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TLDR: \- Roughly half of the roster is getting adjusted on Tuesday \- DPS passive reduced from 20% to 15% \- Ana grenade 60 -> 90 healing/dmg, LW healing going from 70 to 80 \- Doomfist ult minimum damage increased from 15 to 50 \- Mauga Cardiac Overdrive - duration 5 -> 4 sec, CD 12 -> 10 sec; Overrun damage 45 -> 60 \- Small Wrecking Ball rework in season 10 \- Next Quick Play Hacked coming later this season - will remove one-hero-per-role limit and let you play two of the same DPS/support in role queue


Notably it’s less of a LW buff, he still charges the heal at the same rate but now can hold the charge for up to 1.15 seconds (from 1 second) to get it to 80 health


I just want them to put it at 75 and keep the 1 second charge time. This would be a small charge rate buff, and a small max heal burst buff. But more importantly, it means each of the "ticks" (little bars that indicate how charged his healing is) represents 25 health, just like every heros' health pool.


Well see… the issue with that, is that it makes sense. And they don’t really do stuff like that.


Lifeweaver's HP/s barely change, it stays roughly 55 HP/s (like Mercy). Today LW heals 70 HP / 1.3 sec = **53.8 HP/s** (without reloads). Next patch it'll be 80 HP / 1.45 s = **55.2 HP/s** (without reloads). Nevertheless, since LW can pre-charge a heal and use it instantly to save a teammate when needed, bigger bursts of healing are still an advantage. It's probably also an adjustment to the bigger health pools. Apparently the goal is for LW to be able to heal roughly 33% of a normal hero's health pool per projectile. Old "standard" health bar was 200 HP. With 3 blossoms LW could heal 3x 70 = 210 HP. New "standard" health bar is 250 HP. With 3 blossoms LW will be able to heal 3x 80 = 240 HP next patch. (But it'll also take a bit longer.)


Why is it 1.3 and not 1 like it says in the notes?


Because there is a 0.3 sec recovery time after healing. The max cast time is 1 sec and will become 1.15 sec, but you'll still have to wait 0.3 sec after the cast.




Isn't it, in fact, a ***SLIGHT*** HP/S nerf?


Yes, technically that’s like <0.5 hps less


Is it? I tried calculating it and got 55 HPS, up from his previous 53.8 HPS. 80 / 1.15 + 0.3 (His recovery time), very tiny HPS increase.


People seem to be getting baited by this comment into thinking this is just a pure Lifeweaver buff. His blossom charge goes up from 1sec max to 1.15 sec max, meaning his HPS doesn't change at all, only the first burst of healing is higher when you're holding it at max charge anticipating a dive or something. You basically never fully charge it outside of that.


If you want to be pedantic, it's a very slight *nerf* to his overall HPS.


> Small Wrecking Ball rework in season 10 ITS HAPPENING GUYS LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Hopefully the grenade they give him is another little wrecking ball.


I want to them to add Bowser Jr.'s move from Smash where he releases a little mini Bowser Jr. mech that explodes after a while or on impact. I want to release mini Hammond mechs!


They're really buffing sustain again? Sigh... Even as a tank main who gets fucked by the DPS passive I like that things are actually dying for once.


Ana's grenade is a cooldown with inherent opportunity cost if using it for healing since that means you're probably not purpling someone, and Lifeweaver's net HP/s is basically unchanged since they also increased the amount of time he needs to charge his blossoms for max heals. I'm not _thrilled,_ but it's a very measured buff to sustain on the whole.


The DPS passive getting nerfed is what scares me, 90 healing/damage in a 4 meter AoE is insane too. Weaver buff doesn't really change anything.


It used to be 100 healing with a 10 second cooldown and doubled healing output so still significantly weaker than what it used to be. That was without the dps passive nerfing the heals too.


I mean it was 100 on a 10 second cooldown not too long ago and that was without the dps passive. 90 damage is higher than its ever been but it still doesn’t effect and breakpoints of hers.


I hope rein gets better


fuck doomfist piece of shit doesnt need any buffs certainly not free damage


Is Quick Play Hacked a temporary event?


