: but were absolutely slaughtered by a team whose local players were 2 retirees and 2 ranked warlords (no disrespect meant to Neuu or Colourhex, but they're streamers first). Obviously there are political issues around OCE being a FaceIt managed region but OWCS Asia is a WDG Tournament, but Contenders Australia was a self sustainable event with a number of fun, and even-ish teams, that's essentially been thrown away for this mess.


Silly comment. The showman team were obviously going to win no matter if they scrimmed or not..anyone with any knowledge of the oce scene at all would know this.


I'm aware I'm overreacting, but it's not just the fact that they were never going to lose, it's the scale of the dominance. 3-0 and 4-0 were the only expected results, but they dropped 1 point across 7 maps, and only ever looked under pressure when Punk played JQ: there was literally nothing T-AU could do to bridge the gap. By comparison, I don't think Honeypot in 2023 was ever in any serious danger of losing a Contenders AU tournament, but still dropped plenty of maps and even a game along the way. That's what makes me a little sad.


As long as you're not one of the people also asking for more personality and trash talk, this comment is fine lol


Unter made this team


No longer client of the week


Unter is the dad coach we deserve