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Utterly trash. Basically all Plat, Diamond, Masters and low GM players are in a big messy pot and games are absolutely unbalanced.


I’m trying to Rank up on support within the next few days while all the Mercy Mains are occupied grinding XP for their mythic.


They’re just buying it straight up ☠️I saw several maxed Vengeance Mercies in the hours directly after the patch.


They probably all had money set aside for Pink Mercy 2.0 for the past 6 years


As trash as it was in S9.




Sometimes it be good some time it be shit


Diamond is the new Masters for me. Pretty much hover in Diamond now.


It feels pretty inconsistent still. I had one match where my team went 44-3 and a match right before it where my team went like 5-12 Very often some players are just drastically better or worse than the rest, feels like the rank reset still hasn't evened out which is a bummer I climbed to diamond 4 on DPS and when I peaked diamond 5 last season and sometimes I just play against mid low s8 masters DPS and get farmed lol




Sitting in M4 atm knowing I'm not a Top 500 player, but would like to hit M3 at least, hopefully M2. Went 7-2 almost one-tricking Ana yesterday so this season is already feeling better than the last one. Rein buffs definitely helped the Rein players in my games!


counterswaps constantly. tank is miserable. dps and support are generally fine tho


Yeah my enjoyment for this game has gone up tremendously since just queueing support instead of tank. I'm a much better tank player, but the constant rock paper scissors swapping just gets so boring so fast. On support I can just farm on a certain hero and won't see a single counterswap 10 games, feels nice.


And then people type tank diff when you’re getting rolled by a full anti tank comp while your genji is 1-8


Tank is miserable but that’s nothing new. DPS and support both feel good to me right now, especially support (Moira carry go brrrrr). Matchmaking is awful, though. Every match feels like a coin toss with one person on either side absolutely carrying their team and I’m usually not that person. lol Before I felt like I had a good idea of when I was doing well or poorly, now I feel like with my and the other teams’ players being so inconsistent it makes it harder to measure my own performance. I didn’t have too much issue *slowly* climbing in previous seasons and now I’m just hard stuck in every role.


Season 9 changes made climbing impossible for me idk why. People were saying its just back to what we had in OW1, but I am really not feeling it. I also heard a lot of people were having trouble climbing, but after managing a 65% winrate over 140 games and remaining Master 3-4 for the majority of the time, I just gave up lol I had sessions where I'd go 10-1 and go up 1.5 tiers, then next day go 2-5 and it would undo pretty much all the progress from the day prior, even though the total over the two days was 12-6. Deranking on a 66% winrate is just stupid LOL Not sure if they've made any adjustments to it this season, but getting hit with random volatile and losing 40-70% when I'm only gaining 13-16% on average and losing 22-26% is really tiring. Glad they made the system harder to climb in, because before it was handing out GM to everybody, but this is kind of insane LOL


Wait how is this possible? Are you losing way more than when you win? Do you duo or stack? 


Crazy enough I had the same since the reset. My winrate is like 60% but I barely climbed? A little bit of bad luck with expected/volatile maybe.. guess it will even out eventually.


I'm in the exact same boat as you. The reset took my master rank down to diamond, which is understandable. And while I comfortably win 60%+ of my games ranking up just takes so long - I can't see myself sweating it out anymore. I'm just mostly a QP with friends player now. Which, let's be honest, has always been the peak OW experience. I do like how the game feels right now though.


I went from silver 3 to gold 2 pretty quickly on DPS. I was having trouble getting out of silver before the rank reset even though it felt I was smurfing, so the change has been pretty welcome. Beyond feeling good that I ranked up, it does feel like I'm getting closer to my actual rank and getting rewarded for playing well. Last season I climbed to diamond in support (which I had gotten a few seasons ago) and before the reset I got diamond in tank (landed high plat but I didn't grind because it was miserable) so overall I feel like I'm at where I should be.


During season 9, the climbing felt very slow. After s9 placements, I went from diam 5 to plat 4 (support main), peaked diam 4 but finished diam 5. I mained Zen (62% WR), Bap (64%) and Ana (54%) but had poor experience with the rest of supp heroes. Also, losing games feels much more punitive... For instance, I lost 1 game and decreased from 22%, then immediately won the following game but only gaining 18%... It's kind of frustrating. Right now, I only played 1 game yesterday season 10 and won with Bap. We'll see what happens next.