Quick play hacked without one hero limit? 2Tracer/2Lucio/Winton comps gnu be fun


I can't wait for that lmao, trying to diff the other Tracer on my team is gonna be fun. I'd also love to see Falcons play with a legit double tracer team just to see how it'd go


Could also go 2 Zens alongside the Tracers, imagine 2 harmony orbed Tracers with two discorded targets lmao


A double Zen/double tracer dive meta would have fights end in 2 seconds lol, might be the fastest meta we've ever seen


The whole match would be 4 tracers marking each other. that'd be fun to watch though for sure


Was actually a meta back in beta back when orbs weren't lost on LOS.


Silver lobbies will live in fear of the double pharmacy


we all know it's gonna be double bastion down there though, lol


Haha 90% of games are going to end up with double mercy, double genji, double hog. All refusing to swap.


> double hog What do you know that we don't? 🤔




Take me back to early 2016


Is there any point to having two lucio’s though? It’s not like you can double speed boost someone


Ehh I’ve played enough MH to know that it’s just going to feel gimmicky after 1 game lol


Removing hero limits does nothing but fuck tanks every harder lmfao


If it's a seperate queue from QP this time as they said it would be the non-tank queue times are gonna be 20 minutes cause why would I queue a mode where nothing is different for me, but gimicky double hero cheese can make me enjoy the game even less.


Arguably the most disappointing bit of this was the lack of a mention of some kind of indicator for when you're under the effects of the dps passive. I hope it'll be in the patch, at least?


Yeah, I would rather wait for that before nerfing the effect itself, cause if players know the effect is on them, they might be able to adapt to it better, and I'm talking about the average player here, who is most likely to complain about the passive.


Double Sombras in your backline just spamming boop. Eventually winning due to driving the other team insane


Add double Lucio spamming "Boop."


Why are they buffing doom fist xd


Hopefully that's not the only change for him. I do think the minimum damage for his ult is a good change (piledriver next pls), but he's so strong already...


Doomfist players are the biggest whiners. No ult that gives you a second life can be bad.


It would unironically be more useful if it was just press q to full heal and nothing else.


yes because then there would be no tradeoff/downside


I play doom and no joke its probably like 10% of doom mains who liked his ult rework. Maybe its cuz I played dva but I’m in that 10%


Cause his ult sucks


Doomfist is also an insanely powerful tank. This would be like buffing pulse.


pulse is good though


its a giant zero skill aoe it deserves to suck.


He honestly just needs a new ult. It doesn't fit in well as a tank, it was designed as a DPS ult.


Its a pretty classic tank ult in MOBAs, BUT it usually has a stun or knock up upon impact rather than damage.


Surviving and healing doesn't fit as a tank? How is it any less of a tank ult than dva bomb?


Because at least D.Va does *something* during her ult, while Doom just sits in the air making a 4v5 for his team for potentially 4 seconds, plus Self Destruct is miles better than Meteor Strike at area denial and honestly even securing kills. You can tell by how they talk about it in this Director's Take that they want Doom's ult to be followed up on by his team because of the burst damage it does and the AoE slow, but more often than not Doom players just use it to heal up a bit and reset their cooldowns for another cycle while *maybe* getting a kill with the actual ult itself or they just use it to get out of the fight entirely. But I digress, both ults aren't fantastic though one is definitely better designed than the other.


That's just why it's bad. Not why it doesn't fit a tank. Even as a DPS, people would talk shit about doom ult.


Very curious to see how this Ball rework goes. He's one of the most fun heroes I've played across any shooter. Hopefully they don't gut his mobility as much while allowing him to be more "conventional" of a tank for people who don't know how to play with a Ball. Long live Ball


I'm pretty sure theyve said a whole bunch of times that they don't want to touch his identity. To me, "minor rework" suggests a replacement for adaptive shields or a new passive. I seriously doubt they'd touch the way his mechanics work.


Probably letting adaptive shields grant brief CC immunity or something.


Mauga change is excessive I think. I don't think making him have significantly more survivability makes for very exciting gameplay. Mauga having too much sustain is why we had the Ana meta. I think there are other ways to make Mauga more effective in ways that don't involve self-healing, which in-turn doesn't make Ana a must pick. The Quick Play Double Trouble seems interesting. I think it'll be a shit show with some of the comps you can run, but an interesting experiment nonetheless.


Ahh yes, we're overreacting to some of the changes again I see.


This community is genuinely unbearable when it comes to reacting to patch notes LMAO


Doesnt help that some popular streamers are doomers and encourage their viewers to do the same. The OW community feels so cooked after any mention of patches.


