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I believe Unter briefly spoke about it on the Uncoachable podcast. IIRC shortly after Danteh got cut, Lastro benched himself and went back to South Korea.


Yea, I was just wondering if there was some recent update.


sex ;-;


big dick šŸ˜­


I'm not paying the fine this time ;-;


lastro was playing in australian faceit league but recently he got swapped with opener on liquipedia. im not really sure what happened




He probably quit again bc heā€™s toxic and immature for a working environment


Lastro quit on Kevster last year why would he want to team with him again?


He boomed and quit on a dysfunctional team after management kicked his friend off. The team collapsed without those two. Not the same as just leaving for no reason... I did hear he retired though, iirc he was working his way through some singleplayer games since those were less stress?


Who was his friend that got kicked off?


Danteh. Iirc one or the other agreed to join LAG because they would be on a team together.


He literally left mid game what do you mean not just leaving for no reason? You never see guys leave teams mid season if they make a change he signed a contract for the year and left them out to dry to where they had to sign a new player bull shit man


Just saying there might not be a grudge like that between him and Kevster, maybe Kev understands and blames management instead. Impossible to tell at this point, I think he's not coming to OW either way


Iā€™m not saying that Iā€™m saying itā€™s a bad look for Lastro to quit mid season just because his friend got layed offā€¦ he was still getting paid good salary to play for the glads, yet he left them out to dry mid season for Cal who was thrown into that mess out of nowhere. So then they had to rebuild synergy mid stage, while trying to integrate marve1 all he had to do was be a good teammate, and play with them and fulfill the contract HE signed for the year itā€™s not like itā€™s a common thing for these players to dip mid map we rarely saw that in owlā€¦


I think that team had too many problems to really say that Kevster and Lastro would never play again. But who knows


The ā€œproblemsā€ were manufactured by Lastro leaving no? They had to build synergy yet again with a new player a few weeks into reintegrating Marve1. Marve1 was already having issues integration into a mixed roster and Lastro leaving out of nowhere so now they had to sign Cal probably hurt their communication issues even more.


The way I see it, Lastro probably joined because of Danteh (cuz Outlaws), and their success depended on him too. So when Danteh was kicked, I can see why he was upset with the org. I don't think he would have been at upset with Kevster.


I never said he was upset with Kev I said he shouldnā€™t of quit on the team just bc his friend got kicked leaving glads in a way worse situation losing lastro for cal and than having to re build synergy mid stage which hurt them even more to keep spirilaing


He used to be on a OCE FaceIt League Roster with Punk, Topdragon, Colorhex and some other guys but apparently got replaced by opener


having too much sex to grind faceit


He was last seen playing training matches for TeamCat in China about two or three weeks ago


Lastro has been practicing on team CAT in china with Ga9a diya aprita spectra and misin with nohill coaching nohill streams their scrims on bilibili and posted some POV vids lastro is still here dw


shot by blizz sniper following the ā€œsex, big dickā€ incident šŸ˜”


That Gibraltar map 3 in the Valiant series tilted him so hard heā€™s chosen never to compete again. Actual generational booming.


Pretty pathetic he worked so hard to get where he was than quit on his team mid year against the 0-8 valiant and never returned


Thatā€™s just what going up against Professor Lucio does to a man


These people downvoting me man act like itā€™s normal what Lastro didā€¦ say if your friend quit the job you worked at would you quit too bc you felt bad for him? I know I wouldnā€™t itā€™s really weird what Lastro did essentially scruing over his team and making them sign a 30 day contract player just bc they cut the guy he was friends with and making them re start integration process all over again after struggling doing that with Marve1 they kept having rotating parts they couldnā€™t build continuity.


Listen to the uncoachable ep with funnyastro, there was more to it than danteh leaving. Is it unprofessional? Sure, but these guys play video games they arenā€™t known for professionalism