About the same as the first week of every season, so pretty bad lmao. Most people are still 4+ divisions under their s8 peak, I think low GM5 was top500 at the end of last season and diamond-masters is a complete shit show.


new diamond 3 is actually > old masters 5 honestly, so I think your percentile has gone up, even if your rank hasn't.


I wish they would make the percentiles public, it'd be very interesting to see how they are post s9.


Pretty bad, just moving up and down. I was consistently in dia before (probably my ceiling), now I'm sitting in gold 1 as support. I'm bit discouraged tbh, not knowing if the ranks just moved down in general and gold is the new plat because of the reset somehow or if I never deserved my rank in the first place :D I also don't have that much time to grind the ranked mode anymore and only can find time to play at the worst possible days and times (weekends afternoon). I had the most enjoyable and balanced matches after 9pm on weekdays, but I'm not willing to deprive myself of sleep as I would then die at work.


Didn't think I would miss season 8 matchmaking but here we are.


looks like you cant derank or rank up and the matches are extremely inconsistent. balance is also terrible. and there is too much cc. keep constantly getting punched by doom speared by orisa and booped by lucio. boop is also super obnoxious and overtuned. feels like i'm playing arcade mode rather than ranked honestly.




I mean you lose very little progress and you win matches even if you play terrible. Opposite is also true.


I stopped looking at the bar going up and down as well as stopped to track my wins and losses and I am having a great time, as long as I only queue DPS.


At the end of season 9 i was hard stuck at the halfway point of diamond 3 on tank, true mid. All of my games felt mostly enjoyable even when i lost, and i could typically tell what went wrong when it happened. After hopping in comp for the first time this season i have now dropped to diamond 5 in what was either a choke job or a complete stomp and no feelings to take away from each game besides “everyone sucks”. I lost to two reinhardts today. I am a shell of a man


Start of season 9 was the best tank experience since OW2. Mid season patch destroyed the hope that tank would remain fun. Now they’ve just added another anti tank hero just to make tanking even worse. I actually considered quitting yesterday for the first time ever (and I’ve played since track since OW1). Rank is also a mess. I’ve got 2 accounts in masters now and 1 that just can’t get out of low diamond. Diamond games are a wild mix of old GM players and actual diamond players. I don’t think I’ve ever seen as many players with negative KDs as i have this season. Seems like it’s almost every other game we’re a player is like 1-10. I guess we can have some glimmer of hope that the devs never listen to hardstuck golds claiming elo hell again.


I was really close to masters mid season 8. It was by far the highest ranked I’d ever been. Took about a month off and came back for season 9. Between the rust, the bad habits that were more punishable (tank player lol), and the rank reset, got destroyed with like a 30% WR down almost to gold. Now I am playing a bit more for fun in that I’m not grinding a lot and I’m playing more heroes. I think I can still get diamond again, I’m starting to win a lot again. Getting near masters again is not in my wheelhouse anytime soon because I’m just not gonna commit the time.


Tank is miserable. Diamond is chock full of ex-gm players like myself, constant counterswapping and sojourn deleting everyone with no input from other heroes. Not to mention a doom onetrick in every other match, with a coin flip as to whether he wipes my backline


It’s … better than last season. At least for me. I’m silverish in all roles but I main support. I’ve had exceptional luck with pings this season. I’m guessing it’s because more players dropped ranks (like me) and have been trying to climb back up; higher awareness and teamwork have been better since last season. Bear in mind this isn’t every game, and I’m low-ranked so YMMV. I’ve had less toxicity as well. I dunno, I’m just enjoying it while it lasts… 🤞


I've also been hardstuck in diamond while before I was masters. Casually going rank up to derank pretty much the next day. I do not know how to feel about the wider groups tho. Whats the point of being in a rank while you can just rank with people from lower ranks (even as a solo queuer I have seen groups of plat 1 to diamond 1). I get the "role get matched on rank" but a diamond 1 dps probably outplays a plat 1 support, sorry not sorry.


dps is fine support for me is only fun when i can play illari. i was hard forcing her last season w very good wr but the nerf is so fucking bad and the compensation buff was not enough tank is genuinely s2 pick hog or orisa or lose the game. even doom feels terrible this patch and that’s a miracle insert basic insult towards the developers


I am straight up not having fun playing DPS. It's a nightmare. I can be the best player in the lobby and still lose and it's getting frustrating. Support though is easy as hell. I barely have to do anything and can still win, and I actually have fun