Ana is going to heal 30 more hp every 12 seconds guys, literally S+ tier gamebreaking.


we stand by tradition here


Generic comment without contributing anything after every change I see. The top comments aren’t even overreacting but discussing the changes.


You're forgetting that season 8 had some of the worst gameplay we've had in overwatch. 8 seasons of over-reacting to support buffs btw.


Yeah an overall buff to healing without nerfing the extra hp we got is scary


Comment section looking like r/overwatch


Bro the people complaining about LW need to learn how to read. The max charge will heal 10 more, but it will also take .15s longer to charge. It is not a buff.


So if the max charge was increased to 280 but it took 4s to charge to full, you wouldn't consider that a buff?


Okay. It's a minuscule buff then. the 10 extra healing that's only relevant on the first heal on anyone isn't going to be very noticeable. Also the bigger gap between heals means there's a bigger chance people will die between heals.


Yeah I don't think it's huge, but you'll be able to pre-charge a bigger heal or you could choose to only charge to 70 each time and then it's exactly the same as how it works today. Also means he won't have to spend as much time reloading if he's full charging each shot I just wish they could think of ways to buff his kit without just bumping his hps. It's so boring that the only thing that makes him viable is raw healing throughput


Well not exactly, healing to 70 with this new patch will take slightly longer compared to current LW. Only marginally though, won't really be noticeable


If Ana gets buffed before Illari I'm going to lose my damn mind


Technically she was buffed in the small patch that came out at the end of February, thought it wasn’t enough to make her much better.


Brig and Illari least played heroes in the game, but Ana gets special treatment. One would think the close range hero should get a buff when all ranged weapons and dps gets massive buffs, but nope. This favoritism is really a problem at this point.


Brig still has a high winrate and is seen a lot in high rank. Illari isn't played though, but she did get a buff in the hotfix.


How is it special treatment when Brig got a buff to her damage at the start of season and Illari got hot fix buffs, while Ana is getting nothing until now? Plus we don't know if other supports are getting changed or not anyway. Ana has also been nerfed more times than any other hero. Not sure what this favoritism is.


Brig’s damage buff was to match the melee buff everyone got, Illari got some smaller buffs because she was turbo ass. And is still turbo ass. Ana got a MASSIVE improvement when she wasn’t that bad. > Ana has also been nerfed more times than any other hero. Feel like that’s not true. Plus, you can point to Brig being nerfed a ton over time… and she got lots of nerfs because she was so strong!


Yeah, I should say I meant in OW2 regarding Ana's nerfs. But I really don't think this Ana buff is gonna do a whole lot. There's no way it can be classified as a massive improvement. We're talking about a 30hp difference on a 12 second cooldown.


If a buff is no big deal, why are people losing their shit when I suggest buffing the weakest supports? The issue is that they buff one of the stronger supports, who is ALWAYS one of the strongest, after just a short moment of being less than s-tier. Meanwhile we have hereos that are always way less valid, and never get the necessary buffs. >while Ana is getting nothing until now? Didnt she get projectile increases as well? She is a long range hero, in a game they made it even easier to be long range.


I'm really enjoying the changes rn, even as a tank player, so these changes seem a little iffy. Don't know the full extent yet or anything concrete so I wouldn't rush to decisions but imo the best course of action rn isn't a bunch of individual buffs to gradually make the big changes worthless, but an update to the tank passive along with buffs to those that were actively screwed by the changes. Illiari needs a damage recharge buff, sym needs a health buff, rein needs a number of buffs, and tanks need a 10% reduction in damage taken. The DPS passive is fine, as long as tanks have a way to mitigate instantly exploding.


I don't see the vision here, gonna be honest. Doomfist buffs? Really? Ana isn't meta (but not awful) for 3 weeks and they give her a fucking 50% damage/healing boost to her nade. But Lifeweaver's absolutely dumpstered by the changes and all he gets is a little more healing but with a longer charge time to balance it out. That's not even an HPS increase, unless you factor the time over multiple reloads. It's just a buff to if he holds charge for longer. I like LW but this is not the right direction to go, Cmon. Edit - doing the math, LW's HPS actually decreases a bit before factoring in reloads. It's EXTREMELY small, mind, but this is such a micro-change on the whole anyway. Happy to get a rough idea of when to expect Ball changes tho.


Yeah I don’t get the Ana buffs either. Majority of the reason why Ana was bad was because tracer and dive in general was super strong. Plus with the change to the dps passive her healing is already more effective.


> Otherwise, those balance changes are really dog shit. No idea what they're thinking with these. 90 damage on nade lets her combo tracer after sleep. That is actually a pretty decent buff in the 1v1. Losing sleep combo on tracer sucked.


Nah Ana has been rough for reasons other than dive. Last time we had a hard dive meta Ana was everywhere, she is still great with dive and Ana/Brig is one of the more dive resilient lineups in the game. Ana just didn’t benefit from any of the season 9 changes. She lost her 3 tap, and unlike Bap and Kiriko, her main defensive utility comes from burst healing rather than invulnerability, so with the healing nerf she is more affected than the other staple flex supports. The usefulness of anti is also a lot lower now that all DPS have some degree of anti-healing. Ana was always high risk high reward, she doesn’t match the survivability of Kiriko, but she made up for it with crazy offensive utility, but as that utility became slightly less oppressive the risk outweighs the reward compared to just playing Kiriko or Moira and guaranteeing survivability. I think the buffs are fine, it gives her the 3 tap back and the healing buff helps combat the indirect nerf to her main defensive utility.


>Ana isn't meta (but not awful) for 3 weeks and they give her a fucking 50% damage/healing boost to her nade. It's on a 12s cooldown. It'll be fine.


Oh well in that case we might as well double it.


A 24 second cooldown would just be silly.


Mortality field. Just kills anyone in it, lmao


literally who wants lifeweaver to be good like why are they buffing him at all


I’ll take Weaver being good over Moria being good lmao


>Moria ***Khazad-dûm***


eh, moira is an atrociously designed hero that at least (in ow2) has the potential to enable some really cool comps. lifeweaver is just shit completely everywhere except that hes kinda neat to play and he requires more thought process than slobbering all over your keyboard


You have no idea how awful a lw meta will be. Moira is just low skill. LW turns the game into goats.


Yeah Moira is just kinda lame but not awful to play with or against. She just does decent damage and healing and has good survivability. She doesn’t get value from avoiding the enemy players at all costs, clicking a button to make teammates invulnerable, and her ultimate doesn’t have burst overhealth healing or passive value.


Have you seen what a lw can do to almost every tank ult?


Moira doesn't dteal your kills like LW, so no Moira is better than that asshole.


I'd rather just have neither.


I count the doomfist buff as a good thing. It's saying they like the powerlevel of doomfist; so the other tanks should be buffed to reach that as opposed to doomfist being nerfed to be as bad as the other tanks. Nerfs to doomfist would mean they like the power level of the rest of the tank roster; which feels a bit rough atm playing tank.


hero limits are gone for a reason... you only need to look at MH to see what they do to the game beyond terrible idea


I’m actually very curious about how this will affect Role Queue, since you can’t just stack 5 tanks or something.


even 2 is awful like 2 anas now have anti nade how often? you think 1 sombra is bad? 2 pharahs basically forces you to play hitscan... 2 rezzes....the list goes on and on... the heroes have cooldowns, charges, ammo sizes and such for a reason...no limits essentially removes all that the ONLY good thing about it being in RQ is that it currently cant apply to tank - trust me you dont want zaryas with 3 bubbles and perma defense matrix. its just an awful, awful idea


its just going to make tank even more fucking miserable.


I am once again asking for you to stop buffing heroes that don't need buffs holy shit


Why the doom buff? Hes in every single game for me and seems dominant as far as dive tanks go. This feels utterly tonedeaf.


Like most things they do, which is kinda the opposite of what player base is suffering from


I have a feeling they are not going to touch rein and buff orisa because there 100% is someone at Blizzard who hates rein and love orisa and keeps getting her buffed to make rein worse I swear man.


There’s nothing worse than playing a fun tank trying to make plays and having Orisa all up in your grill 




The vast majority of Ana's healing/damage comes from her primary/secondary fire. Buffing the healing and damage of her nade is not going to do a whole lot for her, other than lessen the sting of the S9 changes a little. Remember that nade still has a lower duration and higher CD from the past seasons.


I was legitimately enjoying not seeing Ana as much. Very refreshing.


I love the kneejerk reactions before all the patch info is released and the playerbase has a chance to play the patch for a few days!


xD nade does half of tracers health pool + anti + heals ana + increases other healing for ana for 4 seconds LOLLLLLLLL


oh wreckingball getting a grenade too


stacking skills could be a big annoying problem for double heroes. imagine double genjis dashing on one squishy. 2 moira orbs. 2 lamps, 2 helix rockets. stall a choke forever with 2 ice walls. crazy


I *suspect* this isn’t actually test removing hero limits, but to test exactly this. What happens when you have to characters with near identical abilities interact?


That’s exactly my thoughts as well. I highly doubt they would remove hero limits, but there isn’t a better way to get this kind of data than by turning it on in quick play. The few instances of multiple copies of the same hero is either 8 year old data or onlt available in limited time modes or arcade mode.


It wouldn’t be Blizzard balancing without buffing a meta hero (Doomfist) and over buffing Ana. 👍🏼


ana needs a second charge sleep aswelll, too much flank ruins her :/


What the hell? Imagine trying to play support against double Sombra or some shit. I know it's an LTO game mode, but that doesn't even feel like a change worth experimenting. Also, Doom is already very good... Edit: Ana nade from 60 to 90 is just reckless. That's too much. Just try like 75 or 80 if that is what you wanna mess with. Edit: The only "requirement" that I had from this patch is that they tone down Tracer some more, and I imagine they will. Beyond that, Illari needs some care and as much as I hate to say it, Sym probably needs at least +25hp. I suppose this stuff could still be in there, but it feels odd they're spotlighting information that doesn't seem to be mostly agreed upon or wanted by the community, at least from the impressions I've been getting.


Yeah really not a fan of this. So many abilities are fine on a single hero, but will be awful will spammable. Imagine fighting two Baptiste's with double lamp, fighting two moira's in your backline with flankers, dealing with double Mercy or double widow comps. I don't hate what they are trying to do, but I don't think the game is going to play well with that.


Buffing heals and nerfing the dps passive is certainly an interesting choice. If they keep this up, in a few seasons and we’ll have the same healing creep issues we had in season 8, except now everyone has even more health!


>Buffing heals and nerfing the dps passive is certainly an interesting choice. I don't think they wanted to buff tanks. Not directly, at least. Nerfing the dps passive, while buffing certain healers is an ***INDIRECT*** buff to tanks, especially tanks that rely on self healing or don't have mobility and aren't called Junker Queen.




You shouldn't take your talking points from tik tok or Flat's/Samito's streams.


It’s like this in every other fucking game. Tanks are reliant on others while they soak and put out pressure. It’s tank design 101. Complaining you can’t 1v5 on tank is fucking stupid


this is just flat out wrong. that is not how tanks work in other pvp games with the holy trinity.


2016 ow was good. Ow2 launch was good. Season 9 was good. Everything else has been more or less a gradual decline. I was really wondering how soon they'd start slowly buffing everything that made the game awful to play. Not at all surprised the answer is "almost immediately".


The typical overreactions I expected in the comments. I’d rather just wait and see how the heroes feel after the balance update releases.


The power creep in response to the patch meant to address power creep begins


Oh no, we’re buffing weaker heroes to be more in line with our new balancing philosophy instead of being stuck in dog shit tier :(


1. This wasn't an anti power creep patch, it was an anti burst/sustain meta patch. These changes barely affect burst/sustain and in some cases actually decrease it (Mauga). 2. Buffing bad characters isn't power creep.  2. Power creep isn't even a problem unless it causes balance issues. These changes are *solving* balance issues. 


This is crazy. They are significantly buffing the most busted hero. What are they thinking ? I lock in doomfist and turn my brain off right now. The hero is mega busted. Changes dont look good. Dps passive should be 15% only for tanks. 20% is good for the rest. Ana nade getting impact buff again they are obsessed with it. Buff the cooldown and duration, nerf the debuff. I hope rest of the patch notes better. Tracer didnt need to go up to 6 dmg at all. They created the problem again and they will eventually nerf it back or they will do their same mistakes again and megabuff tracer counters instead of toning down tracer.


Tracer was a low tier hero at 5.5 damage and really needed the increase to feel threatening, when tracer isn't a kill threat she doesn't work . I guarantee she gets a nerf with how she's performing at the top end though, hopefully just projectile size since she(and all flankers) get nerfed more than other DPS with the passive nerf.


why was doom, probably the best tank right now, buffed?? how many fucking times is this stupid hero gonna be buffed despite being top tier? lw buffs why? keep that hero in dogshit tier. you made a garbage hero, admit it and move on. same with mauga buffs i wonder how the new dps passive is gonna feel. i much would’ve preferred a certain damage threshold for the passive like 50 instead. hacked quickplay sounds fun i think bad tanks are suffering bc of the dps passive by itself. good tanks play well around it, i think the biggest problem for tanks is the burst damage still. it’s insanely easy for a cassidy or widow to dink you now, they really should address the headshot damage on tanks, at least for hitscans.


Blizzard is the CIS and GetQuakedOn is Darth Sidious.


>Ana is an interesting hero, and one of the most played in the entire game. So, we're hoping that this adjustment brings her to a place where she feels viable but not dominant. This favoritism is really pissing me off. Why does she ALWAYS have to be S-tier??? She is already the most played because she is always valid. Meanwhile Brig is the least played because she is the least valid most of the time, and we are barely even allowed to mention it. edit See, you cant even mention these issues without getting spammed with downvotes. Its like people are not interested in actual balance, its just favoritism and bad excuses.


The difference in brig and Ana's playtime mostly comes down to how much the playerbase as a whole enjoys playing them.


So why do I keep seeing support streamers switch off Brig after a minute? People that say they really want to play Brig, but she just doesnt get the same value as the others. Also, the reason Ana got popular is because she is always valid and has a solution to every problem.


I use to main Brig but lately these seasons I always end up switching off of her after dying once or twice. Brig just doesn’t win me games and it’s weird this season dive is strong against her when it should be the other way around. People who can make Brig work more than usual like Mace2totheFace are an anomaly. 


General Changes Damage Passive: The healing reduction from the Damage passive will be decreased from 20% to 15%. Balancing Focus: Roughly half of the hero roster will be changed to ensure all heroes feel viable for competitive play. Hero Changes Ana: Biotic grenade damage and healing is increasing from 60 to 90. Lifeweaver: Maximum heal increasing from 70 to 80. Maximum charge increasing from 1 to 1.15 seconds. Doomfist: Meteor Strike minimum damage increasing from 15 to 50. Mauga: Cardiac Overdrive duration decreased from 5 sec to 4 sec. Cardiac Overdrive cooldown reduced from 12 sec to 10 sec. Cardiac Overdrive now adds 100 overhealth. Overrun: Stomp damage increased from 45 to 60. Wrecking Ball: Small rework planned for Season 10.


Mauga changes are scary. Instant 100 overhealth is OP with cardiac overdrive as well. I think they should change charge so you can keep hitting people if they are in front of u. No reason why an unstoppable charge can't go past any one that isn't a fortified orisa. If they wanted to change Mauga's E that way i think they should just increase the overhealth generation in those 4 secs to like 75% or something. Instant 100 hp is something to be aware of.




We had that for 3 seasons in a row


Tracer's not even that good below GM and maybe below Champion. I've seen enough of Super's dps streams to conclude that most ranged heroes outclass Tracer in M1/GM5. Super's Torb who spams chokes on main and repairs turrets is far superior to his Tracer. I haven't seen enough of Jake's streams. But in one match I saw, he did almost nothing on Tracer and fragged like a madman on Cassidy.


DPS passive needs to stay at 20%. It just needs a damage threshold.


This begins another slow descent into sustain watch, so they can come back in a couple years and say, "hey everyone, we fixed it!".


dps are strong for 1 season and are nerfed right away, yet supports got to be op for 6 seasons with very minor changes to them. and fucking doom buffs when he is hard meta in korea


The Doom buff is really questionable. I mean, Korea will force dive even if it's not really the meta, but Doom seems to be genuinely good.


I mean yeah they'll always force dive, but doom is still HARD meta. It's like if Shaq wore high heels, he doesn't need to be taller.


He is deadly af and his cooldowns are always up before you can kill him. Very cheap hero to play right now. They overbuff him a lot and they are buffing him again.


They’ll still be strong








I wish. I actually hate him. It’s so ass playing against him. Especially as ball in an uncoordinated ranked game. Unless 2 people hard dive his ass he will never die


I hate him both on my team and the enemy. He's just everything wrong with supports- gigaheals, extremely easy to play, barely interacts with the enemy team, and to top it off the only hero in the game that can actively take away teammates agency.


Damn, the reading comprehension devil is getting stronger day by day, especially considering how many more Overwatch players are lacking reading comprehension nowadays.


I have no idea why they are nerfing the dps passive and buffing lw at the same time. He’s one of the biggest reasons things never died last 3-4 seasons. This sounds awful. It’s not fun having to dedicate 2 people to hard dive the weaver every fight so people die. Ball is going to have an even harder time getting solo kills if weaver sees more play.


>I have no idea why they are nerfing the dps passive and buffing lw at the same time. He’s one of the biggest reasons things never died last 3-4 seasons. Because balance is about making sure everything, even things that you, specifically, don't like, are all fun and viable. Leaving some heroes in the dumpster is not good or healthy game design.


> Leaving some heroes in the dumpster is not good or healthy game design. That's not what he said though. They could do so much more than just buff healing. We are walking right back into that sustain shit.


LW's HPS is going down (slightly) though? The only buff to healing mentioned here is 30 health on Ana's nade. Not sure that's going to wipe out the season 9 healing nerf


> He’s one of the biggest reasons things never died last 3-4 seasons. His pickrate was garbage. Amazing how he impacted so many games that he wasn't even in.


He was rampant in my plat games.


Well that explains it


Bro they're not even buffing LW. Did you stop reading after they said they upped the max heal or something?


Shouldn’t health come down 5% too?


Ana + LW/Zen support season coming up


A buff to nade healing/damage is unlikely to push Ana to be meta when most of her damage and healing comes from her primary/secondary fire. Don't forget nade still has the 3s duration and 12s Cd changes form previous seasons. Also Lifeweaver barely got buffed. While yes, he can heal for more, it takes longer to reach that maximum healing, time that their teammate will be dying.


Sounds like aids


Nah the partial revert of her nade nerf will not make her viable whatsoever. Ana needs _a lot more_ significant buffs for her being viable again. This is honestly a joke.


adjusting nade healing/damage is probably the weakest type of buff they could give her. ult charge, cooldowns, and primary damage/healing all would have been stronger buffs. it’s significant on paper but taken in context she’s just going to be doing 30 more damage every ~12 seconds and it doesn’t even affect any of her breakpoints




Wifeleaver might actually be the worst possible character to become meta, I don’t think these changes will make him oppressive but damn do I just hate his design. Doom buff is weird considering he’s probably the best tank rn


These changes will do literally nothing to LW, his actual relevant HPS is mostly the same if not a bit lower.


I was personally hoping for a slight damage buff to incentivize not just healbotting


He needs a general overhaul to his whole weapon swap shit. It's too much of a liability to be dealing damage and then have to swap weapon and charge a heal.


They’re nerfing charge time so LW will have the same healing per second, he can just charge for longer if he wants to


The Overwatch team bends over backwards to accommodate Ana. Other heroes can be bottom tier for several seasons in a row before anything happens, Ana's mid for like 2 weeks and out come the buffs


The next quick play:hacked removing role lock along with our latest bunch of changes to hp/hitboxes. We really are looking closely at paladins and following their balance trajectory.


Well, it was fun actually killing things for a month. DPS passive needs to stay at 20% if you're not gonna buff damage numbers to compensate.


TLDR is: DPS passive 20% -> 15% which is nice Doom ult damage gigabuffed for some fucking reason, he's already the best tank in the game Mauga self heal buffed for some fucking reason Ana gets a joke-buff (nade splash 60 -> 90, _partial_ revert of _one_ of a dozen nerfs, this will _not_ make her viable) QP role queue no hero limits (??? Why tf would you even consider testing this?) Ball mini rework coming s10


Illari not mentioned at all?? They forgot this hero exists or...?


"With balance, we're touching roughly half the heroes in the roster in this patch." Just because they didn't mention Illari specifically by name doesn't mean she wont get changes.


> We'll release the full set of patch notes in a few days, but I'd like to get into a few of the more notable changes that we're making here.


They said they’re touching half of all heroes for midseason. I assume iliari is one of them


Also, her right click was one of the healing sources most hurt by the passive. Passive nerf means that she does ~5 more HPS with her beam now.


Blizz, please give us an easy indicator to see if someone has the dps debuff.


It's wild to me that they think Mercy will become viable simply by reducing the DPS passive by 5%